public static void Body(PlayerSetup.Player player, Room.Room room, string commandOptions) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(commandOptions)) { return; } var foundCorpse = room.items.FirstOrDefault(x =>; if (foundCorpse == null) { HubContext.Instance.SendToClient("No corpse found.", player.HubGuid); return; } var corpseName =; var corpse = string.Empty; if (corpseName.Contains("decayed")) { corpse = corpseName.Replace("the decayed corpse of ", ""); } else if (corpseName.Contains("rotting")) { corpse = corpseName.Replace("the rotting corpse of ", ""); } else { corpse = corpseName.Replace("the corpse of ", ""); } var carveMessage = "You carve " + corpse + " retrieving "; var bodyPart = GetBodyPart(); HubContext.Instance.SendToClient(carveMessage + Helpers.ReturnName(null, null, bodyPart).ToLower() + ".", player.HubGuid); if (bodyPart == "nothing") { return; } if (foundCorpse.KnownByName) { } var bodybit = new Item.Item() { name = corpse + " " + bodyPart, location = Item.Item.ItemLocation.Inventory, slot = Item.Item.EqSlot.Held, eqSlot = Item.Item.EqSlot.Held, equipable = true, }; if (foundCorpse.KnownByName) { bodybit.KnownByName = true; } PlayerSetup.Player.AddItem(player, bodybit); Score.UpdateUiInventory(player); if (room.items.FirstOrDefault(x => != null) { room.items.Remove(foundCorpse); } }
public static async Task CraftItem(PlayerSetup.Player player, Room.Room room, Craft craftItem) { //add skill check here var getSkill = player.Skills.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Alias.Equals(craftItem.CraftCommand.ToString())); if (getSkill == null) { HubContext.Instance.SendToClient("You don't know how to do that", player.HubGuid); return; } if (player.MovePoints < craftItem.MoveCost) { if (craftItem.CraftCommand == CraftType.Chop || craftItem.CraftCommand == CraftType.Brew) { HubContext.Instance.SendToClient("You are too tired to make " + Helpers.ReturnName(null, null, + ".", player.HubGuid); return; } HubContext.Instance.SendToClient("You are too tired to make " + Helpers.ReturnName(null, null, craftItem.Name).ToLower() + ".", player.HubGuid); return; } player.MovePoints -= craftItem.MoveCost; var successChance = ShowSkills.CraftSuccess(getSkill.Points); if (getSkill.Points >= successChance) { //success if (player.ActiveSkill != null) { HubContext.Instance.SendToClient("wait till you have finished " + player.ActiveSkill.Name, player.HubGuid); return; } player.ActiveSkill = getSkill; var oldRoom = room; HubContext.Instance.SendToClient(craftItem.StartMessage, player.HubGuid); await Task.Delay(1500); foreach (var emote in craftItem.CraftingEmotes) { HubContext.Instance.SendToClient(emote, player.HubGuid); await Task.Delay(2000); } HubContext.Instance.SendToClient(craftItem.SuccessMessage, player.HubGuid); if (craftItem.Materials != null) { foreach (var materials in craftItem.Materials) { for (var i = 0; i < materials.Count; i++) { var item = player.Inventory.FirstOrDefault(x => .Contains(materials.Name.ToLower())); player.Inventory.Remove(item); } } } if (craftItem.CraftAppearsInRoom) { room.items.Add(craftItem.CreatesItem); } if (!craftItem.CraftAppearsInRoom) { PlayerSetup.Player.AddItem(player, craftItem.CreatesItem); } Score.UpdateUiInventory(player); Cache.updateRoom(room, oldRoom); player.ActiveSkill = null; } else { var failMessage = craftItem.FailureMessages[Helpers.Rand(1, craftItem.FailureMessages.Count)]; HubContext.Instance.SendToClient(failMessage.Message, player.HubGuid); if (failMessage.BreakMaterial) { var item = player.Inventory.FirstOrDefault(x => .Materials[Helpers.Rand(1, craftItem.Materials.Count)].Name.ToLower())); player.Inventory.Remove(item); } var xp = new Experience(); if (getSkill != null) { if (player.ChosenCraft == craftItem.CraftCommand.ToString()) { getSkill.Points += Helpers.Rand(1, 10); HubContext.Instance.SendToClient("<p class='roomExit'>You learn from your mistakes and gain 100 experience points.</p>", player.HubGuid); player.Experience += 100; } else { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(player.ChosenCraft) && getSkill.Points <= 99) { HubContext.Instance.SendToClient("<p class='roomExit'>You learn from your mistakes and gain 100 experience points.</p>", player.HubGuid); player.Experience += 100; getSkill.Points += Helpers.Rand(1, 10); if (getSkill.Points > 99) { var rankWarning = ShowSkills.checkRank(getSkill.Points, player); HubContext.Instance.SendToClient(rankWarning, player.HubGuid); getSkill.Points = 99; } } else if (getSkill.Points <= 99) { HubContext.Instance.SendToClient("<p class='roomExit'>You learn from your mistakes and gain 100 experience points.</p>", player.HubGuid); player.Experience += 100; getSkill.Points += Helpers.Rand(1, 10); if (getSkill.Points > 99) { getSkill.Points = 99; } } } } Score.ReturnScoreUI(player); xp.GainLevel(player); } }
