/// <summary>
        /// Adds labels to the {@linkplain AdGroup ad group} or removes {@linkplain Label label}s from the
        /// {@linkplain AdGroup ad group}.
        /// <p>{@code ADD} -- Apply an existing label to an existing {@linkplain AdGroup ad group}.
        /// The {@code adGroupId} must reference an existing {@linkplain AdGroup ad group}. The
        /// {@code labelId} must reference an existing {@linkplain Label label}.
        /// <p>{@code REMOVE} -- Removes the link between the specified {@linkplain AdGroup ad group}
        /// and a {@linkplain Label label}.</p>
        /// @param operations the operations to apply.
        /// @return a list of {@linkplain AdGroupLabel}s where each entry in the list is the result of
        /// applying the operation in the input list with the same index. For an
        /// add operation, the returned AdGroupLabel contains the AdGroupId and the LabelId.
        /// In the case of a remove operation, the returned AdGroupLabel will only have AdGroupId.
        /// @throws ApiException when there are one or more errors with the request.
        /// </summary>
        public async Task <AdGroupLabelReturnValue> MutateLabelAsync(IEnumerable <AdGroupLabelOperation> operations)
            var binding = new AdGroupServiceSoapBinding("https://adwords.google.com/api/adwords/cm/v201609/AdGroupService", _config.AccessToken, _config.Timeout, _config.EnableGzipCompression, _netUtil, _logger);
            var inData  = new SoapData <AdGroupServiceRequestHeader, AdGroupServiceMutateLabel>();

            inData.Header = new AdGroupServiceRequestHeader();
            inData.Body            = new AdGroupServiceMutateLabel();
            inData.Body.Operations = new List <AdGroupLabelOperation>(operations);
            var outData = await binding.MutateLabelAsync(inData).ConfigureAwait(false);

        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a list of all the ad groups specified by the selector
        /// from the target customer's account.
        /// @param serviceSelector The selector specifying the {@link AdGroup}s to return.
        /// @return List of adgroups identified by the selector.
        /// @throws ApiException when there is at least one error with the request.
        /// </summary>
        public async Task <AdGroupPage> GetAsync(Selector serviceSelector)
            var binding = new AdGroupServiceSoapBinding("https://adwords.google.com/api/adwords/cm/v201609/AdGroupService", _config.AccessToken, _config.Timeout, _config.EnableGzipCompression, _netUtil, _logger);
            var inData  = new SoapData <AdGroupServiceRequestHeader, AdGroupServiceGet>();

            inData.Header = new AdGroupServiceRequestHeader();
            inData.Body = new AdGroupServiceGet();
            inData.Body.ServiceSelector = serviceSelector;
            var outData = await binding.GetAsync(inData).ConfigureAwait(false);
