public bool InsertData() { return(BaseDataBase._StoredProcedure("sp_Add2MergedFamilyTable" , new SqlParameter("@FamilyID", FamilyID) , new SqlParameter("@StudySideID", StudySideID) , new SqlParameter("@FamilyName", FamilyName) , new SqlParameter("@FamilyType", FamilyType) , new SqlParameter("@FamilyIdentityID", FamilyIdentityID) , new SqlParameter("@FatherFirstName", FatherFirstName) , new SqlParameter("@FatherLastName", FatherLastName) , new SqlParameter("@MotherFirstName", MotherFirstName) , new SqlParameter("@MotherLastName", MotherLastName) , new SqlParameter("@ChildCount", ChildCount) , new SqlParameter("@FatherPID", FatherPID) , new SqlParameter("@MotherPID", MotherPID) , new SqlParameter("@ApplyDate", ApplyDate) , new SqlParameter("@ListDate", ListDate) , new SqlParameter("@Evaluation", Evaluation) , new SqlParameter("@EvaluationReason", EvaluationReason) , new SqlParameter("@DateOfEvaluation", DateOfEvaluation) , new SqlParameter("@IsCanceled", IsCanceled) , new SqlParameter("@CancelDate", CancelDate) , new SqlParameter("@CancelReason", CancelReason) , new SqlParameter("@Notes", Notes))); }
public static async Task <bool> DeleteData(Inventory x) { await Inventory.UpdateData(x); return(await BaseDataBase._StoredProcedureAsync("sp_Delete_Inventory" , new SqlParameter("@ID", x.ID))); }
public static bool UpdateData(User x) { x.Password = User.ComputeHash(x.Password, "SHA512", null); return(BaseDataBase._StoredProcedure("sp_UpdateUsers" , new SqlParameter("@ID", x.ID) , new SqlParameter("@Name", x.Name) , new SqlParameter("@Password", x.Password) , new SqlParameter("@IsAdmin", x.IsAdmin) , new SqlParameter("@CanAdd", x.CanAdd) , new SqlParameter("@CanUpdate", x.CanUpdate) , new SqlParameter("@CanDelete", x.CanDelete) , new SqlParameter("@CanPresent", x.CanPresent) , new SqlParameter("@CanEnterTempFamily", x.CanEnterTempFamily) , new SqlParameter("@CanEnterFamily", x.CanEnterFamily) , new SqlParameter("@CanUpdateFamily", x.CanUpdateFamily) , new SqlParameter("@CanEnterFamilyNeed", x.CanEnterFamilyNeed) , new SqlParameter("@CanEnterListerGroup", x.CanEnterListerGroup) , new SqlParameter("@CanMakeStatistics", x.CanMakeStatistics) , new SqlParameter("@CanCancelTempFamily", x.CanCancelTempFamily) , new SqlParameter("@CanDeleteTempFamily", x.CanDeleteTempFamily) , new SqlParameter("@CanCancelFamily", x.CanCancelFamily) , new SqlParameter("@CanExport", x.CanExport) , new SqlParameter("@CanPrintReports", x.CanPrintReports) , new SqlParameter("@CanUpdateSupport", x.CanUpdateSupport) , new SqlParameter("@CanDeleteSupport", x.CanDeleteSupport) , new SqlParameter("@IT", x.IT) , new SqlParameter("@PointAdmin", x.PointAdmin) , new SqlParameter("@ReportCreator", x.ReportCreator))); }
public static bool UpdateData(Order x) { //foreach (var item in x.FamilyNeeds) //{ // if (item.IsEnsured) // item.OrderID = x.Id; // else item.OrderID = null; // FamilyNeed_ListerGroup.UpdateData(item); //} x.LastUserID = BaseDataBase.CurrentUser.ID.Value; return(BaseDataBase._StoredProcedure("sp_Update_Order" , new SqlParameter("@Id", x.Id) , new SqlParameter("@InventoryID", x.InventoryID) , new SqlParameter("@FamilyID", x.FamilyID) , new SqlParameter("@SpecialFamilyID", x.SpecialFamilyID) , new SqlParameter("@OrphanID", x.OrphanID) , new SqlParameter("@Type", x.Type) , new SqlParameter("@Date", x.Date) , new SqlParameter("@NextOrderDate", x.NextOrderDate) , new SqlParameter("@Description", x.Description) , new SqlParameter("@Source", x.Source) , new SqlParameter("@InvoiceSerial", x.InvoiceSerial) , new SqlParameter("@Notes", x.Notes) , new SqlParameter("@LastUserID", x.LastUserID))); }