public static void Say(string message, Player player, Room room) { string playerId = player.HubGuid; HubContext.Instance.SendToClient($"<span class='sayColor'>You say, \"{message}\"</span>", playerId, null, false, false); Score.UpdateUIChannels(player, $"<span class='sayColor'>You say, \"{message}\"</span>", "roomChannelF"); foreach (var character in room.players) { if (player != character) { var roomMessage = $"<span class='sayColor'>{ Helpers.ReturnName(player, character, string.Empty)} says \"{message}\"</span>"; Score.UpdateUIChannels(character, $"<span class='sayColor'>{ Helpers.ReturnName(player, character, string.Empty)} says \"{message}\"</span>", "roomChannelF"); HubContext.Instance.SendToClient(roomMessage, character.HubGuid); } } //check npc response foreach (var mob in room.mobs) { var response = string.Empty; var responseEmote = string.Empty; var responseGiveItemEmote = string.Empty; Item.Item responseGiveItem = null; Skill responseGiveSkill = null; var hasQuest = false; var questId = 0; var GivePrerequisiteItem = false; if (mob.Dialogue != null) { foreach (var dialogue in mob.Dialogue) { foreach (var keyword in dialogue.Keyword) { if (message.Contains(keyword)) { response = dialogue.Response; responseEmote = dialogue.DoEmote; } } } } if (response == string.Empty) { if (mob.DialogueTree != null) { foreach (var tree in mob.DialogueTree) { if (message.Equals(tree.MatchPhrase)) { responseGiveItem = tree.GiveItem; responseGiveItemEmote = tree.GiveItemEmote; response = tree.Message; responseGiveSkill = tree.GiveSkill; if (tree.GiveQuest != null) { hasQuest = (bool)tree.GiveQuest; } if (tree.GivePrerequisiteItem != null) { GivePrerequisiteItem = (bool)tree.GivePrerequisiteItem; } if (tree.QuestId != null) { questId = (int)tree.QuestId; } } } } } if (response != String.Empty) { Thread.Sleep(120); // hack, sometimes the responses calls before the questions?? HubContext.Instance.SendToClient("<span class='sayColor'>" + mob.Name + " says to you \"" + response.Replace("$playerName", player.Name) + "\"<span>", playerId); Score.UpdateUIChannels(player, "<span class='sayColor'>" + mob.Name + " says to you \"" + response.Replace("$playerName", player.Name) + "\"<span>", "roomChannelF"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(responseEmote)) { HubContext.Instance.SendToClient(player.Name + " " + responseEmote, playerId); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(responseGiveItemEmote)) { HubContext.Instance.SendToClient(responseGiveItemEmote, playerId); } if (responseGiveItem != null) { Player.AddItem(player, responseGiveItem); Score.UpdateUiInventory(player); } if (responseGiveSkill != null) { player.Skills.Add(responseGiveSkill); HubContext.Instance.SendToClient("You have learned " + responseGiveSkill.Name, playerId); } //check branch to show responses from var speak = mob.DialogueTree.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Message.Equals(response)); foreach (var respond in speak.PossibleResponse) { var textChoice = "<a class='multipleChoice' href='javascript:void(0)' onclick='$.connection.mIMHub.server.recieveFromClient(\"say " + respond.Response + "\",\"" + player.HubGuid + "\")'>[say, " + respond.Response + "]</a>"; HubContext.Instance.AddNewMessageToPage(player.HubGuid, textChoice); } if (hasQuest) { //find quest var quest = mob.Quest.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id.Equals(questId)); var playerHasQuest = player.QuestLog.FirstOrDefault(x => quest != null && x.Name.Equals(quest.Name)); if (playerHasQuest == null) { //to player log player.QuestLog.Add(quest); Score.UpdateUiQlog(player); HubContext.Instance.SendToClient("<span class='questColor'>Quest Added:<br />" + quest.Name + " </span> ", playerId); if (GivePrerequisiteItem) { HubContext.Instance.SendToClient(quest.PrerequisiteItemEmote, playerId); foreach (var qitem in quest.PrerequisiteItem) { HubContext.Instance.SendToClient(mob.Name + " gives you " + Helpers.ReturnName(null, null,, playerId); Player.AddItem(player, qitem); } Score.UpdateUiInventory(player); foreach (var character in room.players) { if (player != character) { var roomMessage = $"{ Helpers.ReturnName(mob, character, string.Empty)} {quest.PrerequisiteItemEmote}"; HubContext.Instance.SendToClient(roomMessage, character.HubGuid); } } } } } } else { //generic responses? } if (mob.EventOnComunicate.Count > 0) { var triggerEvent = mob.EventOnComunicate.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Value.Equals("yes")); Event.ParseCommand(triggerEvent.Key, player, mob, room, "yes", "player"); } } }
