public void CopyFrom(dynamic src) { Clear(); foreach (dynamic d in src) { Garment g = new Garment(d, garmentRoot, skeleton, scriptor); Add(g); } }
public void Select(Garment g) { if (currentGarment != null) { currentGarment.Hide(); } currentGarment = g; g.Show(); }
public void Select(String garmentName, String url) { Garment g = Load(garmentName, url); if (g != null) { Select(g); return; } }
/*! * @param url URL to 3D animation file to load. * @param target name of avatar/garment to apply animation to * if null, the current avatar is assumed * Load a 3D animation content file (BVH, Havok or Vixen format) * and apply it to the named avatar or garment. The name of the * animation is the base name of the file without the extension. * * @see PlayAnimation PauseAnimation */ public virtual void LoadAnimation(String url, String targetname) { String ext = url.Substring(url.LastIndexOf('.')).ToLower(); SharedObj targobj = null; Garment g = null; if (ext == ".scp") { scriptor.LoadScript(url); return; } if (ext == ".xml") { if (targetname != null) { g = FindGarment(targetname); } else { g = currentGarment; } LoadMayaCache(g, url, null, scriptor); } else { Puppet p = null; if (targetname != null) { p = FindAvatar(targetname); g = FindGarment(targetname); } else { if (currentAvatar == null) { return; } p = currentAvatar; } if (p != null) { targetname = p.AnimSkeleton.Name; targetname = targetname.Substring(targetname.IndexOf('.')); targobj = p.AnimSkeleton; } else if (g != null) { targobj = g.ClothMesh; targetname = g.ClothMesh.Name; } scriptor.Load(url, targetname, 0, targobj); } }
/*! * Hides the named garment if it is currently draped on the avatar. * * @see ShowGarment LoadGarment */ public virtual void HideGarment(String name) { Garment g = closet.Find(name); if (g != null) { g.Hide(); } else { SharedWorld.LogError("Cannot find garment " + name); } }
public Garment Load(String garmentName, String url) { dynamic g = Find(garmentName); if (g != null) { g.Load(g.filename); Select(g); return(g); } g = new Garment(garmentRoot, skeleton, garmentName); this.Add(g); return(null); }
/*! * Display the named garment on the avatar. This function will only display the clothing * if it has already been loaded. * * @see LoadGarment HideGarment */ public virtual void ShowGarment(String name) { Garment g = closet.Find(name); if (g != null) { if (!g.IsLoaded) { g.Load(null); } else { g.Show(); } currentGarment = g; } else { SharedWorld.LogError("Cannot find garment " + name); } }
public Garment OnLoad(Scene scene, SharedWorld world, dynamic avatarconfig) { Garment g = Find(scene.Name); dynamic tmp = g; if (g == null) { SharedWorld.LogError(scene.Name + " not a garment - ignoring this load event"); return(null); } if (g.IsLoaded) { SharedWorld.LogError(scene.Name + " already loaded - ignoring this load event"); return(g); } g.Connect(world, scene, avatarconfig); if ((scriptor != null) && (tmp.script != null)) { scriptor.LoadScript(tmp.script); } Select(g); return(g); }
/*! * @param world current world * @param scene scene which finished loading * * Called when a 3D content file has finished loading. This event * will always come before OnSetScene but this function is not * guaranteed to be called before th 3D scene has been replaced. * This function always invokes the LoadSceneEvent handler. */ public virtual void OnSceneLoad(SharedWorld world, Scene scene, String scenefile) { System.String name = scene.Name.ToLower(); if (name.EndsWith(".scene")) { name = name.Substring(0, name.Length - 6); } SharedWorld.Trace("Loaded " + name); if (LoadSceneEvent != null) { LoadSceneEvent(name, scenefile); } if (scenefile.Contains("avatar")) { OnAvatarLoad(world, scene); return; } if (name.Contains("hair")) { ConnectHair(world, scene); return; } else if (!sceneLoaded && (interiorRoot.FileName == scenefile)) { sceneLoaded = true; world.SuspendScene(); Camera mainCam = world.GetScene().Camera; Box3 vvol = scene.Camera.ViewVol; float aspect = mainCam.Aspect; mainCam.Copy(scene.Camera); mainCam.Aspect = aspect; if (cameraController != null) { cameraController.Target = mainCam; } world.ResumeScene(); if (scriptor != null) { scriptor.LoadScript(scenefile.Substring(0, scenefile.Length - 3) + "scp"); } return; } /* * Not background or avatar, assume it is clothing */ if (closet == null) { return; } world.SuspendScene(); dynamic g = closet.OnLoad(scene, world, config.avatar); if (g == null) { world.ResumeScene(); return; } if (g.script != null) { PlayAnimation(g.script, 0); } if (g.ClothSim != null) { if (g.ClothSim.Parent() == null) { physics.Append(g.ClothSim); } if (typeof(ClothSim).IsAssignableFrom(g.ClothSim.GetType())) { ((ClothSim)g.ClothSim).GroundPlane = groundPlane; } } currentGarment = g; world.ResumeScene(); if (LoadGarmentEvent != null) { LoadGarmentEvent(, scenefile); } }
/*! * Loads a Maya geometry cache for cloth presimulation. * @param g Garment which is being simulated by the cache * @param url URL or path to the cache description file (XML) * @param text if not null, this parameter is used as the XML cache description * @param scriptor Scriptor object to add this animation to * * @returns true if cache successfully loaded and connected, else false */ public static bool LoadMayaCache(Garment g, String url, String text, Scriptor scriptor) { dynamic d = g; if (g == null) { return(false); } if ((g.ClothSim == null) || !g.ClothSim.IsClass((uint)SerialID.VX_MeshAnimator)) { return(false); } LoadSceneEvent loadevent; string name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(url); MeshAnimator clothsim = g.ClothSim.Clone() as MeshAnimator; Animator anim; MayaIO.MayaCacheFile import = new MayaIO.MayaCacheFile(clothsim); String engname = + ".meshanim"; String animname; /* * Make a MeshAnimator to control the cloth vertices in the cloth mesh. * The mesh sequence will be loaded into this engine. */ clothsim.Name = name; if (clothsim.Target == null) { clothsim.Target = g.ClothMesh; } /* * Make an Animator to control the mesh animation we are loading. * It is attached to the Scriptor that should control it. */ name += "." + engname; animname = name + ".anim"; anim = scriptor.MakeAnim(name, g.ClothMesh, false); anim.SetEngineName(engname); anim.SetFileName(url); SharedWorld.Get().Observe(Event.LOAD_SCENE, anim); /* * Make a load event to signal the mesh animation has been loaded. * The event will come from the Animator and will contain the * MeshAnimator with the mesh sequences loaded. */ loadevent = new LoadSceneEvent(Event.LOAD_SCENE); loadevent.Sender = anim; if (loadevent.Sender == null) { loadevent.Sender = clothsim; } loadevent.Object = clothsim; loadevent.FileName = url; /* * Start the import of the Maya me4sh sequence. * This occurs asynchronously in a separate thread. */ if (text != null) { import.FileName = url; import.LoadString(text, loadevent); } else { import.LoadFile(url, loadevent); } return(true); }
public void Add(Garment g) { dynamic tmp = this; tmp.items.Add(g); }