private void btnDelLister_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (dgSupervisor.SelectedIndex != -1) { if (!BaseDataBase.CurrentUser.CanDelete) { MyMessageBox.Show("ليس لديك صلاحيات للحذف"); } else { Supervisor s = Supervisor.GetSupervisorByID((int)(dgSupervisor.Items[dgSupervisor.SelectedIndex] as DataRowView)[0]); if (int.Parse(BaseDataBase._Scalar("select dbo.fn_SupervisorOrphansCount(" + s.SupervisorID + ")")) > 0) { MyMessageBox.Show("لا يمكن حذف المشرف \nبسبب وجود بيانات إشراف سابقة له"); } else if (int.Parse(BaseDataBase._Scalar("select COUNT(ID) from Trained where TrainedType = 3 and TrainedID = " + s.SupervisorID)) > 0) { MyMessageBox.Show("لا يمكن حذف المشرف \nبسبب وجود بيانات تدريب سابقة له"); } else { if (s.DeleteSupervisorData()) { dgSupervisor.ItemsSource = Supervisor.GetAllSupervisorTable; MyMessage.DeleteMessage(); } } } } }
public NextOrderCriteriaControl() { InitializeComponent(); try { nudDaysSpecialFamily.Value = int.Parse(SystemProperties.GetSystemPropertyValue(SystemProperties.Property.NextOrderSpecialFamily)); } catch { } try { nudNextOrderGap.Value = int.Parse(SystemProperties.GetSystemPropertyValue(SystemProperties.Property.NextOrderGap)); } catch { } var dt = BaseDataBase._Tabling("select FromMember,ToMember,NumberOfDays from NextOrderCriteria"); if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0) { var lst = new List <NextOrderCriteria>(); foreach (DataRow item in dt.Rows) { lst.Add(new NextOrderCriteria() { FromMember = (int)item[0], ToMember = (int)item[1], NumberOfDays = (int)item[2] }); } dg.ItemsSource = lst; } else { dg.ItemsSource = new List <NextOrderCriteria>(); } dgSector.ItemsSource = Sector.GetAllSector(); }
public StaOrphan() { InitializeComponent(); cmboImpeding.ItemsSource = BaseDataBase.GetAllStringsWithAll("select distinct impedingType from impeding"); cmboHealth.ItemsSource = BaseDataBase.GetAllStringsWithAll("select Distinct HealthSituation from OrphanHealth"); }
public Transition_OrphanFamilyWindow(Family f) { InitializeComponent(); this.f = f; txtFamily.Text = f.FamilyCode; var i = new Invoice(); foreach (var o in f.FamilyOrphans.Where(x => x.Type != "طالب علم" && x.CurrentSponsorship != null)) { var t = i.AddTransition(); t.RightAccount = o.Account; t.Value = o.CurrentSponsorship.AvailableSponsorship.SponsorshipValue; t.Value = o.CurrentSponsorship.IsDouble ? t.Value * 2 : t.Value; t.Details = "دفعة من صندوق الايتام"; t.LeftAccount = new Account() { Id = (o.Type == "يتيم" ? 2 : 3) }; //the id of ophan fund (2) account or ophan student fund (3) account t.RelatedSponsorship = o.CurrentSponsorship; t.RelatedSponsorship.OrphanName = o.FirstName + " " + o.LastName; t.SponsorshipID = o.CurrentSponsorship.ID; t.AccountType = (o.Type == "يتيم" ? Account.AccountType.Orphan : Account.AccountType.OrphanStudent); //the ophan type (2) or ophan student type (3) } i.Serial = "A"; i.Receiver = BaseDataBase._Scalar($"select FirstName + ' ' + Isnull(LastName,'') from Parent where FamilyID = {f.FamilyID} and Gender = 'أنثى'"); i.ReceiverPID = BaseDataBase._Scalar($"select IsNull(PID,'') from Parent where FamilyID = {f.FamilyID} and Gender = 'أنثى'"); this.DataContext = i; }
