 public WaypointAchievedEventArgs(Waypoint waypoint)
     this.waypoint = waypoint;
        public List<Waypoint> FindPath(Waypoint start, Waypoint goal, OccupancyGrid2D og, out bool success)
            List<Waypoint> path = new List<Waypoint>();

            //added by aaron (sort of a hack)
            if (og == null || goal.Coordinate.DistanceTo(start.Coordinate) == 0)
                path.Add(new Waypoint(start.Coordinate, true, 0));
                success = true;
                return path;

            int xIdx, yIdx;
            success = true;
            Vector2[] NESWVector = new Vector2[4];
            Vector2[] diagVector = new Vector2[4];
            bool[] NESW = new bool[4];
            Vector2 startV = start.Coordinate; // Start Vector2
            Vector2 goalV = goal.Coordinate; // Goal Vector2

            PriorityQueue open = new PriorityQueue();
            closed = new OccupancyGrid2D(resX, resY, extentX, extentY);
            opened = new OccupancyGrid2D(resX, resY, extentX, extentY);

            GetIndicies(startV.X, startV.Y, out xIdx, out yIdx);
            startV = new Vector2(xIdx, yIdx);
            GetIndicies(goalV.X, goalV.Y, out xIdx, out yIdx);
            goalV = new Vector2(xIdx, yIdx);

            Node root = new Node(goalV, goalV.DistanceTo(startV), 0, null);

            Node current = root;

            // Do the spreading/discovering stuff until we discover a path.
            while (current.xy != startV)
                if (open.q.Count == 0 || open.q.Count > MAX_OPEN)
                    Console.WriteLine("Failure in DSstar. Open count is: " + open.q.Count);
                    success = false;
                current = open.Pop();

                NESWVector[0] = new Vector2(current.xy.X, current.xy.Y - 1);
                NESWVector[1] = new Vector2(current.xy.X + 1, current.xy.Y);
                NESWVector[2] = new Vector2(current.xy.X, current.xy.Y + 1);
                NESWVector[3] = new Vector2(current.xy.X - 1, current.xy.Y);

                diagVector[0] = new Vector2(current.xy.X + 1, current.xy.Y - 1);
                diagVector[1] = new Vector2(current.xy.X + 1, current.xy.Y + 1);
                diagVector[2] = new Vector2(current.xy.X - 1, current.xy.Y + 1);
                diagVector[3] = new Vector2(current.xy.X - 1, current.xy.Y - 1);

                for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                    if ((int)og.GetCellByIdx((int)NESWVector[i].X, (int)NESWVector[i].Y) < 255)
                        if (closed.GetCellByIdx((int)NESWVector[i].X, (int)NESWVector[i].Y) == 0)
                            NESW[i] = true;
                            if (opened.GetCellByIdx((int)NESWVector[i].X, (int)NESWVector[i].Y) == 0)
                                open.Push(new Node(NESWVector[i], NESWVector[i].DistanceTo(startV), current.h + 1
                                    + og.GetCellByIdx((int)NESWVector[i].X, (int)NESWVector[i].Y) / blurWeight, current));
                                opened.SetCellByIdx((int)NESWVector[i].X, (int)NESWVector[i].Y, 1);

                for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                    if (NESW[i % 4] && NESW[(i + 1) % 4])
                        if (og.GetCellByIdx((int)diagVector[i].X, (int)diagVector[i].Y) < 255)
                            if (closed.GetCellByIdx((int)diagVector[i].X, (int)diagVector[i].Y) == 0)
                                if (opened.GetCellByIdx((int)diagVector[i].X, (int)diagVector[i].Y) == 0)
                                    open.Push(new Node(diagVector[i], diagVector[i].DistanceTo(startV), current.h + 1.4
                                        + og.GetCellByIdx((int)diagVector[i].X, (int)diagVector[i].Y) / blurWeight, current));
                                    opened.SetCellByIdx((int)diagVector[i].X, (int)diagVector[i].Y, 1);

                for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) NESW[i] = false;

                closed.SetCellByIdx((int) current.xy.X, (int) current.xy.Y, 1);

            // Build a path using the discovered path.
            double x, y;
            Waypoint waypoint;

            // First waypoint is a user waypoint
            GetReals((int)current.xy.X, (int)current.xy.Y, out x, out y);
            waypoint = new Waypoint(x + resX / 2, y + resY / 2, true, og.GetCellByIdx((int)current.xy.X, (int)current.xy.Y));
            current = current.dad;

            // Middle waypoints are path waypoints
            while (current != root && current != null)
                GetReals((int) current.xy.X, (int) current.xy.Y, out x, out y);
                waypoint = new Waypoint(x + resX / 2, y + resY / 2, false, og.GetCellByIdx((int)current.xy.X, (int)current.xy.Y));
                current = current.dad;

            // Last waypoint is a user waypoint
            if (current != null)
                GetReals((int)current.xy.X, (int)current.xy.Y, out x, out y);
                waypoint = new Waypoint(x + resX / 2, y + resY / 2, true, og.GetCellByIdx((int)current.xy.X, (int)current.xy.Y));

            return path;