public void InsertWzFileUnsafe(WzFile f, HaRepackerMainPanel panel) { wzFiles.Add(f); WzNode node = new WzNode(f); panel.DataTree.Nodes.Add(node); SortNodesRecursively(node); }
public void startExtractCharacters() { WzFile file = new WzFile(wzDir + @"\Character.wz", Version); //WzFile file = new WzFile(wzDir + @"\Data - kopie.wz", Version); file.ParseWzFile(); //Console.WriteLine("Version: {0}", file.); string tempDir = currentDir; WzDirectory loldir = file.WzDirectory.GetDirectoryByName("Character"); if (loldir == null) { loldir = file.WzDirectory; } loldir.ParseImages(); foreach (WzImage img in loldir.WzImages) { currentDir += img.Name + "\\"; parseImage(img); currentDir = tempDir; } foreach (WzDirectory dir in loldir.WzDirectories) { currentDir += dir.Name + "\\"; parseDir(dir); currentDir = tempDir; } }
public WzPatcherEntry(string wzname, string path, string value) { wzFile = null; wzFileName = wzname; nodePath = path; newValue = value; }
public WzPatcherEntry(WzFile wz, string path, string value) { wzFile = wz; nodePath = path; newValue = value; wzFileName = wz.Name; }
public SaveForm(HaRepackerMainPanel panel, WzNode wzNode) { InitializeComponent(); this.wzNode = wzNode; this.wzf = (WzFile)wzNode.Tag; this.panel = panel; }
/// <summary> /// Creates a WzDirectory /// </summary> /// <param name="reader">The BinaryReader that is currently reading the wz file</param> /// <param name="blockStart">The start of the data block</param> /// <param name="parentname">The name of the directory</param> /// <param name="wzFile">The parent Wz File</param> internal WzDirectory(WzBinaryReader reader, string dirName, uint verHash, byte[] WzIv, WzFile wzFile) { this.reader = reader; = dirName; this.hash = verHash; this.WzIv = WzIv; this.wzFile = wzFile; }
public void ReloadWzFile(WzFile file, HaRepackerMainPanel panel) { WzMapleVersion encVersion = file.MapleVersion; string path = file.FilePath; short version = ((WzFile)file).Version; ((WzNode)file.HRTag).Delete(); wzFiles.Remove(file); LoadWzFile(path, encVersion, (short)-1, panel); }
public SaveForm(HaRepackerMainPanel panel, WzNode wzNode) { InitializeComponent(); encryptionBox.Items.Add(HaRepacker.Properties.Resources.EncTypeGMS); encryptionBox.Items.Add(HaRepacker.Properties.Resources.EncTypeMSEA); encryptionBox.Items.Add(HaRepacker.Properties.Resources.EncTypeNone); this.wzNode = wzNode; this.wzf = (WzFile)wzNode.Tag; this.panel = panel; }
/// <summary> /// Applies all patches to the given WZ file. /// </summary> /// <param name="wz">The WZFile to patch. Assumed to have already been parsed.</param> public static void applyPatches(WzFile wz) { foreach (WzPatcherEntry wpe in customPatches) { if (wpe.WzFileName.Equals(wz.Name)) { WzPatcherEntry localPatch = new WzPatcherEntry(wz, wpe.NodePath, wpe.NewValue); if (!checkSingleNode(localPatch)) { modifySingleNode(localPatch); } localPatch.wzFile = null; } } }
private void okButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (regBox.Checked) { WzFile file = new WzFile((short)versionBox.Value, (WzMapleVersion)encryptionBox.SelectedIndex); file.Header.Copyright = copyrightBox.Text; file.Header.RecalculateFileStart(); file.Name = nameBox.Text + ".wz"; file.WzDirectory.Name = nameBox.Text + ".wz"; panel.DataTree.Nodes.Add(new WzNode(file)); } else new ListEditor(null, (WzMapleVersion)encryptionBox.SelectedIndex).Show(); Close(); }
public void Save() { bool settingsExist = File.Exists(wzPath); WzFile wzFile; if (settingsExist) { wzFile = new WzFile(wzPath, 1337, WzMapleVersion.CLASSIC); string parseErrorMessage = string.Empty; bool success = wzFile.ParseWzFile(out parseErrorMessage); } else { wzFile = new WzFile(1337, WzMapleVersion.CLASSIC); wzFile.Header.Copyright = "Wz settings file generated by MapleLib's WzSettings module created by haha01haha01"; wzFile.Header.RecalculateFileStart(); WzImage US = new WzImage("UserSettings.img") { Changed = true, Parsed = true }; WzImage AS = new WzImage("ApplicationSettings.img") { Changed = true, Parsed = true }; wzFile.WzDirectory.WzImages.Add(US); wzFile.WzDirectory.WzImages.Add(AS); } SaveSettingsImage((WzImage)wzFile["UserSettings.img"], userSettingsType); SaveSettingsImage((WzImage)wzFile["ApplicationSettings.img"], appSettingsType); if (settingsExist) { string tempFile = Path.GetTempFileName(); string settingsPath = wzFile.FilePath; wzFile.SaveToDisk(tempFile); wzFile.Dispose(); File.Delete(settingsPath); File.Move(tempFile, settingsPath); } else { wzFile.SaveToDisk(wzPath); } }
