        /// <summary>
        /// Read enemylist.csv to construct EnemyInstances.
        /// </summary>
        private void ReadEnemyInstancesFromFile()
            string[] lines = Properties.Resources.enemylist.Split(new string[] { Environment.NewLine }, StringSplitOptions.None);

            foreach (string line in lines)
                if (line.StartsWith("#"))
                    continue;                       // Ignore comment lines
                string[] cols = line.Split(new char[] { ',' });

                EnemyInstance enemy = new EnemyInstance(
                    Convert.ToInt32(cols[0], 16), // Index
                    Convert.ToInt32(cols[1], 16), // StageNum
                    Convert.ToInt32(cols[2], 16), // RoomNum
                    Convert.ToInt32(cols[3], 16), // ScreenNum
                    Convert.ToBoolean(cols[4]),   // IsActive
                    Convert.ToInt32(cols[5], 16), // EnemyID
                    Convert.ToInt32(cols[6], 16), // XPosOriginal
                    Convert.ToInt32(cols[7], 16), // YPosOriginal
                    Convert.ToInt32(cols[8], 16), // YPosAir
                    Convert.ToInt32(cols[9], 16), // YPosGround
                    Convert.ToBoolean(cols[10])); // FaceRight
        /// <summary>
        /// Read enemylist.csv to construct EnemyInstances.
        /// </summary>
        private void ReadEnemyInstancesFromFile()
            EnemySet enemySet = Properties.Resources.EnemySet.Deserialize <EnemySet>();

            foreach (Enemy enemy in enemySet)
                EnemyInstance enemyInstance = new EnemyInstance(
                    Convert.ToInt32(enemy.Index, 16),
                    Convert.ToInt32(enemy.StageNumber, 16),
                    Convert.ToInt32(enemy.RoomNumber, 16),
                    Convert.ToInt32(enemy.ScreenNumber, 16),
                    Convert.ToInt32(enemy.EnemyId, 16),
                    Convert.ToInt32(enemy.PositionX, 16),
                    Convert.ToInt32(enemy.PositionY, 16),
                    Convert.ToInt32(enemy.PositionAir, 16),
                    Convert.ToInt32(enemy.PositionGround, 16),

        private void Execute(Patch Patch, Random r)
            foreach (SpriteBankRoomGroup sbrg in RoomGroups)
                // Skip processing the room if every sprite bank row is taken
                if (sbrg.IsSpriteRestricted && sbrg.SpriteBankRowsRestriction.Count >= 6)

                // Create valid random combination of enemies to place
                List <EnemyType> newEnemies = GenerateEnemyCombinations(sbrg, r);

                // No enemy can fit in this room for some reason, skip this room (GFX will be glitched)
                if (newEnemies.Count == 0)

                // For each enemy ID (in the room, in the room-group), change to a random enemy from the new set
                for (int i = 0; i < sbrg.Rooms.Count; i++)
                    Room room = sbrg.Rooms[i];
                    for (int j = 0; j < room.EnemyInstances.Count; j++)
                        EnemyInstance instance = room.EnemyInstances[j];

                        int       randomIndex  = r.Next(newEnemies.Count);
                        EnemyType newEnemyType = newEnemies[randomIndex];
                        byte      newId        = (byte)newEnemyType.ID;

                        // When placing the last enemy, If room contains an activator, manually change the last spawn in the room to be its deactivator
                        if (j == room.EnemyInstances.Count - 1)
                            EEnemyID?activator = room.GetActivatorIfOneHasBeenAdded();
                            if (activator != null)
                                newId = (byte)EnemyType.GetCorrespondingDeactivator((EEnemyID)activator);

                            // Also, if this last instance is an activator, try to replace it
                            if (EnemyType.CheckIsActivator(newId))
                                newId = TryReplaceActivator(newEnemies, newId);

                                // Update the new enemy type because it may require different graphics
                                if (!EnemyType.CheckIsDeactivator(newId))
                                    newEnemyType = newEnemies.Where(x => (byte)x.ID == newId).First();

                        sbrg.NewEnemyTypes.Add(newEnemyType); // TODO: This all should be refactored. Use a hashtable of EnemyTypes and abolish "EnemyID".

