public METAboltInstance(GridClient client0) { // incase something else calls GlobalInstance while we are loading globalInstance = this; if (!System.Diagnostics.Debugger.IsAttached) { Application.SetUnhandledExceptionMode(UnhandledExceptionMode.CatchException); Application.ThreadException += HandleThreadException; } client = client0; // Initialize current time zone, and mark when we started GetWorldTimeZone(); StartupTimeUTC = DateTime.UtcNow; // Are we running mono? monoRuntime = Type.GetType("Mono.Runtime") != null; Keyboard = new Keyboard(); Application.AddMessageFilter(Keyboard); netcom = new METAboltNetcom(this); state = new StateManager(this); mediaManager = new MediaManager(this); commandsManager = new CommandsManager(this); ContextActionManager = new ContextActionsManager(this); RegisterContextActions(); movement = new METAboltMovement(this); InitializeLoggingAndConfig(); InitializeClient(client); rlv = new RLVManager(this); gridManager = new GridManager(); gridManager.LoadGrids(); names = new NameManager(this); COF = new CurrentOutfitFolder(this); mainForm = new frmMain(this); mainForm.InitializeControls(); mainForm.Load += new EventHandler(mainForm_Load); pluginManager = new PluginManager(this); pluginManager.ScanAndLoadPlugins(); }
protected string GetWornIndicator(InventoryNode node) { var currentOutfit = client.Appearance.GetWearables(); var currentAttachments = client.Network.CurrentSim.ObjectsPrimitives.FindAll(p => p.ParentID == client.Self.LocalID); int myItemsCount = 0; int myItemsWornCount = 0; foreach (var n in node.Nodes.Values) { if (CurrentOutfitFolder.CanBeWorn(n.Data) && !n.Data.Name.StartsWith(".")) { myItemsCount++; if ((n.Data is InventoryWearable && CurrentOutfitFolder.IsWorn(currentOutfit, (InventoryItem)n.Data)) || CurrentOutfitFolder.IsAttached(currentAttachments, (InventoryItem)n.Data)) { myItemsWornCount++; } } } List <InventoryItem> allItems = new List <InventoryItem>(); foreach (var n in node.Nodes.Values) { if (n.Data is InventoryFolder && !n.Data.Name.StartsWith(".")) { AllSubfolderWearables(n, ref allItems); } } int allItemsCount = 0; int allItemsWornCount = 0; foreach (var n in allItems) { if (CurrentOutfitFolder.CanBeWorn(n) && !n.Name.StartsWith(".")) { allItemsCount++; if ((n is InventoryWearable && CurrentOutfitFolder.IsWorn(currentOutfit, n)) || CurrentOutfitFolder.IsAttached(currentAttachments, n)) { allItemsWornCount++; } } } return(WornIndicator(myItemsCount, myItemsWornCount) + WornIndicator(allItemsCount, allItemsWornCount)); }
public bool AllowDetach(InventoryItem item) { if (!Enabled || item == null) { return(true); } List <Primitive> myAtt = client.Network.CurrentSim.ObjectsPrimitives.FindAll((Primitive p) => p.ParentID == client.Self.LocalID); foreach (var att in myAtt) { if (CurrentOutfitFolder.GetAttachmentItem(att) == item.UUID) { if (rules.FindAll((RLVRule r) => { return(r.Behaviour == "detach" && r.Sender == att.ID); }).Count > 0) { return(false); } break; } } return(true); }
public void CleanUp() { MarkEndExecution(); if (COF != null) { COF.Dispose(); COF = null; } if (names != null) { names.Dispose(); names = null; } if (gridManager != null) { gridManager.Dispose(); gridManager = null; } if (rlv != null) { rlv.Dispose(); rlv = null; } if (client != null) { UnregisterClientEvents(client); } if (pluginManager != null) { pluginManager.Dispose(); pluginManager = null; } if (movement != null) { movement.Dispose(); movement = null; } if (commandsManager != null) { commandsManager.Dispose(); commandsManager = null; } if (ContextActionManager != null) { ContextActionManager.Dispose(); ContextActionManager = null; } if (mediaManager != null) { mediaManager.Dispose(); mediaManager = null; } if (state != null) { state.Dispose(); state = null; } if (netcom != null) { netcom.Dispose(); netcom = null; } if (mainForm != null) { mainForm.Load -= new EventHandler(mainForm_Load); } Logger.Log("METAboltInstance finished cleaning up.", Helpers.LogLevel.Debug); }