private bool OpenWzFile(string path, WzMapleVersion encVersion, short version, out WzFile file) { try { WzFile f = new WzFile(path, version, encVersion); wzFiles.Add(f); f.ParseWzFile(); file = f; return true; } catch (Exception e) { Warning.Error("Error initializing " + Path.GetFileName(path) + " (" + e.Message + ").\r\nCheck that the directory is valid and the file is not in use."); file = null; return false; } }
public void Load() { if (File.Exists(wzPath)) { WzFile wzFile = new WzFile(wzPath, 1337, WzMapleVersion.CLASSIC); try { wzFile.ParseWzFile(); ExtractSettingsImage((WzImage)wzFile["UserSettings.img"], userSettingsType); ExtractSettingsImage((WzImage)wzFile["ApplicationSettings.img"], appSettingsType); wzFile.Dispose(); } catch { wzFile.Dispose(); throw; } } }
/// <summary> /// Load UserSettings and ApplicationSettings /// </summary> public void LoadSettings() { if (File.Exists(wzPath)) { using (WzFile wzFile = new WzFile(wzPath, 1337, WzMapleVersion.CLASSIC)) { try { WzFileParseStatus parseStatus = wzFile.ParseWzFile(); ExtractSettingsImage((WzImage)wzFile["UserSettings.img"], userSettingsType); ExtractSettingsImage((WzImage)wzFile["ApplicationSettings.img"], appSettingsType); } catch { throw; } } } }
/// <summary> /// Load UserSettings and ApplicationSettings /// </summary> public void LoadSettings() { if (File.Exists(wzPath)) { using (WzFile wzFile = new WzFile(wzPath, 1337, WzMapleVersion.CLASSIC)) { try { string parseErrorMessage = string.Empty; bool success = wzFile.ParseWzFile(out parseErrorMessage); ExtractSettingsImage((WzImage)wzFile["UserSettings.img"], userSettingsType); ExtractSettingsImage((WzImage)wzFile["ApplicationSettings.img"], appSettingsType); } catch { throw; } } } }
public void Save() { bool settingsExist = File.Exists(wzPath); WzFile wzFile; if (settingsExist) { wzFile = new WzFile(wzPath, 1337, WzMapleVersion.CLASSIC); wzFile.ParseWzFile(); } else { wzFile = new WzFile(1337, WzMapleVersion.CLASSIC); wzFile.Header.Copyright = "Wz settings file generated by MapleLib's WzSettings module created by haha01haha01"; wzFile.Header.RecalculateFileStart(); WzImage US = new WzImage("UserSettings.img") { Changed = true, Parsed = true }; WzImage AS = new WzImage("ApplicationSettings.img") { Changed = true, Parsed = true }; wzFile.WzDirectory.WzImages.Add(US); wzFile.WzDirectory.WzImages.Add(AS); } SaveSettingsImage((WzImage)wzFile["UserSettings.img"], userSettingsType); SaveSettingsImage((WzImage)wzFile["ApplicationSettings.img"], appSettingsType); if (settingsExist) { string tempFile = Path.GetTempFileName(); string settingsPath = wzFile.FilePath; wzFile.SaveToDisk(tempFile); wzFile.Dispose(); File.Delete(settingsPath); File.Move(tempFile, settingsPath); } else wzFile.SaveToDisk(wzPath); }
public void patch(Dictionary<String, List<String>> patches, string dir, int patchNum) { WzMapleVersion vrs = WzMapleVersion.GMS; foreach (String wzName in patches.Keys) { WzFile wzFile = null; foreach (WzFile patching in toPatch) { if (patching.Name == wzName) { Console.WriteLine("Currently patching: {0}, nextToPatch: {1}", patching.Name, wzName); wzFile = patching; break; } } if (wzFile == null) { wzFile = new WzFile(wzName, vrs); wzFile.ParseWzFile(); } foreach (string img in patches[wzName]) { WzImage patchedImg = null; string[] subdirs = img.Split(new char[] { '/' }); WzDirectory targetDir = wzFile.WzDirectory; string targetImgName = null; foreach (string subdir in subdirs) { Console.WriteLine("subdir: {0}", subdir); if (!subdir.EndsWith(".img")) // if this isn't the img { targetDir = targetDir.GetDirectoryByName(subdir); if (targetDir == null) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: {0} is not a valid directory.", subdir); return; } } else { targetImgName = subdir; } } patchedImg = new WzImage(targetImgName, File.OpenRead(dir + "-" + patchNum + targetImgName), vrs); patchedImg.ParseImage(); WzImage targetImg = targetDir.GetImageByName(targetImgName); if (targetImg != null) // patching an existing .img { targetDir.RemoveImage(targetImg); targetDir.AddImage(patchedImg); patchedImg.changed = true; Console.WriteLine("Existing wz img found for name: {0} and successfully applied patch.", img); } else { targetDir.AddImage(patchedImg); patchedImg.changed = true; Console.WriteLine("Added new wz img with name: {0} in dir: {1} and sucessfully applied patch.", patchedImg.Name, targetDir.Name); } } if (!toPatch.Contains(wzFile)) { toPatch.Add(wzFile); } } }
