        internal static IRawElementProviderSimple Create(IntPtr hwnd, int idChild)
            WindowsToolbar wtv = null;

            // By calling Accessible.CreateNativeFromEvent() instead of AccessibleObjectFromWindow() only controls with a native
            // implementation of IAccessible will be found.  OleAcc will not create a IAccessible proxy, since
            // Accessible.CreateNativeFromEvent() by passes OleAcc by sending a WM_GETOBJECT directly to the control and creating
            // IAccessible from the return, if it can.
            Accessible acc = Accessible.CreateNativeFromEvent(hwnd, NativeMethods.OBJID_CLIENT, NativeMethods.CHILD_SELF);

            if (acc != null)
                AccessibleRole role = acc.Role;
                if (role == AccessibleRole.MenuBar || role == AccessibleRole.MenuPopup)
                    wtv = new WindowsToolbarAsMenu(hwnd, null, 0, acc);

            if (wtv == null)
                wtv = new WindowsToolbar(hwnd, null, 0);

            return(idChild == 0 ? wtv : wtv.CreateToolbarItem(idChild - 1));
        internal static IRawElementProviderSimple Create(IntPtr hwnd, int idChild)
            WindowsToolbar wtv = null;

            // By calling Accessible.CreateNativeFromEvent() instead of AccessibleObjectFromWindow() only controls with a native
            // implementation of IAccessible will be found.  OleAcc will not create a IAccessible proxy, since
            // Accessible.CreateNativeFromEvent() by passes OleAcc by sending a WM_GETOBJECT directly to the control and creating
            // IAccessible from the return, if it can.
            Accessible acc = Accessible.CreateNativeFromEvent(hwnd, NativeMethods.OBJID_CLIENT, NativeMethods.CHILD_SELF);
            if (acc != null)
                AccessibleRole role = acc.Role;
                if (role == AccessibleRole.MenuBar || role == AccessibleRole.MenuPopup)
                    wtv = new WindowsToolbarAsMenu(hwnd, null, 0, acc);

            if( wtv == null)
                wtv = new WindowsToolbar(hwnd, null, 0);

            return idChild == 0 ? wtv : wtv.CreateToolbarItem (idChild - 1);