// Not used. This value should be equal to glyph count in Coverage. // Keeping it for future reference //private ushort AlternateSetCount(FontTable Table) //{ // return Table.GetUShort(offset + offsetAlternateSetCount); //} private AlternateSetTable AlternateSet(FontTable Table, int index) { return(new AlternateSetTable(offset + Table.GetUShort(offset + offsetAlternateSets + index * sizeAlternateSetOffset) )); }
// Not used. This value should be equal to glyph count in Coverage. // Keeping it for future reference //private ushort SequenceCount(FontTable Table) //{ // return Table.GetUShort(offset + offsetSequenceCount); //} private MultipleSubstitutionSequenceTable Sequence(FontTable Table, int Index) { return(new MultipleSubstitutionSequenceTable( offset + Table.GetUShort(offset + offsetSequenceArray + Index * sizeSequenceOffset) )); }
public ushort Alternate(FontTable Table, uint FeatureParam) { Invariant.Assert(FeatureParam > 0); // Parameter 0 means feautre is disabled. //Should be filtered out in GetNextEnabledGlyphRange // Off by one - alternate number 1 is stored under index 0 uint index = FeatureParam - 1; if (index >= GlyphCount(Table)) { return(AlternateSubstitutionSubtable.InvalidAlternateGlyph); } return(Table.GetUShort(offset + offsetGlyphs + (ushort)index * sizeGlyph)); }
private LigatureSetTable LigatureSet(FontTable Table, ushort Index) { return new LigatureSetTable(offset+Table.GetUShort(offset+ offsetLigatureSetArray + Index * sizeLigatureSet)); }
public LigatureTable Ligature(FontTable Table, ushort Index) { return new LigatureTable(offset + Table.GetUShort(offset + offsetLigatureArray + Index * sizeLigatureOffset)); }
public LigatureTable Ligature(FontTable Table, ushort Index) { return(new LigatureTable(offset + Table.GetUShort(offset + offsetLigatureArray + Index * sizeLigatureOffset))); }
public CoverageChainingSubtable(FontTable Table, int Offset) { offset = Offset; offsetInputGlyphCount = offsetBacktrackGlyphCount + sizeGlyphCount + Table.GetUShort(offset+offsetBacktrackGlyphCount) * sizeCoverageOffset; offsetLookaheadGlyphCount = offsetInputGlyphCount + sizeGlyphCount + Table.GetUShort(offset+offsetInputGlyphCount) * sizeCoverageOffset; }
public ushort GlyphCount(FontTable Table) { return Table.GetUShort(offset + offsetGlyphCount); }
public static ushort GlyphCount(FontTable Table, int Offset) { return Table.GetUShort(Offset); }
// Not used. This value should be equal to glyph count in Coverage. // Keeping it for future reference //private ushort Foramt2GlyphCount(FontTable Table) //{ // Debug.Assert(Format(Table)==2); // return Table.GetUShort(offset + offsetFormat2GlyphCount); //} private ushort Format2SubstituteGlyphId(FontTable Table, ushort Index) { Invariant.Assert(Format(Table) == 2); return(Table.GetUShort(offset + offsetFormat2SubstitutehArray + Index * sizeFormat2SubstituteSize)); }
public ushort Format(FontTable Table) { return Table.GetUShort(offset + offsetFormat); }
public ushort Glyph(FontTable Table, ushort index) { return(Table.GetUShort(offset + offsetGlyphArray + index * sizeGlyphId)); }
private LigatureSetTable LigatureSet(FontTable Table, ushort Index) { return(new LigatureSetTable(offset + Table.GetUShort(offset + offsetLigatureSetArray + Index * sizeLigatureSet))); }
public ushort Component(FontTable Table, ushort Index) { //LigaTable includes comps from 1 to N. So, (Index-1) return(Table.GetUShort(offset + offsetComponentArray + (Index - 1) * sizeComponent)); }
public ushort ComponentCount(FontTable Table) { return(Table.GetUShort(offset + offsetComponentCount)); }
public ushort LigatureGlyph(FontTable Table) { return(Table.GetUShort(offset + offsetLigatureGlyph)); }
public ushort ComponentCount(FontTable Table) { return Table.GetUShort(offset + offsetComponentCount); }
public ushort Format(FontTable Table) { return(Table.GetUShort(offset + offsetFormat)); }
public ushort Glyph(FontTable Table, ushort index) { return Table.GetUShort(offset + offsetGlyphArray + index * sizeGlyphId); }
private CoverageTable Coverage(FontTable Table) { return(new CoverageTable(offset + Table.GetUShort(offset + offsetCoverage))); }
// Not used. This value should be equal to glyph count in Coverage. // Keeping it for future reference //private ushort Foramt2GlyphCount(FontTable Table) //{ // Debug.Assert(Format(Table)==2); // return Table.GetUShort(offset + offsetFormat2GlyphCount); //} private ushort Format2SubstituteGlyphId(FontTable Table,ushort Index) { Invariant.Assert(Format(Table)==2); return Table.GetUShort(offset + offsetFormat2SubstitutehArray + Index * sizeFormat2SubstituteSize); }
