GetPreviousContentSibling() public static method

Return the first preceding sibling of the specified node. If no such sibling exists, then do not set pageNode or idxNode and return false.
public static GetPreviousContentSibling ( XPathNode &pageNode, int &idxNode ) : bool
pageNode XPathNode
idxNode int
return bool
 public override bool MoveToPrevious()
     if (this.idxParent != 0)
     return(XPathNodeHelper.GetPreviousContentSibling(ref this.pageCurrent, ref this.idxCurrent));
        /// <summary>
        /// If the current node is an attribute or namespace (not content), return false.  Otherwise,
        /// move to the previous (sibling) content node.  Return false if there are no previous content nodes.
        /// </summary>
        public override bool MoveToPrevious()
            // If parent exists, then this is a namespace, an attribute, or a collapsed text node, all of which do
            // not have previous siblings.
            if (_idxParent != 0)
                return false;

            return XPathNodeHelper.GetPreviousContentSibling(ref _pageCurrent, ref _idxCurrent);