private void cmboReciever_Changed(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e) { if (IsLoaded) { var i = this.DataContext as Invoice; if ((sender as ComboBox).SelectedIndex == 3) { txtReceiver.IsReadOnly = false; txtReceiverPID.IsReadOnly = false; i.Receiver = ""; i.ReceiverPID = ""; } else { txtReceiver.IsReadOnly = true; txtReceiverPID.IsReadOnly = true; if ((sender as ComboBox).SelectedIndex == 0) { i.Receiver = BaseDataBase._Scalar($"select FirstName + ' ' + Isnull(LastName,'') from Parent where FamilyID = {f.FamilyID} and Gender = 'أنثى'"); i.ReceiverPID = BaseDataBase._Scalar($"select IsNull(PID,'') from Parent where FamilyID = {f.FamilyID} and Gender = 'أنثى'"); } else if ((sender as ComboBox).SelectedIndex == 1) { i.Receiver = BaseDataBase._Scalar($"select FirstName + ' ' + Isnull(LastName,'') from Guardian where FamilyID = {f.FamilyID} and Gender = 'أنثى'"); i.ReceiverPID = BaseDataBase._Scalar($"select IsNull(PID,'') from Guardian where FamilyID = {f.FamilyID} and Gender = 'أنثى'"); } else { i.Receiver = BaseDataBase._Scalar($"select FirstName + ' ' + Isnull(LastName,'') from Guardian where FamilyID = {f.FamilyID} and Gender = N'ذكر'"); i.ReceiverPID = BaseDataBase._Scalar($"select IsNull(PID,'') from Guardian where FamilyID = {f.FamilyID} and Gender = N'ذكر'"); } } } }
private void ChekStudySide() { int i; string s = BaseDataBase._Scalar("Select Count(IsLocal) from MergedStudySide where IsLocal = 1"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(s)) { MyMessageBox.Show("حدثت مشكلة في قاعدة البيانات يرجى مراجعة فريق الدعم"); Environment.Exit(Environment.ExitCode); } else { i = int.Parse(s); if (i == 0) { StudySideInsertControl w = new StudySideInsertControl(); if (!w.ShowDialog() == true) { Environment.Exit(Environment.ExitCode); } } else if (i > 1) { MyMessageBox.Show("حدثت مشكلة في قاعدة البيانات يرجى مراجعة فريق الدعم"); Environment.Exit(Environment.ExitCode); } } }
public Transition_Expenses(FundType ft) { InitializeComponent(); var i = new Invoice(); var t = i.AddTransition(); t.LeftAccount = new Account { Id = 1 }; //1 is general fund account id t.RightAccount = new Account { Id = 5 }; //5 is expenses account id if (ft == FundType.GeneralHidden) { t.IsHidden = true; txtMsg1.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; txtMsg2.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; var r = BaseDataBase._Scalar($@"select dbo.fn_GetHiddenBalance()"); txtBalance.Text = r; } else { var r = BaseDataBase._Scalar($@"(select (select isnull(sum(Value),0) from Transition where IsHidden = 0 and RightAccount = 1 - (select isnull(sum(Value),0) from Transition where IsHidden = 0 and LeftAccount = 1))" ); txtBalance.Text = r; } this.DataContext = i; }
