private void MakeReservation() { switch (MessageBox.Show("Making reservation?", "Room available", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo)) { case DialogResult.Yes: { try { Entities.Rent_Rooms rent = new Entities.Rent_Rooms(dateComming_picker.Value, dateLeaving_picker.Value, Int32.Parse(tb_RoomID.Text), tb_UniqueClientID.Text); if (rentedCar != null) { DAL.Dal_Rent_Rooms.InsertRenter(rent, rentedCar); } else { DAL.Dal_Rent_Rooms.InsertRenter(rent, null); } AddConfirmationRichTextbox(rent); //DONE: Send a confirmation email SendEmail(); //Solved: Add all data to a CSV file SaveToCSV(rent, Form1.ReserveRoom); //MessageBox.Show("Room succesfully Rented in period " + dateComming_picker.Value.ToString() + "-" + dateLeaving_picker.Value.ToString()); //this.Close(); GenerateBarCodeinPictureBox(UniqueID, PB_Barcode); } catch (OracleException OE) { DAL.Log.LogMessage(OE); MessageBox.Show("Error occured!"); } break; } case DialogResult.No: { break; } } }
private void AddConfirmationRichTextbox(Entities.Rent_Rooms rented_Room) { if (Switch_CarRent.Value == true) { Car = string.Format("Car rented: {0}.", comboBox_selectCarType.Text); } else { Car = "No car selected"; } richTextBox_ConfReservationOrShowError.ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(52, 106, 237); richTextBox_ConfReservationOrShowError.Text = String.Format("\t\t\t\t\tConfirm Reservation!\n" + "User: UNDEFINED TODO :P\n\n" + "Room ID: " + rented_Room.ROOM_ID + "\n" + "Date Coming: " + rented_Room.START_DATE + "\n" + "DateLeaving: " + rented_Room.END_DATE + "\n\n" + Car + "\n\n" + "Reservation Identifier:" + rented_Room.ReservationID + "\n\n" + "\t\t\t\t\tTotal Cost: " + AddVAT(Form1.ReserveRoom.Price + GetCarPrice(), VAT) + " " + currency); //TODO: ADD Details of car to facture and e-mail and add to database tha fact that a car is rented. }
private void SaveToCSV(Entities.Rent_Rooms rent_Rooms, Entities.Rooms rooms) { DAL.Log.WriteCSV(rent_Rooms, rooms); }