public bool TryProcessCMD(ChatEventArgs e) { if (!Enabled || !e.Message.StartsWith("@")) { return(false); } if (e.Message == "@clear") { Clear(e.SourceID); return(true); } foreach (var cmd in e.Message.Substring(1).Split(',')) { var m = rlv_regex.Match(cmd); if (!m.Success) { continue; } var rule = new RLVRule(); rule.Behaviour = m.Groups["behaviour"].ToString().ToLower();; rule.Option = m.Groups["option"].ToString().ToLower(); rule.Param = m.Groups["param"].ToString().ToLower(); rule.Sender = e.SourceID; rule.SenderName = e.FromName; Logger.DebugLog(rule.ToString()); if (rule.Param == "rem") { rule.Param = "y"; } if (rule.Param == "add") { rule.Param = "n"; } if (rule.Param == "n") { lock (rules) { var existing = rules.Find(r => r.Behaviour == rule.Behaviour && r.Sender == rule.Sender && r.Option == rule.Option); if (existing != null) { rules.Remove(existing); } rules.Add(rule); OnRLVRuleChanged(new RLVEventArgs(rule)); } continue; } if (rule.Param == "y") { lock (rules) { if (rule.Option == "") { rules.RemoveAll((RLVRule r) => { return(r.Behaviour == rule.Behaviour && r.Sender == rule.Sender); }); } else { rules.RemoveAll((RLVRule r) => { return(r.Behaviour == rule.Behaviour && r.Sender == rule.Sender && r.Option == rule.Option); }); } } OnRLVRuleChanged(new RLVEventArgs(rule)); continue; } switch (rule.Behaviour) { case "version": int chan = 0; if (int.TryParse(rule.Param, out chan) && chan > 0) { Respond(chan, "RestrainedLife viewer v1.23 (" + Properties.Resources.METAboltTitle + "." + METAboltBuild.CurrentRev + ")"); } break; case "versionnew": chan = 0; if (int.TryParse(rule.Param, out chan) && chan > 0) { Respond(chan, "RestrainedLove viewer v1.23 (" + Properties.Resources.METAboltTitle + "." + METAboltBuild.CurrentRev + ")"); } break; case "versionnum": if (int.TryParse(rule.Param, out chan) && chan > 0) { Respond(chan, "1230100"); } break; case "getgroup": if (int.TryParse(rule.Param, out chan) && chan > 0) { UUID gid = client.Self.ActiveGroup; if (instance.Groups.ContainsKey(gid)) { Respond(chan, instance.Groups[gid].Name); } } break; case "setgroup": { if (rule.Param == "force") { foreach (var g in instance.Groups.Values) { if (g.Name.ToLower() == rule.Option) { client.Groups.ActivateGroup(g.ID); } } } } break; case "getsitid": if (int.TryParse(rule.Param, out chan) && chan > 0) { Avatar me; if (client.Network.CurrentSim.ObjectsAvatars.TryGetValue(client.Self.LocalID, out me)) { if (me.ParentID != 0) { Primitive seat; if (client.Network.CurrentSim.ObjectsPrimitives.TryGetValue(me.ParentID, out seat)) { Respond(chan, seat.ID.ToString()); break; } } } Respond(chan, UUID.Zero.ToString()); } break; case "getstatusall": case "getstatus": if (int.TryParse(rule.Param, out chan) && chan > 0) { string sep = "/"; string filter = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(rule.Option)) { var parts = rule.Option.Split(';'); if (parts.Length > 1 && parts[1].Length > 0) { sep = parts[1].Substring(0, 1); } if (parts.Length > 0 && parts[0].Length > 0) { filter = parts[0].ToLower(); } } lock (rules) { string res = ""; rules .FindAll(r => (rule.Behaviour == "getstatusall" || r.Sender == rule.Sender) && r.Behaviour.Contains(filter)) .ForEach(objRule => { res += sep + objRule.Behaviour; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(objRule.Option)) { res += ":" + objRule.Option; } }); Respond(chan, res); } } break; case "sit": UUID sitTarget = UUID.Zero; if (rule.Param == "force" && UUID.TryParse(rule.Option, out sitTarget) && sitTarget != UUID.Zero) { instance.State.SetSitting(true, sitTarget); } break; case "unsit": if (rule.Param == "force") { instance.State.SetSitting(false, UUID.Zero); } break; case "setrot": double rot = 0.0; if (rule.Param == "force" && double.TryParse(rule.Option, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Float, Utils.EnUsCulture, out rot)) { client.Self.Movement.UpdateFromHeading(Math.PI / 2d - rot, true); } break; case "tpto": var coord = rule.Option.Split('/'); try { float gx = float.Parse(coord[0], Utils.EnUsCulture); float gy = float.Parse(coord[1], Utils.EnUsCulture); float z = float.Parse(coord[2], Utils.EnUsCulture); float x = 0, y = 0; instance.TabConsole.DisplayNotificationInChat("Starting teleport..."); ulong h = Helpers.GlobalPosToRegionHandle(gx, gy, out x, out y); client.Self.RequestTeleport(h, new Vector3(x, y, z)); } catch (Exception) { } break; #region #RLV folder and outfit manipulation case "getoutfit": if (int.TryParse(rule.Param, out chan) && chan > 0) { var wearables = client.Appearance.GetWearables(); string