 public CurveLink(Curve curve, double ystart, double yend, int etag)
     _curve = curve;
     _ytop = ystart;
     _ybot = yend;
     _etag = etag;
     if (_ytop < curve.GetYTop() || _ybot > curve.GetYBot())
         throw new SystemException("bad curvelink [" + _ytop + "=>" + _ybot + "] for " + curve);
 public bool Absorb(Curve curve, double ystart, double yend, int etag)
     if (_curve != curve || _etag != etag ||
             _ybot < ystart || _ytop > yend)
         return false;
     if (ystart < curve.GetYTop() || yend > curve.GetYBot())
         throw new SystemException("bad curvelink [" + ystart + "=>" + yend + "] for " + curve);
     _ytop = Math.Min(_ytop, ystart);
     _ybot = Math.Max(_ybot, yend);
     return true;
        public bool FindIntersect(Curve that, double[] yrange, double ymin,
                int slevel, int tlevel,
                double s0, double xs0, double ys0,
                double s1, double xs1, double ys1,
                double t0, double xt0, double yt0,
                double t1, double xt1, double yt1)
            string pad = "        ";
            pad = pad+pad+pad+pad+pad;
            pad = pad+pad;
            System.out.println(pad.substring(0, slevel)+ys0);
            System.out.println(pad.substring(0, slevel)+ys1);
            System.out.println(pad.substring(0, slevel)+(s1-s0));
            System.out.println(pad.substring(0, tlevel)+yt0);
            System.out.println(pad.substring(0, tlevel)+yt1);
            System.out.println(pad.substring(0, tlevel)+(t1-t0));
            if (ys0 > yt1 || yt0 > ys1)
                return false;
            if (Math.Min(xs0, xs1) > Math.Max(xt0, xt1) ||
                    Math.Max(xs0, xs1) < Math.Min(xt0, xt1))
                return false;
            // Bounding boxes intersect - back off the larger of
            // the two subcurves by half until they stop intersecting
            // (or until they get small enough to switch to a more
            //  intensive algorithm).
            if (s1 - s0 > TMIN)
                double s = (s0 + s1) / 2;
                double xs = XforT(s);
                double ys = YforT(s);
                if (s == s0 || s == s1)

                    throw new SystemException("no s progress!");
                if (t1 - t0 > TMIN)
                    double t = (t0 + t1) / 2;
                    double xt = that.XforT(t);
                    double yt = that.YforT(t);
                    if (t == t0 || t == t1)

                        throw new SystemException("no t progress!");
                    if (ys >= yt0 && yt >= ys0)
                        if (FindIntersect(that, yrange, ymin, slevel + 1, tlevel + 1,
                                s0, xs0, ys0, s, xs, ys,
                                t0, xt0, yt0, t, xt, yt))
                            return true;
                    if (ys >= yt)
                        if (FindIntersect(that, yrange, ymin, slevel + 1, tlevel + 1,
                                s0, xs0, ys0, s, xs, ys,
                                t, xt, yt, t1, xt1, yt1))
                            return true;
                    if (yt >= ys)
                        if (FindIntersect(that, yrange, ymin, slevel + 1, tlevel + 1,
                                s, xs, ys, s1, xs1, ys1,
                                t0, xt0, yt0, t, xt, yt))
                            return true;
                    if (ys1 >= yt && yt1 >= ys)
                        if (FindIntersect(that, yrange, ymin, slevel + 1, tlevel + 1,
                                s, xs, ys, s1, xs1, ys1,
                                t, xt, yt, t1, xt1, yt1))
                            return true;
                    if (ys >= yt0)
                        if (FindIntersect(that, yrange, ymin, slevel + 1, tlevel,
                                s0, xs0, ys0, s, xs, ys,
                                t0, xt0, yt0, t1, xt1, yt1))
                            return true;
                    if (yt1 >= ys)
                        if (FindIntersect(that, yrange, ymin, slevel + 1, tlevel,
                                s, xs, ys, s1, xs1, ys1,
                                t0, xt0, yt0, t1, xt1, yt1))
                            return true;
            else if (t1 - t0 > TMIN)
                double t = (t0 + t1) / 2;
                double xt = that.XforT(t);
                double yt = that.YforT(t);
                if (t == t0 || t == t1)