public VoucherCriteriaControl() { InitializeComponent(); VoucherGruopItems = new Dictionary <int, List <Item> >(); var dt = BaseDataBase._Tabling("Select GroupID, ItemID from VoucherCriteria order by GroupID"); int GroupID = 0; List <Item> items = null; foreach (DataRow item in dt.Rows) { int x = (int)item[0]; if (x != GroupID) { if (GroupID != 0) { VoucherGruopItems.Add(GroupID, items); } GroupID = x; items = new List <Item>(); } items.Add(Item.GetItemByID((int)item[1])); } if (GroupID != 0) { VoucherGruopItems.Add(GroupID, items); } lstMain.ItemsSource = VoucherGruopItems; }
public static bool UpdateData(Property p, string value) { return(BaseDataBase._StoredProcedure("sp_Update_SystemProperties", new SqlParameter("@PropertyName", p.ToString()), new SqlParameter("@PropertyValue", value), new SqlParameter("@LastUserID", BaseDataBase.CurrentUser.ID))); }
public async void GetData() { await DBMain.UpdateAllPregnant(); List <string> lst1, lst2, lst3, lst4, lst5, lst6, lst7, lst8; lst1 = lst2 = lst3 = lst4 = lst5 = lst6 = lst7 = lst8 = null; await Task.Run(() => { lst1 = BaseDataBase.GetAllStringsWithAll("select distinct job from (select Job from Parent Union select Job from FamilyPerson) x where ISNULL(Job,'') <> '' order by Job"); lst2 = BaseDataBase.GetAllStringsWithAll("select distinct HealthStatus from (select HealthStatus from Parent Union select HealthStatus from FamilyPerson) x WHERE ISNULL(HealthStatus,'') <> '' order by HealthStatus"); lst3 = BaseDataBase.GetAllStringsWithAll("select distinct StudyStatus from (select StudyStatus from Parent Union select StudyStatus from FamilyPerson) x where Isnull(StudyStatus,'') <> '' order by StudyStatus"); lst4 = BaseDataBase.GetAllStringsWithAll("select distinct HouseSection from House where ISNULL(HouseSection,'') <> '' order by HouseSection"); lst5 = BaseDataBase.GetAllStringsWithAll("select distinct HouseStreet from House where isnull(HouseStreet,'') <> '' order by HouseStreet"); lst6 = BaseDataBase.GetAllStringsWithAll("select distinct OldAddress from House x where ISNULL(OldAddress,'') <> '' order by OldAddress"); lst7 = BaseDataBase.GetAllStringsWithAll("select distinct impededType from (select impededType from Parent Union select impededType from FamilyPerson) x where ISNULL(impededType,'') <> '' order by impededType"); lst8 = BaseDataBase.GetAllStringsWithAll("select distinct RelationShip from (select 'أب' RelationShip Union select 'أم' Union (select RelationShip from FamilyPerson)) x where ISNULL(RelationShip,'') <> '' order by RelationShip"); }); cmboJob.ItemsSource = lst1; cmboHealthStatus.ItemsSource = lst2; cmboStudyStatus.ItemsSource = lst3; cmboHouseSection.ItemsSource = lst4; cmboHouseStreet.ItemsSource = lst5; cmboOldAddress.ItemsSource = lst6; cmboImpedeType.ItemsSource = lst7; cmboRelationShip.ItemsSource = lst8; }
private void Rad1_Checked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (radBasePlace.IsChecked == true) { column = "OldAddress"; } else if (radAddress.IsChecked == true) { column = "HouseSection"; } else if (radStreet.IsChecked == true) { column = "HouseStreet"; } else if (radPoint.IsChecked == true) { column = "Address"; } else if (radJob.IsChecked == true) { column = "Job"; } else if (radHealth.IsChecked == true) { column = "HealthStatus"; } else { column = ""; } lstData.ItemsSource = column == "" ? null : BaseDataBase.GetAllStrings("Select Distinct " + column + " from " + (column == "Job" || column == "HealthStatus" ? "Parent" : "House") + " order by " + column); }
