async Task <ValidatingConnectionEventArgs> ValidateConnection(MqttConnectPacket connectPacket, IMqttChannelAdapter channelAdapter)
            var context = new ValidatingConnectionEventArgs(connectPacket, channelAdapter)
                SessionItems = new ConcurrentDictionary <object, object>()

            await _eventContainer.ValidatingConnectionEvent.InvokeAsync(context).ConfigureAwait(false);

            // Check the client ID and set a random one if supported.
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(connectPacket.ClientId) && channelAdapter.PacketFormatterAdapter.ProtocolVersion == MqttProtocolVersion.V500)
                connectPacket.ClientId = context.AssignedClientIdentifier;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(connectPacket.ClientId))
                context.ReasonCode = MqttConnectReasonCode.ClientIdentifierNotValid;

        async Task <MqttClient> CreateClientConnection(
            MqttConnectPacket connectPacket,
            MqttConnAckPacket connAckPacket,
            IMqttChannelAdapter channelAdapter,
            ValidatingConnectionEventArgs validatingConnectionEventArgs)
            MqttClient connection;

            bool sessionShouldPersist;

            if (validatingConnectionEventArgs.ProtocolVersion == MqttProtocolVersion.V500)
                // MQTT 5.0 section
                // The Client and Server MUST store the Session State after the Network Connection is closed if the Session Expiry Interval is greater than 0 [MQTT-3.1.2-23].
                // A Client that only wants to process messages while connected will set the Clean Start to 1 and set the Session Expiry Interval to 0.
                // It will not receive Application Messages published before it connected and has to subscribe afresh to any topics that it is interested
                // in each time it connects.

                // Persist if SessionExpiryInterval != 0, but may start with a clean session
                sessionShouldPersist = validatingConnectionEventArgs.SessionExpiryInterval != 0;
                // MQTT 3.1.1 section persist only if 'not CleanSession'
                // If CleanSession is set to 1, the Client and Server MUST discard any previous Session and start a new one.
                // This Session lasts as long as the Network Connection. State data associated with this Session MUST NOT be
                // reused in any subsequent Session [MQTT-3.1.2-6].

                sessionShouldPersist = !connectPacket.CleanSession;

            using (await _createConnectionSyncRoot.WaitAsync(CancellationToken.None).ConfigureAwait(false))
                MqttSession session;
                lock (_sessionsManagementLock)
                    if (!_sessions.TryGetValue(connectPacket.ClientId, out session))
                        session = CreateSession(connectPacket.ClientId, validatingConnectionEventArgs.SessionItems, sessionShouldPersist);
                        if (connectPacket.CleanSession)
                            _logger.Verbose("Deleting existing session of client '{0}'.", connectPacket.ClientId);
                            session = CreateSession(connectPacket.ClientId, validatingConnectionEventArgs.SessionItems, sessionShouldPersist);
                            _logger.Verbose("Reusing existing session of client '{0}'.", connectPacket.ClientId);
                            // Session persistence could change for MQTT 5 clients that reconnect with different SessionExpiryInterval
                            session.IsPersistent           = sessionShouldPersist;
                            connAckPacket.IsSessionPresent = true;

                    _sessions[connectPacket.ClientId] = session;

                if (!connAckPacket.IsSessionPresent)
                    // TODO: This event is not yet final. It can already be used but restoring sessions from storage will be added later!
                    var preparingSessionEventArgs = new PreparingSessionEventArgs();
                    await _eventContainer.PreparingSessionEvent.InvokeAsync(preparingSessionEventArgs).ConfigureAwait(false);

                MqttClient existing;

                lock (_clients)
                    _clients.TryGetValue(connectPacket.ClientId, out existing);
                    connection = CreateConnection(connectPacket, channelAdapter, session);

                    _clients[connectPacket.ClientId] = connection;

                if (existing != null)
                    existing.IsTakenOver = true;
                    await existing.StopAsync(MqttDisconnectReasonCode.SessionTakenOver).ConfigureAwait(false);

                    if (_eventContainer.ClientConnectedEvent.HasHandlers)
                        var eventArgs = new ClientDisconnectedEventArgs
                            ClientId       = existing.Id,
                            DisconnectType = MqttClientDisconnectType.Takeover,
                            Endpoint       = existing.Endpoint

                        await _eventContainer.ClientDisconnectedEvent.InvokeAsync(eventArgs).ConfigureAwait(false);
