private void btnNewApp_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { string sql; string name = txtAppName.Text; if (name.Length < 2) { txtInfo.Text = "应用程序名称长度不小于2"; return; } //不允许应用重名 sql = string.Format("select applicationname from applications where applicationname='{0}'", name); DataTable dt = DBOperate.getDataTable(sql); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { txtInfo.Text = "同名应用程序已存在,请更改应用名称!"; return; } sql = string.Format("insert applications (applicationname) values ('{0}')", name); if (DBOperate.executeCommand(sql)) { vm.refreshApplication(); txtInfo.Text = string.Format("应用程序{0}已添加。", name); txtAppName.Text = ""; } }
private void btnNewDBS_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { string sql; string group = txtDBSName.Text; string name = txtConnName.Text; if (group.Length < 2 || name.Length < 2 || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(vm.applicationid)) { txtInfo.Text = "数据源名称和连接名称长度不小于2"; return; } //同一程序中,不允许连接重名 sql = string.Format("select connname from connections where applicationid='{0}' and connname='{1}'", vm.applicationid, name); DataTable dt = DBOperate.getDataTable(sql); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { txtInfo.Text = "应用程序中已存在同名连接,请更改!"; return; } sql = string.Format("insert connections (applicationid,connname,datasourcename) values ('{0}','{1}','{2}')", vm.applicationid, name, group); if (DBOperate.executeCommand(sql)) { vm.refreshConn(); txtInfo.Text = string.Format("数据源{0}={1}已添加。", group, name); txtDBSName.Text = txtConnName.Text = ""; } }
private void UserControl_Initialized(object sender, EventArgs e) { vm.dtApplication = DBOperate.getDataTable("select * from applications"); grdMain.DataContext = vm; }
private void btnNewModel_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { string sql; string name = txtModelName.Text; if (name.Length < 2 || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(vm.applicationid)) { txtInfo.Text = "模块名称长度不小于2"; return; } //应用程序范围内,不允许模块名重复 sql = string.Format("select modelname from models where modelname='{0}' and applicationid='{1}'", name, vm.applicationid); DataTable dt = DBOperate.getDataTable(sql); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { txtInfo.Text = "应用程序内已存在同名模块!"; return; } sql = string.Format("insert models (applicationid,modelname) values ('{0}','{1}')", vm.applicationid, name); if (DBOperate.executeCommand(sql)) { vm.refreshModel(); txtInfo.Text = string.Format("模块{0}已添加。", name); txtModelName.Text = ""; } }
private void btnNewUser_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { string sql; string username = txtUserName.Text; string password = txtPassword.Text; if (username.Length < 5 || password.Length < 6 || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(vm.applicationid)) { txtInfo.Text = "用户名长度不小于5,口令长度不小于6"; return; } password = DES.EncryptString(password, DES.theKey); //全范围不允许用户重名,这是为了防止不同应用程序之间的用户冒名替代 sql = string.Format("select username from users where username='******'", username); DataTable dt = DBOperate.getDataTable(sql); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { txtInfo.Text = "用户名已存在,请更改用户名"; return; } sql = string.Format("insert users (applicationid,username,password) values ('{0}','{1}','{2}')", vm.applicationid, username, password); if (DBOperate.executeCommand(sql)) { vm.refreshUser(); txtInfo.Text = string.Format("用户{0}已添加。", username); txtUserName.Text = txtPassword.Text = ""; } }
private void btnNewRole_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { string sql; string name = txtRoleName.Text; if (name.Length < 2 || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(vm.applicationid)) { txtInfo.Text = "角色名称长度不小于2"; return; } //同一程序中,不允许角色重名 sql = string.Format("select rolename from roles where applicationid='{0}' and rolename='{1}'", vm.applicationid, name); DataTable dt = DBOperate.getDataTable(sql); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { txtInfo.Text = "角色名已存在,请更改!"; return; } sql = string.Format("insert roles (applicationid,rolename) values ('{0}','{1}')", vm.applicationid, name); if (DBOperate.executeCommand(sql)) { vm.refreshRole(); txtInfo.Text = string.Format("角色{0}已添加。", name); txtRoleName.Text = ""; } }
internal void refreshModelConn() { dtModelConn = DBOperate.getDataTable(string.Format("select t1.*, case when t1.isreadonly=0 then '读写' else '只读' end as flag ,t2.ConnName,t2.DatasourceName,t3.ModelName from ConnectionsInModels t1, Connections t2, Models t3 where t1.ConnID=t2.ConnID and t1.ModelID=t3.ModelID and t2.ApplicationID='{0}' order by t3.ModelName", applicationid)); RaisePropertyChanged(() => dtModelConn); }
internal void refreshRoleModel() { dtRoleModel = DBOperate.getDataTable(string.Format("select t1.*,t2.RoleName,t3.ModelName from ModelsInRoles t1, Roles t2, Models t3 where t1.RoleID=t2.RoleID and t1.ModelID=t3.ModelID and t2.ApplicationID='{0}' order by t2.rolename", applicationid)); RaisePropertyChanged(() => dtRoleModel); }
internal void refreshRoleUser() { dtRoleUser = DBOperate.getDataTable(string.Format("select t1.*,t2.RoleName,t3.UserName from UsersInRoles t1, Roles t2, Users t3 where t1.RoleID=t2.RoleID and t1.UserID=t3.UserID and t2.ApplicationID='{0}' order by t3.username", applicationid)); RaisePropertyChanged(() => dtRoleUser); }
internal void refreshConn() { dtConn = DBOperate.getDataTable(string.Format("select * from connections where applicationid='{0}' order by connname", applicationid)); RaisePropertyChanged(() => dtConn); }
internal void refreshModel() { dtModel = DBOperate.getDataTable(string.Format("select * from models where applicationid='{0}' order by modelname", applicationid)); RaisePropertyChanged(() => dtModel); }
internal void refreshUser() { dtUser = DBOperate.getDataTable(string.Format("select * from users where applicationid='{0}' order by username", applicationid)); RaisePropertyChanged(() => dtUser); }
internal void refreshRole() { dtRole = DBOperate.getDataTable(string.Format("select * from roles where applicationid='{0}' order by rolename", applicationid)); RaisePropertyChanged(() => dtRole); }
internal void refreshApplication() { dtApplication = DBOperate.getDataTable(string.Format("select * from applications")); RaisePropertyChanged(() => dtApplication); }