        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the relative path of the template to use with the current file taking into account all the possible parameters/fields that control this setting
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static string GetCurrentTemplateFile(MarkdownFile md)
            //Get the template name that is going to be used (Front Matter or configuration), if any.
            string templateName = md.TemplateName;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(templateName) || templateName.ToLowerInvariant() == "none")
                return(string.Empty);    //Use the default basic HTML5 template
            if (templateName.ToLowerInvariant() == "raw")
                return("raw");   //Use raw contents, without any wrapping HTML tags
            //The name (or sub-path) for the layout file (.html normaly) to be used
            string layoutName = md.Layout;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(layoutName))
                return(string.Empty);    //Use the default basic HTML5 template
            //If both the template folder and the layout are established, then get the base folder for the templates
            //This base path for the templates parameter is only available through Web.config. NOT in the file Front Matter (we're skipping the file in the following call)
            string basePath = FieldValuesHelper.GetFieldValue("TemplatesBasePath", null, "~/Templates/");

            return(VirtualPathUtility.AppendTrailingSlash(basePath) + VirtualPathUtility.AppendTrailingSlash(templateName) + layoutName);
        //Process the requests
        public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext ctx)
                //Try to process the markdown file
                string       filePath = ctx.Server.MapPath(ctx.Request.FilePath);
                MarkdownFile mdFile   = new MarkdownFile(filePath);

                //If the feature is enabled and the user requests the original file, send the original file
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ctx.Request.QueryString["download"]))
                    if (Common.GetFieldValue("allowDownloading") == "1")
                        ctx.Response.ContentType = "text/markdown; charset=UTF-8";
                        ctx.Response.AppendHeader("content-disposition", "attachment; filename=" + mdFile.FileName);
                        throw new SecurityException("Download of markdown not allowed. Change configuration.");
                    //Check if the File is published
                    if (mdFile.IsPublished)
                        //Check if is a 404 page
                        if (mdFile.HttpStatusCode != 200)
                            ctx.Response.StatusCode = mdFile.HttpStatusCode;

                        //Send the rendered HTML for the file
                        ctx.Response.ContentType = "text/html";
                        throw new FileNotFoundException();
            catch (SecurityException)
                //Access to file not allowed
                ctx.Response.StatusDescription = "Forbidden";
                ctx.Response.StatusCode        = 403;
            catch (FileNotFoundException)
                //Normally IIS will take care, but you can disconnect it
                ctx.Response.StatusDescription = "File not found";
                ctx.Response.StatusCode        = 404;
            catch (Exception)
        /// <summary>
        /// Renders the HTML from the markdown using the templates and parameters specified in web.config
        /// and processing the templates
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="md">The markdown file information</param>
        /// <param name="raw">If true will force the raw template: only te content, without any extra HTML.
        /// This is useful for getting the pure, fully processed content of the file, without any extra HTML</param>
        /// <returns>The final HTML to return to the client</returns>
        public static string RenderMarkdownFile(MarkdownFile md)
            //Get current template and layout
            HttpContext ctx = HttpContext.Current;

            string template     = DEFAULT_TEMPLATE;           //The default template for the final HTML
            string templateFile = GetCurrentTemplateFile(md); //Get the curent template layout path

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(templateFile))
                //If the specified template is "raw" then just return the raw HTML without any wrapping HTML code
                //(no html, head or body tags). Useful to return special pages with raw content.
                if (templateFile == "raw")
                    template = "{{content}}";
                    List <string> templateDependencies = new List <string>();
                        template = ReadTemplate(templateFile, ctx, templateDependencies);    //Read, transform and cache template
                        //Add template file's dependences as dependences for the Markdown file cache too
                    catch (FileNotFoundException)
                        throw new Exception("Current template file is not accessible! Check the TemplateName and Layout properties for the site or the current file");
                    catch (Exception)

            //Check if there're fragments in the layout and process them
            template = InjectFragments(template, md, ctx);

