public void TestCanPlotBarChartWithNoData()
     var chart = new BarChart();
        public void TestChartWidthCanBeRestricted()
            var chart = new BarChart
                MaximumChartWidth = 10,
                DataPoints = new[]
                    new BarChartDataPoint {CategoryName = "Elvis Presley", Value = 21},
                    new BarChartDataPoint {CategoryName = "The Beatles ", Value = 17},
                    new BarChartDataPoint {CategoryName = "Westlife", Value = 14},
                    new BarChartDataPoint {CategoryName = "Cliff Richard", Value = 14},
                    new BarChartDataPoint {CategoryName = "Madonna", Value = 13}

        public void TestVerySmallValuesAreScaled()
            var chart = new BarChart
                MaximumDecimalPlaces = 8,
                DataPoints = new[]
                    new BarChartDataPoint {CategoryName = "Length of a mosquito", Value = 0.015},
                    new BarChartDataPoint {CategoryName = "Length of a red ant ", Value = 0.005},
                    new BarChartDataPoint {CategoryName = "Human Hair thickness", Value = 0.0001},
                    new BarChartDataPoint {CategoryName = "Length of red blood cell", Value = 0.000008}

        public void TestVeryLargeValuesAreScaled()
            var chart = new BarChart
                DataPoints = new[]
                    new BarChartDataPoint {CategoryName = "China", Value = 1364},
                    new BarChartDataPoint {CategoryName = "India", Value = 1244},
                    new BarChartDataPoint {CategoryName = "United States", Value = 318},
                    new BarChartDataPoint {CategoryName = "Indonesia", Value = 247},
                    new BarChartDataPoint {CategoryName = "Brazil", Value = 203}

        public void TestScalingCanBeSpecified()
            const int valueCount = 20;
            var chart = new BarChart
                ScaleAlways = true,
                MaximumChartWidth = 40,
                DataPoints = from i in Enumerable.Range(0, valueCount)
                    let rad = (i*2.0*Math.PI)/valueCount
                    select new BarChartDataPoint
                        CategoryName = string.Format("Cos({0:0.0})", rad),
                        Value = Math.Cos(rad)

        public void TestNegativeValuesCanBePlotted()
            var chart = new BarChart
                DataPoints = new[]
                    new BarChartDataPoint {CategoryName = "United States", Value = -17.3},
                    new BarChartDataPoint {CategoryName = "United Kingdom ", Value = -10.1},
                    new BarChartDataPoint {CategoryName = "Germany", Value = -5.7},
                    new BarChartDataPoint {CategoryName = "France", Value = -5.3},
                    new BarChartDataPoint {CategoryName = "Japan", Value = -3}

        public void TestDecimalValuesAreRoundedToNearestWhole()
            var chart = new BarChart
                DataPoints = new[]
                    new BarChartDataPoint {CategoryName = "United States", Value = 16.2},
                    new BarChartDataPoint {CategoryName = "China", Value = 8.4},
                    new BarChartDataPoint {CategoryName = "Japan", Value = 6},
                    new BarChartDataPoint {CategoryName = "Germany", Value = 3.4},
                    new BarChartDataPoint {CategoryName = "France", Value = 2.6},
                    new BarChartDataPoint {CategoryName = "United Kingdom", Value = 2.5}