/// <summary> /// Parses the WzDirectory /// </summary> internal void ParseDirectory(WzFile parent = null) { //Array.Copy(mReader.WzKey, keyCopy, mReader.WzKey.Length); int entryCount = mReader.ReadCompressedInt(); for (int i = 0; i < entryCount; i++) { byte type = mReader.ReadByte(); string fname = null; int fsize; int checksum; uint offset; long rememberPos = 0; switch (type) { case 1: { mReader.ReadInt32(); mReader.ReadInt16(); mReader.ReadOffset(); continue; } case 2: { int stringOffset = mReader.ReadInt32(); rememberPos = mReader.BaseStream.Position; mReader.BaseStream.Position = mReader.Header.FStart + stringOffset; type = mReader.ReadByte(); fname = mReader.ReadString().Trim(); } break; case 3: case 4: fname = mReader.ReadString().Trim(); rememberPos = mReader.BaseStream.Position; break; } mReader.BaseStream.Position = rememberPos; fsize = mReader.ReadCompressedInt(); checksum = mReader.ReadCompressedInt(); offset = mReader.ReadOffset(); if (type == 3) { WzDirectory subDir = new WzDirectory(mReader, fname, mHash, mWzIv) { BlockSize = fsize, Checksum = checksum, Offset = offset, Parent = parent ?? this }; if (parent != null) { parent.mSubDirs.Add(subDir); } mSubDirs.Add(subDir); } else { WzImage img = new WzImage(fname, mReader) { BlockSize = fsize, Checksum = checksum, Offset = offset, Parent = parent ?? this }; if (parent != null) { parent.mImages.Add(img); } mImages.Add(img); } } foreach (WzDirectory subdir in mSubDirs) { mReader.BaseStream.Position = subdir.mOffset; subdir.ParseDirectory(); } }
void loadDifferences() { // here we would query a website for latest patch rev. WzMapleVersion vrs = WzMapleVersion.GMS; // is classic old GMS?? string imgPath = textBox1.Text; string wzPath = textBox2.Text; Console.WriteLine("imgPath: " + imgPath + ", wzPath: " + wzPath); WzFile affected = new WzFile(wzPath, vrs); affected.ParseWzFile(); char[] split = { '\\', '/'}; string imgName = imgPath.Split(split)[imgPath.Split(split).Length - 1].Trim(); Console.WriteLine("imgName: " + imgName); WzImage toPatch = affected.WzDirectory.GetImageByName(imgName); FileStream stream = File.OpenRead(imgPath); WzImage img = new WzImage("-" + imgName, stream, vrs); img.ParseImage(); toPatch.ParseImage(); toPatch.ClearProperties(); toPatch.AddProperties(img.WzProperties); affected.WzDirectory.GetImageByName(imgName).changed = true; affected.SaveToDisk(wzPath + ".new"); affected.Dispose(); stream.Close(); while (!tryDelete(wzPath)) { Thread.Sleep(1000); // ensure that we can rename the file } File.Move(wzPath + ".new", wzPath); // rewrite w/ patched file button1.Text = "Done!"; }
private void RunWzFilesExtraction(object param) { ChangeApplicationState(false); string[] wzFilesToDump = (string[])((object[])param)[0]; string baseDir = (string)((object[])param)[1]; WzMapleVersion version = (WzMapleVersion)((object[])param)[2]; IWzFileSerializer serializer = (IWzFileSerializer)((object[])param)[3]; UpdateProgressBar(MainPanel.mainProgressBar, 0, false, true); UpdateProgressBar(MainPanel.mainProgressBar, wzFilesToDump.Length, true, true); foreach (string wzpath in wzFilesToDump) { if (WzTool.IsListFile(wzpath)) { Warning.Error("The file at " + wzpath + " is a List.wz file and will be skipped."); continue; } WzFile f = new WzFile(wzpath, version); f.ParseWzFile(); serializer.SerializeFile(f, Path.Combine(baseDir, f.Name)); f.Dispose(); UpdateProgressBar(MainPanel.mainProgressBar, 1, false, false); } threadDone = true; }
internal void ParseMainWzDirectory(WzFile parentFile = null) { if (mPath == null) { Console.WriteLine("[Error] Path is null"); return; } byte[] key = WzKeyGenerator.GenerateWzKey(mWzIv); mReader = new WzBinaryReader(File.Open(mPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read), key, true); Header = new WzHeader { Ident = mReader.ReadString(4), FSize = mReader.ReadUInt64(), FStart = mReader.ReadUInt32(), Copyright = mReader.ReadNullTerminatedString() }; int bytesToRead = (int)(Header.FStart - mReader.BaseStream.Position); if (bytesToRead < 0) { throw new Exception("Unable to parse WZ file header"); } mReader.ReadBytes(bytesToRead); mReader.Header = Header; mVersion = mReader.ReadInt16(); if (mFileVersion == -1) { for (int j = 0; j < short.MaxValue; j++) { mFileVersion = (short)j; if (parentFile != null) { mFileVersion = parentFile.mFileVersion; } mVersionHash = GetVersionHash(mVersion, mFileVersion); if (mVersionHash == 0) { continue; } mReader.Hash = mVersionHash; long position = mReader.BaseStream.Position; WzDirectory testDirectory; try { testDirectory = new WzDirectory(mReader, mName, mVersionHash, mWzIv); testDirectory.ParseDirectory(); } catch { mReader.BaseStream.Position = position; continue; } foreach (WzImage