                    throw new SystemException("no t progress!");
                if (yt >= ys0)
                    if (FindIntersect(that, yrange, ymin, slevel, tlevel + 1,
                            s0, xs0, ys0, s1, xs1, ys1,
                            t0, xt0, yt0, t, xt, yt))
                        return true;
                if (ys1 >= yt)
                    if (FindIntersect(that, yrange, ymin, slevel, tlevel + 1,
                            s0, xs0, ys0, s1, xs1, ys1,
                            t, xt, yt, t1, xt1, yt1))
                        return true;
                // No more subdivisions
                double xlk = xs1 - xs0;
                double ylk = ys1 - ys0;
                double xnm = xt1 - xt0;
                double ynm = yt1 - yt0;
                double xmk = xt0 - xs0;
                double ymk = yt0 - ys0;
                double det = xnm * ylk - ynm * xlk;
                if (det != 0)
                    double detinv = 1 / det;
                    double s = (xnm * ymk - ynm * xmk) * detinv;
                    double t = (xlk * ymk - ylk * xmk) * detinv;
                    if (s >= 0 && s <= 1 && t >= 0 && t <= 1)
                        s = s0 + s * (s1 - s0);
                        t = t0 + t * (t1 - t0);
                        if (s < 0 || s > 1 || t < 0 || t > 1)

                        double y = (YforT(s) + that.YforT(t)) / 2;
                        if (y <= yrange[1] && y > yrange[0])
                            yrange[1] = y;
                            return true;
                //System.out.println("Testing lines!");
            return false;
        public int CompareTo(Curve that, double[] yrange)
            System.out.println("target range = "+yrange[0]+"=>"+yrange[1]);
            double y0 = yrange[0];
            double y1 = yrange[1];
            y1 = Math.Min(Math.Min(y1, GetYBot()), that.GetYBot());
            if (y1 <= yrange[0])
                throw new SystemException("backstepping from " + yrange[0] + " to " + y1);
            yrange[1] = y1;
            if (GetXMax() <= that.GetXMin())
                if (GetXMin() == that.GetXMax())
                    return 0;
                return -1;
            if (GetXMin() >= that.GetXMax())
                return 1;
            // Parameter s for thi(s) curve and t for tha(t) curve
            // [st]0 = parameters for top of current section of interest
            // [st]1 = parameters for bottom of valid range
            // [st]h = parameters for hypothesis point
            // [d][xy]s = valuations of thi(s) curve at sh
            // [d][xy]t = valuations of tha(t) curve at th
            double s0 = TforY(y0);
            double ys0 = YforT(s0);
            if (ys0 < y0)
                s0 = RefineTforY(s0, ys0, y0);
                ys0 = YforT(s0);
            double s1 = TforY(y1);
            if (YforT(s1) < y0)
                s1 = RefineTforY(s1, YforT(s1), y0);
                //System.out.println("s1 problem!");
            double t0 = that.TforY(y0);
            double yt0 = that.YforT(t0);
            if (yt0 < y0)
                t0 = that.RefineTforY(t0, yt0, y0);
                yt0 = that.YforT(t0);
            double t1 = that.TforY(y1);
            if (that.YforT(t1) < y0)
                t1 = that.RefineTforY(t1, that.YforT(t1), y0);
                //System.out.println("t1 problem!");
            double xs0 = XforT(s0);
            double xt0 = that.XforT(t0);
            double scale = Math.Max(Math.Abs(y0), Math.Abs(y1));
            double ymin = Math.Max(scale * 1E-14, 1E-300);
            if (FairlyClose(xs0, xt0))
                double bump = ymin;
                double maxbump = Math.Min(ymin * 1E13, (y1 - y0) * .1);
                double y = y0 + bump;
                while (y <= y1)
                    if (FairlyClose(XforY(y), that.XforY(y)))
                        if ((bump *= 2) > maxbump)
                            bump = maxbump;
                        y -= bump;
                        while (true)
                            bump /= 2;
                            double newy = y + bump;
                            if (newy <= y)
                            if (FairlyClose(XforY(newy), that.XforY(newy)))
                                y = newy;
                    y += bump;
                if (y > y0)
                    if (y < y1)
                        yrange[1] = y;
                    return 0;

            while (s0 < s1 && t0 < t1)
                double sh = NextVertical(s0, s1);
                double xsh = XforT(sh);
                double ysh = YforT(sh);
                double th = that.NextVertical(t0, t1);
                double xth = that.XforT(th);
                double yth = that.YforT(th);
                System.out.println("sh = "+sh);
                System.out.println("th = "+th);
                    if (FindIntersect(that, yrange, ymin, 0, 0,
                            s0, xs0, ys0, sh, xsh, ysh,
                            t0, xt0, yt0, th, xth, yth))
                catch (Exception)
                    return 0;
                if (ysh < yth)
                    if (ysh > yrange[0])
                        if (ysh < yrange[1])
                            yrange[1] = ysh;
                    s0 = sh;
                    xs0 = xsh;
                    ys0 = ysh;
                    if (yth > yrange[0])
                        if (yth < yrange[1])
                            yrange[1] = yth;
                    t0 = th;
                    xt0 = xth;
                    yt0 = yth;
            double ymid = (yrange[0] + yrange[1]) / 2;