public static void RepairItem(PlayerSetup.Player player, Room.Room room, string commandOptions) { var hasSkill = player.Skills.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name.Equals("Repair")); if (hasSkill == null) { HubContext.Instance.SendToClient("You don't know how to do that.", player.HubGuid); return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(commandOptions)) { return; } var item = FindNth.Findnth(commandOptions); var foundItem = FindItem.Item(player.Inventory, item.Key, item.Value, Item.Item.ItemLocation.Inventory); var repairHammer = player.Inventory.FirstOrDefault(x =>; if (foundItem == null) { HubContext.Instance.SendToClient("You don't have " + Helpers.ReturnName(null, null, item.Value), player.HubGuid); return; } if (foundItem.Condition >= 75) { HubContext.Instance.SendToClient("You can't improve " + Helpers.ReturnName(null, null, + " any further.", player.HubGuid); return; } if (repairHammer != null && repairHammer.type == Item.Item.ItemType.Repair) { var chance = Helpers.Rand(1, 100); if (hasSkill.Proficiency >= chance) { foundItem.Condition += Helpers.Rand(10, 25); HubContext.Instance.SendToClient(Helpers.ReturnName(null, null, item.Value) + " looks to be in a better condition.", player.HubGuid); if (foundItem.Condition > 0) { var iname = Helpers.FirstLetterToUpper("broken", String.Empty) .Trim()); = iname; } if (foundItem.Condition >= 75) { var removeBrokenFromName ="broken ", String.Empty).Trim(); = Helpers.FirstLetterToUpper(removeBrokenFromName); foundItem.Condition = 75; HubContext.Instance.SendToClient(Helpers.ReturnName(null, null, item.Value) + " has been fully repaired.", player.HubGuid); Score.UpdateUiInventory(player); return; } repairHammer.Uses -= 1; } else { HubContext.Instance.SendToClient("You fail to improve the condition of " + Helpers.ReturnName(null, null, item.Value), player.HubGuid); PlayerSetup.Player.LearnFromMistake(player, hasSkill, 100); } if (repairHammer.Uses <= 0) { HubContext.Instance.SendToClient("The repair hammer falls to pieces in your hand.", player.HubGuid); player.Inventory.Remove(repairHammer); player.Equipment.Held = "Nothing"; } Score.UpdateUiInventory(player); Score.ReturnScoreUI(player); } else { HubContext.Instance.SendToClient("You need to equip a repair hammer", player.HubGuid); return; } }
/// <summary> /// Drops item from player inventory /// </summary> /// <param name="room">room object</param> /// <param name="player">player object</param> /// <param name="userInput">text entered by user</param> /// <param name="commandKey">command entered</param> public static void GiveItem(Room room, Player player, string userInput, string commandKey, string type) { var currentRoom = room; var currentPlayer = player; string[] all = userInput.Split(); var itemToGive = all[0]; var thing = all.Last(); var item = itemToGive; var foundItem = player.Inventory.FirstOrDefault(x => item != null &&, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)); var foundThing = room.players.FirstOrDefault(x => thing != null && x.Name.StartsWith(thing, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) ?? room.mobs.FirstOrDefault(x => thing != null && x.Name.StartsWith(thing, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)); if (all[0].Equals("all", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { var playerInv = player.Inventory; var playerInvCount = player.Inventory.Count; for (int i = playerInvCount - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (foundThing != null) { foundThing.Inventory.Add(playerInv[i]); BroadcastPlayerAction.BroadcastPlayerActions(player.HubGuid, player.Name, room.players, "You give a " + playerInv[i].name + " to " + foundThing.Name, player.Name + " gives a " + playerInv[i].name + " to " + foundThing.Name); player.Inventory.Remove(playerInv[i]); } } } else { if (foundThing == null) { HubContext.SendToClient("You don't see " + thing + " here.", player.HubGuid); return; } if (foundItem == null) { HubContext.SendToClient("You are not carrying a " + item, player.HubGuid); return; } player.Inventory.Remove(foundItem); foundThing.Inventory.Add(foundItem); BroadcastPlayerAction.BroadcastPlayerActions(player.HubGuid, player.Name, room.players, "You give a " + + " to " + foundThing.Name, player.Name + " gives a " + + " to " + foundThing.Name); //check quest foreach (var quest in player.QuestLog) { if (!quest.Completed && quest.Type == Quest.QuestType.FindMob) { //Find quest requires player to give item to the mob. if (quest.QuestGiver == foundThing.Name && == { // player completed quest var mobQuest = foundThing.Quest.