            //Process the template with DotLiquid for this file (the {{content}} placeholder is resolved in the MDFieldsResolver
            Template parser      = Template.Parse(template);
            string   tempContent = parser.Render(md.FieldsResolver);  //The file contents get rendered into the template by the {{content}} placeholder


            //Transform virtual paths
            tempContent = WebHelper.TransformVirtualPaths(tempContent);

            //HACK: remove possible delimiters to prevent the processing of HTML contents inside Markdown files (see MDFieldsResolver.cs)
            //Normal delimiters
            tempContent = tempContent.Replace(MDFieldsResolver.HTML_NO_PROCESSING_DELIMITER_BEGIN, string.Empty).
                          Replace(MDFieldsResolver.HTML_NO_PROCESSING_DELIMITER_END, string.Empty);
            //Delimiters inside blocks (shouldn't be located there, but...) that get HTMLEncoded for that reason
            tempContent = tempContent.Replace(WebUtility.HtmlEncode(MDFieldsResolver.HTML_NO_PROCESSING_DELIMITER_BEGIN), string.Empty)
                          .Replace(WebUtility.HtmlEncode(MDFieldsResolver.HTML_NO_PROCESSING_DELIMITER_END), string.Empty);

            //Return the final content
        public static string RenderLiquidTags(string rawContent, MarkdownFile contextFile)
            //Process the content tags (if any) with DotLiquid
            Template parser = Template.Parse(rawContent);
            string   res    = parser.Render(contextFile.FieldsResolver);

            //Check if a custom error has been raised
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the value, if any, for a specified field name. It takes the value from the FrontMatter only.
        /// If it's not present in the Front Matter, it returns the default value.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name">The name of the field to retrieve</param>
        /// <param name="md">An optional Markdown file to check in its front matter</param>
        /// <param name="defValue">The default value to return if it's not present</param>
        /// <returns>Can return different types: null, boolean, string, array or date</returns>
        public static object GetFieldObjectFromFM(string name, MarkdownFile md, object defValue = null)
            string res = GetFieldValueFromFM(name, md, "");

            if (res == "")

        //Process the requests
        public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext ctx)
                //Try to process the markdown file
                string       filePath = ctx.Server.MapPath(ctx.Request.FilePath);
                MarkdownFile mdFile   = new MarkdownFile(filePath);

                //Check if the File is published
                if (mdFile.IsPublished)
                    //Check if is a special status code page (404, etc)
                    if (mdFile.HttpStatusCode != 200)
                        ctx.Response.StatusCode = mdFile.HttpStatusCode;

                    //Send the rendered content for the file
                    ctx.Response.ContentType = mdFile.MimeType; //text/html by default
                    if (ctx.Request.Params["raw"] == "true")
                    throw new FileNotFoundException();
            catch (SecurityException)
                //Access to file not allowed
                ctx.Response.StatusDescription = "Forbidden";
                ctx.Response.StatusCode        = 403;
            catch (FileNotFoundException)
                //Normally IIS will take care, but you can disconnect it
                ctx.Response.StatusDescription = "File not found";
                ctx.Response.StatusCode        = 404;
            catch (Exception)
        //Takes care of custom fields such as Front Matter Properties and custom default values in web.config
        private static string ProcessCustomFields(string template, MarkdownFile md, HttpContext ctx)
            string[] names = TemplatingHelper.GetAllPlaceHolderNames(template);
            foreach (string name in names)
                //Get current value for the field, from Front Matter or web.config
                string fldVal = Common.GetFieldValue(name, md);

