/// <summary>
 /// Sends the specified SMS item.
 /// It will try several times to deliver the message. The number of retries can be specified in AppConfig of "SMS.Maximum.Retries".
 /// If it is not declared in web.config, then 3 retires will be used.
 /// Note: The actual SMS Sender component must be implemented as a public type that implements ISMSSender interface.
 /// The assembly qualified name of that component, must be specified in AppConfig of "SMS.Sender.Type".
 /// </summary>
 public static bool Send(this ISmsQueueItem sms) => SmsService.Send(sms);
 /// <summary>
 /// Sends the specified SMS item.
 /// It will try several times to deliver the message. The number of retries can be specified in AppConfig of "SMS.Maximum.Retries".
 /// If it is not declared in web.config, then 3 retires will be used.
 /// Note: The actual SMS Sender component must be implemented as a public type that implements ISMSSender interface.
 /// The assembly qualified name of that component, must be specified in AppConfig of "SMS.Sender.Type".
 /// </summary>
 public static bool Send(this ISmsQueueItem sms)