s in testDirectory.GetChildImages()) { if (s.Name.IndexOfAny(Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars()) >= 0) { testDirectory.Dispose(); throw new Exception("Invalid file names were detected. An invalid encryption may have been used."); } } WzImage testImage = testDirectory.GetChildImages()[0]; try { mReader.BaseStream.Position = testImage.Offset; byte checkByte = mReader.ReadByte(); mReader.BaseStream.Position = position; testDirectory.Dispose(); switch (checkByte) { case 0x73: case 0x1b: { mHash = mVersionHash; ParseDirectory(parentFile); return; } } mReader.BaseStream.Position = position; } catch { mReader.BaseStream.Position = position; } } throw new Exception("Error with game version hash : The specified game version is incorrect and WzLib was unable to determine the version itself"); } mVersionHash = GetVersionHash(mVersion, mFileVersion); mReader.Hash = mVersionHash; mHash = mVersionHash; ParseDirectory(parentFile); }
static IWzImageProperty getNode(WzFile file, string fullPath) { List<string> subDirectories = new List<string>(fullPath.Split(new string[] { @"\" }, StringSplitOptions.None)); //string nodeName = subDirectories[subDirectories.Count - 1]; //subDirectories.RemoveAt(subDirectories.Count - 1); //The last element always contains the node; remove this, we only care about the directories WzDirectory targetDirectory = file.WzDirectory; WzImage targetImage; IWzImageProperty targetNode = null; int lastIndex; //First, navigate through the WzDirectory tree. for(lastIndex = 0; lastIndex < subDirectories.Count; lastIndex++){ string subDirectory = subDirectories[lastIndex]; if (targetDirectory.GetDirectoryByName(subDirectory) == null) { break; } else if (targetDirectory.GetDirectoryByName(subDirectory) != null) { targetDirectory = targetDirectory.GetDirectoryByName(subDirectory); } } targetImage = targetDirectory.GetImageByName(subDirectories[lastIndex]); targetImage.ParseImage(); lastIndex++; //Reached the end of the WzImage tree, now go into the specific sub-node string subNode = subDirectories[lastIndex]; foreach(IWzImageProperty prop in targetImage.WzProperties){ if (subNode.Equals(prop.Name)) { targetNode = prop; break; } } lastIndex++; if (targetNode != null) { for (int i = lastIndex; i < subDirectories.Count; i++) { string nextNode = subDirectories[i]; if(containsSubNode(targetNode, nextNode)) { targetNode = getSubNode(targetNode, nextNode); } else { break; } } } return targetNode; }
/// <summary> /// Creates a WzDirectory /// </summary> /// <param name="reader">The BinaryReader that is currently reading the wz file</param> /// <param name="wzIv"></param> /// <param name="wzFile">The parent Wz File</param> /// <param name="dirName"></param> /// <param name="verHash"></param> internal WzDirectory(WzBinaryReader reader, string dirName, uint verHash, byte[] wzIv, WzFile wzFile) { _reader = reader; Name = dirName; _hash = verHash; WzIv = wzIv; _wzFile = wzFile; }
public WzMainDirectory(WzFile file, WzDirectory directory) { this.file = file; = directory; }
static void ParseFile(string InputFileName,string OutputFileName) { JsonCreator Creator=new JsonCreator(); WzFile File=new WzFile(InputFileName,WzMapleVersion.BMS); File.ParseWzFile(); List<WzDirectory> RootDirectory=new List<WzDirectory>(); RootDirectory.Add(File.WzDirectory); var Dirs=new Stack<DirObject>(); var RootHash=new Dictionary<string,object>(); Dirs.Push(new DirObject(RootDirectory.GetEnumerator(),RootHash)); for(;Dirs.Count>0;){ if(!Dirs.Peek().Dir.MoveNext()){ Dirs.Pop(); continue; }else{ foreach(WzImage Image in Dirs.Peek().Dir.Current.WzImages){ var Props=new Stack<PropObject>(); var Temp1=new Dictionary<string,object>(); Dirs.Peek().Hash.Add(Image.Name,Temp1); Props.Push(new PropObject(Image.WzProperties.GetEnumerator(),Temp1)); for(;Props.Count>0;){ if(!Props.Peek().Prop.MoveNext()){ Props.Pop(); continue; } var Obj=Props.Peek().Prop.Current; switch(Props.Peek().Prop.Current.PropertyType){ case WzPropertyType.ByteFloat: Props.Peek().Hash.Add(Obj.Name,(double)((WzByteFloatProperty)Obj).Value); break; case WzPropertyType.Canvas: //Not Implemented break; case WzPropertyType.CompressedInt: Props.Peek().Hash.Add(Obj.Name,(long)((WzCompressedIntProperty)Obj).Value); break; case WzPropertyType.Convex: //Not Implemented break; case WzPropertyType.Double: Props.Peek().Hash.Add(Obj.Name,((WzDoubleProperty)Obj).Value); break; case WzPropertyType.Null: Props.Peek().Hash.Add(Obj.Name,null); break; case WzPropertyType.PNG: var Temp2=((WzPngProperty)Obj).GetCompressedBytes(false).OfType<long>().ToList(); var