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id.Equals(quest.Id)); if (mobQuest != null) { HubContext.SendToClient( foundThing.Name + " says to you " + mobQuest.RewardDialog.Message.Replace("$playerName", player.Name), player.HubGuid, null, true); } //award player } } } } //save to cache Cache.updateRoom(room, currentRoom); Cache.updatePlayer(player, currentPlayer); Score.UpdateUiInventory(player); var roomdata = LoadRoom.DisplayRoom(room, player.Name); Score.UpdateUiRoom(player, roomdata); }
/// <summary> /// Drops item from player inventory /// </summary> /// <param name="room">room object</param> /// <param name="player">player object</param> /// <param name="userInput">text entered by user</param> /// <param name="commandKey">command entered</param> public static void DropItem(Room room, Player player, string userInput, string commandKey) { var currentRoom = room; var currentPlayer = player; string[] all = userInput.Split(); var returnedItem = (KeyValuePair <Item, Item>)FindObject(room, player, commandKey, userInput, FindInventory); var container = returnedItem.Key; var item = returnedItem.Value; if (all[0].Equals("all", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { var playerInv = player.Inventory; var playerInvCount = player.Inventory.Count; for (int i = playerInvCount - 1; i >= 0; i--) { playerInv[i].location = Item.ItemLocation.Room; if (container == null) { playerInv[i].location = Item.ItemLocation.Room; playerInv[i].isHiddenInRoom = false; room.items.Add(playerInv[i]); BroadcastPlayerAction.BroadcastPlayerActions(player.HubGuid, player.Name, room.players, "You drop a " + playerInv[i].name, player.Name + " drops a " + playerInv[i].name); player.Inventory.Remove(playerInv[i]); } else { if (container.locked == true) { BroadcastPlayerAction.BroadcastPlayerActions(player.HubGuid, player.Name, room.players, "Container is locked", player.Name + " container is locked"); return; } if ( == false) { HubContext.SendToClient("You have to open the " + + " before you can put something inside", player.HubGuid); return; } container.containerItems.Add(playerInv[i]); BroadcastPlayerAction.BroadcastPlayerActions(player.HubGuid, player.Name, room.players, "You drop a " + playerInv[i].name + " into a " +, player.Name + " drops a " + playerInv[i].name + " into a " +; player.Inventory.Remove(playerInv[i]); } } } else { if (item == null) { return; } if (container == null) { player.Inventory.Remove(item); item.location = Item.ItemLocation.Room; room.items.Add(item); BroadcastPlayerAction.BroadcastPlayerActions(player.HubGuid, player.Name, room.players, "You drop a " +, player.Name + " drops a " +; } else { if (container.locked == true) { BroadcastPlayerAction.BroadcastPlayerActions(player.HubGuid, player.Name, room.players, "Container is locked", player.Name + " container is locked"); return; } if ( == false) { HubContext.SendToClient("You have to open the " + + " before you can put something inside", player.HubGuid); return; } player.Inventory.Remove(item); item.location = Item.ItemLocation.Room; container.containerItems.Add(item); BroadcastPlayerAction.BroadcastPlayerActions(player.HubGuid, player.Name, room.players, "You put a " + + " inside the " +, player.Name + " puts a " + + " inside the " +; } } //save to cache Cache.updateRoom(room, currentRoom); Cache.updatePlayer(player, currentPlayer); Score.UpdateUiInventory(player); var roomdata = LoadRoom.DisplayRoom(room, player.Name); Score.UpdateUiRoom(player, roomdata); }
