 public BaseCamera(Character followTarget)
     cameraDistance = originalCameraDistance;
     this.followTarget = followTarget;
     //Perspective allows objects to looks smaller/larger depending on distance
     Projection = Matrix.CreatePerspectiveFieldOfView(MathHelper.PiOver4, (float)GameConstants.X_RESOLUTION / (float)GameConstants.Y_RESOLUTION, GameConstants.MIN_Z, GameConstants.MAX_Z);
     Position = followTarget.Position + cameraDistance;
 public void setFollowTarget(Character target)
     followTarget = target;
     //placed here in order to be after the levelbuilder variables are set in Game1 - that's the only reason
     xLeftWall = (GameConstants.SINGLE_CELL_SIZE * LevelBuilder.startWall) - (GameConstants.X_RESOLUTION / 2);
     xRightWall = (GameConstants.SINGLE_CELL_SIZE * (LevelBuilder.levelwidth - 1 + LevelBuilder.startWall)) - (GameConstants.X_RESOLUTION / 2);
     yFloor = (GameConstants.SINGLE_CELL_SIZE * (LevelBuilder.startFloor+1)) - (GameConstants.Y_RESOLUTION / 2);
        /// <summary>
        /// Set camera to follow the character, while being bounded by the level and moving only when necessary.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="character"></param>
        private void CameraFollow(Character character)
            if (followTarget.Position.Y <= yFloor + bottomSideCollsion)
                Position = new Vector3(Position.X, yFloor + bottomSideCollsion, Position.Z);
            if (followTarget.Position.Y <= Position.Y)
                 Position = new Vector3(Position.X, followTarget.Position.Y, Position.Z);
            else if (followTarget.Position.Y + bottomSideCollsion >= Position.Y + topSideCollsion)
                Position = new Vector3(Position.X, followTarget.Position.Y - topSideCollsion + bottomSideCollsion, Position.Z);
                Position = new Vector3(Position.X, followTarget.Position.Y - topSideCollsion + bottomSideCollsion, Position.Z);

            if (followTarget.Position.X <= xLeftWall + leftSideCollsion)
                Position = new Vector3(xLeftWall + leftSideCollsion, Position.Y, Position.Z);
            else if (followTarget.Position.X >= xRightWall - leftSideCollsion)
                Position = new Vector3(xRightWall - leftSideCollsion, Position.Y, Position.Z);
            else if (followTarget.Position.X >= xLeftWall + leftSideCollsion)
                Position = new Vector3(followTarget.Position.X, Position.Y, Position.Z);