                        // If room contains only this one enemy and it is an activator
                        // TODO: How does Clash stage work with the Pipis? They don't break normally.
                        if ((room.EnemyInstances.Count == 1 && instance.HasNewActivator()))
                            // Try to replace it with a non-activator enemy
                            //newId = TryReplaceActivator(newEnemies, newId);

                        // Last-minute adjustments to certain enemy spawns
                        switch ((EEnemyID)newId)
                        case EEnemyID.Shrink:
                            double randomSpawner = r.NextDouble();
                            if (randomSpawner < CHANCE_SHRINKSPAWNER)
                                newId = (byte)EEnemyID.Shrink_Spawner;

                        case EEnemyID.Shotman_Left:
                            if (instance.IsFaceRight)
                                newId = (byte)EEnemyID.Shotman_Right;

                        default: break;

                        // Update object with new ID for future use
                        room.EnemyInstances[j].EnemyID = newId;

                        // Change the enemy ID in the ROM
                        int IDposition = Stage0EnemyIDAddress +
                                         instance.StageNum * StageLength +

                        Patch.Add(IDposition, newId, $"{sbrg.Stage.ToString("G")} Stage Enemy #{instance.Offset} ID (Room {instance.RoomNum}) {((EEnemyID)instance.EnemyID).ToString("G")}");

                        // Change the enemy Y pos based on Air or Ground category
                        int newY = newEnemyType.YAdjust;
                        newY      += (newEnemyType.IsYPosAir) ? instance.YAir : instance.YGround;
                        IDposition = Stage0EnemyYAddress +
                                     instance.StageNum * StageLength +
                        Patch.Add(IDposition, (byte)newY, $"{sbrg.Stage.ToString("G")} Stage Enemy #{instance.Offset} Y (Room {instance.RoomNum}) {((EEnemyID)instance.EnemyID).ToString("G")}");

                // Change sprite banks for the room
                foreach (EnemyType e in sbrg.NewEnemyTypes)
                    for (int i = 0; i < e.SpriteBankRows.Count; i++)
                        int rowInSlotAddress = sbrg.PatternAddressStart + e.SpriteBankRows[i] * 2;
                        int patternTblPtr1   = e.PatternTableAddresses[2 * i];
                        int patternTblPtr2   = e.PatternTableAddresses[2 * i + 1];

                        Patch.Add(rowInSlotAddress, (byte)patternTblPtr1, $"{sbrg.Stage.ToString("G")} Stage Sprite Bank Slot ? Row {e.SpriteBankRows[i]} Indirect Address 1");
                        Patch.Add(rowInSlotAddress + 1, (byte)patternTblPtr2, $"{sbrg.Stage.ToString("G")} Stage Sprite Bank Slot ? Row {e.SpriteBankRows[i]} Indirect Address 2");
            } // end foreach sbrg
        private void InitializeRooms()
            // First, create a list of every room-group that refers to a specifc Sprite Bank Slot.

            // Heatman & Wily 1 stage enemies
            // NOTE: Can only use sprite banks 0-5
            RoomGroups.Add(new SpriteBankRoomGroup(EStageID.HeatW1, 0x003470, new int[] { 0, 12 }));       // Bank 0
            RoomGroups.Add(new SpriteBankRoomGroup(EStageID.HeatW1, 0x003482, new int[] { 3, 8, 9, 10 })); // Bank 1
            RoomGroups.Add(new SpriteBankRoomGroup(EStageID.HeatW1, 0x003494, new int[] { 1, 2 },          // Bank 2
                                                   new int[] { 3 }, new byte[] { 0x97, 0x03 }));           // Force Yoku blocks
            // Heat Bank 3 - Heat fight 0x0034A6
            // Heat Bank 4 - Dragon fight
            RoomGroups.Add(new SpriteBankRoomGroup(EStageID.HeatW1, 0x0034ca, new int[] { 7 })); // Bank 5

            // Airman & Wily 2 stage enemies
            RoomGroups.Add(new SpriteBankRoomGroup(EStageID.AirW2, 0x007470, new int[] { 0 })); // Bank 0 - Lightning Goro room
            RoomGroups.Add(new SpriteBankRoomGroup(EStageID.AirW2, 0x007482, new int[] { 2 })); // Bank 1
            RoomGroups.Add(new SpriteBankRoomGroup(EStageID.AirW2, 0x007494, new int[] { 1 })); // Bank 2
            // Air Bank 3 - Air fight 0x0074A6
            RoomGroups.Add(new SpriteBankRoomGroup(EStageID.AirW2, 0x0074b8, new int[] { 5 })); // Bank 4
            RoomGroups.Add(new SpriteBankRoomGroup(EStageID.AirW2, 0x0074ca, new int[] { 7 })); // Bank 5
            RoomGroups.Add(new SpriteBankRoomGroup(EStageID.AirW2, 0x0074dc, new int[] { 9 })); // Bank 6
            // Air Bank 7 - Picopico-kun fight