                 * There are two types of fields:
                 * - Value fields: {name} -> Get a value from the properties of the file or from web.config -> Simply replace them
                 * - File processing fields (FPF), ending in .md or .mdh. ej: {{myfile.md}} -> The file is read and it's contents transformed into HTML take the place of the placeholder
                 *   Useful for menus, and other independet parts in custom templates and parts of the same page.
                if (fldVal.EndsWith(".md") || fldVal.EndsWith(MarkdownFile.HTML_EXT))
                        string       fpfPath = ctx.Server.MapPath(fldVal); //The File-Processing Field path
                        MarkdownFile mdFld   = new MarkdownFile(fpfPath);
                        fldVal = mdFld.RawHTML;                            //Use the raw HTML, not the processed HTML (this last one includes the template too)
                        //Add the processed file to the dependencies of the currently processed content file, so that the file is invalidated when the FPF changes (if caching is enabled)
                    catch (SecurityException)
                        fldVal = String.Format("Can't access file for {0}", TemplatingHelper.PLACEHOLDER_PREFIX + name + TemplatingHelper.PLACEHOLDER_SUFIX);
                    catch (FileNotFoundException)
                        fldVal = String.Format("File not found for {0}", TemplatingHelper.PLACEHOLDER_PREFIX + name + TemplatingHelper.PLACEHOLDER_SUFIX);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        fldVal = String.Format("Error loading {0}: {1}", TemplatingHelper.PLACEHOLDER_PREFIX + name + TemplatingHelper.PLACEHOLDER_SUFIX, ex.Message);   //This should only happen while testing, never in production, so I send the exception's message
                else if (fldVal.StartsWith("~/"))    //If its a virtual path to a static file (for example a path to a CSS or JS file)
                    //Convert relative path to relative URL from the root (changes the "~/" for the root path
                    //of the application. Needed if the current handler is running as a virtual app in IIS)
                    fldVal = VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute(fldVal);
                    //There's no need to transform any other virtual path because this is done (and cached) on every file the first time is retrieved and transformed
                template = TemplatingHelper.ReplacePlaceHolder(template, name, fldVal);

文件: Common.cs 项目: wstaelens/MIIS
        public const string WEB_CONFIG_PARAM_PREFIX = "MIIS:"; //THe prefix to use to search for parameters in web.config

        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the value, if any, for a specified field name. It takes the value from the FrontMatter first, and if it's not there, tries to read it from the current Web.config.
        /// In web.config it first tries to read them prefixed with "MIIS_" to prevent collision with other products, and then without the prefix.
        /// If it's not present neither in the Front Matter nor the Web.config, returns the default value.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name">The name of the field to retrieve</param>
        /// <param name="md">An optional Markdown file to check in its front matter</param>
        /// <param name="defValue">The default value to return if it's not present</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string GetFieldValue(string name, MarkdownFile md = null, string defValue = "")
            if (md != null) //If there's a file, possibly with a Front Matter
                //Retrieve from the front matter...
                string val = md.FrontMatter[name];
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(val))

            //Retrieve from Web.config using the app-specific prefix or without it if it's not present
            return(WebHelper.GetParamValue(WEB_CONFIG_PARAM_PREFIX + name, WebHelper.GetParamValue(name, defValue)));
        //Finds fragment placeholders in the template and insert their contents
        //Fragments are placeholders that start with an asterisk("*") to indicate that instead of finding the value we should
        //look for a file with the same name as the current one and with the indicated suffix in their name.
        //If two (.md and .mdh) files exist with that name, the one with the same extension as the current file gets precedence
        //They allow to insert "fragments" of the same resulting file in the template positions we want.
        //The placeholders that they contain will be later parsed and processed as normal fields in the file
        private static string InjectFragments(string layoutHtml, MarkdownFile md, HttpContext ctx)
            string tempContent = layoutHtml;

            string[] fragments = TemplatingHelper.GetAllPlaceHolderNames(tempContent, phPrefix: FILE_FRAGMENT_PREFIX);
            foreach (string fragmentName in fragments)
                string fragmentContent  = string.Empty;                                                                                                            //Default empty value
                string fragmentFileName = ctx.Server.MapPath(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(md.FileName) + fragmentName.Substring(FILE_FRAGMENT_PREFIX.Length)); //Removing the "*" at the beginning

