        public static void ReadInstrumentSetList()
            // traverse the whole audiobank index and grab details about every bank
            //  use those details to generate a list from the vanilla game that we can modify as needed
            List <InstrumentSetInfo> InstrumentSets = new List <InstrumentSetInfo>();

            for (int inst_set_num = 0; inst_set_num <= 0x28; ++inst_set_num)
                // each bank has one 16 byte sentence of data, first word is address, second length, last 8 bytes metadata
                int    table_pointer_addr = Addresses.AudiobankTable + (16 * inst_set_num);
                int    bank_location      = (ReadWriteUtils.ReadU16(table_pointer_addr) << 16) + ReadWriteUtils.ReadU16(table_pointer_addr + 2);
                int    bank_length        = (ReadWriteUtils.ReadU16(table_pointer_addr + 4) << 16) + ReadWriteUtils.ReadU16(table_pointer_addr + 6);
                byte[] metadata           = new byte[8];
                for (int b = 0; b < 8; ++b)
                    metadata[b] = ReadWriteUtils.Read(table_pointer_addr + 8 + b);
                byte[] bank_data = new byte[bank_length];
                for (int b = 0; b < bank_length; ++b)
                    bank_data[b] = ReadWriteUtils.Read(Addresses.Audiobank + bank_location + b);

                InstrumentSetInfo new_bank = new InstrumentSetInfo
                    BankSlot     = inst_set_num,
                    BankMetaData = metadata,
                    BankBinary   = bank_data

            RomData.InstrumentSetList = InstrumentSets;
        public static void ReadInstrumentSetList()
            /// traverse the whole audiobank index and grab details about every bank
            ///  use those details to generate a list from the vanilla game that we can modify as needed
            RomData.InstrumentSetList = new List <InstrumentSetInfo>();
            for (int audiobankIndex = 0; audiobankIndex <= 0x28; ++audiobankIndex)
                // each bank has one 16 byte sentence of data, first word is address, second is length, last 2 words metadata
                int audiobankIndexAddr  = Addresses.AudiobankTable + (audiobankIndex * 0x10);
                int audiobankBankOffset = (ReadWriteUtils.ReadU16(audiobankIndexAddr) << 16) + ReadWriteUtils.ReadU16(audiobankIndexAddr + 2);
                int bankLength          = (ReadWriteUtils.ReadU16(audiobankIndexAddr + 4) << 16) + ReadWriteUtils.ReadU16(audiobankIndexAddr + 6);

                byte[] bankMetadata = new byte[8];
                for (int b = 0; b < 8; ++b)
                    bankMetadata[b] = ReadWriteUtils.Read(audiobankIndexAddr + 8 + b);

                byte[] bankData = new byte[bankLength];
                for (int b = 0; b < bankLength; ++b)
                    bankData[b] = ReadWriteUtils.Read(Addresses.Audiobank + audiobankBankOffset + b);

                var newInstrumentSet = new InstrumentSetInfo
                    BankSlot     = audiobankIndex,
                    BankMetaData = bankMetadata,
                    BankBinary   = bankData

        private static void UpdateChest(Item location, Item item, ChestTypeAttribute.ChestType?overrideChestType)
            var chestType = item.GetAttribute <ChestTypeAttribute>().Type;

            if (overrideChestType.HasValue)
                chestType = overrideChestType.Value;
            var chestAttribute = location.GetAttribute <ChestAttribute>();

            if (chestAttribute != null)
                foreach (var address in chestAttribute.Addresses)
                    var chestVariable = ReadWriteUtils.Read(address);
                    chestVariable &= 0x0F; // remove existing chest type
                    var newChestType = ChestAttribute.GetType(chestType, chestAttribute.Type);
                    newChestType <<= 4;
                    chestVariable |= newChestType;
                    ReadWriteUtils.WriteToROM(address, chestVariable);

            var grottoChestAttribute = location.GetAttribute <GrottoChestAttribute>();

            if (grottoChestAttribute != null)
                foreach (var address in grottoChestAttribute.Addresses)
                    var grottoVariable = ReadWriteUtils.Read(address);
                    grottoVariable &= 0x1F; // remove existing chest type
                    var newChestType = (byte)chestType;
                    newChestType  <<= 5;
                    grottoVariable |= newChestType; // add new chest type
                    ReadWriteUtils.WriteToROM(address, grottoVariable);