            // Woodman & Wily 3 stage enemies
            // NOTE: Access to sprite banks 0-7, plus extra banks 0x90 and 0xA2
            RoomGroups.Add(new SpriteBankRoomGroup(EStageID.WoodW3, 0x00b470, new int[] { 10, 22 })); // Bank 0; Moved Room 10 from bank 3
            RoomGroups.Add(new SpriteBankRoomGroup(EStageID.WoodW3, 0x00B482, new int[] { 1, 6 }));   // Bank 1
            RoomGroups.Add(new SpriteBankRoomGroup(EStageID.WoodW3, 0x00B494, new int[] { 7 }));      // Bank 2
            RoomGroups.Add(new SpriteBankRoomGroup(EStageID.WoodW3, 0x00B4A6, new int[] { 0 }));      // Bank 3
            RoomGroups.Add(new SpriteBankRoomGroup(EStageID.WoodW3, 0x00B4B8, new int[] { 11 }));     // Bank 4
            // Rooms.Add(new EnemyRoom(EStageID.WoodW3, 0x00B4CA, new int[] { 2, 3, 4 })); // Bank 5 - Friender rooms
            // Wood Bank 6 - Wood fight 0x00B4DC
            // Wood Bank 7 - Gutsdozer fight
            RoomGroups.Add(new SpriteBankRoomGroup(EStageID.WoodW3, 0x00b500, new int[] { 8, 16 })); // Bank ? (0x90); Moved Room 8 from bank 3
            RoomGroups.Add(new SpriteBankRoomGroup(EStageID.WoodW3, 0x00b512, new int[] { 9, 17 })); // Bank ? (0xA2); Moved Room 9 from bank 3

            // Bubbleman & Wily 4 stage enemies
            RoomGroups.Add(new SpriteBankRoomGroup(EStageID.BubbleW4, 0x00F470, new int[] { 0, 5 },             // Bank 0
                                                   new int[] { 2 }, new byte[] { 0x9D, 0x02 }));                // Falling platform sprite
            RoomGroups.Add(new SpriteBankRoomGroup(EStageID.BubbleW4, 0x00F482, new int[] { 1, 2, 3 }));        // Bank 1
            RoomGroups.Add(new SpriteBankRoomGroup(EStageID.BubbleW4, 0x00F494, new int[] { 4 },                // Bank 2
                                                   new int[] { 0, 1 }, new byte[] { 0x9E, 0x02, 0x9F, 0x02 })); // Shrimp sprites
            // Bubble Bank 3 - Bubbleman fight 0x00F4A6
            RoomGroups.Add(new SpriteBankRoomGroup(EStageID.BubbleW4, 0x00f4b8, new int[] { 9, 10, 13 }));      // Bank 4
            RoomGroups.Add(new SpriteBankRoomGroup(EStageID.BubbleW4, 0x00f4ca, new int[] { 15, 17 },           // Bank 5
                                                   new int[] { 3 }, new byte[] { 0x95, 0x03 }));                // Moving platform sprite
            RoomGroups.Add(new SpriteBankRoomGroup(EStageID.BubbleW4, 0x00f4dc, new int[] { 19 }));             // Bank 6

            // Quick
            // Quick Bank 0 - Used in empty room only
            RoomGroups.Add(new SpriteBankRoomGroup(EStageID.QuickW5, 0x013482, new int[] { 7 }));                                 // Bank 1
            RoomGroups.Add(new SpriteBankRoomGroup(EStageID.QuickW5, 0x013494, new int[] { 15 }));                                // Bank 2
            RoomGroups.Add(new SpriteBankRoomGroup(EStageID.QuickW5, 0x0134A6, new int[] { 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 })); // Bank 3
            // Quick Bank 4 - Quick fight // 0x0134B8
            RoomGroups.Add(new SpriteBankRoomGroup(EStageID.QuickW5, 0x0134CA, new int[] { 1, 2 }));                              // Bank 5
            // Quick Bank 6 - W5 Teleporters
            // Quick Bank 7 - Wily Machine

            // Flash
            RoomGroups.Add(new SpriteBankRoomGroup(EStageID.FlashW6, 0x017470, new int[] { 0, 3, 5 })); // Bank 0
            RoomGroups.Add(new SpriteBankRoomGroup(EStageID.FlashW6, 0x017482, new int[] { 1, 6, 7 })); // Bank 1
            RoomGroups.Add(new SpriteBankRoomGroup(EStageID.FlashW6, 0x017494, new int[] { 2, 4 }));    // Bank 2; Moved room 2 from bank 0
            // Flash Bank 3: Flashman fight 0x0174A6
            // Flash Bank 4: W6 Alien fight
            // Flash Bank 5: Wily defeated cutscene?
            // Flash Bank 6: Droplets

