private static void MakeGuardChest(BlockManager bm, int x, int y, int z) { TileEntityChest tec = new TileEntityChest(); if (City.HasItemsInChests) { for (int a = 0; a < 5; a++) { tec.Items[a] = BlockHelper.MakeItem(RNG.RandomItem(ItemInfo.IronSword.ID, ItemInfo.WoodenSword.ID, ItemInfo.StoneSword.ID), 1); } tec.Items[6] = BlockHelper.MakeItem(ItemInfo.Bow.ID, 1); tec.Items[7] = BlockHelper.MakeItem(ItemInfo.Arrow.ID, 64); int intArmourStartID = RNG.RandomItem(ItemInfo.LeatherCap.ID, ItemInfo.ChainHelmet.ID, ItemInfo.IronHelmet.ID); for (int a = 9; a < 18; a++) { // random armour tec.Items[a] = BlockHelper.MakeItem(intArmourStartID + RNG.Next(4), 1); } } bm.SetID(x, y, z, BlockInfo.Chest.ID); bm.SetTileEntity(x, y, z, tec); }
private void btnGenerateRandomSeedIdea_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { RNG.SetRandomSeed(); switch (RNG.Next(4)) { case 0: txtWorldSeed.Text = "{" + RNG.RandomItem("Your name", "A friend's name", "Your pet's name", "Your shoe size", "Your lucky number") + "}"; break; case 1: txtWorldSeed.Text = "{Your favourite " + RNG.RandomItem( "food", "place", "activity", "Buffy character", "film", "book", "website", "game", "mathematician", "tv show", "subject", "colour", "letter", "breed of hippo", "celebrity", "c# hashtable key", "animal", "drink", "minecraft block", "potion", "tv character", "colonel", "film character", "shade of green", "cluedo weapon", "minecraft enemy", "capital", "ore", "keen commander", "dancing ghost") + "}"; break; case 2: txtWorldSeed.Text = RNG.RandomFileLine(Path.Combine("Resources", "Adjectives.txt")).ToLower().Trim(); break; case 3: txtWorldSeed.Text = RNG.RandomFileLine(Path.Combine("Resources", "Nouns.txt")).ToLower().Trim(); break; default: txtWorldSeed.Text = ""; break; } }
private static void MakeEmblem() { if (City.cityEmblemType.ToLower() != "none") { int intBlockyBlock = RNG.RandomItem(BlockInfo.GoldBlock.ID, BlockInfo.IronBlock.ID, BlockInfo.DiamondBlock.ID); string[] strEmblem; strEmblem = File.ReadAllLines(Path.Combine("Resources", "Emblem " + City.cityEmblemType + ".txt")); for (int y = 0; y < strEmblem.GetLength(0); y++) { strEmblem[y] = strEmblem[y].Replace(" ", " "); strEmblem[y] = strEmblem[y].Replace("\t", " "); //tab string[] strLine = strEmblem[y].Split(' '); for (int x = 0; x < strLine.GetLength(0); x++) { string[] strSplit = strLine[x].Split(':'); if (strSplit.GetLength(0) == 1) { Array.Resize(ref strSplit, 2); } if (strSplit[0] == "-1") { strSplit[0] = intBlockyBlock.ToString(); } BlockShapes.MakeBlock(((City.mapLength / 2) - (strLine.GetLength(0) + 6)) + x, 71 - y, City.edgeLength + 5, Convert.ToInt32(strSplit[0]), 2, 100, Convert.ToInt32(strSplit[1])); } for (int x = strLine.GetLength(0) + 1; x < strLine.GetLength(0) + 5; x++) { BlockShapes.MakeBlock((City.mapLength / 2) - (6 + x), 69, City.edgeLength + 5, BlockInfo.Air.ID, 2, 100, 0); BlockShapes.MakeBlock((City.mapLength / 2) - (6 + x), 70, City.edgeLength + 5, BlockInfo.Air.ID, 2, 100, 0); } } } }
private static int SelectRandomResource(double dblDepth) { if (dblDepth > 0.66) { return(RNG.RandomItem(BlockInfo.CoalOre.ID, BlockInfo.IronOre.ID)); } else if (dblDepth > 0.33) { return(RNG.RandomItem(BlockInfo.CoalOre.ID, BlockInfo.IronOre.ID, BlockInfo.LapisOre.ID, BlockInfo.RedstoneOre.ID)); } else { return(RNG.RandomItem(BlockInfo.CoalOre.ID, BlockInfo.IronOre.ID, BlockInfo.LapisOre.ID, BlockInfo.RedstoneOre.ID, BlockInfo.GoldOre.ID, BlockInfo.DiamondOre.ID)); } }