                //Test if a file the same file extension exists
                if (File.Exists(fragmentFileName + md.FileExt))
                    fragmentFileName += md.FileExt;
                else  //Try with the other file extension (.md or .mdh depending of the current file's extension)
                    fragmentFileName += (md.FileExt == MarkdownFile.MARKDOWN_DEF_EXT) ? MarkdownFile.HTML_EXT : MarkdownFile.MARKDOWN_DEF_EXT;

                //Try to read the file with fragment

                    MarkdownFile mdFld = new MarkdownFile(fragmentFileName);
                    //Render the file in the context of the parent file, no its own
                    fragmentContent = RenderLiquidTags(mdFld.RawContent, md);   //Render tags in raw content (Markdown or HTML)
                    //If it's Markdown, convert to HTML before substitution
                    if (md.FileExt == MarkdownFile.MARKDOWN_DEF_EXT)
                        fragmentContent = ConvertMarkdown2Html(fragmentContent, md.UseEmoji, md.EnabledMDExtensions);
                    //If something is wrong (normally the file does not exist) simply return an empty string
                    //We don't want to force this kind of files to always exist
                    fragmentContent = string.Empty;
                //Replace the placeholder with the value
                tempContent = TemplatingHelper.ReplacePlaceHolder(tempContent, fragmentName, fragmentContent);

        public const string WEB_CONFIG_PARAM_PREFIX = "MIIS:"; //THe prefix to use to search for parameters in web.config

        public static string GetFieldValueFromFM(string name, MarkdownFile md, string defValue = "")
            if (md != null) //If there's a file, possibly with a Front Matter
                //Retrieve from the front matter...
                string val = md.FrontMatter[name];
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(val))
                    return(defValue);    //Return defValue if field is not available
                return(defValue);    //Return defValue if there's not MD file to process
        //Finds fragment placeholders and insert their contents
        private static string ProcessFragments(string template, MarkdownFile md, HttpContext ctx)
            string[] fragments = TemplatingHelper.GetAllPlaceHolderNames(template, phPrefix: FILE_FRAGMENT_PREFIX);
            foreach (string fragmentName in fragments)
                string fragmentContent  = string.Empty;                                                                                                            //Default empty value
                string fragmentFileName = ctx.Server.MapPath(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(md.FileName) + fragmentName.Substring(FILE_FRAGMENT_PREFIX.Length)); //Removing the "*" at the beggining
                //Test if a file the same file extension exists
                if (File.Exists(fragmentFileName + md.FileExt))
                    fragmentFileName += md.FileExt;
                else if (File.Exists(fragmentFileName + ".md")) //Try with .md extension
                    fragmentFileName += ".md";
                    fragmentFileName += ".mdh"; //Try with .mdh
                //Try to read the file with fragment

                    MarkdownFile mdFld = new MarkdownFile(fragmentFileName);
                    fragmentContent = mdFld.RawHTML;
                    //If something is wrong (normally the file does not exist) simply return an empty string
                    //We don't want to force this kind of files to always exist
                    fragmentContent = string.Empty;
                //Replace the placeholder with the value
                template = TemplatingHelper.ReplacePlaceHolder(template, fragmentName, fragmentContent);

        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the relative path of the template to use with the current file taking into account all the possible parameters/fields that control this setting
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static string GetCurrentTemplateFile(MarkdownFile md)
            //Get the template name that is going to be used (Front Matter or configuration), if any.
            string templateName = Common.GetFieldValue("TemplateName", md);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(templateName))
                return(string.Empty);    //Use the default basic HTML5 template
            //The name (or sub-path) for the layout file (.html normaly) to be used
            string layoutName = Common.GetFieldValue("Layout", md);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(layoutName))
                return(string.Empty);    //Use the default basic HTML5 template
            //If both the template folder and the layout are established, then get the base folder for the templates
            //This base path for the templates parameter is only available through Web.config. NOT in the file Front Matter (we're skipping the file in the following call)
            string basePath = Common.GetFieldValue("TemplatesBasePath", defValue: "~/Templates/");

            return(VirtualPathUtility.AppendTrailingSlash(basePath) + VirtualPathUtility.AppendTrailingSlash(templateName) + layoutName);
        private static string FILE_FRAGMENT_PREFIX = "*";  //How to identify fragments placeholders in content files

