public static MQuaternion FromToRotation(MVector3 aFrom, MVector3 aTo)
            MVector3 axis  = aFrom.Cross(aTo);
            double   angle = aFrom.Angle(aTo);

            return(AngleAxis(angle, axis.Normalize()));
        /// <summary>
        /// Computes the rotation to rotate from one vector to the other
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="from">The start direction</param>
        /// <param name="to">The desired direction</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static MQuaternion FromToRotation(MVector3 from, MVector3 to)
            //Normalize both vectors
            from = from.Normalize();
            to   = to.Normalize();

            //Estimate the rotation axis
            MVector3 axis = MVector3Extensions.Cross(from, to).Normalize();

            //Compute the phi angle
            double phi = Math.Acos(MVector3Extensions.Dot(from, to)) / (from.Magnitude() * to.Magnitude());

            //Create a new quaternion representing the rotation
            MQuaternion result = new MQuaternion()
                X = Math.Sin(phi / 2) * axis.X,
                Y = Math.Sin(phi / 2) * axis.Y,
                Z = Math.Sin(phi / 2) * axis.Z,
                W = Math.Cos(phi / 2)

            //Perform is nan check and return identity quaternion
            if (double.IsNaN(result.W) || double.IsNaN(result.X) || double.IsNaN(result.Y) || double.IsNaN(result.Z))
                result = new MQuaternion(0, 0, 0, 1);

            //Return the estimated rotation
        public static MQuaternion AngleAxis(double aAngle, MVector3 aAxis)
            aAxis = aAxis.Normalize();
            double rad = aAngle * Math.PI / 180 * 0.5;

            aAxis = aAxis.Multiply(Math.Sin(rad));
            return(new MQuaternion(aAxis.X, aAxis.Y, aAxis.Z, Math.Cos(rad)));
        public static double Angle(this MVector3 from, MVector3 to)
            double rad = from.Normalize().Dot(to.Normalize());

            // clamp
            rad = Math.Max(Math.Min(rad, 1), -1);
            return(Math.Acos(rad) * 180 / Math.PI);