/// <summary>
        /// Generates all valid combinations of all configuration options in the given model.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="vm">the variability model containing the binary options and their constraints</param>
        /// <param name="optionsToConsider">the options that should be considered. All other options are ignored</param>
        /// <returns>Returns a list of <see cref="Configuration"/></returns>
        public List <Configuration> GenerateAllVariants(VariabilityModel vm, List <ConfigurationOption> optionsToConsider)
            List <Configuration> allConfigurations = new List <Configuration>();
            List <BoolExpr>      variables;
            Dictionary <BoolExpr, BinaryOption> termToOption;
            Dictionary <BinaryOption, BoolExpr> optionToTerm;
            Tuple <Context, BoolExpr>           z3Tuple = Z3Solver.GetInitializedBooleanSolverSystem(out variables, out optionToTerm, out termToOption, vm, this.henard);
            Context  z3Context     = z3Tuple.Item1;
            BoolExpr z3Constraints = z3Tuple.Item2;

            Microsoft.Z3.Solver solver = z3Context.MkSolver();

            // TODO: The following line works for z3Solver version >= 4.6.0
            //solver.Set (RANDOM_SEED, z3RandomSeed);
            Params solverParameter = z3Context.MkParams();

            solverParameter.Add(RANDOM_SEED, z3RandomSeed);
            solver.Parameters = solverParameter;


            while (solver.Check() == Status.SATISFIABLE)
                Model model = solver.Model;

                List <BinaryOption> binOpts = RetrieveConfiguration(variables, model, termToOption, optionsToConsider);

                Configuration c = new Configuration(binOpts);
                // Check if the non-boolean constraints are satisfied
                if (vm.configurationIsValid(c) && !VariantGenerator.IsInConfigurationFile(c, allConfigurations) && VariantGenerator.FulfillsMixedConstraints(c, vm))
                solver.Assert(Z3Solver.NegateExpr(z3Context, Z3Solver.ConvertConfiguration(z3Context, binOpts, optionToTerm, vm)));

            solver.Pop(Convert.ToUInt32(allConfigurations.Count() + 1));
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates all valid combinations of all configuration options in the given model.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="vm">the variability model containing the binary options and their constraints</param>
        /// <param name="optionsToConsider">the options that should be considered. All other options are ignored</param>
        /// <returns>Returns a list of <see cref="Configuration"/></returns>
        public List <Configuration> GenerateAllVariants(VariabilityModel vm, List <ConfigurationOption> optionsToConsider)
            List <Configuration> allConfigurations = new List <Configuration>();
            List <Expr>          variables;
            Dictionary <Expr, ConfigurationOption> termToOption;
            Dictionary <ConfigurationOption, Expr> optionToTerm;
            Tuple <Context, BoolExpr> z3Tuple = Z3Solver.GetInitializedSolverSystem(out variables, out optionToTerm, out termToOption, vm);
            Context  z3Context     = z3Tuple.Item1;
            BoolExpr z3Constraints = z3Tuple.Item2;

            Microsoft.Z3.Solver solver = z3Context.MkSolver();

            solver.Set(RANDOM_SEED, z3RandomSeed);


            while (solver.Check() == Status.SATISFIABLE)
                Model model = solver.Model;

                Tuple <List <BinaryOption>, Dictionary <NumericOption, double> > confOpts = RetrieveConfiguration(variables, model, termToOption, optionsToConsider);

                Configuration c = new Configuration(confOpts.Item1, confOpts.Item2);
                // Check if the non-boolean constraints are satisfied
                bool configIsValid             = vm.configurationIsValid(c);
                bool isInConfigurationFile     = !VariantGenerator.IsInConfigurationFile(c, allConfigurations);
                bool fulfillsMixedConstraintrs = VariantGenerator.FulfillsMixedConstraints(c, vm);
                if (configIsValid && isInConfigurationFile && fulfillsMixedConstraintrs)
                solver.Assert(Z3Solver.NegateExpr(z3Context, Z3Solver.ConvertConfiguration(z3Context, confOpts.Item1, optionToTerm, vm, numericValues: confOpts.Item2)));

            solver.Pop(Convert.ToUInt32(allConfigurations.Count() + 1));
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds the given configuration as a constraint to the solver.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="vm">The variability model</param>
        /// <param name="configToExclude">The configuration to exclude</param>
        /// <param name="numberSelectedFeatures">The number of features to be selected</param>
        public void AddConstraint(VariabilityModel vm, Configuration configToExclude, int numberSelectedFeatures)
            if (!constraintsCache.ContainsKey(numberSelectedFeatures))
                constraintsCache[numberSelectedFeatures] = new HashSet <Configuration>();
            if (constraintsCache[numberSelectedFeatures].Contains(configToExclude))
            if (_z3Cache == null)
                _z3Cache = new Dictionary <int, Z3Cache>();
            Dictionary <BinaryOption, BoolExpr> optionToTerm;
            Context z3Context;