        #region Methods
        /// <summary>
        /// Renders the HTML from the markdown using the templates and parameters specified in web.config
        /// and processing the templates
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="md">The markdown file information</param>
        /// <returns>The final HTML to return to the client</returns>
        public static string RenderMarkdown(MarkdownFile md)
            HttpContext ctx          = HttpContext.Current;
            string      template     = DEFAULT_TEMPLATE; //The default template for the final HTML
            string      templateFile = GetCurrentTemplateFile(md);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(templateFile))
                List <string> templateDependencies = new List <string>();
                template = ReadTemplate(templateFile, ctx, templateDependencies);    //Read, transform and cache template
                //Add template file's dependences as dependences for the Markdown file cache too

            //First process the "content" field with the main HTML content transformed from Markdown
            //This allows to use other fields inside the content itself, not only in the templates
            string finalContent = TemplatingHelper.ReplacePlaceHolder(template, "content", md.RawHTML);

            //Process fragments (other files inserted into the current one or template)
            finalContent = ProcessFragments(finalContent, md, ctx);

            //Process well-known fields one by one
            finalContent = TemplatingHelper.ReplacePlaceHolder(finalContent, "title", md.Title);
            finalContent = TemplatingHelper.ReplacePlaceHolder(finalContent, "filename", md.FileName);
            finalContent = TemplatingHelper.ReplacePlaceHolder(finalContent, "datecreated", md.DateCreated.ToString());
            finalContent = TemplatingHelper.ReplacePlaceHolder(finalContent, "datemodified", md.DateLastModified.ToString());
            finalContent = TemplatingHelper.ReplacePlaceHolder(finalContent, "isauthenticated", ctx.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated.ToString());
            finalContent = TemplatingHelper.ReplacePlaceHolder(finalContent, "authtype", ctx.User.Identity.AuthenticationType);
            finalContent = TemplatingHelper.ReplacePlaceHolder(finalContent, "username", ctx.User.Identity.Name);

            //Process custom fields
            finalContent = ProcessCustomFields(finalContent, md, ctx);

            //Transfrom virtual paths
            finalContent = WebHelper.TransformVirtualPaths(finalContent);

            //Return the transformed file
        //Registers all custom Front-Matter sources inside the assembly passed as a parameter
        private static void RegisterCustomFMSourcesInAssembly(Assembly assembly)
            //Custom FM sources are obtained from classes in the FMSources namespace that implement the IFMSource interface
            var fmSources = from c in assembly.GetTypes()
                            where c.IsClass && c.Namespace == CUSTOM_FMSOURCES_NAMESPACE && typeof(IFMSource).IsAssignableFrom(c)
                            select c;

            //Register each FMSource globally using its factory method (GetFilterType)
            fmSources.ToList().ForEach(fmSourceClass =>
                IFMSource fms = (IFMSource)Activator.CreateInstance(fmSourceClass);

                //Register possible fields that will define different caches for the file
                if (fms is IQueryStringDependent)
                        (fms as IQueryStringDependent).GetCachingQueryStringFields()

                FieldValuesHelper.AddFrontMatterSource(fms.SourceName, fms.GetType());
 internal MDFieldsResolver(MarkdownFile mdFile)
     _parentFile = mdFile;
     _mdProxy    = new MIISFile(_parentFile);
     _ctx        = HttpContext.Current;
        //Retrieves the value for the specified field or returns an empty string if it doesn't exist
        protected override object GetValue(string name)
            object res = "";    //Default value (empty string)

            switch (name.ToLowerInvariant())
            //Check well Known fields first
                //This is intended to be used internally only, from custom tags or front-matter custom sources
                res = _mdProxy;

            case "content":                     //The final HTML content, WITHOUT the template and WITH liquid tags processed
                res = _parentFile.RawFinalHtml; //This is needed to avoid that the Markdown conversion messes up with the liquid tags (loops, conditionals...)

