        /// <summary>
        /// Sets and removes ad parameters.
        /// <p class="note"><b>Note:</b> {@code ADD} is not supported. Use {@code SET}
        /// for new ad parameters.</p>
        /// <ul class="nolist">
        /// <li>{@code SET}: Creates or updates an ad parameter, setting the new
        /// parameterized value for the given ad group / keyword pair.
        /// <li>{@code REMOVE}: Removes an ad parameter. The <code><var>default-value</var>
        /// </code> specified in the ad text will be used.</li>
        /// </ul>
        /// @param operations The operations to perform.
        /// @return A list of ad parameters, where each entry in the list is the
        /// result of applying the operation in the input list with the same index.
        /// For a {@code SET} operation, the returned ad parameter will contain the
        /// updated values. For a {@code REMOVE} operation, the returned ad parameter
        /// will simply be the ad parameter that was removed.
        /// </summary>
        public async Task <IEnumerable <AdParam> > MutateAsync(IEnumerable <AdParamOperation> operations)
            var binding = new AdParamServiceSoapBinding("https://adwords.google.com/api/adwords/cm/v201609/AdParamService", _config.AccessToken, _config.Timeout, _config.EnableGzipCompression, _netUtil, _logger);
            var inData  = new SoapData <AdParamServiceRequestHeader, AdParamServiceMutate>();

            inData.Header = new AdParamServiceRequestHeader();
            inData.Body            = new AdParamServiceMutate();
            inData.Body.Operations = new List <AdParamOperation>(operations);
            var outData = await binding.MutateAsync(inData).ConfigureAwait(false);

        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the ad parameters that match the criteria specified in the
        /// selector.
        /// @param serviceSelector Specifies which ad parameters to return.
        /// @return A list of ad parameters.
        /// </summary>
        public async Task <AdParamPage> GetAsync(Selector serviceSelector)
            var binding = new AdParamServiceSoapBinding("https://adwords.google.com/api/adwords/cm/v201609/AdParamService", _config.AccessToken, _config.Timeout, _config.EnableGzipCompression, _netUtil, _logger);
            var inData  = new SoapData <AdParamServiceRequestHeader, AdParamServiceGet>();

            inData.Header = new AdParamServiceRequestHeader();
            inData.Body = new AdParamServiceGet();
            inData.Body.ServiceSelector = serviceSelector;
            var outData = await binding.GetAsync(inData).ConfigureAwait(false);
