文件: UPS.cs 项目: t9mike/excel2earth
        /// <summary>
        /// The function convertToGeodetic converts UPS (hemisphere, easting,
        /// and northing) coordinates to geodetic (latitude and longitude) coordinates
        /// according to the current ellipsoid parameters.  If any errors occur, an
        /// exception is thrown with a description of the error.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="upsCoordinates"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public GeodeticCoordinates convertToGeodetic(UPSCoordinates upsCoordinates)
             *    hemisphere    : Hemisphere either 'N' or 'S'              (input)
             *    easting       : Easting/X in meters                       (input)
             *    northing      : Northing/Y in meters                      (input)
             *    latitude      : Latitude in radians                       (output)
             *    longitude     : Longitude in radians                      (output)

            string errorStatus = "";

            char   hemisphere = upsCoordinates.getHemisphere();
            double easting    = upsCoordinates.getEasting();
            double northing   = upsCoordinates.getNorthing();

            if ((hemisphere != 'N') && (hemisphere != 'S'))
                errorStatus += ErrorMessages.hemisphere;
            if ((easting < MIN_EAST_NORTH) || (easting > MAX_EAST_NORTH))
                errorStatus += ErrorMessages.easting;
            if ((northing < MIN_EAST_NORTH) || (northing > MAX_EAST_NORTH))
                errorStatus += ErrorMessages.northing;

            //this.UPS_Origin_Latitude = MAX_ORIGIN_LAT;
            //if (hemisphere == 'N')
            //    UPS_Origin_Latitude = MAX_ORIGIN_LAT;
            //else if (hemisphere == 'S')
            //    UPS_Origin_Latitude = -MAX_ORIGIN_LAT;

            if (errorStatus.Length > 0)
                throw new ArgumentException(errorStatus);

            PolarStereographic  polarStereographic  = new PolarStereographic(this.semiMajorAxis, this.flattening, this.UPS_Origin_Longitude, 0.994, hemisphere, this.UPS_False_Easting, this.UPS_False_Northing);
            GeodeticCoordinates geodeticCoordinates = polarStereographic.convertToGeodetic(new MapProjectionCoordinates(CoordinateType.Enum.polarStereographicStandardParallel, easting, northing));

            double latitude = geodeticCoordinates.latitude;

            if ((latitude < 0) && (latitude >= (MAX_SOUTH_LAT + EPSILON)))
                throw new ArgumentException(ErrorMessages.latitude);
            if ((latitude >= 0) && (latitude < (MIN_NORTH_LAT - EPSILON)))
                throw new ArgumentException(ErrorMessages.latitude);

        /// <summary>
        /// The function convertToGeodetic converts UPS (hemisphere, easting, 
        /// and northing) coordinates to geodetic (latitude and longitude) coordinates
        /// according to the current ellipsoid parameters.  If any errors occur, an 
        /// exception is thrown with a description of the error.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="upsCoordinates"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public GeodeticCoordinates convertToGeodetic(UPSCoordinates upsCoordinates)
             *    hemisphere    : Hemisphere either 'N' or 'S'              (input)
             *    easting       : Easting/X in meters                       (input)
             *    northing      : Northing/Y in meters                      (input)
             *    latitude      : Latitude in radians                       (output)
             *    longitude     : Longitude in radians                      (output)

            string errorStatus = "";

            char hemisphere = upsCoordinates.getHemisphere();
            double easting = upsCoordinates.getEasting();
            double northing = upsCoordinates.getNorthing();

            if ((hemisphere != 'N') && (hemisphere != 'S'))
                errorStatus += ErrorMessages.hemisphere;
            if ((easting < MIN_EAST_NORTH) || (easting > MAX_EAST_NORTH))
                errorStatus += ErrorMessages.easting;
            if ((northing < MIN_EAST_NORTH) || (northing > MAX_EAST_NORTH))
                errorStatus += ErrorMessages.northing;

