private void Dump() { if (this.ContextBase is IImageViewerToolContext) { IImageViewerToolContext context = this.ContextBase as IImageViewerToolContext; _desktopWindow = context.DesktopWindow; IImageSopProvider image = context.Viewer.SelectedPresentationImage as IImageSopProvider; if (image == null) { _desktopWindow.ShowMessageBox(SR.MessagePleaseSelectAnImage, MessageBoxActions.Ok); return; } IDicomMessageSopDataSource dataSource = image.ImageSop.DataSource as IDicomMessageSopDataSource; if (dataSource == null || dataSource.SourceMessage == null) { _desktopWindow.ShowMessageBox(SR.MessageUnknownDataSource, MessageBoxActions.Ok); return; } //Fix for Ticket #623 - HH - It turns out that for memory usage optimization the pixel data tag is stripped from the in memory dataset. //So while there are probably many better ways to address the missing pixel data tag a small hack was introduced because this entire utility will //be completely refactored in the very near future to make use of the methods the pacs uses to parse the tags. //Addendum to Comment above - HH 07/27/07 - Turns out that our implementation continues to remove the pixel data for optimization at this time so //the workaround is still needed. //Addendum to Comment above - JY 09/16/08 - Somewhere along the line, things were changed that made this line redundant - the only reference to //it after this point is at +11 lines or so, and all it does is get file.Filename. Therefore, I am commenting this line out. //file = new DicomFile(file.Filename); if (_component == null) { _component = new DicomEditorComponent(); } else { _component.Clear(); } _component.Load(dataSource.SourceMessage); } else if (this.ContextBase is ILocalImageExplorerToolContext) { ILocalImageExplorerToolContext context = this.ContextBase as ILocalImageExplorerToolContext; _desktopWindow = context.DesktopWindow; List <string> files = new List <string>(); if (context.SelectedPaths.Count == 0) { return; } foreach (string rawPath in context.SelectedPaths) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(rawPath)) { continue; } FileProcessor.Process(rawPath, "*.*", files.Add, true); } if (files.Count == 0) { context.DesktopWindow.ShowMessageBox(SR.MessageNoFilesSelected, MessageBoxActions.Ok); return; } if (_component == null) { _component = new DicomEditorComponent(); } else { _component.Clear(); } bool userCancelled = false; BackgroundTask task = new BackgroundTask(delegate(IBackgroundTaskContext backgroundcontext) { int i = 0; foreach (string file in files) { if (backgroundcontext.CancelRequested) { backgroundcontext.Cancel(); userCancelled = true; return; } try { _component.Load(file); } catch (DicomException e) { backgroundcontext.Error(e); return; } backgroundcontext.ReportProgress(new BackgroundTaskProgress((int)(((double)(i + 1) / (double)files.Count) * 100.0), SR.MessageDumpProgressBar)); i++; } backgroundcontext.Complete(null); }, true); try { ProgressDialog.Show(task, _desktopWindow, true); } catch (Exception e) { ExceptionHandler.Report(e, SR.MessageFailedDump, _desktopWindow); return; } if (userCancelled == true) { return; } } //common to both contexts if (_shelf != null) { _shelf.Activate(); } else { _shelf = ApplicationComponent.LaunchAsShelf( _desktopWindow, _component, SR.TitleDicomEditor, "Dicom Editor", ShelfDisplayHint.DockRight | ShelfDisplayHint.DockAutoHide); _shelf.Closed += OnShelfClosed; } _component.UpdateComponent(); }
public DicomEditorToolContext(DicomEditorComponent component) { Platform.CheckForNullReference(component, "component"); _component = component; }