public Transition_SponsorWindow(Sponsor s, FundType ft) { InitializeComponent(); txtSponsorName.Text = s.Name; var i = new Invoice(); i.AddTransition(); i.Transitions[0].LeftAccount = s.Account; if (ft == FundType.GeneralHidden) { i.Transitions[0].IsHidden = true; txtHeader.Text += " (ايداع مخفي)"; } if (ft == FundType.Private) { cmboAccounts.ItemsSource = BaseDataBase._Tabling("select Id, Name from Account where Id between 2 and 4").DefaultView; } else { cmboAccounts.ItemsSource = BaseDataBase._Tabling("select Id, Name from Account where Id = 1").DefaultView; cmboAccounts.SelectedIndex = 0; GetCurrentBalance(s.Account.Id.Value, 1); } this.DataContext = i; }
private void save_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (lstData.SelectedItems.Count <= 0) { MyMessageBox.Show("لم يتم اختيار أي قيمة للتعديل"); return; } if (txtUpdatedValue.Text.Trim() == "") { MyMessageBox.Show("يجب ادخال القيمة الجديدة"); return; } if (MyMessageBox.Show("هل تريد تأكيد تعديل البيانات", MessageBoxButton.YesNo) == MessageBoxResult.Yes) { string query = "Update " + (column == "Job" || column == "HealthStatus" ? "Parent" : "House") + " set " + column + " = '" + txtUpdatedValue.Text.Replace("\'", "").Trim() + "' where " + column + " in ("; foreach (string item in lstData.SelectedItems) { query += "'" + item.Replace("\'", "") + "',"; } query = query.Remove(query.Length - 1) + ")"; MyMessageBox.Show("تم تعديل " + BaseDataBase._NonQuery(query) + " قيمة في قاعدة البيانات"); lstData.ItemsSource = column == "" ? null : BaseDataBase.GetAllStrings("Select Distinct " + column + " from " + (column == "Job" || column == "HealthStatus" ? "Parent" : "House") + " order by " + column); } }
public FamilyOrderControl(Order order) { InitializeComponent(); if (order.FamilyID.HasValue) { int.TryParse(BaseDataBase._Scalar($"select Max(Id) from [order] where FamilyID = " + order.FamilyID), out CurrentMaxOrderID); } else { int.TryParse(BaseDataBase._Scalar($"select Max(Id) from [order] where SpecialFamilyID = " + order.SpecialFamilyID), out CurrentMaxOrderID); } this.DataContext = order; dgOrderItems.ItemsSource = order.OIs; cmboInventory.ItemsSource = Inventory.GetAllInventory().Where(x => x.IsActive); if (!order.Id.HasValue) { order.Date = BaseDataBase.DateNow; if (order.Type == 3) { // if the order is urgent no need to select NextOrderDate if (!order.IsUrgentOrder) { order.NextOrderDate = order.Date.Value.AddDays(int.Parse(BaseDataBase._Scalar($"select dbo.GetNextOrderDaysByFamilyID({order.FamilyID})"))); //if the NextOrderDate is Friday or Thursday .. change it to Satruday order.NextOrderDate = order.NextOrderDate.Value.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Thursday || order.NextOrderDate.Value.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Friday ? order.NextOrderDate.Value.AddDays(2) : order.NextOrderDate.Value; } btnSelectItems_Click(null, null); } } //if(!order.Id.HasValue) // i.FamilyNeeds = FamilyNeed_ListerGroup.GetFamilyNeed_ListerGroupBySupportGroupID(-1, i.FamilyID.Value); // else i.FamilyNeeds = FamilyNeed_ListerGroup.GetFamilyNeed_ListerGroupBySupportGroupID(i.SupportGroupID, i.FamilyID.Value); }
public static bool DeleteData(Order_Item x) { //Order_Item.UpdateData(x); return(BaseDataBase._StoredProcedure("sp_Delete_Order_Item" , new SqlParameter("@OrderID", x.Order.Id) , new SqlParameter("@ItemID", x.Item.Id))); }