Temp3=new Dictionary<string,object>(); Temp3.Add("Width",(long)((WzPngProperty)Obj).Width); Temp3.Add("Height",(long)((WzPngProperty)Obj).Height); Temp3.Add("Data",Temp2); break; case WzPropertyType.Sound: var Temp4=((WzSoundProperty)Obj).GetBytes(false).OfType<long>().ToList(); var Temp5=new Dictionary<string,object>(); Temp5.Add("Frequency",(long)((WzSoundProperty)Obj).Frequency); Temp5.Add("Length",(long)((WzSoundProperty)Obj).Length); Temp5.Add("Data",Temp4); Props.Peek().Hash.Add(Obj.Name,Temp5); break; case WzPropertyType.String: Props.Peek().Hash.Add(Obj.Name,((WzStringProperty)Obj).Value); break; case WzPropertyType.SubProperty: var Temp6=new Dictionary<string,object>(); Props.Peek().Hash.Add(Obj.Name,Temp6); Props.Push(new PropObject(((WzSubProperty)Obj).WzProperties.GetEnumerator(),Temp6)); break; case WzPropertyType.UnsignedShort: Props.Peek().Hash.Add(Obj.Name,(long)((WzUnsignedShortProperty)Obj).Value); break; case WzPropertyType.UOL: //Not Implemented break; case WzPropertyType.Vector: var Temp7=new Dictionary<string,object>(); Temp7.Add("X",(long)((WzVectorProperty)Obj).X); Temp7.Add("Y",(long)((WzVectorProperty)Obj).Y); Props.Peek().Hash.Add(Obj.Name,Temp7); break; } } } var Temp8=new Dictionary<string,object>(); Dirs.Peek().Hash.Add(Dirs.Peek().Dir.Current.Name,Temp8); Dirs.Push(new DirObject(Dirs.Peek().Dir.Current.WzDirectories.GetEnumerator(),Temp8)); } } var Json=Creator.Create(RootHash); System.IO.File.WriteAllText(OutputFileName,Json,Encoding.UTF8); return; }
public WzMainDirectory(WzFile file) { this.file = file; = file.WzDirectory; }
/// <summary> /// Checks if any current wz files are not set to the latest version number. /// </summary> /// <returns> /// Returns a List<Tuple<string, int>> array with the file name and detected version. /// </returns> protected List<Tuple<string, int>> outDatedFiles() { BinaryReader verificationWz; wzSignature vs; var outOfDateFiles = new List<Tuple<string, int>>(); if (haveFiles()) { for (int i = 0; i < wzFiles.Length; i++) { try { verificationWz = new BinaryReader(new FileStream(wzFiles[i], FileMode.Open)); vs = new wzSignature(verificationWz, currentLauncherVersion); if (!(vs.WzVersion == latestWZVersion) || !(vs.UIAdded && vs.EssenceAdded)) outOfDateFiles.Add(new Tuple<string, int>(wzFiles[i], vs.WzVersion)); verificationWz.Close(); } catch (Exception) { updateLabel("Please close any program using " + wzFiles[0] + "."); setStateWrapper(3); backgroundWorker.ReportProgress(100); //throw new Exception("Please close any program using " + wzFiles[0] + "."); } } } List<string> toCheck = new List<string>(); foreach (WzPatcherEntry patch in WzPatcher.customPatches) { if (!toCheck.Contains(patch.WzFileName)) { toCheck.Add(patch.WzFileName); } } //Check for hardcoded changes. foreach (string i in toCheck) { WzFile wz = new WzFile(i, (short)mapleVersion, WzMapleVersion.BMS); wz.ParseWzFile(); allWzFiles.Add(wz); foreach (WzPatcherEntry patch in WzPatcher.customPatches) { WzPatcherEntry newPatch = patch; newPatch.wzFile = wz; if (newPatch.WzFileName.Equals(i)) { if (!WzPatcher.checkSingleNode(newPatch)) { bool found = false; foreach (Tuple<string, int> toPatch in outOfDateFiles) { if (toPatch.Item1.Equals(i)) { found = true; } } if (!found) { outOfDateFiles.Add(new Tuple<string, int>(i, latestWZVersion)); } } } } } return outOfDateFiles; }
private void asdfToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { WzFile f = new WzFile(@"C:\Mob.wz", WzMapleVersion.BMS); //WzFile f = new WzFile(@"C:\Nexon\MapleStoryExt\Skill.wz", WzMapleVersion.BMS); f.ParseWzFile(); foreach (WzImage mob in f.WzDirectory.WzImages) { mob.ParseImage(); WzSubProperty info = (WzSubProperty)mob["info"]; if (info != null) { WzCompressedIntProperty bodyatt = (WzCompressedIntProperty)info["bodyAttack"]; if (bodyatt != null) { bodyatt.Value = 0; mob.Changed = true; } } } f.SaveToDisk(@"C:\Mob2.wz"); }
public void UnloadWzFile(WzFile file) { ((WzNode)file.HRTag).Delete(); wzFiles.Remove(file); }
public bool LoadWzFile(string name) { try { WzFile wzf = new WzFile(Path.Combine(baseDir, Capitalize(name) + ".wz"), version); wzf.ParseWzFile(); name = name.ToLower(); wzFiles[name] = wzf; wzFilesUpdated[wzf] = false; wzDirs[name] = new WzMainDirectory(wzf); return true; } catch (Exception e) { HaRepackerLib.Warning.Error("Error initializing " + name + ".wz (" + e.Message + ").\r\nCheck that the directory is valid and the file is not in use."); return false; } }
