static void Main(string[] args) { var userList = UserManager.SeedData(); try { Console.WriteLine("Please select a operation to do .."); Console.WriteLine("1. Export Data as EXCEL"); int command = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); switch (command) { case 1: string fileName = "UserManager.xlsx"; Console.WriteLine("Please give a location to save :"); string location = Console.ReadLine(); string customExcelSavingPath = location + "\\" + fileName; ExcelExport.GenerateExcel(ConvertToDataTable(userList), customExcelSavingPath); break; default: break; } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
static async Task Main(string[] args) { var currentDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location).Replace("MainApp\\bin\\Debug", ""); var credsFilePath = currentDirectory + "Creds.txt"; string username = string.Empty; string password = string.Empty; Console.WriteLine("Welcome to the Github Repo PR Extractor\n"); if (!File.Exists(credsFilePath)) { Console.Write("Would you like us to save your username or password? \nYou won't have to enter it next time (y/n):- "); var saveCredentials = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write("Please enter your BD email address:- "); username = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write("Please enter your password:- "); password = Console.ReadLine(); if (saveCredentials.ToLower() == "y") { CreateCredsFile(username, password, credsFilePath); Console.WriteLine("\n\nALERT!! A Creds.txt file is created with your credentials. Keep them safe"); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Logging you in!!"); var creds = File.ReadAllLines(credsFilePath); username = creds[0]; password = creds[1]; Console.WriteLine($"Welcome {username}\n"); } var prodHeader = new ProductHeaderValue(GitHubIdentity); var credentials = new Credentials(username, password); var enterpriseUrl = ""; var client = new GitHubClient(prodHeader, new Uri(enterpriseUrl)) { Credentials = credentials }; var repoNameFile = "RepositoryNames.txt"; var repoNamePath = currentDirectory + repoNameFile; var allRepoNames = File.ReadAllLines(repoNamePath); try { Console.WriteLine("Please mention the start date (dd/MM/yyyy)"); StartDate = DateTime.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine("Please mention the end date (dd/MM/yyyy)"); EndDate = DateTime.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); } catch { Console.WriteLine("You were wrong. Try again!!"); Console.ReadKey(); Environment.Exit(0); } var excelWorkbookName = "PRsList " + StartDate.ToShortDateString() + " to " + EndDate.ToShortDateString(); var excelWorkSheetName = "PRDetails"; var excelWorkbookPath = currentDirectory + excelWorkbookName; var excelExport = new ExcelExport(excelWorkbookPath, excelWorkSheetName); var rc = new RepositoryCollection(); foreach (var repoName in allRepoNames) { rc.Add($"vanguard/{repoName}"); } var searchIssuesRequest = new SearchIssuesRequest { Merged = new DateRange(StartDate, EndDate), Type = IssueTypeQualifier.PullRequest, Repos = rc, SortField = IssueSearchSort.Merged, Page = 1, PerPage = 100 }; var filteredPrs = await client.Search.SearchIssues(searchIssuesRequest); var totalNumberOfPrs = filteredPrs.TotalCount; Console.WriteLine($"Found {totalNumberOfPrs} of PRs within our range\n"); var totalFilteredPRs = (List <Issue>)filteredPrs.Items; // Max page size is 100 while ((totalNumberOfPrs / (searchIssuesRequest.Page * 100)) >= 1) { // 403 = 1 * 100, 2 * 100, 3 * 100, 4 * 100, 5 * 3 searchIssuesRequest.PerPage = ((totalNumberOfPrs - searchIssuesRequest.Page * 100) < 100) ? (totalNumberOfPrs - searchIssuesRequest.Page * 100) : 100; searchIssuesRequest.Page += 1; filteredPrs = await client.Search.SearchIssues(searchIssuesRequest); totalFilteredPRs.AddRange(filteredPrs.Items); } var prsToBeAdded = new List <Issue>(); Console.WriteLine("Checking if any PRs have any review comments..."); foreach (var filteredPr in totalFilteredPRs) { var reviewCommentsCount = (await client.PullRequest.ReviewComment.GetAll("vanguard", filteredPr.GetName(), filteredPr.Number)).Count; if (reviewCommentsCount > 0) { prsToBeAdded.Add(filteredPr); } } if (prsToBeAdded.Any()) { Console.WriteLine($"Found {prsToBeAdded.Count} PRs with CR Comments"); excelExport.GenerateExcel <Issue>(prsToBeAdded); excelExport.SaveAndCloseExcel(); } else { Console.WriteLine("No PR found in our range with CR comments.\nHave a Nice Day!!"); Console.ReadKey(); } }