private void btnDelLister_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (dgListers.SelectedIndex != -1) { if (!BaseDataBase.CurrentUser.CanDelete) { MyMessageBox.Show("ليس لديك صلاحيات للحذف"); } else { Lister l = Lister.GetListerByID((int)(dgListers.Items[dgListers.SelectedIndex] as DataRowView)[0]); if (int.Parse(BaseDataBase._Scalar("select dbo.GetGroupCountByListerID(" + l.ListerID + ")")) > 0) { MyMessageBox.Show("لا يمكن حذف المقيّم \nبسبب وجود بيانات تقييم سابقة له ضمن فرق التقييم"); } else if (int.Parse(BaseDataBase._Scalar("select COUNT(ID) from Trained where TrainedType = 2 and TrainedID = " + l.ListerID)) > 0) { MyMessageBox.Show("لا يمكن حذف المقيّم \nبسبب وجود بيانات تدريب سابقة له"); } else if (DBMain.DeleteData(l)) { dgListers.ItemsSource = Lister.GetAllListersTable; MyMessage.DeleteMessage(); } } } }
public async void GetData() { List <string> lst1 = null; await Task.Run(() => lst1 = BaseDataBase.GetAllStringsWithAll("select distinct NeedType from FamilyNeed")); cmboNeedType.ItemsSource = lst1; }
public static bool UpdateData(Item x) { return(BaseDataBase._StoredProcedure("sp_Update_Item" , new SqlParameter("@Id", x.Id) , new SqlParameter("@Name", x.Name) , new SqlParameter("@IsActive", x.IsActive) , new SqlParameter("@IsBasket", x.IsBasket) , new SqlParameter("@Source", x.Source) , new SqlParameter("@Barcode", x.Barcode) , new SqlParameter("@ItemType", x.ItemType) , new SqlParameter("@Description", x.Description) , new SqlParameter("@StandardUnit", x.StandardUnit) , new SqlParameter("@Unit2", x.Unit2) , new SqlParameter("@Unit2Convert", x.Unit2Convert) , new SqlParameter("@Unit3", x.Unit3) , new SqlParameter("@Unit3Convert", x.Unit3Convert) , new SqlParameter("@MinimumQuantity", x.MinimumQuantity) , new SqlParameter("@MaximumQuantity", x.MaximumQuantity) , new SqlParameter("@MaxQuantityPerOrder", x.MaxQuantityPerOrder) , new SqlParameter("@MaxQuantityPerFamily", x.MaxQuantityPerFamily) , new SqlParameter("@MaxQuantityPerDay", x.MaxQuantityPerDay) , new SqlParameter("@WarningQuantity", x.WarningQuantity) , new SqlParameter("@Weight", x.Weight) , new SqlParameter("@DefaultLocation", x.DefaultLocation) , new SqlParameter("@Notes", x.Notes) , new SqlParameter("@LastUserID", BaseDataBase.CurrentUser.ID))); }
private void txtDigitalNumber_TextChanged(object sender, TextChangedEventArgs e) { var f = this.DataContext as Family; if (f != null) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtDigitalNumber.Text)) { var dt = BaseDataBase._Tabling($@"select FamilyCode from Family where FamilyID in (select FamilyID from house where DigitalAddress like '{txtDigitalNumber.Text}'" + (f.FamilyID.HasValue ? $" and familyID <> {f.FamilyID})" : ")")); if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0) { string s = "العنوان الرقمي المدخل موجود في:"; foreach (DataRow r in dt.Rows) { s += "\n" + r.ItemArray[0].ToString(); } txtDigitalNumberFamilies.Text = s; pop.IsOpen = true; } else { pop.IsOpen = false; } } } }
