static void GetOrderByDate(string token, string order_date, string status, string date_condetion) { try { string searchCiretia = $"/rest/V1/orders?searchCriteria[filter_groups][0][filters][0][field]=created_at&searchCriteria[filter_groups][0][filters][0][value]={order_date} 00:00:00&searchCriteria[filter_groups][0][filters][0][condition_type]={date_condetion}&searchCriteria[filter_groups][1][filters][1][field]=status&searchCriteria[filter_groups][1][filters][1][value]=%25{status}%25&searchCriteria[filter_groups][1][filters][1][condition_type]=like"; var request = CreateRequest(searchCiretia, Method.GET, token); var response = Client.Execute(request); if (response.StatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK) { //var data = response.Content; M2OrderItem result = new M2OrderItem(); M2OrderByDateBillingAddress addressList = new M2OrderByDateBillingAddress(); M2OrderByDatesItems m2OrderByDatesItems = new M2OrderByDatesItems(); string content = response.Content; M2OrderByDates order = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <M2OrderByDates>(content); //check the total order if (order.total_count == 0) { MessageBox.Show("Sorry no data found", "No Record"); } else { List <M2OrderByDatesItems> datas = new List <M2OrderByDatesItems>(order.items); foreach (var data in datas) { List <M2OrderItem> items = new List <M2OrderItem>(data.items); addressList = data.billing_address; m2OrderByDatesItems = data; foreach (var item in items) { AddToGridByDate(form.dgv, item, m2OrderByDatesItems, addressList); } } } } else { M2Error m2Error = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <M2Error>(response.Content); MessageBox.Show(m2Error.message, "Error " + response.StatusCode); } } catch (Exception er) { MessageBox.Show(er.Message); } }
static void AddToGridByDate(DataGridView grid, M2OrderItem item, M2OrderByDatesItems invoice, M2OrderByDateBillingAddress billingAddress) { try { string sku = item.sku; double CGST, SGST, BASE_AMOUNT, RateBasic, DeliveryCharge, BaseDiscountAmount, LineAmount, InvoiceAmount; string IGST, TaxRate; string customerName, customerLastName; customerName = invoice.customer_firstname; customerLastName = invoice.customer_lastname; if (customerName == null) { customerName = billingAddress.firstname; customerLastName = billingAddress.lastname; } ReadFromExcelFile(sku); TaxRate = masterItem.IGST + "%"; IGST = masterItem.IGST; CGST = masterItem.CGST; SGST = masterItem.SGST; StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); List <string> streets = new List <string>(billingAddress.street); foreach (var street in streets) { stringBuilder.Append(street); } BASE_AMOUNT = item.base_row_total_incl_tax; //discount amount per line BaseDiscountAmount = item.base_discount_amount; //get the base amount before tax if (BaseDiscountAmount > 0) { LineAmount = BASE_AMOUNT - BaseDiscountAmount; //line amount before tax RateBasic = LineAmount * 100 / (100 + Double.Parse(masterItem.IGST)); } else { LineAmount = BASE_AMOUNT; //line amount before tax RateBasic = BASE_AMOUNT * 100 / (100 + Double.Parse(masterItem.IGST)); } DeliveryCharge = invoice.shipping_amount; //check billing state if (billingAddress.region.Equals(STATE)) { //calculate taxe on base rate + delivery charge CGST = (RateBasic + DeliveryCharge) * CGST / 100; SGST = (RateBasic + DeliveryCharge) * SGST / 100; IGST = "0"; //invoice amount InvoiceAmount = RateBasic + DeliveryCharge + CGST + SGST; } else { CGST = 0; SGST = 0; //calculate taxe on base rate + delivery charge IGST = ((RateBasic + DeliveryCharge) * Double.Parse(masterItem.IGST) / 100).ToString("#.##"); //invoice amount InvoiceAmount = RateBasic + DeliveryCharge + Double.Parse(IGST); } //add row to data table dt.Rows.Add(invoice.increment_id, invoice.created_at, "POS Invoice", "Main Location", customerName + " " + customerLastName, stringBuilder.ToString(), "", "", "", billingAddress.country_id, billingAddress.region, "", "", "POS Sales",, "", TaxRate, "", "", item.qty_ordered, "NO", item.base_price_incl_tax, RateBasic.ToString("#.##"), item.discount_percent, LineAmount, invoice.shipping_amount, CGST.ToString("#.##"), SGST.ToString("#.##"), IGST, "", InvoiceAmount.ToString("#.##"), "", "", "", sku); // set data grid view data source grid.DataSource = dt; grid.Columns["SKU"].Visible = false; grid.AllowUserToAddRows = false; } catch (Exception er) { MessageBox.Show(er.Message, "Error"); } }