private ICollection <IGeography> calculateOverlay(IGeography geometry1, IGeography geometry2, OverlayType operation, bool p) { GeographyCollection egc = new GeographyCollection(); egc.Add(geometry1); egc.Add(geometry2); GnomonicProjection projection = GeometrySpreader.GetProjection(egc); GeometryCollection gc = GeometrySpreader.GetGeometries(egc, projection); OverlayCalculator oc = new OverlayCalculator(); ICollection <IGeometry> planarResult = oc.CalculateOverlay(gc[0], gc[1], operation); egc = GeometrySpreader.GetGeographies(planarResult, projection); return(egc); }
private static Polygon getBoundsBuffer(GeoPolygon polygon, GnomonicProjection projection, double distance, int pointsPerCircle, bool allowParallels) { Polygon temp = new Polygon(); List <Polygon> partialBuffers = new List <Polygon>(); GeographyCollection geographyCollection = new GeographyCollection(); ICollection <IGeometry> unionResult = null; int c = 0; foreach (GeoContour contour in polygon.Contours) { for (int i = 0; i < contour.Vertices.Count; i++) { GeoPoint p = contour.Vertices[i]; GeoPolygon tempPolygon = getPointBuffer(p, Math.Abs(distance), pointsPerCircle); geographyCollection.Clear(); geographyCollection.Add(tempPolygon); GeometryCollection gc = GeometrySpreader.GetGeometries(geographyCollection, projection); if (gc[0] is Polygon) { unionResult = temp.Union((Polygon)gc[0]); } if (unionResult.Count > 0) { temp = (Polygon)((GeometryCollection)unionResult)[0]; } c++; if (c == 3) { partialBuffers.Add(temp); temp = new Polygon(); c = 0; } } } if (temp.CoordinateCount > 0) { partialBuffers.Add(temp); } return(mergePartialBuffers(partialBuffers, allowParallels)); }
private static GeoPolygon getPolygonBuffer(GeoPolygon geoPolygon, double angleDistance, int pointsPerCircle, bool allowParallels) { geoPolygon = (GeoPolygon)geoPolygon.Clone(); double minAngle = Math.Sin(Math.Abs(angleDistance)) * Math.Sin(Math.PI / pointsPerCircle); geoPolygon.ReduceSegments(minAngle); geoPolygon.Densify(minAngle); GnomonicProjection projection; IGeometry geometry; projectGeography(geoPolygon, out projection, out geometry); Polygon planePolygon = (Polygon)geometry; Polygon boundaryBuffer = getBoundsBuffer(geoPolygon, projection, angleDistance, pointsPerCircle, allowParallels); ICollection <IGeometry> result; if (angleDistance > 0) { result = planePolygon.Union(boundaryBuffer); } else { result = planePolygon.Difference(boundaryBuffer); } GeographyCollection geographyCollection = GeometrySpreader.GetGeographies(result, projection); foreach (IGeography g in geographyCollection) { if (g is GeoPolygon) { return((GeoPolygon)g); } } return(new GeoPolygon()); }
private static void projectGeography(IGeography geography, out GnomonicProjection projection, out IGeometry geometry) { GeographyCollection geographyCollection = new GeographyCollection(); geographyCollection.Add(geography); double centerLatitude, centerLongitude; GnomonicProjection.GetCenter(geography.ExtractPoints(), out centerLatitude, out centerLongitude); projection = new GnomonicProjection(centerLongitude, centerLatitude); GeometryCollection geometryCollection = GeometrySpreader.GetGeometries(geographyCollection, projection); if (geometryCollection.Count > 0) { geometry = geometryCollection[0]; } else { geometry = null; } }
private static GeoPolygon getPointBuffer(GeoPoint point, double angleDistance, int pointsPerCircle) { if (angleDistance < 0) { return(new GeoPolygon()); } GnomonicProjection projection = new GnomonicProjection(point.L, point.Phi); PointD planePoint = new PointD(0, 0); Polygon planePolygon = (Polygon)planePoint.Buffer(Math.Tan(angleDistance), pointsPerCircle, false); GeometryCollection geometryColllection = new GeometryCollection(); geometryColllection.Add(planePolygon); GeographyCollection gc = GeometrySpreader.GetGeographies(geometryColllection, projection); if (gc[0] is GeoPolygon) { return((GeoPolygon)gc[0]); } return(new GeoPolygon()); }
/// <summary> /// Computes a convex hull of the specified points. /// </summary> /// <param name="points">Enumerator of coordinates for which convex hull should be computed</param> /// <returns>A list containing a sequence of the convex hull points</returns> public static IList <GeoPoint> GetConvexHull(IEnumerable <GeoPoint> points) { GeographyCollection geographyCollection = new GeographyCollection(); foreach (GeoPoint p in points) { geographyCollection.Add(p); } GnomonicProjection projection = GeometrySpreader.GetProjection(geographyCollection); GeometryCollection geometryCollection = GeometrySpreader.GetGeometries(geographyCollection, projection); List <ICoordinate> list = new List <ICoordinate>(); foreach (IGeometry g in geometryCollection) { list.Add(((PointD)g).Coordinate); } IList <ICoordinate> planarResult = PlanimetryAlgorithms.GetConvexHull(list); geometryCollection.Clear(); foreach (ICoordinate p in planarResult) { geometryCollection.Add(new PointD(p)); } geographyCollection = GeometrySpreader.GetGeographies(geometryCollection, projection); List <GeoPoint> result = new List <GeoPoint>(); foreach (GeoPoint p in geographyCollection) { result.Add(p); } return(result); }
private static GeoPolygon getPolylineBuffer(GeoPolyline geoPolyline, double angleDistance, int pointsPerCircle, bool allowParallels) { geoPolyline = (GeoPolyline)geoPolyline.Clone(); double minAngle = Math.Sin(Math.Abs(angleDistance)) * Math.Sin(Math.PI / pointsPerCircle); geoPolyline.ReduceSegments(minAngle); geoPolyline.Densify(minAngle); GnomonicProjection projection; IGeometry geometry; projectGeography(geoPolyline, out projection, out geometry); Polyline planePolyline = (Polyline)geometry; GeographyCollection geographyCollection = new GeographyCollection(); Polygon temp = new Polygon(); List <Polygon> partialBuffers = new List <Polygon>(); ICollection <IGeometry> unionResult = null; int c = 0; foreach (GeoPath path in geoPolyline.Paths) { for (int i = 0; i < path.Vertices.Count - 1; i++) { GeoPoint p = path.Vertices[i]; GeoPolygon tempPolygon = getPointBuffer(p, angleDistance, pointsPerCircle); geographyCollection.Clear(); geographyCollection.Add(tempPolygon); GeometryCollection gc = GeometrySpreader.GetGeometries(geographyCollection, projection); if (gc[0] is Polygon) { unionResult = temp.Union((Polygon)gc[0]); } if (unionResult.Count > 0) { temp = (Polygon)((GeometryCollection)unionResult)[0]; } c++; if (c == 3) { partialBuffers.Add(temp); temp = new Polygon(); c = 0; } } } if (temp.CoordinateCount > 0) { partialBuffers.Add(temp); } Polygon planeBuffer = mergePartialBuffers(partialBuffers, allowParallels); GeometryCollection geometryCollection = new GeometryCollection(); geometryCollection.Add(planeBuffer); geographyCollection = GeometrySpreader.GetGeographies(geometryCollection, projection); foreach (IGeography g in geographyCollection) { if (g is GeoPolygon) { return((GeoPolygon)g); } } return(new GeoPolygon()); }