            Microsoft.Z3.Solver solver;
            if (!this._z3Cache.Keys.Contains(numberSelectedFeatures))
                InitializeZ3Cache(vm, numberSelectedFeatures);
            Z3Cache cache = this._z3Cache[numberSelectedFeatures];

            z3Context    = cache.GetContext();
            solver       = cache.GetSolver();
            optionToTerm = cache.GetOptionToTermMapping();
            // Add the previous configurations as constraints
                                                                            configToExclude.getBinaryOptions(BinaryOption.BinaryValue.Selected), optionToTerm, vm)));

            // Create a new backtracking point for the next run
        public List <BinaryOption> GenerateConfigurationFromBucket(VariabilityModel vm, int numberSelectedFeatures, Dictionary <List <BinaryOption>, int> featureWeight, Configuration lastSampledConfiguration)
            if (_z3Cache == null)
                _z3Cache = new Dictionary <int, Z3Cache>();

            List <KeyValuePair <List <BinaryOption>, int> > featureRanking;

            if (featureWeight != null)
                featureRanking = featureWeight.ToList();
                featureRanking.Sort((first, second) => first.Value.CompareTo(second.Value));
                featureRanking = new List <KeyValuePair <List <BinaryOption>, int> >();

            List <BoolExpr> variables = null;
            Dictionary <BoolExpr, BinaryOption> termToOption = null;
            Dictionary <BinaryOption, BoolExpr> optionToTerm = null;
            Tuple <Context, BoolExpr>           z3Tuple;
            Context z3Context;

            Microsoft.Z3.Solver solver;

            // Reuse the solver if it is already in the cache
            if (this._z3Cache.Keys.Contains(numberSelectedFeatures))
                Z3Cache cache = this._z3Cache[numberSelectedFeatures];
                z3Context    = cache.GetContext();
                solver       = cache.GetSolver();
                variables    = cache.GetVariables();
                termToOption = cache.GetTermToOptionMapping();
                optionToTerm = cache.GetOptionToTermMapping();

                if (lastSampledConfiguration != null)
                    // Add the previous configurations as constraints
                    solver.Assert(Z3Solver.NegateExpr(z3Context, Z3Solver.ConvertConfiguration(z3Context, lastSampledConfiguration.getBinaryOptions(BinaryOption.BinaryValue.Selected), optionToTerm, vm)));

                    // Create a new backtracking point for the next run
                z3Tuple   = Z3Solver.GetInitializedBooleanSolverSystem(out variables, out optionToTerm, out termToOption, vm, this.henard);
                z3Context = z3Tuple.Item1;
                BoolExpr z3Constraints = z3Tuple.Item2;
                solver = z3Context.MkSolver();

                // TODO: The following line works for z3Solver version >= 4.6.0
                //solver.Set (RANDOM_SEED, z3RandomSeed);
                Params solverParameter = z3Context.MkParams();
                solverParameter.Add(RANDOM_SEED, z3RandomSeed);
                solver.Parameters = solverParameter;


                if (lastSampledConfiguration != null)
                    // Add the previous configurations as constraints
                    solver.Assert(Z3Solver.NegateExpr(z3Context, Z3Solver.ConvertConfiguration(z3Context, lastSampledConfiguration.getBinaryOptions(BinaryOption.BinaryValue.Selected), optionToTerm, vm)));

                // The goal of this method is, to have an exact number of features selected

                // Therefore, initialize an integer array with the value '1' for the pseudo-boolean equal function
                int[] neutralWeights = new int[variables.Count];
                for (int i = 0; i < variables.Count; i++)
                    neutralWeights[i] = 1;
                solver.Assert(z3Context.MkPBEq(neutralWeights, variables.ToArray(), numberSelectedFeatures));

