        private void ParseBank(EndianReader ms, bool isEmbedded)
            int numEntriesWithData = 1;
            //long dataStartPosition = ms.Position;
            //string shouldBeRiff = ms.ReadString(4, false);
            //if (shouldBeRiff != "RIFF")
            //    Debug.WriteLine("Not a RIFF!");
            //uint riffSize = ms.ReadUInt32();
            //var riffType = ms.ReadString(8, false); //technically not type, its just how this file format works
            //ISBankEntry isbEntry = null;
            //uint blocksize = 0;
            //int currentCounter = counter;
            //bool endOfFile = false;

            //if (isEmbedded && riffType != "isbftitl")
            //    //its an icbftitl, which never has data.
            //    ms.Seek(riffSize - 8, SeekOrigin.Current); //skip it
            //    //get full data
            //    var pos = ms.Position;
            //    ms.Position -= 8; //go back 8
            //    var fulldata = new byte[riffSize + 8];
            //    ms.Read(fulldata, 0, fulldata.Length);
            //    ms.Position = pos; //reset
            //    isbEntry = new ISBankEntry(); //start of a new file
            //    isbEntry.FullData = fulldata;

            //    blocksize = ms.ReadUInt32(); //size of isfbtitl chunk
            //    ms.Seek(blocksize, SeekOrigin.Current); //skip it
            ////todo change to this
            ////  while AudioFile.Position <> BundleReader.OffsetsArray[FileNo] + BundleReader.FileSizesArray[FileNo] do
            uint        chunksize = 0;
            ISBankEntry isbEntry  = null;

            while (ms.BaseStream.Position < ms.BaseStream.Length)
                chunksize = 0; //reset
                var    chunkStartPos = ms.BaseStream.Position;
                string blockName     = ms.ReadEndianASCIIString(4);
                //Debug.WriteLine(blockName + " at " + (ms.Position - 4).ToString("X8"));
                switch (blockName)
                case "LIST":
                    chunksize = ms.ReadUInt32();
                    var nextblockname  = ms.ReadEndianASCIIString(4);
                    var nextblockname2 = ms.ReadEndianASCIIString(4);
                    if (nextblockname == "samp" && nextblockname2 == "titl")
                        if (!isEmbedded)
                            //upcoming sample data
                            //add old ISB entry
                            if (isbEntry?.DataAsStored != null)

                            isbEntry = new ISBankEntry();
                        //maybe isb container, ignore
                        ms.BaseStream.Position = chunksize + 8 + chunkStartPos;
                        //Debug.WriteLine($"Skipping non-sample LIST at 0x{chunkStartPos:X8}");

                    chunksize = ms.ReadUInt32(); //size of block
                    string tempStr  = "";        //we have to build it manually because of how they chose to store it in a weird non-ASCII/unicode way
                    bool   endOfStr = false;
                    for (int i = 0; i < chunksize / 2; i++)
                        short value = ms.ReadInt16();
                        if (value != 0 && !endOfStr)
                            tempStr += (char)value;
                            //used to skip the rest of the block
                            endOfStr = true;
                    isbEntry.FileName = tempStr;

                case "sinf":
                    chunksize = ms.ReadUInt32();
                    var pos = ms.BaseStream.Position;
                    ms.ReadInt64();                           //skip 8
                    isbEntry.sampleRate    = ms.ReadUInt32(); // This is actually codec dependent. e.g. this can list 48K but actual samplerate is 44.1K
                    isbEntry.pcmBytes      = ms.ReadUInt32();
                    isbEntry.bps           = ms.ReadInt16();
                    ms.BaseStream.Position = pos + chunksize;     //skip to next chunk

                case "chnk":
                    ms.Seek(4, SeekOrigin.Current);
                    isbEntry.numberOfChannels = ms.ReadUInt32();

                case "cmpi":
                    //Codec/compression index
                    var size = ms.ReadInt32();
                    pos = ms.BaseStream.Position;
                    isbEntry.CodecID       = ms.ReadInt32();
                    isbEntry.CodecID2      = ms.ReadInt32();
                    ms.BaseStream.Position = pos + size;

                case "data":
                    chunksize           = ms.ReadUInt32(); //size of block
                    isbEntry.DataOffset = (uint)ms.BaseStream.Position;
                    MemoryStream data = new MemoryStream();
                    ms.BaseStream.CopyToEx(data, (int)chunksize);
                    data.Position = 0;
                    var str = data.ReadStringASCII(4);
                    isbEntry.DataAsStored = data.ToArray();