            case "title":
                res = _parentFile.Title;

            case "excerpt":
            case "description":
            case "summary":
                res = _parentFile.Excerpt;

            case "filename":
                res = _parentFile.FileName;

            case "filenamenoext":
                res = _parentFile.FileNameNoExt;

            case "fileext":
                res = _parentFile.FileExt;

            case "dir":
                res = _mdProxy.Dir;

            case "date":
                res = _parentFile.Date;

            case "datecreated":
                res = _parentFile.DateCreated;

            case "datemodified":
                res = _parentFile.DateLastModified;

            case "isauthenticated":
                res = _ctx.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated;

            case "authtype":
                res = _ctx.User.Identity.AuthenticationType;

            case "username":
                res = _ctx.User.Identity.Name;

            case "domain":
                res = _ctx.Request.Url.Authority;

            case "baseurl":
                res = $"{_ctx.Request.Url.Scheme}{System.Uri.SchemeDelimiter}{_ctx.Request.Url.Authority}";

            case "clientip":
                res = WebHelper.GetIPAddress();

            case "now":
            case "today":
                res = DateTime.Now;

            case "time":
                res = DateTime.Now.ToString("hh:mm:ss tt");

            case "url":
                res = _ctx.Request.RawUrl;

            case "urlnoext":
                res = IOHelper.RemoveFileExtension(_ctx.Request.RawUrl);
                //Files processed by MIIS always have extension on disk
                //res = _ctx.Request.Path.Remove(_ctx.Request.Path.LastIndexOf("."));

            case "templatename":
                res = _parentFile.TemplateName;

            case "layout":
                res = _parentFile.Layout;

            //Custom fields
                Exception exToBeRaised = null;                                     //Possible exceptions raised by the next code
                //Check if the custom field has already been retrieved before
                bool isCached = InternalFileFieldCache.TryGetValue(name, out res); //If it's cached the value will be saved to res
                if (!isCached)                                                     //If it's not cached (has not been retrieved before) then retrieve it
                    res = string.Empty;                                            //Default value

                     * There are 4 types of custom fields:
                     * - Value fields: {{name}} -> Get a value from the Front-Matter or from web.config -> Simply replace them (default assumption)
                     * - File processing fields (FPF), {{name}} whose value ends in .md or .mdh. ej: myfile.md -> if available the file is read and it's contents transformed into HTML take the place of the placeholder
                     *   Useful for menus, and other independent parts in custom templates and parts of the same page.
                     * - Custom Dinamic Field Sources, {{name}} value that start with !! and use a custom class to populate the field with an object. Ej: !!customSource param1 param2
                     * - Querystring or Form fields, retrieved from the current request

                    //Try to get a typed value for the field
                    var typedValue = FieldValuesHelper.GetFieldObject(name, _parentFile, null);
                    //If we get a string already, then process it
                    if (typedValue is string)
                        //If it's a string, process it for special fields

                        //Simple value fields (default value if present)

                        string resAsString = typedValue.ToString();