                // Create a backtracking point before adding the optimization goal

                this._z3Cache[numberSelectedFeatures] = new Z3Cache(z3Context, solver, variables, optionToTerm, termToOption);

            // Check if there is still a solution available by finding the first satisfiable configuration
            if (solver.Check() == Status.SATISFIABLE)
                Model model = solver.Model;
                List <BinaryOption> possibleSolution = RetrieveConfiguration(variables, model, termToOption);

                // Disable finding a configuration where the least frequent feature/feature combinations are selected
                // if no featureWeight is given.
                List <BinaryOption> approximateOptimal = null;
                if (featureRanking.Count != 0)
                    approximateOptimal = WeightMinimizer
                                         .getSmallWeightConfig(featureRanking, this._z3Cache[numberSelectedFeatures], vm);

                if (approximateOptimal == null)
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates up to n solutions of the given variability model.
        /// Note that this method could also generate less than n solutions if the variability model does not contain sufficient solutions.
        /// Moreover, in the case that <code>n &lt; 0</code>, all solutions are generated.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="vm">The <see cref="VariabilityModel"/> to obtain solutions for.</param>
        /// <param name="n">The number of solutions to obtain.</param>
        /// <returns>A list of configurations, in which a configuration is a list of SELECTED binary options.</returns>
        public List <List <BinaryOption> > GenerateUpToNFast(VariabilityModel vm, int n)
            // Use the random seed to produce new random seeds
            Random random = new Random(Convert.ToInt32(z3RandomSeed));

            List <BoolExpr> variables;
            Dictionary <BoolExpr, BinaryOption> termToOption;
            Dictionary <BinaryOption, BoolExpr> optionToTerm;
            Tuple <Context, BoolExpr>           z3Tuple = Z3Solver.GetInitializedBooleanSolverSystem(out variables, out optionToTerm, out termToOption, vm, this.henard, random.Next());
            Context         z3Context              = z3Tuple.Item1;
            BoolExpr        z3Constraints          = z3Tuple.Item2;
            List <BoolExpr> excludedConfigurations = new List <BoolExpr>();
            List <BoolExpr> constraints            = Z3Solver.lastConstraints;

            List <List <BinaryOption> > configurations = new List <List <BinaryOption> >();

            Microsoft.Z3.Solver s = z3Context.MkSolver();

            // TODO: The following line works for z3Solver version >= 4.6.0
            //solver.Set (RANDOM_SEED, z3RandomSeed);
            Params solverParameter = z3Context.MkParams();

            if (henard)
                solverParameter.Add(RANDOM_SEED, NextUInt(random));
                solverParameter.Add(RANDOM_SEED, z3RandomSeed);
            s.Parameters = solverParameter;


            Model model = null;

            while (s.Check() == Status.SATISFIABLE && (configurations.Count < n || n < 0))
                model = s.Model;

                List <BinaryOption> config = RetrieveConfiguration(variables, model, termToOption);


                if (henard)
                    BoolExpr newConstraint = Z3Solver.NegateExpr(z3Context, Z3Solver.ConvertConfiguration(z3Context, config, optionToTerm, vm));


                    Dictionary <BoolExpr, BinaryOption> oldTermToOption = termToOption;

                    // Now, initialize a new one for the next configuration
                    z3Tuple       = Z3Solver.GetInitializedBooleanSolverSystem(out variables, out optionToTerm, out termToOption, vm, this.henard, random.Next());
                    z3Context     = z3Tuple.Item1;
                    z3Constraints = z3Tuple.Item2;

                    s = z3Context.MkSolver();

                    //s.Set (RANDOM_SEED, NextUInt (random));
                    solverParameter = z3Context.MkParams();

                    solverParameter.Add(RANDOM_SEED, NextUInt(random));
                    s.Parameters = solverParameter;

                    constraints = Z3Solver.lastConstraints;

                    excludedConfigurations = Z3Solver.ConvertConstraintsToNewContext(oldTermToOption, optionToTerm, excludedConfigurations, z3Context);


                    s.Assert(z3Context.MkAnd(Z3Solver.Shuffle(constraints, new Random(random.Next()))));

                    s.Add(Z3Solver.NegateExpr(z3Context, Z3Solver.ConvertConfiguration(z3Context, config, optionToTerm, vm)));
