private void ExpandOrCollapse(bool collapse)

            // Check if item can be expanded or collapsed.
            bool isCollapsed = IsCollapsed();
            if ((!collapse && !isCollapsed) || (collapse && isCollapsed))
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.OperationCannotBePerformed));

            NativeMethods.LVGROUP group = new NativeMethods.LVGROUP();
            // Note:  If we set group.mask to LVGF_GROUPID | LVGF_STATE,
            // SetGroupInfo() will fail.  Setting LVGF_STATE alone works, however.
            group.mask = NativeMethods.LVGF_STATE;
            group.iGroupID = _groupID;
            group.stateMask = NativeMethods.LVGS_COLLAPSED;
            group.state = collapse ? NativeMethods.LVGS_COLLAPSED : 0;
            if (!XSendMessage.SetGroupInfo(_hwnd, group))
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.OperationCannotBePerformed));
 internal static bool IsCollapsed(IntPtr hwnd, int groupID)
     bool isCollapsed = false;
     NativeMethods.LVGROUP group = new NativeMethods.LVGROUP();
     group.iGroupID = groupID;
     group.mask = NativeMethods.LVGF_STATE;
     group.stateMask = NativeMethods.LVGS_COLLAPSED;
     // Note: return code of GetGroupInfo() is not reliable.
     XSendMessage.GetGroupInfo(hwnd, ref group); // ignore return code.
     isCollapsed = (group.state & NativeMethods.LVGS_COLLAPSED) != 0;
     return isCollapsed;