public ContextualLookupRecords ContextualLookups(FontTable Table, int CurrentOffset) { return new ContextualLookupRecords(CurrentOffset + sizeCount, Table.GetUShort(CurrentOffset)); }
private ushort LigatureSetCount(FontTable Table) { return(Table.GetUShort(offset + offsetLigatureSetCount)); }
public CoverageTable LookaheadCoverage(FontTable Table, ushort Index) { return new CoverageTable(offset + Table.GetUShort(offset+ offsetLookaheadGlyphCount + sizeGlyphCount + Index*sizeCoverageOffset) ); }
public static ushort ClassId(FontTable Table, int Offset) { return Table.GetUShort(Offset); }
public ushort LigatureCount(FontTable Table) { return(Table.GetUShort(offset + offsetLigatureCount)); }
public CoverageTable BacktrackCoverage(FontTable Table, ushort Index) { return new CoverageTable(offset + Table.GetUShort(offset+ offsetBacktrackGlyphCount + sizeGlyphCount + Index*sizeCoverageOffset) ); }
public ushort GlyphCount(FontTable Table) { return(Table.GetUShort(offset + offsetGlyphCount)); }
public ContextualLookupRecords ContextualLookups(FontTable Table) { int recordCountOffset = offset + offsetLookaheadGlyphCount + sizeGlyphCount + LookaheadGlyphCount(Table) * sizeCoverageOffset; return new ContextualLookupRecords(recordCountOffset+sizeGlyphCount, Table.GetUShort(recordCountOffset)); }
private ushort LookupIndex(FontTable Table, ushort Index) { return Table.GetUShort(offset + Index*sizeLookupRecord + offsetLookupIndex); }
private ushort LigatureSetCount(FontTable Table) { return Table.GetUShort(offset + offsetLigatureSetCount); }
private ClassDefTable BacktrackClassDef(FontTable Table) { return new ClassDefTable(offset + Table.GetUShort(offset + offsetBacktrackClassDef) ); }
public ushort LigatureCount(FontTable Table) { return Table.GetUShort(offset + offsetLigatureCount); }
private ClassDefTable InputClassDef(FontTable Table) { return new ClassDefTable(offset + Table.GetUShort(offset + offsetInputClassDef) ); }
public ushort LigatureGlyph(FontTable Table) { return Table.GetUShort(offset + offsetLigatureGlyph); }
private ClassDefTable LookaheadClassDef(FontTable Table) { return new ClassDefTable(offset + Table.GetUShort(offset + offsetLookaheadClassDef) ); }
public ushort Component(FontTable Table, ushort Index) { //LigaTable includes comps from 1 to N. So, (Index-1) return Table.GetUShort(offset + offsetComponentArray + (Index-1) * sizeComponent); }
private ushort ClassSetCount(FontTable Table) { return Table.GetUShort(offset + offsetSubClassSetCount); }
// Not used. This value should be equal to glyph count in Coverage. // Keeping it for future reference //private ushort SequenceCount(FontTable Table) //{ // return Table.GetUShort(offset + offsetSequenceCount); //} private MultipleSubstitutionSequenceTable Sequence(FontTable Table, int Index) { return new MultipleSubstitutionSequenceTable( offset + Table.GetUShort(offset + offsetSequenceArray + Index * sizeSequenceOffset) ); }
private SubClassSet ClassSet(FontTable Table, ushort Index) { int ClassSetOffset = Table.GetUShort(offset + offsetSubClassSetArray + Index * sizeClassSetOffset); if (ClassSetOffset==0) return new SubClassSet(FontTable.InvalidOffset); else return new SubClassSet(offset + ClassSetOffset); }
private CoverageTable Coverage(FontTable Table) { return new CoverageTable(offset + Table.GetUShort(offset + offsetCoverage)); }
public ushort RuleCount(FontTable Table) { return Table.GetUShort(offset+offsetRuleCount); }
// Not used. This value should be equal to glyph count in Coverage. // Keeping it for future reference //private ushort AlternateSetCount(FontTable Table) //{ // return Table.GetUShort(offset + offsetAlternateSetCount); //} private AlternateSetTable AlternateSet(FontTable Table, int index) { return new AlternateSetTable(offset + Table.GetUShort(offset + offsetAlternateSets + index * sizeAlternateSetOffset) ); }
public SubClassRule Rule(FontTable Table, ushort Index) { return new SubClassRule(offset + Table.GetUShort(offset + offsetRuleArray + Index*sizeRuleOffset)); }
public ushort Alternate(FontTable Table, uint FeatureParam) { Invariant.Assert(FeatureParam > 0); // Parameter 0 means feautre is disabled. //Should be filtered out in GetNextEnabledGlyphRange // Off by one - alternate number 1 is stored under index 0 uint index = FeatureParam - 1; if (index >= GlyphCount(Table)) { return AlternateSubstitutionSubtable.InvalidAlternateGlyph; } return Table.GetUShort(offset + offsetGlyphs + (ushort)index*sizeGlyph); }
private ushort Format(FontTable Table) { return Table.GetUShort(offset + offsetFormat); }