            return Orderof(XforY(ymid), that.XforY(ymid));
 public new int CompareTo(Curve other, double[] yrange)
     if (!(other is Order1))
         return base.CompareTo(other, yrange);
     Order1 c1 = (Order1)other;
     if (yrange[1] <= yrange[0])
         throw new SystemException("yrange already screwed up...");
     yrange[1] = Math.Min(Math.Min(yrange[1], _y1), c1._y1);
     if (yrange[1] <= yrange[0])
         throw new SystemException("backstepping from " + yrange[0] + " to " + yrange[1]);
     if (_xmax <= c1._xmin)
         return (_xmin == c1._xmax) ? 0 : -1;
     if (_xmin >= c1._xmax)
         return 1;
      * If "this" is curve A and "other" is curve B, then...
      * xA(y) = x0A + (y - y0A) (x1A - x0A) / (y1A - y0A)
      * xB(y) = x0B + (y - y0B) (x1B - x0B) / (y1B - y0B)
      * xA(y) == xB(y)
      * x0A + (y - y0A) (x1A - x0A) / (y1A - y0A)
      *    == x0B + (y - y0B) (x1B - x0B) / (y1B - y0B)
      * 0 == x0A (y1A - y0A) (y1B - y0B) + (y - y0A) (x1A - x0A) (y1B - y0B)
      *    - x0B (y1A - y0A) (y1B - y0B) - (y - y0B) (x1B - x0B) (y1A - y0A)
      * 0 == (x0A - x0B) (y1A - y0A) (y1B - y0B)
      *    + (y - y0A) (x1A - x0A) (y1B - y0B)
      *    - (y - y0B) (x1B - x0B) (y1A - y0A)
      * If (dxA == x1A - x0A), etc...
      * 0 == (x0A - x0B) * dyA * dyB
      *    + (y - y0A) * dxA * dyB
      *    - (y - y0B) * dxB * dyA
      * 0 == (x0A - x0B) * dyA * dyB
      *    + y * dxA * dyB - y0A * dxA * dyB
      *    - y * dxB * dyA + y0B * dxB * dyA
      * 0 == (x0A - x0B) * dyA * dyB
      *    + y * dxA * dyB - y * dxB * dyA
      *    - y0A * dxA * dyB + y0B * dxB * dyA
      * 0 == (x0A - x0B) * dyA * dyB
      *    + y * (dxA * dyB - dxB * dyA)
      *    - y0A * dxA * dyB + y0B * dxB * dyA
      * y == ((x0A - x0B) * dyA * dyB
      *       - y0A * dxA * dyB + y0B * dxB * dyA)
      *    / (-(dxA * dyB - dxB * dyA))
      * y == ((x0A - x0B) * dyA * dyB
      *       - y0A * dxA * dyB + y0B * dxB * dyA)
      *    / (dxB * dyA - dxA * dyB)
     double dxa = _x1 - _x0;
     double dya = _y1 - _y0;
     double dxb = c1._x1 - c1._x0;
     double dyb = c1._y1 - c1._y0;
     double denom = dxb * dya - dxa * dyb;
     double y;
     if (denom != 0)
         double num = ((_x0 - c1._x0) * dya * dyb - _y0 * dxa * dyb + c1._y0 * dxb * dya);
         y = num / denom;
         if (y <= yrange[0])
             // intersection is above us
             // Use bottom-most common y for comparison
             y = Math.Min(_y1, c1._y1);
             // intersection is below the top of our range
             if (y < yrange[1])
                 // If intersection is in our range, adjust valid range
                 yrange[1] = y;
             // Use top-most common y for comparison
             y = Math.Max(_y0, c1._y0);
         // lines are parallel, choose any common y for comparison
         // Note - prefer an endpoint for speed of calculating the X
         // (see shortcuts in Order1.XforY())
         y = Math.Max(_y0, c1._y0);
     return Orderof(XforY(y), c1.XforY(y));
 public override void Next()
     if (_prevcurve != null)
         _prevcurve = null;
         _prevcurve = _thiscurve;
         if (_index < _curves.Count)
             _thiscurve = (Curve)_curves[_index];
             if (_thiscurve.GetOrder() != 0 &&
                     _prevcurve.GetX1() == _thiscurve.GetX0() &&
                     _prevcurve.GetY1() == _thiscurve.GetY0())
                 _prevcurve = null;
             _thiscurve = null;
 public AreaIterator(ArrayList curves, AffineTransform at)
     _curves = curves;
     _transform = at;
     if (curves.Count >= 1)
         _thiscurve = (Curve)curves[0];
 public Edge(Curve c, int ctag, int etag)
     _curve = c;
     _ctag = ctag;
     _etag = etag;
 public Edge(Curve c, int ctag)
     : this(c, ctag, AreaOp.ETAG_IGNORE)