static public void Generate(frmMace frmLogForm, string UserWorldName, string strWorldSeed, string strWorldType, bool booWorldMapFeatures, int TotalCities, string[] strCheckedThemes, int ChunksBetweenCities, string strSpawnPoint, bool booExportSchematics, string strSelectedNPCs, string strUndergroundOres) { frmLogForm.UpdateLog("Started at " + DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime(), false, true); worldCities = new WorldCity[TotalCities]; lstCityNames.Clear(); Chunks.biomes.Clear(); RNG.SetRandomSeed(); #region create minecraft world directory from a random unused world name string strFolder = String.Empty, strWorldName = String.Empty; UserWorldName = UserWorldName.ToSafeFilename(); if (UserWorldName.Trim().Length == 0) { UserWorldName = "random"; } if (UserWorldName.ToLower().Trim() != "random") { if (Directory.Exists(UserWorldName.ToMinecraftSaveDirectory())) { if (MessageBox.Show("A world called \"" + UserWorldName + "\" already exists. " + "Would you like to use a random name instead?", "World already exists", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.Cancel) { frmLogForm.UpdateLog("Cancelled, because a world with this name already exists.", false, false); return; } } else { strWorldName = UserWorldName; strFolder = strWorldName.ToMinecraftSaveDirectory(); } } if (strWorldName.Length == 0) { strWorldName = Utils.GenerateWorldName(); strFolder = strWorldName.ToMinecraftSaveDirectory(); } Directory.CreateDirectory(strFolder); frmLogForm.btnSaveLogNormal.Tag = Path.Combine(strFolder, "LogNormal.txt"); frmLogForm.btnSaveLogVerbose.Tag = Path.Combine(strFolder, "LogVerbose.txt"); frmLogForm.UpdateLog("World name: " + strWorldName, false, true); #endregion #region get handles to world, chunk manager and block manager AnvilWorld worldDest = AnvilWorld.Create(@strFolder); worldDest.Level.LevelName = "Creating. Don't open until Mace is finished."; RegionChunkManager cmDest = worldDest.GetChunkManager(); BlockManager bmDest = worldDest.GetBlockManager(); bmDest.AutoLight = false; #endregion #region Determine themes // "how does this work, robson?" // well, I'm glad you asked! // we keep selecting a random unused checked theme, until they've all been used once. // after that, all other cities will have a random checked theme int maxFarmSize = 0; strCheckedThemes = RNG.ShuffleArray(strCheckedThemes); for (int CurrentCityID = 0; CurrentCityID < TotalCities; CurrentCityID++) { if (CurrentCityID <= strCheckedThemes.GetUpperBound(0)) { worldCities[CurrentCityID].ThemeName = strCheckedThemes[CurrentCityID]; } else { worldCities[CurrentCityID].ThemeName = RNG.RandomItem(strCheckedThemes); } City.themeName = worldCities[CurrentCityID].ThemeName; worldCities[CurrentCityID].ChunkLength = GetThemeRandomXMLElementNumber("options", "city_size"); int farmSize = GetThemeLastXMLElementNumber("options", "farm_size"); maxFarmSize = Math.Max(maxFarmSize, farmSize); } #endregion GenerateCityLocations(TotalCities, ChunksBetweenCities + maxFarmSize); int intRandomCity = RNG.Next(TotalCities); for (int CurrentCityID = 0; CurrentCityID < TotalCities; CurrentCityID++) { MakeCitySettings(frmLogForm, worldCities[CurrentCityID].ThemeName, CurrentCityID, strSelectedNPCs); if (!GenerateCity.Generate(frmLogForm, worldDest, cmDest, bmDest, worldCities[CurrentCityID].x, worldCities[CurrentCityID].z, booExportSchematics, strUndergroundOres)) { frmLogForm.UpdateLog("World generation failed/cancelled.", false, false); return; } #region set spawn point if ( == intRandomCity) { switch (strSpawnPoint) { case "Away from the cities": worldDest.Level.Spawn = new SpawnPoint(0, 65, 0); break; case "Inside a random city": worldDest.Level.Spawn = new SpawnPoint(((worldCities[intRandomCity].x + Chunks.CITY_RELOCATION_CHUNKS) * 16) + (City.mapLength / 2), 65, ((worldCities[intRandomCity].z + Chunks.CITY_RELOCATION_CHUNKS) * 16) + (City.mapLength / 2)); break; case "Outside a random city": worldDest.Level.Spawn = new SpawnPoint(((worldCities[intRandomCity].x + Chunks.CITY_RELOCATION_CHUNKS) * 16) + (City.mapLength / 2), 65, ((worldCities[intRandomCity].z + Chunks.CITY_RELOCATION_CHUNKS) * 16) + 2); break; default: Debug.Fail("invalid spawn point"); break; } frmLogForm.UpdateLog("Spawn point set to " + worldDest.Level.Spawn.X + "," + worldDest.Level.Spawn.Y + "," + worldDest.Level.Spawn.Z, false, true); } #endregion } #region weather frmLogForm.UpdateLog("Setting weather", false, true); worldDest.Level.Time = RNG.Next(24000); if (RNG.NextDouble() < 0.15) { frmLogForm.UpdateLog("Rain", false, true); worldDest.Level.IsRaining = true; // one-quarter to three-quarters of a day worldDest.Level.RainTime = RNG.Next(6000, 18000); if (RNG.NextDouble() < 0.25) { frmLogForm.UpdateLog("Thunder", false, true); worldDest.Level.IsThundering = true; worldDest.Level.ThunderTime = worldDest.Level.RainTime; } } #endregion #region world details worldDest.Level.LevelName = strWorldName; frmLogForm.UpdateLog("Setting world type: " + strWorldType, false, true); switch (strWorldType.ToLower()) { case "creative": worldDest.Level.GameType = GameType.CREATIVE; break; case "survival": worldDest.Level.GameType = GameType.SURVIVAL; break; case "hardcore": worldDest.Level.GameType = GameType.SURVIVAL; worldDest.Level.Hardcore = true; break; default: Debug.Fail("Invalidate world type selected."); break; } frmLogForm.UpdateLog("World map features: " + booWorldMapFeatures.ToString(), false, true); worldDest.Level.UseMapFeatures = booWorldMapFeatures; if (strWorldSeed != String.Empty) { long seed = 0; if (long.TryParse(strWorldSeed, out seed)) { worldDest.Level.RandomSeed = seed; frmLogForm.UpdateLog("Specified world seed: " + worldDest.Level.RandomSeed, false, true); } else { worldDest.Level.RandomSeed = strWorldSeed.ToJavaHashCode(); frmLogForm.UpdateLog("Specified world seed: " + strWorldSeed, false, true); frmLogForm.UpdateLog("Specified world seed converted to a number: " + worldDest.Level.RandomSeed, false, true); } } else { worldDest.Level.RandomSeed = RNG.Next(); frmLogForm.UpdateLog("Random world seed: " + worldDest.Level.RandomSeed, false, true); } worldDest.Level.LastPlayed = (DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks - DateTime.Parse("01/01/1970 00:00:00").Ticks) / 10000; frmLogForm.UpdateLog("World time: " + worldDest.Level.LastPlayed, false, true); #endregion cmDest.Save(); worldDest.Save(); Chunks.SetBiomeData(@strFolder); frmLogForm.UpdateLog("\nCreated the " + strWorldName + "!", false, false); frmLogForm.UpdateLog("It'll be at the top of your MineCraft world list.", false, false); frmLogForm.UpdateLog("Finished at " + DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime(), false, true); }