res = ""; // Do we have a specific wearable to check, ie @getoutfit:socks=99 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(rule.Option)) { if (wearables.ContainsKey(WearableFromString(rule.Option))) { res = "1"; } else { res = "0"; } } else { for (int i = 0; i < RLVWearables.Count; i++) { if (wearables.ContainsKey(RLVWearables[i].Type)) { res += "1"; } else { res += "0"; } } } Respond(chan, res); } break; case "getattach": if (int.TryParse(rule.Param, out chan) && chan > 0) { string res = ""; var attachments = client.Network.CurrentSim.ObjectsPrimitives.FindAll(p => p.ParentID == client.Self.LocalID); if (attachments.Count > 0) { var myPoints = new List <AttachmentPoint>(attachments.Count); for (int i = 0; i < attachments.Count; i++) { if (!myPoints.Contains(attachments[i].PrimData.AttachmentPoint)) { myPoints.Add(attachments[i].PrimData.AttachmentPoint); } } // Do we want to check one single attachment if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(rule.Option)) { if (myPoints.Contains(AttachmentPointFromString(rule.Option))) { res = "1"; } else { res = "0"; } } else { for (int i = 0; i < RLVAttachments.Count; i++) { if (myPoints.Contains(RLVAttachments[i].Point)) { res += "1"; } else { res += "0"; } } } } Respond(chan, res); } break; case "remattach": case "detach": if (rule.Param == "force") { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(rule.Option)) { var point = RLVAttachments.Find(a => a.Name == rule.Option); if (point.Name == rule.Option) { var attachment = client.Network.CurrentSim.ObjectsPrimitives.Find(p => p.ParentID == client.Self.LocalID && p.PrimData.AttachmentPoint == point.Point); if (attachment != null && client.Inventory.Store.Items.ContainsKey(CurrentOutfitFolder.GetAttachmentItem(attachment))) { instance.COF.Detach((InventoryItem)client.Inventory.Store.Items[CurrentOutfitFolder.GetAttachmentItem(attachment)].Data); } } else { InventoryNode folder = FindFolder(rule.Option); if (folder != null) { var outfit = new List <InventoryItem>(); foreach (var item in folder.Nodes.Values) { if (CurrentOutfitFolder.CanBeWorn(item.Data)) { outfit.Add((InventoryItem)(item.Data)); } } instance.COF.RemoveFromOutfit(outfit); } } } else { client.Network.CurrentSim.ObjectsPrimitives.FindAll(p => p.ParentID == client.Self.LocalID).ForEach(attachment => { if (client.Inventory.Store.Items.ContainsKey(CurrentOutfitFolder.GetAttachmentItem(attachment))) { instance.COF.Detach((InventoryItem)client.Inventory.Store.Items[CurrentOutfitFolder.GetAttachmentItem(attachment)].Data); } }); } } break; case "remoutfit": if (rule.Param == "force") { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(rule.Option)) { var w = RLVWearables.Find(a => a.Name == rule.Option); if (w.Name == rule.Option) { var items = instance.COF.GetWornAt(w.Type); instance.COF.RemoveFromOutfit(items); } } } break; case "attach": case "attachoverorreplace": case "attachover": if (rule.Param == "force") { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(rule.Option)) { InventoryNode folder = FindFolder(rule.Option); if (folder != null) { List <InventoryItem> outfit = new List <InventoryItem>(); foreach (var item in folder.Nodes.Values) { if (CurrentOutfitFolder.CanBeWorn(item.Data)) { outfit.Add((InventoryItem)item.Data); } } if (rule.Behaviour == "attachover") { instance.COF.AddToOutfit(outfit, false); } else { instance.COF.AddToOutfit(outfit, true); } } } } break; case "getinv": if (int.TryParse(rule.Param, out chan) && chan > 0) { string res = string.Empty; InventoryNode folder = FindFolder(rule.Option); if (folder != null) { foreach (var f in folder.Nodes.Values) { if (f.Data is InventoryFolder && !f.Data.Name.StartsWith(".")) { res += f.Data.Name + ","; } } } Respond(chan, res.TrimEnd(',')); } break; case "getinvworn": if (int.TryParse(rule.Param, out chan) && chan > 0) { string res = string.Empty; InventoryNode root = FindFolder(rule.Option); if (root != null) { res += "|" + GetWornIndicator(root) + ","; foreach (var n in root.Nodes.Values) { if (n.Data is InventoryFolder && !n.Data.Name.StartsWith(".")) { res += n.Data.Name + "|" + GetWornIndicator(n) + ","; } } } Respond(chan, res.TrimEnd(',')); } break; #endregion #RLV folder and outfit manipulation } } return(true); }