                case "FFIR":
                case "RIFF":
                    if (blockName == "FFIR")
                        ms.Endian = Endian.Big;
                    if (isEmbedded)
                        //EMBEDDED ISB
                        //this is the start of a new file.
                        var riffSize  = ms.ReadUInt32();             //size of isfbtitl chunk
                        var riffType  = ms.ReadEndianASCIIString(4); //type of ISB riff
                        var riffType2 = ms.ReadEndianASCIIString(4); //type of ISB riff
                        if (riffType != "isbf" && riffType2 == "titl")
                            //its an icbftitl, which never has data.
                            ms.Seek(riffSize - 8, SeekOrigin.Current); //skip it
                            continue;                                  //skip

                        //add old ISB entry
                        if (isbEntry?.DataAsStored != null)

                        isbEntry = new ISBankEntry
                            FileEndianness = ms.Endian,
                            FullData       = new byte[riffSize + 8]
                        pos = ms.BaseStream.Position;
                        ms.BaseStream.Position = ms.BaseStream.Position - 16;
                        ms.Read(isbEntry.FullData, 0, (int)riffSize + 8);
                        ms.BaseStream.Position = pos;
                        chunksize = ms.ReadUInt32();            //size of isfbtitl chunk
                        ms.Seek(chunksize, SeekOrigin.Current); //skip it
                        //ISB file - has external RIFF header and samptitl's separating each data section
                        var riffSize  = ms.ReadUInt32();             //size of isfbtitl chunk
                        var riffType  = ms.ReadEndianASCIIString(4); //type of ISB riff
                        var riffType2 = ms.ReadEndianASCIIString(4); //type of ISB riff
                        if (riffType != "isbf" && riffType2 != "titl")
                            //its an icbftitl, which never has data, or is not ISB
                            ms.Seek(riffSize - 8, SeekOrigin.Current); //skip it
                            continue;                                  //skip

                        //can't do += here it seems
                        ms.Seek(ms.ReadInt32(), SeekOrigin.Current);     //skip this title section

                        //we will continue to parse through ISB header until we find a LIST object for sample data


                    //skip the block
                    chunksize = ms.ReadUInt32();            //size of block
                    ///sDebug.WriteLine($"Skipping block {blockName} of size {chunksize} at 0x{ms.Position:X8}");
                    ms.Seek(chunksize, SeekOrigin.Current); //skip it
                if (chunksize % 2 != 0)
                    ms.Seek(1, SeekOrigin.Current); //byte align
            if (isbEntry?.DataAsStored != null)
        private void ParseBank(MemoryStream ms, bool isEmbedded)
            int counter = 1;
            //Skip RIFF, isbftitl
            long   dataStartPosition = ms.Position;
            string shouldBeRiff      = ms.ReadString(4, false);

            if (shouldBeRiff != "RIFF")
                Debug.WriteLine("Not a RIFF!");
            uint        riffSize       = ms.ReadUInt32();
            var         riffType       = ms.ReadString(8, false); //technically not type, its just how this file format works
            ISBankEntry isbEntry       = null;
            uint        blocksize      = 0;
            int         currentCounter = counter;
            bool        endOfFile      = false;

            if (isEmbedded && riffType != "isbftitl")
                //its an icbftitl, which never has data.
                ms.Seek(riffSize - 8, SeekOrigin.Current); //skip it
                blocksize = ms.ReadUInt32();            //size of isfbtitl chunk
                ms.Seek(blocksize, SeekOrigin.Current); //skip it
                isbEntry = new ISBankEntry();           //start of a new file
                isbEntry.HeaderOffset = (uint)ms.Position;
            //todo change to this
            //  while AudioFile.Position <> BundleReader.OffsetsArray[FileNo] + BundleReader.FileSizesArray[FileNo] do
            while (ms.Position < ms.Length && !endOfFile)
                blocksize = 0; //reset
                if (currentCounter != counter)
                    //Debug.WriteLine("Sound #" + currentCounter);
                    //Debug.WriteLine("Sample Rate: " + sampleRate);
                    //Debug.WriteLine("Channels: " + pcChannels);
                    //Debug.WriteLine("Is Ogg: " + isOgg);
                    //Debug.WriteLine("Is PCM: " + isPCM);
                    if (isbEntry != null)
                    isbEntry = new ISBankEntry();
                    isbEntry.HeaderOffset = (uint)ms.Position;
                    currentCounter        = counter;