private void RunWzFilesExtraction(object param) { ChangeApplicationState(false); string[] wzFilesToDump = (string[])((object[])param)[0]; string baseDir = (string)((object[])param)[1]; WzMapleVersion version = (WzMapleVersion)((object[])param)[2]; IWzFileSerializer serializer = (IWzFileSerializer)((object[])param)[3]; UpdateProgressBar(MainPanel.mainProgressBar, 0, false, true); UpdateProgressBar(MainPanel.mainProgressBar, wzFilesToDump.Length, true, true); foreach (string wzpath in wzFilesToDump) { if (WzTool.IsListFile(wzpath)) { Warning.Error(string.Format(HaRepacker.Properties.Resources.MainListWzDetected, wzpath)); continue; } WzFile f = new WzFile(wzpath, version); f.ParseWzFile(); serializer.SerializeFile(f, Path.Combine(baseDir, f.Name)); f.Dispose(); UpdateProgressBar(MainPanel.mainProgressBar, 1, false, false); } threadDone = true; }
public bool LoadDataWzFile(string name) { try { WzFile wzf = new WzFile(Path.Combine(baseDir, Capitalize(name) + ".wz"), version); wzf.ParseWzFile(); name = name.ToLower(); wzFiles[name] = wzf; wzFilesUpdated[wzf] = false; wzDirs[name] = new WzMainDirectory(wzf); foreach (WzDirectory mainDir in wzf.WzDirectory.WzDirectories) { wzDirs[mainDir.Name.ToLower()] = new WzMainDirectory(wzf, mainDir); } return true; } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show("Error initializing " + name + ".wz (" + e.Message + ").\r\nCheck that the directory is valid and the file is not in use."); return false; } }
public void Patch() { string curVTxt = "(Current V" + Patcher_UserSettings.CurrentVersion + ")"; AppendStatus(curVTxt + " Checking for updates..."); ProgressStyle(ProgressBarStyle.Marquee); WebClient download = new WebClient(); //MessageBox.Show("hai"); if (!CheckPath(Patcher_AppSettings.PatchURL)) //Check if the website directory actually exists. -DeathRight { download.Dispose(); MessageBox.Show("The specified URL cannot be found, please contact the server owner or post in the help section of the server forum.", "Unreachable URL"); Application.Exit(); } //MessageBox.Show("hai2"); if (!CheckPath(Patcher_AppSettings.PatchURL + "/" + (Patcher_UserSettings.CurrentVersion + 1).ToString())) { download.Dispose(); Application.Exit(); //If there isn't a folder with a version 1 higher than the current, we can't update, so exit. -DeathRight } Dictionary<string, WzFile> WzFiles = new Dictionary<string, WzFile>(); AppendStatus(curVTxt + " Downloading patch files..."); ProgressValue(0); ProgressStyle(ProgressBarStyle.Marquee); RefreshStuff(); Directory.CreateDirectory(Application.StartupPath + @"\Patches"); foreach (string wzFile in WzTypes) { if (CheckFile(Patcher_AppSettings.PatchURL + "/" + (Patcher_UserSettings.CurrentVersion + 1).ToString() + "/" + wzFile)) { download.DownloadFile(Patcher_AppSettings.PatchURL + "/" + (Patcher_UserSettings.CurrentVersion + 1).ToString() + "/" + wzFile, Application.StartupPath + @"\Patches\" + wzFile); short version = -1; WzMapleVersion nWzFV = WzTool.DetectMapleVersion(Application.StartupPath + @"\Patches\" + wzFile, out version); WzFile nWzF = new WzFile(Application.StartupPath + @"\Patches\" + wzFile, nWzFV); nWzF.ParseWzFile(); nWzF.WzDirectory.ParseImages(); //Just to be safe -DeathRight WzFiles.Add(wzFile, nWzF); } } download.Dispose(); if (WzFiles.Count <= 0) { return; } string slTxt = curVTxt + " Patching files..."; AppendStatus(slTxt); ProgressStyle(ProgressBarStyle.Continuous); //ProgressMax(WzFiles.Count); RefreshStuff(); Directory.CreateDirectory(Application.StartupPath + @"\Patches\TEMP"); foreach (WzFile wzFile in WzFiles.Values) { if (wzFile.WzDirectory["PatchInfo"] != null) wzFile.WzDirectory["PatchInfo"].Remove(); if (!File.Exists(Application.StartupPath + @"\" + wzFile.Name)) { MessageBox.Show("Unable to find WZ '" + wzFile.Name + "' in path '" + Application.StartupPath + "'","Unable to find WZ file"); Application.Exit(); } ProgressValue(0); ProgressStyle(ProgressBarStyle.Marquee); RefreshStuff(); AppendStatus(slTxt + " [" + wzFile.Name + "]"); RefreshStuff(); short version = -1; WzFile origWz = new WzFile(Application.StartupPath + @"\" + wzFile.Name, WzTool.DetectMapleVersion(Application.StartupPath + @"\" + wzFile.Name, out version)); origWz.ParseWzFile(); origWz.WzDirectory.ParseImages(); try { ReplaceDirs(wzFile.WzDirectory, origWz); origWz.SaveToDisk(Application.StartupPath + @"\Patches\TEMP\" + wzFile.Name); } catch { MessageBox.Show("Error while trying to save WZ file '" + wzFile.Name + "'", "Error saving WZ file"); wzFile.Dispose(); origWz.Dispose(); File.Delete(Application.StartupPath + @"\Patches\" + wzFile); Application.Exit(); } string wzName = wzFile.Name; wzFile.Dispose(); origWz.Dispose(); File.Delete(Application.StartupPath + @"\Patches\" + wzName); File.Delete(Application.StartupPath + @"\" + wzName); File.Move(Application.StartupPath + @"\Patches\TEMP\" + wzName, Application.StartupPath + @"\" + wzName); //ProgressValue(); //RefreshStuff(); } Patcher_UserSettings.CurrentVersion++; Patch(); }