            //this.UPS_Origin_Latitude = MAX_ORIGIN_LAT;
            //if (hemisphere == 'N')
            //    UPS_Origin_Latitude = MAX_ORIGIN_LAT;
            //else if (hemisphere == 'S')
            //    UPS_Origin_Latitude = -MAX_ORIGIN_LAT;

            if (errorStatus.Length > 0)
                throw new ArgumentException(errorStatus);

            PolarStereographic polarStereographic = new PolarStereographic(this.semiMajorAxis, this.flattening, this.UPS_Origin_Longitude, 0.994, hemisphere, this.UPS_False_Easting, this.UPS_False_Northing);
            GeodeticCoordinates geodeticCoordinates = polarStereographic.convertToGeodetic(new MapProjectionCoordinates(CoordinateType.Enum.polarStereographicStandardParallel, easting, northing));

            double latitude = geodeticCoordinates.latitude;

            if ((latitude < 0) && (latitude >= (MAX_SOUTH_LAT + EPSILON)))
                throw new ArgumentException(ErrorMessages.latitude);
            if ((latitude >= 0) && (latitude < (MIN_NORTH_LAT - EPSILON)))
                throw new ArgumentException(ErrorMessages.latitude);

            return geodeticCoordinates;
        public MGRSorUSNGCoordinates fromUPS(UPSCoordinates upsCoordinates, long precision)
             * The function fromUPS converts UPS (hemisphere, easting,
             * and northing) coordinates to an MGRS coordinate string according to
             * the current ellipsoid parameters.
             *    hemisphere    : Hemisphere either 'N' or 'S'     (input)
             *    easting       : Easting/X in meters              (input)
             *    northing      : Northing/Y in meters             (input)
             *    precision     : Precision level of MGRS string   (input)
             *    MGRSString    : MGRS coordinate string           (output)

            double false_easting;       /* False easting for 2nd letter                 */
            double false_northing;      /* False northing for 3rd letter                */
            double grid_easting;        /* Easting used to derive 2nd letter of MGRS    */
            double grid_northing;       /* Northing used to derive 3rd letter of MGRS   */
            long ltr2_low_value;        /* 2nd letter range - low number                */
            int[] letters = new int[3];  /* Number location of 3 letters in alphabet     */
            double divisor = 0.0;
            int index = 0;

            char hemisphere = upsCoordinates.getHemisphere();
            double easting = upsCoordinates.getEasting();
            double northing = upsCoordinates.getNorthing();

            easting = Math.Round(easting);
            northing = Math.Round(northing);
            divisor = Math.Pow(10.0, (5.0 - precision));
            easting = (long)(easting / divisor) * divisor;
            northing = (long)(northing / divisor) * divisor;

            if (hemisphere == 'N')
                if (easting >= TWOMIL)
                    letters[0] = LETTER_Z;
                    letters[0] = LETTER_Y;

                index = letters[0] - 22;
                ltr2_low_value = UPS_Constant_Table[index].ltr2_low_value;
                false_easting = UPS_Constant_Table[index].false_easting;
                false_northing = UPS_Constant_Table[index].false_northing;
                if (easting >= TWOMIL)
                    letters[0] = LETTER_B;
                    letters[0] = LETTER_A;

                ltr2_low_value = UPS_Constant_Table[letters[0]].ltr2_low_value;
                false_easting = UPS_Constant_Table[letters[0]].false_easting;
                false_northing = UPS_Constant_Table[letters[0]].false_northing;

            grid_northing = northing;
            grid_northing = grid_northing - false_northing;
            letters[2] = (int)(grid_northing / ONEHT);

            if (letters[2] > LETTER_H)
                letters[2] = letters[2] + 1;

            if (letters[2] > LETTER_N)
                letters[2] = letters[2] + 1;

            grid_easting = easting;
            grid_easting = grid_easting - false_easting;
            letters[1] = (int)(ltr2_low_value + ((long)(grid_easting / ONEHT)));

            if (easting < TWOMIL)
                if (letters[1] > LETTER_L)
                    letters[1] = letters[1] + 3;
                if (letters[1] > LETTER_U)
                    letters[1] = letters[1] + 2;
                if (letters[1] > LETTER_C)
                    letters[1] = letters[1] + 2;
                if (letters[1] > LETTER_H)
                    letters[1] = letters[1] + 1;
                if (letters[1] > LETTER_L)
                    letters[1] = letters[1] + 3;