public bool InsertSupervisorData() { IdentityImage = BaseDataBase.CheckImageFile(IdentityImage); SupervisorID = BaseDataBase._StoredProcedureReturnable("sp_Add2Supervisor" , new SqlParameter("@SupervisorID", System.Data.SqlDbType.Int) , new SqlParameter("@FirstName", FirstName) , new SqlParameter("@LastName", LastName) , new SqlParameter("@BirthPlace", BirthPlace) , new SqlParameter("@DOB", DOB) , new SqlParameter("@Gender", Gender) , new SqlParameter("@Job", Job) , new SqlParameter("@Slary", Slary) , new SqlParameter("@Phone", Phone) , new SqlParameter("@Mobile", Mobile) , new SqlParameter("@Email", Email) , new SqlParameter("@MaritalStatus", MaritalStatus) , new SqlParameter("@ChildCount", ChildCount) , new SqlParameter("@IdentityImage", IdentityImage) , new SqlParameter("@PlaceAddress", PlaceAddress) , new SqlParameter("@ScientificQualifier", ScientificQualifier) , new SqlParameter("@Major", Major) , new SqlParameter("@IsActivated", IsActivated) , new SqlParameter("@NotActivatedReason", NotActivatedReason) , new SqlParameter("@Notes", Notes)); return(SupervisorID != null); }
private void btnSearch_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { switch (cmboPrintType.SelectedIndex) { case 0: DGMain.ItemsSource = BaseDataBase._TablingStoredProcedure("GetTempFamilyAllTableForPrint").DefaultView; var uc1 = ucCurrent as ReportTempFamilyControlAll; if (uc1 != null) { uc1.Changing(); } DGMain_Loaded(DGMain, null); break; case 1: DGMain.ItemsSource = BaseDataBase._TablingStoredProcedure("GetFixedFamilyAllTableForPrint").DefaultView; var uc2 = ucCurrent as ReportFixedFamilyControlAll; if (uc2 != null) { uc2.Changing(); } DGMain_Loaded(DGMain, null); break; } }
public bool UpdateSupervisorData() { IdentityImage = BaseDataBase.CheckImageFile(IdentityImage, Supervisor.GetSupervisorByID(SupervisorID).IdentityImage); return(BaseDataBase._StoredProcedure("sp_UpdateSupervisor" , new SqlParameter("@SupervisorID", SupervisorID) , new SqlParameter("@FirstName", FirstName) , new SqlParameter("@LastName", LastName) , new SqlParameter("@BirthPlace", BirthPlace) , new SqlParameter("@DOB", DOB) , new SqlParameter("@Gender", Gender) , new SqlParameter("@Job", Job) , new SqlParameter("@Slary", Slary) , new SqlParameter("@Phone", Phone) , new SqlParameter("@Mobile", Mobile) , new SqlParameter("@Email", Email) , new SqlParameter("@MaritalStatus", MaritalStatus) , new SqlParameter("@ChildCount", ChildCount) , new SqlParameter("@IdentityImage", IdentityImage) , new SqlParameter("@PlaceAddress", PlaceAddress) , new SqlParameter("@ScientificQualifier", ScientificQualifier) , new SqlParameter("@Major", Major) , new SqlParameter("@IsActivated", IsActivated) , new SqlParameter("@NotActivatedReason", NotActivatedReason) , new SqlParameter("@Notes", Notes))); }
public static bool InsertData(User x) { x.ID = BaseDataBase._StoredProcedureReturnable("sp_Add2Users" , new SqlParameter("@ID", System.Data.SqlDbType.Int) , new SqlParameter("@Name", x.Name) , new SqlParameter("@Password", User.ComputeHash(x.Password, "SHA512", null)) , new SqlParameter("@IsAdmin", x.IsAdmin) , new SqlParameter("@CanAdd", x.CanAdd) , new SqlParameter("@CanUpdate", x.CanUpdate) , new SqlParameter("@CanDelete", x.CanDelete) , new SqlParameter("@CanPresent", x.CanPresent) , new SqlParameter("@CanEnterTempFamily", x.CanEnterTempFamily) , new SqlParameter("@CanEnterFamily", x.CanEnterFamily) , new SqlParameter("@CanUpdateFamily", x.CanUpdateFamily) , new