public void Interop_AddLoadedWzFileToManager(WzFile f) { Program.WzMan.InsertWzFileUnsafe(f, MainPanel); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a WzDirectory with the given name /// </summary> /// <param name="name">The name of the directory</param> public WzDirectory(string name, WzFile wzFile = null) { = name; this.wzFile = wzFile; }
/*public void ReplaceObj(IWzObject obj, WzFile baseFile) { if (baseFile.GetObjectFromPath(obj.FullPath) == null) ReplaceObj(obj.Parent, baseFile); else { baseFile.GetObjectFromPath(obj.FullPath).Remove(); baseFile.GetObjectFromPath(obj.Parent.FullPath) } }*/ public void ReplaceDirs(WzDirectory parent, WzFile orignal) { string curVTxt = "(Current V" + Patcher_UserSettings.CurrentVersion + ")"; string slTxt = curVTxt + " Patching files..."; //AppendStatus("TEST"); //RefreshStuff(); foreach (WzDirectory dir in parent.WzDirectories) { if (orignal.GetObjectFromPath(dir.FullPath.Replace(@"\", "/")) == null) { /*AppendStatus("TEST1"); RefreshStuff(); MessageBox.Show("TEST1");*/ ((WzDirectory)orignal.GetObjectFromPath(dir.FullPath.Replace(@"\", "/"))).AddDirectory(dir); } if ((dir.WzDirectories.Count != 0) || (dir.WzImages.Count != 0)) { /*AppendStatus("TEST2"); RefreshStuff(); MessageBox.Show("TEST2");*/ ReplaceDirs(dir, orignal); } AppendStatus(slTxt + " [" + orignal.Name + "]" + " [" + ((WzDirectory)dir).Name + "]"); RefreshStuff(); } //if (parent.WzImages.Count <= 0) { MessageBox.Show("TEST4"); } if ((parent.WzImages != null) && (parent.WzImages.Count > 0)) { ProgressValue(0); ProgressStyle(ProgressBarStyle.Continuous); ProgressMax(parent.WzImages.Count); RefreshStuff(); } foreach (WzImage img in parent.WzImages) { /*AppendStatus("TEST5"); //THIS HAPPENS ON STRING.WZ BUT NOT CHARACTER.WZ RefreshStuff(); MessageBox.Show("TEST5");*/ if (orignal.GetObjectFromPath(img.FullPath.Replace(@"\", "/")) != null) { object Dir = orignal.GetObjectFromPath(img.FullPath.Replace(@"\", "/")).Parent; //is WzDirectory AppendStatus(slTxt + " [" + orignal.Name + "]" + " [" + ((WzDirectory)Dir).Name + "]" + " [" + ((WzImage)img).Name + "]"); RefreshStuff(); ((WzImage)orignal.GetObjectFromPath(img.FullPath.Replace(@"\", "/"))).Remove(); if (Dir is WzDirectory) { ((WzDirectory)Dir).AddImage(img); ((WzImage)((WzDirectory)Dir)[img.Name]).Changed = true; } else if (Dir is WzFile) { ((WzFile)Dir).WzDirectory.AddImage(img); ((WzImage)((WzFile)Dir).WzDirectory[img.Name]).Changed = true; } ProgressValue(); RefreshStuff(); } else { string path = img.Parent.FullPath.Replace(@"\", "/"); object dir = orignal.GetObjectFromPath(path); AppendStatus(slTxt + " [" + orignal.Name + "]" + " [" + ((WzDirectory)dir).Name + "]" + " [" + ((WzImage)img).Name + "]"); RefreshStuff(); if (dir is WzDirectory) { ((WzDirectory)dir).AddImage(img); ((WzImage)((WzDirectory)dir)[img.Name]).Changed = true; } else if (dir is WzFile) { ((WzFile)dir).WzDirectory.AddImage(img); ((WzImage)((WzFile)dir).WzDirectory[img.Name]).Changed = true; } ProgressValue(); RefreshStuff(); } } }
protected void downloadLatestVersion() { //oldversion_newversion.txt string updateFile = verificationSignature.WzVersion.ToString() + "_" + latestWZVersion.ToString() + ".txt"; //Download and prepare the XML list for parsing. List<string> XMLsToUpdate = mergeFiles(); List<Tuple<string, string>> XMLListing = new List<Tuple<string, string>>(); WzXmlDeserializer xmlParser = new WzXmlDeserializer(true, new byte[] { 0, 0, 0, 0 }); List<string> wzFilesNeedingPatch = new List<string>(); updateLabel("(2/6) Receiving the update patch list."); //Removed the display here since it doesn't play well with merged files //splits the update log into <WzFile, WzNode> foreach (string XMLLine in XMLsToUpdate) { //Check for which files actually need patching first foreach (string wzName in wzFiles) { if (!wzFilesNeedingPatch.Contains(wzName) && XMLLine.Contains(wzName)) { wzFilesNeedingPatch.Add(wzName); } } string[] splitted = XMLLine.Split(new string[] { " " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (!XMLListing.Contains(new Tuple<string, string>(splitted[0], splitted[1]))) { XMLListing.Add(new Tuple<string, string>(splitted[0], splitted[1])); } } //open the