public static string RandomValueFromXMLElement(string strFilenameXML, string strParentNode, string strChildNode) { string strValues = ValueFromXMLElement(strFilenameXML, strParentNode, strChildNode); return(RNG.RandomItem(strValues.Split(','))); }
// todo low: this is way too big private static void MakeLevel(BetaWorld world, BlockManager bm, int intDepth, int intMineshaftSize, Buildings.structPoint spMineshaftEntrance, frmMace frmLogForm) { frmLogForm.UpdateLog("Creating mineshaft level " + intDepth, true, true); string[] strResourceNames = Utils.ValueFromXMLElement(Path.Combine("Resources", "Mineshaft.xml"), "level" + intDepth, "names").Split(','); int[] intResourceChances = Utils.ValueFromXMLElement( Path.Combine("Resources", "Mineshaft.xml"), "level" + intDepth, "chances").Split(',').StringArrayToIntArray(); int intTorchChance = Convert.ToInt32(Utils.ValueFromXMLElement(Path.Combine("Resources", "Mineshaft.xml"), "level" + intDepth, "torch_chance")); MineshaftBlocks[,] mbAreaFull = new MineshaftBlocks[intMineshaftSize + (MULTIPLIER * 2), intMineshaftSize + (MULTIPLIER * 2)]; int intXPosOriginal = spMineshaftEntrance.x - _intBlockStartBuildings; int intZPosOriginal = spMineshaftEntrance.z - _intBlockStartBuildings; _intBlockStartBuildings -= 2; int[,] intAreaOverview = new int[(mbAreaFull.GetLength(0) / MULTIPLIER), (mbAreaFull.GetLength(1) / MULTIPLIER)]; int intXPos = intXPosOriginal / MULTIPLIER; int intZPos = intZPosOriginal / MULTIPLIER; intAreaOverview[intXPos, intZPos] = (int)MineshaftBlocks.Air; CreateRouteXPlus(intAreaOverview, intXPos + 1, intZPos, 0); CreateRouteZPlus(intAreaOverview, intXPos, intZPos + 1, 1); CreateRouteXMinus(intAreaOverview, intXPos - 1, intZPos, 2); CreateRouteZMinus(intAreaOverview, intXPos, intZPos - 1, 3); int intOffsetX = (intXPosOriginal - (intXPos * MULTIPLIER)) - 2; int intOffsetZ = (intZPosOriginal - (intZPos * MULTIPLIER)) - 2; List <structSection> lstSections = new List <structSection>(); intAreaOverview[intXPos, intZPos] = (int)MineshaftBlocks.Placeholder; intAreaOverview = AddMineshaftSections(intAreaOverview, intDepth); intAreaOverview[intXPos, intZPos] = (int)MineshaftBlocks.Air; for (int x = 0; x < intAreaOverview.GetLength(0); x++) { for (int z = 0; z < intAreaOverview.GetLength(1); z++) { if (intAreaOverview[x, z] >= 100) { structSection structCurrentSection = new structSection(); structCurrentSection.bldMineshaftSection = SourceWorld.GetBuilding(intAreaOverview[x, z] - 100); structCurrentSection.x = ((x * MULTIPLIER) + intOffsetX) - 1; structCurrentSection.z = ((z * MULTIPLIER) + intOffsetZ) - 1; for (int x2 = x; x2 <= x + (structCurrentSection.bldMineshaftSection.intSizeX - 1) / 7; x2++) { for (int z2 = z; z2 <= z + (structCurrentSection.bldMineshaftSection.intSizeZ - 1) / 7; z2++) { if (intAreaOverview[x2, z2] == structCurrentSection.bldMineshaftSection.intID + 100) { intAreaOverview[x2, z2] = (int)MineshaftBlocks.Structure; } } } lstSections.Add(structCurrentSection); } } } for (int x = 4; x < mbAreaFull.GetLength(0) - 4; x++) { for (int z = 4; z < mbAreaFull.GetLength(1) - 4; z++) { if (intAreaOverview.GetLength(0) > x / MULTIPLIER && intAreaOverview.GetLength(1) > z / MULTIPLIER) { switch (mbAreaFull[x + intOffsetX, z + intOffsetZ]) { case MineshaftBlocks.NaturalTerrain: case MineshaftBlocks.Air: case MineshaftBlocks.Placeholder: case MineshaftBlocks.EntranceSection: mbAreaFull[x + intOffsetX, z + intOffsetZ] = (MineshaftBlocks)intAreaOverview[x / MULTIPLIER, z / MULTIPLIER]; break; } } if ((x + 3) % 5 == 0 && (z + 3) % 5 == 0 && intAreaOverview[x / MULTIPLIER, z / MULTIPLIER] == (int)MineshaftBlocks.Air) { if (intAreaOverview[(x / MULTIPLIER) + 1, z / MULTIPLIER] >= 100) { for (int x2 = 0; x2 < 5; x2++) { mbAreaFull[x + intOffsetX + 3, z + intOffsetZ + x2 - 2] = MineshaftBlocks.Structure; } } if (intAreaOverview[(x / MULTIPLIER) + 1, z / MULTIPLIER] == (int)MineshaftBlocks.Air) { for (int x2 = 0; x2 < 5; x2++) { if (x2 == 1 || x2 == 3) { mbAreaFull[x + intOffsetX + 3, z + intOffsetZ + x2 - 2] = MineshaftBlocks.CeilingSupport; mbAreaFull[x + intOffsetX + 2, z + intOffsetZ + x2 - 2] = MineshaftBlocks.CeilingSupport; } else { mbAreaFull[x + intOffsetX + 3, z + intOffsetZ + x2 - 2] = MineshaftBlocks.Support; mbAreaFull[x + intOffsetX + 2, z + intOffsetZ + x2 - 2] = MineshaftBlocks.Support; } } for (int x2 = 0; x2 <= 5; x2++) { if (mbAreaFull[x + intOffsetX + x2, z + intOffsetZ] == MineshaftBlocks.Support) { mbAreaFull[x + intOffsetX + x2, z + intOffsetZ] = MineshaftBlocks.RailWithSupport; } else { mbAreaFull[x + intOffsetX + x2, z + intOffsetZ] = MineshaftBlocks.Rail; } } } if (intAreaOverview[x / MULTIPLIER, (z / MULTIPLIER) + 1] == (int)MineshaftBlocks.Air) { for (int z2 = 0; z2 < 5; z2++) { if (z2 == 1 || z2 == 3) { mbAreaFull[x + intOffsetX + z2 - 2, z + intOffsetZ + 3] = MineshaftBlocks.CeilingSupport; mbAreaFull[x + intOffsetX + z2 - 2, z + intOffsetZ + 2] = MineshaftBlocks.CeilingSupport; } else { mbAreaFull[x + intOffsetX + z2 - 2, z + intOffsetZ + 3] = MineshaftBlocks.Support; mbAreaFull[x + intOffsetX + z2 - 2, z + intOffsetZ + 2] = MineshaftBlocks.Support; } } for (int z2 = 0; z2 <= 5; z2++) { if (mbAreaFull[x + intOffsetX, z + intOffsetZ + z2] == MineshaftBlocks.Support) { mbAreaFull[x + intOffsetX, z + intOffsetZ + z2] = MineshaftBlocks.RailWithSupport; } else { mbAreaFull[x + intOffsetX, z + intOffsetZ + z2] = MineshaftBlocks.Rail; } } } if (intAreaOverview[x / MULTIPLIER, z / MULTIPLIER] == (int)MineshaftBlocks.Air) { MakeChestAndOrTorch(intAreaOverview, mbAreaFull, (x - 3) / MULTIPLIER, z / MULTIPLIER, x + intOffsetX - 2, z + intOffsetZ); MakeChestAndOrTorch(intAreaOverview, mbAreaFull, (x + 3) / MULTIPLIER, z / MULTIPLIER, x + intOffsetX + 2, z + intOffsetZ); MakeChestAndOrTorch(intAreaOverview, mbAreaFull, x / MULTIPLIER, (z - 3) / MULTIPLIER, x + intOffsetX, z + intOffsetZ - 2); MakeChestAndOrTorch(intAreaOverview, mbAreaFull, x / MULTIPLIER, (z + 3) / MULTIPLIER, x + intOffsetX, z + intOffsetZ + 2); } } } } mbAreaFull[intXPosOriginal, intZPosOriginal] = MineshaftBlocks.EntranceSection; int intSupportMaterial = RNG.RandomItem(BlockInfo.Wood.ID, BlockInfo.WoodPlank.ID, BlockInfo.Fence.ID); for (int x = 0; x < mbAreaFull.GetLength(0); x++) { for (int z = 0; z < mbAreaFull.GetLength(1); z++) { if (intDepth <= 4) { if (bm.GetID(x + _intBlockStartBuildings, 42 - (5 * intDepth), z + _intBlockStartBuildings) == BlockInfo.Gravel.ID) { bm.SetID(x + _intBlockStartBuildings, 42 - (5 * intDepth), z + _intBlockStartBuildings, BlockInfo.Stone.ID); } } if (intDepth <= 2) { if (bm.GetID(x + _intBlockStartBuildings, 42 - (5 * intDepth), z + _intBlockStartBuildings) == BlockInfo.Sand.ID || bm.GetID(x + _intBlockStartBuildings, 42 - (5 * intDepth), z + _intBlockStartBuildings) == BlockInfo.Sandstone.ID) { bm.SetID(x + _intBlockStartBuildings, 42 - (5 * intDepth), z + _intBlockStartBuildings, BlockInfo.Dirt.ID); } } switch (mbAreaFull[x, z]) { case MineshaftBlocks.NaturalTerrain: break; case MineshaftBlocks.Air: for (int y = 39 - (5 * intDepth); y <= 41 - (5 * intDepth); y++) { bm.SetID(x + _intBlockStartBuildings, y, z + _intBlockStartBuildings, BlockInfo.Air.ID); } break; case MineshaftBlocks.EntranceSection: case MineshaftBlocks.Rail: for (int y = 38 - (5 * intDepth); y <= 41 - (5 * intDepth); y++) { if (y == 38 - (5 * intDepth)) { bm.SetID(x + _intBlockStartBuildings, y, z + _intBlockStartBuildings, BlockInfo.Gravel.ID); } else if (y == 39 - (5 * intDepth)) { bm.SetID(x + _intBlockStartBuildings, y, z + _intBlockStartBuildings, BlockInfo.Rails.ID); } else { bm.SetID(x + _intBlockStartBuildings, y, z + _intBlockStartBuildings, BlockInfo.Air.ID); } } break; case MineshaftBlocks.RailWithSupport: for (int y = 38 - (5 * intDepth); y <= 41 - (5 * intDepth); y++) { if (y == 38 - (5 * intDepth)) { bm.SetID(x + _intBlockStartBuildings, y, z + _intBlockStartBuildings, BlockInfo.Gravel.ID); } else if (y == 39 - (5 * intDepth)) { bm.SetID(x + _intBlockStartBuildings, y, z + _intBlockStartBuildings, BlockInfo.Rails.ID); } else if (y == 40 - (5 * intDepth)) { bm.SetID(x + _intBlockStartBuildings, y, z + _intBlockStartBuildings, BlockInfo.Air.ID); } else { bm.SetID(x + _intBlockStartBuildings, y, z + _intBlockStartBuildings, intSupportMaterial); } } break; case MineshaftBlocks.Support: for (int y = 39 - (5 * intDepth); y <= 41 - (5 * intDepth); y++) { bm.SetID(x + _intBlockStartBuildings, y, z + _intBlockStartBuildings, intSupportMaterial); } break; case MineshaftBlocks.ChestAndOrTorch: for (int y = 39 - (5 * intDepth); y <= 41 - (5 * intDepth); y++) { if (y == 39 - (5 * intDepth) && RNG.NextDouble() > 0.9) { bm.SetID(x + _intBlockStartBuildings, y, z + _intBlockStartBuildings, BlockInfo.Chest.ID); MakeChestItems(bm, x + _intBlockStartBuildings, y, z + _intBlockStartBuildings, intResourceChances, strResourceNames); } else if (y == 41 - (5 * intDepth) && RNG.NextDouble() < (double)intTorchChance / 100) { bm.SetID(x + _intBlockStartBuildings, y, z + _intBlockStartBuildings, BlockInfo.Torch.ID); if (mbAreaFull[x - 1, z] == 0) { bm.SetData(x + _intBlockStartBuildings, y, z + _intBlockStartBuildings, 1); } else if (mbAreaFull[x + 1, z] == 0) { bm.SetData(x + _intBlockStartBuildings, y, z + _intBlockStartBuildings, 2); } else if (mbAreaFull[x, z - 1] == 0) { bm.SetData(x + _intBlockStartBuildings, y, z + _intBlockStartBuildings, 3); } else { bm.SetData(x + _intBlockStartBuildings, y, z + _intBlockStartBuildings, 4); } } else { bm.SetID(x + _intBlockStartBuildings, y, z + _intBlockStartBuildings, BlockInfo.Air.ID); } } break; case MineshaftBlocks.CeilingSupport: for (int y = 39 - (5 * intDepth); y <= 41 - (5 * intDepth); y++) { if (y == 41 - (5 * intDepth)) { bm.SetID(x + _intBlockStartBuildings, y, z + _intBlockStartBuildings, intSupportMaterial); } else { bm.SetID(x + _intBlockStartBuildings, y, z + _intBlockStartBuildings, BlockInfo.Air.ID); } } break; case MineshaftBlocks.Unused9: for (int y = 39 - (5 * intDepth); y <= 41 - (5 * (intDepth - 1)); y++) { bm.SetID(x + _intBlockStartBuildings, y, z + _intBlockStartBuildings, BlockInfo.Air.ID); } break; case MineshaftBlocks.Structure: // this will be overwritten later break; default: Debug.Fail("Invalid switch result"); break; } } } foreach (structSection MineshaftSection in lstSections) { SourceWorld.InsertBuilding(bm, new int[0, 0], _intBlockStartBuildings, MineshaftSection.x, MineshaftSection.z, MineshaftSection.bldMineshaftSection, 38 - (5 * intDepth), -1); } world.Save(); _intBlockStartBuildings += 2; //#if DEBUG // File.WriteAllText("output_area_" + intDepth + ".txt", Utils.TwoDimensionalArrayToString(intAreaOverview)); // File.WriteAllText("output_map_" + intDepth + ".txt", Utils.TwoDimensionalArrayToString(intAreaFull)); //#endif }
private static string RandomSign() { string strSignText = "*~*~*~*"; int intRand; do { intRand = RNG.Next(intAmountOfSignTypes); } while (intRand >= 5 && _booSignUsed[intRand]); _booSignUsed[intRand] = true; do { switch (intRand) { case 0: case 1: strSignText = String.Format("{0} {1} {2} for {3}~-{4} {5}.{6}.", RNG.RandomItem("I will", "I can", "Will", "Can", "Can you"), RNG.RandomItem("trade", "swap", "sell"), RNG.RandomItem("gold", "iron", "dirt", "tools", "glass", "flowers", "cake", "mushrooms"), RNG.RandomItem("obsidian", "wood", "sand", "bricks", "coal", "stone", "cookies", "diamonds"), RNG.RandomItem("See", "Talk to"), RNG.RandomLetter().ToString().ToUpper(), RNG.RandomLetter().ToString().ToUpper()); break; case 2: strSignText = String.Format("{0} of the holy {1} are meeting this {2}", RNG.RandomItem("Church", "Order"), RNG.RandomFileLine(Path.Combine("Resources", "ChurchNoun.txt")), RNG.RandomDay()); break; case 3: strSignText = String.Format("{0} {1} has lost her {2}. {3}", RNG.RandomItem("Mrs", "Miss"), RNG.RandomFileLine(Path.Combine("Resources", "Adjectives.txt")), RNG.RandomItem("cat", "dog", "glasses", "marbles", "knitting"), RNG.RandomItem("Reward offered", "Please help")); break; case 4: strSignText = String.Format("{0} for sale~-{1} {2}.{3}.", RNG.RandomItem("Armour", "Property", "House", "Weapons", "Gold", "Bodyguard", "Pet wolf", "Books", "Tools"), RNG.RandomItem("See", "Talk to"), RNG.RandomLetter().ToString().ToUpper(), RNG.RandomLetter().ToString().ToUpper()); break; case 5: strSignText = "Lost pet creeper. Last seen near the mini crater"; break; case 6: strSignText = "Israphel~~Wanted dead~or alive"; break; case 7: strSignText = "Lost Jaffa Cakes. Please return to Honeydew"; break; case 8: strSignText = "Read note " + RNG.Next(500, 999); break; case 9: strSignText = "Buy one get one free on gravestones!"; break; case 10: strSignText = "Archery practice this " + RNG.RandomDay() + " afternoon"; break; case 11: strSignText = "Seen a crime? Tell the nearest city guard"; break; case 12: strSignText = "New city law: No minors can be miners"; break; case 13: strSignText = "Council meeting this " + RNG.RandomDay(); break; case 14: strSignText = "Numbers for lovers:~" + RNG.RandomItem("220 284", "1184 1210", "2620 2924", "5020 5564", "6232 6368"); break; default: Debug.Fail("Invalid switch result"); break; } } while (!strSignText.IsValidSign()); return(strSignText); }