/// <summary> /// Adds item from room to player inventory /// </summary> /// <param name="room">Room Object</param> /// <param name="player">Player Object</param> /// <param name="userInput">Text user entered</param> public static void GetItem(Room room, Player player, string userInput, string commandKey, string type) { //TODO handle container var currentRoom = room; var currentPlayer = player; string[] all = userInput.Split(); if (all[0] == "all") { type = "all"; } var returnedItem = (KeyValuePair <Item, Item>)FindObject(room, player, commandKey, userInput, type); var container = returnedItem.Key; var item = returnedItem.Value; if (all[0].Equals("all", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) && all.Length == 1) { var roomItems = room.items; var roomItemsCount = roomItems.Count; for (int i = roomItemsCount - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (!roomItems[i].stuck) { //Get all Items from the room if (roomItems[i].type != Item.ItemType.Gold) { roomItems[i].location = Item.ItemLocation.Inventory; player.Inventory.Add(roomItems[i]); BroadcastPlayerAction.BroadcastPlayerActions( player.HubGuid, player.Name, room.players, "You pick up a " + roomItems[i].name, player.Name + " picks up a " + roomItems[i].name); room.items.Remove(roomItems[i]); } else { player.Gold += roomItems[i].count; BroadcastPlayerAction.BroadcastPlayerActions( player.HubGuid, player.Name, room.players, "You pick up " + roomItems[i].count + " " + roomItems[i].name, player.Name + " picks up a " + roomItems[i].name); room.items.Remove(roomItems[i]); } } else { HubContext.SendToClient("You can't take that", player.HubGuid); } } } else if (all[0].Equals("all", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) && container != null) { if (container.locked == true) { BroadcastPlayerAction.BroadcastPlayerActions(player.HubGuid, player.Name, room.players, "Container is locked", player.Name + " container is locked"); return; } //get all from container var containerItems = container.containerItems; var containerCount = containerItems.Count; for (int i = containerCount - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (containerItems[i].type != Item.ItemType.Gold) { containerItems[i].location = Item.ItemLocation.Inventory; player.Inventory.Add(containerItems[i]); BroadcastPlayerAction.BroadcastPlayerActions(player.HubGuid, player.Name, room.players, "You get a " + containerItems[i].name + " from a " +, player.Name + " get a " + containerItems[i].name + " from a " +; containerItems.Remove(containerItems[i]); } else { player.Gold += containerItems[i].count; BroadcastPlayerAction.BroadcastPlayerActions( player.HubGuid, player.Name, room.players, "You pick up " + item.count + " " + + " from a " +, player.Name + " picks up a " + + containerItems[i].name + " from a " +; containerItems.Remove(containerItems[i]); } } } else if (item != null) { //get single Item if (container == null) { if (!item.stuck) { if (item.type != Item.ItemType.Gold) { room.items.Remove(item); item.location = Item.ItemLocation.Inventory; player.Inventory.Add(item); BroadcastPlayerAction.BroadcastPlayerActions( player.HubGuid, player.Name, room.players, "You pick up a " +, player.Name + " picks up a " +; } else { room.items.Remove(item); player.Gold += item.count; BroadcastPlayerAction.BroadcastPlayerActions( player.HubGuid, player.Name, room.players, "You pick up " + item.count + " " +, player.Name + " picks up a " +; } } else { HubContext.SendToClient("You can't take that", player.HubGuid); } } else { if (container.locked == true) { BroadcastPlayerAction.BroadcastPlayerActions(player.HubGuid, player.Name, room.players, "Container is locked", player.Name + " container is locked"); return; } //Get item from container if (item.type != Item.ItemType.Gold) { container.containerItems.Remove(item); container.location = Item.ItemLocation.Inventory; player.Inventory.Add(item); BroadcastPlayerAction.BroadcastPlayerActions(player.HubGuid, player.Name, room.players, "You get a " + + " from " +, player.Name + " gets a " + + " from " +; } else { container.containerItems.Remove(item); player.Gold += item.count; BroadcastPlayerAction.BroadcastPlayerActions(player.HubGuid, player.Name, room.players, "You get " + item.count + " " + + "coin from a " +, player.Name + " gets a " + + " from a " +; } } } else { BroadcastPlayerAction.BroadcastPlayerActions(player.HubGuid, player.Name, room.players, "There is nothing here to pick up", player.Name + " searches for something to pick up"); return; } //save to cache Cache.updateRoom(room, currentRoom); Cache.updatePlayer(player, currentPlayer); Score.UpdateUiInventory(player); var roomdata = LoadRoom.DisplayRoom(room, player.Name); Score.UpdateUiRoom(player, roomdata); }