// generic method to retrieve info about tree view item // NOTE: this method should not be used to retrieve a text // instead use GetItemText private static bool GetItem (IntPtr hwnd, IntPtr item, int mask, out NativeMethods.TVITEM treeItem) { treeItem = new NativeMethods.TVITEM (); treeItem.Init (item); treeItem.mask = (uint) mask; return XSendMessage.GetItem(hwnd, ref treeItem); }
private static string GetItemText(IntPtr hwnd, IntPtr item) { NativeMethods.TVITEM treeItem = new NativeMethods.TVITEM(); treeItem.Init(item); treeItem.mask = NativeMethods.TVIF_TEXT; treeItem.cchTextMax = Misc.MaxLengthNameProperty; return XSendMessage.GetItemText(hwnd, treeItem); }
// set the check state for the specified item private unsafe static bool SetCheckState (IntPtr hwnd, IntPtr item, bool check) { uint val = (check) ? 2U : 1U; val <<= 12; NativeMethods.TVITEM treeItem = new NativeMethods.TVITEM (); treeItem.Init (item); treeItem.mask = NativeMethods.TVIF_STATE; treeItem.state = val; treeItem.stateMask = NativeMethods.TVIS_STATEIMAGEMASK; return XSendMessage.SetItem(hwnd, treeItem); }