                        //First, Custom Dinamic Field Sources that provide values from external assemblies
                        if (resAsString.StartsWith(FRONT_MATTER_SOURCES_PREFIX))
                            //Get the name of the source and it's params splitting the string (the first element would be the name of the source, and the rest, the parameters, if any
                            string[] srcelements = resAsString.Substring(FRONT_MATTER_SOURCES_PREFIX.Length).Trim().Split(new char[0], StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                            if (srcelements.Length > 0)
                                    res = FieldValuesHelper.GetFieldValueFromFMSource(srcelements[0], _mdProxy, srcelements.Skip(1).ToArray());
                                catch (Exception ex)
                                    //Throw the exception to be reflected in the
                                    exToBeRaised = ex;
                        //Second, File Processing Fields, that inject the content of .md or .mdh processing their inner fields in their own context
                        //This is for compatbility reasons with MIIS v1.x and 2.x
                        else if (resAsString.ToLowerInvariant().EndsWith(MarkdownFile.MARKDOWN_DEF_EXT) || resAsString.ToLowerInvariant().EndsWith(MarkdownFile.HTML_EXT))
                            //This kind of fields can only be processed in the first level of liquid tags processing.
                            //MustProcessSubFiles is false in the second level
                            //If this is a second level (a FPF inside another FPF) will just return an empty string (won't be processed at all)
                            if (_parentFile.MustProcessSubFiles)
                                    string       fpfPath      = _ctx.Server.MapPath(resAsString); //The File-Processing Field path
                                    MarkdownFile insertedFile = new MarkdownFile(fpfPath, false); //No processing of FPF beyond this layer is allowed to prevent circular references

                                    //If the parent file is a Markdown file
                                    if (_parentFile.FileExt == MarkdownFile.MARKDOWN_DEF_EXT)
                                        //HACK: Since {{field}} placeholders are processed BEFORE transforming into HTML
                                        //I need to wrap the injected HTML into a special tag to prevent further processing of the resulting HTML when converting
                                        //the main file contents to HTML. The reason is that mixed HTML is very tricky and can lead to unexpected results
                                        //This is a sloppy way to do it, but it's the only way to mark a section of markdown as "not processable"
                                        //See: https://github.com/lunet-io/markdig/blob/master/src/Markdig.Tests/Specs/CommonMark.md#html-blocks
                                        //Later we need to remove these delimiters in a sloppy way too :-(
                                        res = HTML_NO_PROCESSING_DELIMITER_BEGIN +
                                              insertedFile.ComponentHtml +
                                        //If the parent file is already an HTML file, there's no need for the previous hack
                                        res = insertedFile.ComponentHtml;     //Use the final HTML (WITHOUT the template (except in components) and WITH the liquid tags processed in its own context)

                                    //Add the processed file to the dependencies of the currently processed content file,
                                    //so that the file is invalidated when the FPF changes (if caching is enabled)
                                    //The FPF is already cached too if caching is enabled
                                catch (System.Security.SecurityException)
                                    res = String.Format("Can't access file for {0}", TemplatingHelper.PLACEHOLDER_PREFIX + name + TemplatingHelper.PLACEHOLDER_SUFFIX);
                                catch (System.IO.FileNotFoundException)
                                    res = String.Format("File not found for {0}", TemplatingHelper.PLACEHOLDER_PREFIX + name + TemplatingHelper.PLACEHOLDER_SUFFIX);
                                catch (Exception ex)
                                    //This should only happen while testing, never in production, so I send the exception's message
                                    res = String.Format("Error loading {0}: {1}", TemplatingHelper.PLACEHOLDER_PREFIX + name + TemplatingHelper.PLACEHOLDER_SUFFIX, ex.Message);
                        //Finally, if it's not a custom source, or a FPF, then is a normal raw string value
                            res = resAsString;
                        //If we already got a typed value, then return it by default
                        res = typedValue;

                        //Check if it's null. If it is null, means it hasn't been found in he fields for the file or app,
                        //so maybe the last chance is that it's a request param
                        if (typedValue == null)
                            //Try to determine the param value from the querystring or the form values
                            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_ctx.Request.Params[name]))
                                var paramVal = _ctx.Request.Params[name];     //Result (checks qs, form data, cookies and sv, in that order)
                                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(paramVal))
                                    res = paramVal;                     //A value has been found
                                    _parentFile.CachingEnabled = false; //Disable caching if a param is to be used

                    //Cache the retrieved value
                    InternalFileFieldCache[name] = res;
                    //If there's been an exception, raise it to inform the renderer about it
                    if (exToBeRaised != null)
                        throw exToBeRaised;
                //Get out of the switch construction
            //Return retrieved value
 public MIISFile(MarkdownFile mdFile)
     _md = mdFile;