WZ files for patching foreach (string wzName in wzFilesNeedingPatch) { WzFile tmp = new WzFile(wzName, WzMapleVersion.BMS); tmp.ParseWzFile(); allWzFiles.Add(tmp); } //Parse XML's and add the nodes to the WZ files. int counter = 0; foreach (WzFile wzFile in allWzFiles) //foreach (Tuple<string, string> XMLFile in XMLListing) { updateLabel("(3/6) Applying: " + wzFile.Name + " (Downloading and applying patch files)"); foreach (Tuple<string, string> XMLFile in XMLListing) //foreach (WzFile wzFile in allWzFiles) { if (wzFile.Name == XMLFile.Item1) { counter += 1; string xmlContent = ""; try { xmlContent = readEntireWebFile(updateServer + @"wz/" + XMLFile.Item1 + "/" + XMLFile.Item2); } catch (Exception) { //Throw "Unable to connect to the update server" if unable to read any file from update server. setStateWrapper(12); backgroundWorker.ReportProgress(100); } try { WzImage imageToAdd = (WzImage)xmlParser.ParseXML(xmlContent)[0]; AddWzImage(wzFile, XMLFile.Item2, imageToAdd); int percentage = (int)((double)counter * 100) / XMLListing.Count; backgroundWorker.ReportProgress(percentage); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Error on XML ("+ XMLFile.Item2 + ") " + e.ToString()); } } } WzPatcher.applyPatches(wzFile); } //Done patching, save in temporary dir if (Directory.Exists(temporaryDirectory)) { Directory.Delete(temporaryDirectory, true); Directory.CreateDirectory(temporaryDirectory); } else { Directory.CreateDirectory(temporaryDirectory); } updateLabel("(4/6) Adding custom content."); backgroundWorker.ReportProgress(0); WzFile CharacterWz = null; WzFile MapWz = null; WzFile UIWz = null; foreach (WzFile wzfile in allWzFiles) { if(wzfile.Name == "Character.wz") CharacterWz = wzfile; if(wzfile.Name == "Map.wz") MapWz = wzfile; if (wzfile.Name == "UI.wz") UIWz = wzfile; } if (!verificationSignature.UIAdded) { if (MapWz == null) { MapWz = new WzFile("Map.wz", WzMapleVersion.BMS); MapWz.ParseWzFile(); allWzFiles.Add(MapWz); } AddCustomImages(MapWz, backgroundWorker); verificationSignature.UIAdded = true; backgroundWorker.ReportProgress(75); } if (!verificationSignature.EssenceAdded) { if (UIWz == null) { UIWz = new WzFile("UI.wz", WzMapleVersion.BMS); UIWz.ParseWzFile(); allWzFiles.Add(UIWz); } AddCustomImages(UIWz, backgroundWorker); verificationSignature.EssenceAdded = true; backgroundWorker.ReportProgress(100); } backgroundWorker.ReportProgress(100); //Generate the new signature wzSignature newSignature = verificationSignature; newSignature.LauncherVersion = currentLauncherVersion; newSignature.WzVersion = (ushort)latestWZVersion; counter = 0; backgroundWorker.ReportProgress(0); foreach (WzFile wzFile in allWzFiles) { counter += 1; updateLabel("(5/6) Creating: " + wzFile.Name + " (Saving files to disk)"); wzFile.SaveToDisk(temporaryDirectory + wzFile.Name); wzFile.Dispose(); int percentage = (int)((double)counter * 100) / allWzFiles.Count; backgroundWorker.ReportProgress(percentage); } counter = 0; backgroundWorker.ReportProgress(0); //Done patching, copy the patched files over to the game installation. foreach (FileInfo wzFile in new DirectoryInfo(temporaryDirectory).GetFiles()) { counter += 1; updateLabel("(6/6) Finalizing: " + wzFile.Name + " (Replacing files with patched files)"); File.Delete(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\\" + wzFile.Name); File.Copy(wzFile.FullName, Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\\" + wzFile.Name); int percentage = (int)((double)counter * 100) / (new DirectoryInfo(temporaryDirectory).GetFiles().Length); backgroundWorker.ReportProgress(percentage); } allWzFiles.Clear(); foreach (string wzName in wzFiles) { allWzFiles.Add(new WzFile(wzName, WzMapleVersion.BMS)); } //Sign each WZ file foreach (WzFile wzFile in allWzFiles) { try { string wzPath = wzFile.FilePath; BinaryReader wzReaderStream = new BinaryReader(new FileStream(wzPath, FileMode.Open)); bool needsNewSignature = wzSignature.isSignedWzFile(wzReaderStream); wzReaderStream.Close(); BinaryWriter wzWriterStream = new BinaryWriter(new FileStream(wzPath, FileMode.Open)); newSignature.writeSignature(wzWriterStream, !needsNewSignature); wzWriterStream.Flush(); wzWriterStream.Close(); } catch (Exception) { updateLabel("Please close any program using " + wzFiles[0] + "."); setStateWrapper(3); backgroundWorker.ReportProgress(100); //throw new Exception("Please close any program using " + wzFiles[0] + "."); } } Directory.Delete(temporaryDirectory, true); updateLabel("The patch is done."); backgroundWorker.ReportProgress(100); setStateWrapper(2); }