            return new MGRSorUSNGCoordinates(CoordinateType.Enum.militaryGridReferenceSystem, makeMGRSString(0, letters, easting, northing, precision));
        public UPSCoordinates convertToUPS(MGRSorUSNGCoordinates mgrsorUSNGCoordinates)
             * The function convertToUPS converts an MGRS coordinate string
             * to UPS (hemisphere, easting, and northing) coordinates, according
             * to the current ellipsoid parameters. If any errors occur, an
             * exception is thrown with a description of the error.
             *    MGRSString    : MGRS coordinate string           (input)
             *    hemisphere    : Hemisphere either 'N' or 'S'     (output)
             *    easting       : Easting/X in meters              (output)
             *    northing      : Northing/Y in meters             (output)

            long zone = 0;
            long[] letters = new long[3];
            long precision = 0;
            double mgrs_easting = 0.0;
            double mgrs_northing = 0.0;
            UPSCoordinates upsCoordinates = new UPSCoordinates();

            breakMGRSString(mgrsorUSNGCoordinates.MGRSString, ref zone, ref letters, ref mgrs_easting, ref mgrs_northing, ref precision);

            if (zone == 0)
                upsCoordinates = toUPS(letters, mgrs_easting, mgrs_northing);
                upsCoordinates = ups.convertFromGeodetic(utm.convertToGeodetic(toUTM(zone, letters, mgrs_easting, mgrs_northing, precision)));

            return upsCoordinates;
        public MGRSorUSNGCoordinates convertFromUPS(ref UPSCoordinates upsCoordinates, long precision)
             * The function convertFromUPS converts UPS (hemisphere, easting,
             * and northing) coordinates to an MGRS coordinate string according to
             * the current ellipsoid parameters.  If any errors occur, an
             * exception is thrown with a description of the error.
             *    hemisphere    : Hemisphere either 'N' or 'S'     (input)
             *    easting       : Easting/X in meters              (input)
             *    northing      : Northing/Y in meters             (input)
             *    precision     : Precision level of MGRS string   (input)
             *    MGRSString    : MGRS coordinate string           (output)

            string errorStatus = "";

            char hemisphere = upsCoordinates.getHemisphere();
            double easting = upsCoordinates.getEasting();
            double northing = upsCoordinates.getNorthing();

            if ((hemisphere != 'N') && (hemisphere != 'S'))
                errorStatus += ErrorMessages.hemisphere;
            if ((easting < MIN_EAST_NORTH) || (easting > MAX_EAST_NORTH))
                errorStatus += ErrorMessages.easting;
            if ((northing < MIN_EAST_NORTH) || (northing > MAX_EAST_NORTH))
                errorStatus += ErrorMessages.northing;
            if ((precision < 0) || (precision > MAX_PRECISION))
                errorStatus += ErrorMessages.precision;

            if (errorStatus.Length > 0)
                throw new ArgumentException(errorStatus);

            GeodeticCoordinates geodeticCoordinates = ups.convertToGeodetic(upsCoordinates);

            //If the latitude is within the valid mgrs polar range [-90, -80) or [84, 90],
            //convert to mgrs using the ups path, otherwise convert to mgrs using the utm path
            MGRSorUSNGCoordinates mgrsorUSNGCoordinates = new MGRSorUSNGCoordinates();
            double latitude = geodeticCoordinates.latitude;

            if ((latitude < (MIN_MGRS_NON_POLAR_LAT + EPSILON)) || (latitude >= (MAX_MGRS_NON_POLAR_LAT - EPSILON)))
                mgrsorUSNGCoordinates = fromUPS(upsCoordinates, precision);
                mgrsorUSNGCoordinates = fromUTM(utm.convertFromGeodetic(geodeticCoordinates), geodeticCoordinates.longitude, latitude, precision);

            return mgrsorUSNGCoordinates;