        private ProvisionalText GetInnerProvisionalText()
            int             minLength = Int32.MaxValue;
            ProvisionalText innerText = null;

            foreach (var pt in _provisionalTexts)
                if (pt.CurrentSpan.Length < minLength)
                    minLength = pt.CurrentSpan.Length;
                    innerText = pt;

        private void OnPostTypeChar(char typedCharacter)
            // When language autoformats, like JS, caret may be in a very different
            // place by now. Check if store caret position still makes sense and
            // if not, reacquire it. In contained language scenario
            // current caret position may be beyond projection boundary like when
            // typing at the end of onclick="return foo(".

            if (WESettings.GetBoolean(WESettings.Keys.AutoCloseCurlyBraces))
                char completionCharacter = GetCompletionCharacter(typedCharacter);
                if (completionCharacter != '\0')
                    var viewCaretPosition = _textView.Caret.Position.BufferPosition;
                    _processing = true;

                    var bufferCaretPosition = GetCaretPositionInBuffer();
                    if (bufferCaretPosition.HasValue)
                        _caretPosition = bufferCaretPosition.Value;
                    else if (viewCaretPosition.Position == _textView.TextBuffer.CurrentSnapshot.Length)
                        _caretPosition = _textBuffer.CurrentSnapshot.Length;

                    if (_caretPosition > 0)
                        if (CanComplete(_textBuffer, _caretPosition - 1))
                            ProvisionalText.IgnoreChange = true;
                            _textView.TextBuffer.Replace(new Span(viewCaretPosition, 0), completionCharacter.ToString());
                            ProvisionalText.IgnoreChange = false;

                            _textView.Caret.MoveTo(new SnapshotPoint(_textView.TextBuffer.CurrentSnapshot, viewCaretPosition));

                            var provisionalText = new ProvisionalText(_textView, new Span(viewCaretPosition - 1, 2));
                            provisionalText.OnClose += OnCloseProvisionalText;


                _processing = false;
        private void OnPostTypeChar(char typedCharacter)
            // When language autoformats, like JS, caret may be in a very different
            // place by now. Check if store caret position still makes sense and
            // if not, reacquire it. In contained language scenario
            // current caret position may be beyond projection boundary like when
            // typing at the end of onclick="return foo(".

            if (WESettings.GetBoolean(WESettings.Keys.AutoCloseCurlyBraces))
                char completionCharacter = GetCompletionCharacter(typedCharacter);
                if (completionCharacter != '\0')
                    var viewCaretPosition = _textView.Caret.Position.BufferPosition;
                    _processing = true;

                    var bufferCaretPosition = GetCaretPositionInBuffer();
                    if (bufferCaretPosition.HasValue)
                        _caretPosition = bufferCaretPosition.Value;
                    else if (viewCaretPosition.Position == _textView.TextBuffer.CurrentSnapshot.Length)
                        _caretPosition = _textBuffer.CurrentSnapshot.Length;

                    if (_caretPosition > 0)
                        if (CanComplete(_textBuffer, _caretPosition - 1))
                            ProvisionalText.IgnoreChange = true;
                            _textView.TextBuffer.Replace(new Span(viewCaretPosition, 0), completionCharacter.ToString());
                            ProvisionalText.IgnoreChange = false;

                            _textView.Caret.MoveTo(new SnapshotPoint(_textView.TextBuffer.CurrentSnapshot, viewCaretPosition));

                            var provisionalText = new ProvisionalText(_textView, new Span(viewCaretPosition - 1, 2));
                            provisionalText.OnClose += OnCloseProvisionalText;


                _processing = false;