SqlParameter("@CanEnterFamilyNeed", x.CanEnterFamilyNeed) , new SqlParameter("@CanEnterListerGroup", x.CanEnterListerGroup) , new SqlParameter("@CanMakeStatistics", x.CanMakeStatistics) , new SqlParameter("@CanCancelTempFamily", x.CanCancelTempFamily) , new SqlParameter("@CanDeleteTempFamily", x.CanDeleteTempFamily) , new SqlParameter("@CanCancelFamily", x.CanCancelFamily) , new SqlParameter("@CanExport", x.CanExport) , new SqlParameter("@CanPrintReports", x.CanPrintReports) , new SqlParameter("@CanUpdateSupport", x.CanUpdateSupport) , new SqlParameter("@CanDeleteSupport", x.CanDeleteSupport) , new SqlParameter("@IT", x.IT) , new SqlParameter("@PointAdmin", x.PointAdmin) , new SqlParameter("@ReportCreator", x.ReportCreator) ); return(x.ID.HasValue); }
private void bw_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) { try { var dt = e.Argument as DataTable; dt2 = dt.Copy(); var dv = dt2.DefaultView; string s = string.Format("(FamilyCode like '{0}*'", s1); s += BaseDataBase.IsStringNumber(s1) ? string.Format(" or FamilyID = {0})", s1) : ")"; dv.RowFilter = s; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(s0)) { dv.RowFilter += string.Format(" and SpecialCardCode like '{0}*' ", s0); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(s2)) { dv.RowFilter += string.Format(" and (FamilyName like '*{0}*' or Father like '*{0}*' or Mother Like '*{0}*' or Father like '*{1}*' or Mother Like '*{1}*' or Father like '*{2}*' or Mother Like '*{2}*' or Father like '*{3}*' or Mother Like '*{3}*' or Father like '*{4}*' or Mother Like '*{4}*' or Father like '*{5}*' or Mother Like '*{5}*' or Father like '*{6}*' or Mother Like '*{6}*' or Father like '*{7}*' or Mother Like '*{7}*' or Father like '*{8}*' or Mother Like '*{8}*' )", s2, s2.Replace('أ', 'ا'), s2.Replace('ا', 'أ'), s2.Replace('ى', 'ا'), s2.Replace('ا', 'ى'), s2.Replace('آ', 'ا'), s2.Replace('ا', 'آ'), s2.Replace('ة', 'ه'), s2.Replace('ه', 'ة')); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(s3)) { dv.RowFilter += string.Format(" and (FatherNa like '{0}*' or MotherNa Like '{0}*')", s3); } //if (s4 != "0") // dv.RowFilter += string.Format(" and IsCanceled = {0}", s4 == "1" ? 0 : 1); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(s4)) { dv.RowFilter += string.Format($" and SectorName like '{s4}'"); } dt2 = dt2.DefaultView.ToTable(); } catch { bw.CancelAsync(); } }
public static bool DeleteData(Basket_Item x) { Basket_Item.UpdateData(x); return(BaseDataBase._StoredProcedure("sp_Delete_Basket_Item" , new SqlParameter("@BasketID", x.Basket.Id) , new SqlParameter("@ItemID", x.RelatedItem.Id))); }
private void btnDelParent_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var x = this.DataContext as Parent; if (x.ParentrID != null) { if (!BaseDataBase.CurrentUser.CanDelete) { MyMessageBox.Show("لا يوجد لديك صلاحيات للحذف"); } else if (MyMessageBox.Show("هل تريد تأكيد حذف البيانات\n\nملاحظة:\nسيتم حذف كل من: المؤهلات، الحالة الصحية، الدورات التدريبية والأخوة للوالد", MessageBoxButton.YesNo) == MessageBoxResult.Yes && DBMain.DeleteData(x)) { BaseDataBase.MakeTabItemRed(this.Parent as TabItem); MyMessage.DeleteMessage(); Parent p; if (x.Gender == "ذكر") { p = new Father(); } else { p = new Mother(); } p.FamilyID = x.FamilyID; this.DataContext = p; } } }