            // Metal
            RoomGroups.Add(new SpriteBankRoomGroup(EStageID.Metal, 0x01B470, new int[] { 0, 1 }));
            RoomGroups.Add(new SpriteBankRoomGroup(EStageID.Metal, 0x01B482, new int[] { 2 }));
            // Metal fight 0x01B494

            // Clash
            RoomGroups.Add(new SpriteBankRoomGroup(EStageID.Clash, 0x01f494, new int[] { 0, 3, 4, 5 },
                                                   new int[] { 3 }, new byte[] { 0x95, 0x03 })); // Moving platform sprites
            RoomGroups.Add(new SpriteBankRoomGroup(EStageID.Clash, 0x01f482, new int[] { 2, 8, 9 }));
            RoomGroups.Add(new SpriteBankRoomGroup(EStageID.Clash, 0x01f4a6, new int[] { 6, 7 }));
            RoomGroups.Add(new SpriteBankRoomGroup(EStageID.Clash, 0x01f470, new int[] { 10, 11, 12 }));
            RoomGroups.Add(new SpriteBankRoomGroup(EStageID.Clash, 0x01f4b8, new int[] { 1 })); // Slot 4, changed from empty room 13 to room 1
            RoomGroups.Add(new SpriteBankRoomGroup(EStageID.Clash, 0x01f4ca, new int[] { 14 }));
            // Clash fight 0x01F4DC

            // Get copy of enemy spawn list to save time
            List <EnemyInstance> usedInstances = new List <EnemyInstance>(EnemyInstances);

            // First, loop back through entire list of room-groups. For each, loop through entire list of
            // enemies, match them and assign them to their room-group. Assigned enemies are removed from
            // the list, reducing the search time on each loop. For now, completely discard all enemy spawns
            // that are reserved (i.e. Yoku blocks in Heat, beams in Quick).
            foreach (SpriteBankRoomGroup sbrg in RoomGroups)
                int stageNum = (int)sbrg.Stage;

                // Find index of first enemy instance in the stage
                int i = 0;
                for (i = 0; i < usedInstances.Count; i++)
                    if (usedInstances.ElementAt(i).StageNum == stageNum)

                // Check each applicable room number for this room group
                for (int roomIndex = 0; roomIndex < sbrg.Rooms.Count; roomIndex++)
                    Room room = sbrg.Rooms[roomIndex];

                    // Find first occurrence of this room num in enemy list (starting at this stage)
                    int j = 0;
                    while (i + j < usedInstances.Count)
                        EnemyInstance checkEnemy = usedInstances.ElementAt(i + j);

                        // Only add non-required enemy instances to the randomizer
                        if (checkEnemy.IsActive)
                            // Enemy instance stage/room num match one described in a SpriteBankRoomGroup
                            if (checkEnemy.RoomNum == room.RoomNum && checkEnemy.StageNum == stageNum)
                                // Add enemy to room group

                                // Remove enemy from temporary list
                                usedInstances.RemoveAt(i + j);
                                // Only inc j here since an element hasn't been removed
                            // Remove unrandomizable enemy from temporary list
                            usedInstances.RemoveAt(i + j);
                    } // end while
                }     // end foreach roomNum in sbrg
            }         // end foreach sbrg
        /// <summary>
        /// Read enemylist.csv to construct EnemyInstances.
        /// </summary>
        private void ReadEnemyInstancesFromFile()
            using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader("enemylist.csv"))
                while (!sr.EndOfStream)
                    string line = sr.ReadLine();
                    if (line.StartsWith("#")) continue; // Ignore comment lines

                    string[] cols = line.Split(new char[] { ',' });

                    EnemyInstance enemy = new EnemyInstance(
                        Convert.ToInt32(cols[0], 16), // Index
                        Convert.ToInt32(cols[1], 16), // StageNum
                        Convert.ToInt32(cols[2], 16), // RoomNum
                        Convert.ToInt32(cols[3], 16), // ScreenNum
                        Convert.ToBoolean(cols[4]),   // IsActive
                        Convert.ToInt32(cols[5], 16), // EnemyID
                        Convert.ToInt32(cols[6], 16), // XPosOriginal
                        Convert.ToInt32(cols[7], 16), // YPosOriginal
                        Convert.ToInt32(cols[8], 16), // YPosAir
                        Convert.ToInt32(cols[9], 16), // YPosGround
                        Convert.ToBoolean(cols[10])); // FaceRight