public void ConvertAndUpload(ConvertAndUploadArguments args) { string htmlPath = ConvertToHtml(args.MarkdownPath, args.HtmlPath, new ConverterOptions(args.FirstImageRightAligned, args.ConvertImageWithAltToCaption)); Console.WriteLine("Starting image upload..."); if (UploadImages(args.MarkdownPath, htmlPath, args.OnlyUpdateHtmlFile, args.Username, args.Password)) { Console.WriteLine("Uploaded all images succesfully! The links were also replaced. Enjoy!"); } else { ColoredConsole.WriteLineWithColor("ERROR: Something went wrong while uploading.", ConsoleColor.Red); } CoreConsoleShared.PauseAndQuit(); }
private static void Main(string[] args) { while (true) { if (!_shownIntro) { CoreConsoleShared.WriteIntro(); _shownIntro = true; } //Console.WriteLine(ArgUsage.GenerateUsageFromTemplate<MarkDownToRWProgram>()); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow; Console.WriteLine( "Tab completion mode is active. Choose an action to execute and provide the needed arguments or only call the action and fill in the arguments seperately. You can also run actions from a console or terminal directly."); Console.WriteLine( "To show the list of actions, fill in '-?' as an action and press ENTER."); Console.WriteLine("Choose action: "); Console.ResetColor(); Args.InvokeAction <MarkDownToRWProgram>(args); } }
private static void ConversionFinished(string generatedHtmlPath) { Console.WriteLine("------------"); Console.WriteLine("All tasks completed! Thanks for using this app! :]"); string openHtml = null; while (openHtml != "y" && openHtml != "n") { Console.WriteLine( "Do you want to open the generated HTML file so you can copy its source to the WordPress post now? (y/n)"); openHtml = Console.ReadLine(); } if (openHtml == "y") { CoreConsoleShared.OpenHtmlResult(generatedHtmlPath); } CoreConsoleShared.PauseAndQuit(); }
private bool UploadImages(string markdownPath, string htmlPath, bool onlyUpdateHtml, string username, string password) { Console.WriteLine("Logging into RW WordPress.."); WordPressConnector.InitializeWordPress(username, password); GetProfileResponse user = WordPressConnector.GetUserProfile(); if (user == null) { ColoredConsole.WriteLineWithColor("Login failed. Please check your credentials and internet connection.", ConsoleColor.Red); } Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("Login succesful! Thanks for using the app, " + user.FirstName + "!"); Console.WriteLine("Gathering files..."); // Get image paths List <string> fullImagePaths = new List <string>(); List <string> localImagePaths = new List <string>(); string markdownText = ""; string htmlText = ""; using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(markdownPath)) { markdownText = sr.ReadToEnd(); } using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(htmlPath)) { htmlText = sr.ReadToEnd(); } var links = Converter.FindAllImageLinksInHtml(htmlText, Path.GetDirectoryName(htmlPath)); if (links.Count == 0) { Console.WriteLine("No images found. Aborting upload"); return(false); } foreach (ImageLinkData link in links) { fullImagePaths.Add(link.FullImagePath); localImagePaths.Add(link.LocalImagePath); } Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine(fullImagePaths.Count + " image paths found:"); foreach (string path in fullImagePaths) { Console.WriteLine(path + " (" + new FileInfo(path).Length / 1024 + " kb)"); } List <string> imageUrls = new List <string>(); List <string> imageIDs = new List <string>(); // Upload images for (var i = 0; i < fullImagePaths.Count; i++) { string path = fullImagePaths[i]; Console.WriteLine("Uploading: " + " (" + (i + 1) + "/" + fullImagePaths.Count + ")" + path + "..."); var result = WordPressConnector.UploadFile(path); if (result != null) { imageUrls.Add(result.FileResponseStruct.Url); imageIDs.Add(result.FileResponseStruct.Id.ToString()); } else { Console.WriteLine("Image upload failed! Aborting upload and going into file cleanup mode..."); CoreConsoleShared.StartFileDeletion(imageIDs); return(false); } } // Update markdown & html Console.WriteLine("Starting link replacer..."); Converter.ReplaceLocalImageLinksWithUrls(markdownPath, markdownText, htmlPath, htmlText, onlyUpdateHtml, localImagePaths, imageUrls); return(true); }
public void SimpleConvert(ConvertArguments args) { ConvertToHtml(args.MarkdownPath, args.HtmlPath, new ConverterOptions(args.FirstImageRightAligned, args.ConvertImageWithAltToCaption)); CoreConsoleShared.PauseAndQuit(); }
public static void StartInteractive() { Console.WriteLine(" +-------------------------------------+"); Console.WriteLine(" | |"); Console.WriteLine(" | Interactive Wizard |"); Console.WriteLine(" | |"); Console.WriteLine(" +-------------------------------------+"); string markdownPath = null; string htmlPath = null; while (markdownPath == null) { Console.WriteLine("Please provide the path to the markdown file:"); markdownPath = CoreConsoleShared.GetExistingFilePath(); } string firstImageRight = null; while (firstImageRight != "y" && firstImageRight != "n") { Console.WriteLine( "Should the first image be right aligned? This is useful for the 250x250 image at the top of tutorials. (y/n)"); firstImageRight = Console.ReadLine(); } string convertImagesWithAlt = null; while (convertImagesWithAlt != "y" && convertImagesWithAlt != "n") { Console.WriteLine( "Should all images with an alt text be converted to captions? (y/n)"); convertImagesWithAlt = Console.ReadLine(); } string sameFolder = null; while (sameFolder != "y" && sameFolder != "n") { Console.WriteLine( "Do you want to output the HTML file containing the WordPress ready code to the same folder as the markdown file? (y/n)"); sameFolder = Console.ReadLine(); } if (sameFolder == "y") { htmlPath = DragonUtil.GetFullPathWithoutExtension(markdownPath) + ".html"; } else { while (htmlPath == null || htmlPath == markdownPath) { if (htmlPath == markdownPath) { Console.WriteLine( "Output file can't be the same as the input file! This WILL lead to data loss."); } Console.WriteLine("Please provide the location and name for the output html file:"); Console.WriteLine("(e.g. C:\\MyNewFile.html)"); htmlPath = CoreConsoleShared.GetNewFilePath(); } } string uploadImages = null; while (uploadImages != "y" && uploadImages != "n" && uploadImages != "only html") { Console.WriteLine( "Do you want to upload all images and update the links in both the markdown file and the generated html? (y/only html/n)"); uploadImages = Console.ReadLine(); } string ready = null; while (ready != "y" && ready != "n") { Console.WriteLine("Ready to start the conversion!"); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("Parameters:"); Console.WriteLine("Markdown file path (input): " + markdownPath); Console.WriteLine("Generated HTML file path (output): " + htmlPath); Console.WriteLine("Upload images and update markdown and generated HTML file: " + uploadImages); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("Are these parameters correct? (y/n)"); ready = Console.ReadLine(); } if (ready == "n") { Console.WriteLine("Conversion aborted."); return; } ConverterOptions options = new ConverterOptions { FirstImageIsAlignedRight = CoreConsoleShared.YesNoToBool(firstImageRight) }; switch (uploadImages) { case "y": DoConversion(markdownPath, htmlPath, true, false, options); break; case "only html": DoConversion(markdownPath, htmlPath, true, true, options); break; case "n": DoConversion(markdownPath, htmlPath, false, false, options); break; } }