                string blockName = ms.ReadString(4);
                //Debug.WriteLine(blockName + " at " + (ms.Position - 4).ToString("X8"));
                switch (blockName)
                case "LIST":
                     *       AudioFile.Seek(4, sofromcurrent); //list block size
                     * AudioFile.Seek(8, sofromcurrent); //Seek past ''isbftitl'' bytes
                     * blocksize:=Audiofile.ReadDWord;
                     * TempString:='';
                     * //filename:='';
                     * for I := 0 to blocksize - 1 do
                     * begin
                     * TempString:=chr(Audiofile.ReadByte);
                     * if TempString=#0 then
                     * else
                     * //filename:=filename + TempString;
                     * end;
                     * continue;*/
                    ms.Seek(4, SeekOrigin.Current); //list block size
                    ms.Seek(8, SeekOrigin.Current); //Seek past ''isbftitl'' bytes
                    blocksize = ms.ReadUInt32();    //size of block
                    string tempStr  = "";           //we have to build it manually because of how they chose to store it in a weird non-ASCII/unicode way
                    bool   endOfStr = false;
                    for (int i = 0; i < blocksize / 2; i++)
                        short value = ms.ReadInt16();
                        if (value != 0 && !endOfStr)
                            tempStr += (char)value;
                            //used to skip the rest of the block
                            endOfStr = true;
                    //string str = ms.ReadString(blocksize);
                    isbEntry.FileName = tempStr;

                case "sinf":
                    /*    if blockname='sinf' then
                     * begin
                     * AudioFile.Seek(12, sofromcurrent);
                     * samplerate:=Audiofile.ReadDWord;
                     * AudioFile.Seek(8, sofromcurrent);
                     * continue;
                     * end;*/
                    ms.Seek(12, SeekOrigin.Current);
                    isbEntry.sampleRate = ms.ReadUInt32();
                    ms.Seek(8, SeekOrigin.Current);

                case "chnk":
                     *     if blockname='chnk' then
                     * begin
                     * AudioFile.Seek(4, sofromcurrent);
                     * PCchannels:=Audiofile.ReadDWord;
                     * continue;
                     * end;*/
                    ms.Seek(4, SeekOrigin.Current);
                    isbEntry.numberOfChannels = ms.ReadUInt32();

                case "cmpi":
                     * if blockname='cmpi' then
                     * begin
                     * AudioFile.Seek(24, sofromcurrent);
                     * if Audiofile.ReadDWord=1053609165 then
                     * IsPCM:=true
                     * else
                     * IsPCM:=false;
                     * continue;
                     * end;*/
                    ms.Seek(20, SeekOrigin.Current);
                    int pcmSignature1 = ms.ReadInt32();
                    int pcmSignature2 = ms.ReadInt32();

                    isbEntry.CodecID  = pcmSignature1;
                    isbEntry.CodecID2 = pcmSignature2;

                    isbEntry.isPCM = pcmSignature2 == 1053609165;


                case "data":

                    //Debug.WriteLine(counter + " Data for " + isbEntry.FileName);
                    blocksize = ms.ReadUInt32();     //size of block

                    string encodedType = ms.ReadString(4, false);
                    isbEntry.isOgg = encodedType == "OggS";
                    ms.Seek(-4, SeekOrigin.Current);     //go to block start
                    isbEntry.DataOffset = (uint)ms.Position;

                    MemoryStream data = new MemoryStream();
                    ms.CopyToEx(data, (int)blocksize);
                    data.Position = 0;
                    var str = data.ReadString(4, false);
                    isbEntry.DataAsStored = data.ToArray();
                    //ms.Seek(blocksize, SeekOrigin.Current); //go to next block

                     *     if blockname='data' then
                     * begin
                     * inc(Counter);
                     * blocksize:=Audiofile.ReadDWord;
                     * if blocksize mod 2 <> 0 then
                     * blocksize:=blocksize+1;
                     * if Audiofile.ReadBlockName='OggS' then
                     * IsOgg:=true
                     * else
                     * IsOgg:=false;
                     * AudioFile.Seek(-4, sofromcurrent);
                     * if Counter=FileNo then
                     * begin
                     * SavePcFile(filename, destdir, blocksize, IsOgg, IsPcm, False, PcChannels, SampleRate);
                     * application.processmessages;
                     * continue;
                     * end
                     * else
                     * begin
                     * Audiofile.Seek(blocksize, sofromcurrent);
                     * application.processmessages;
                     * continue;
                     * end;
                     * end;*/

                case "RIFF":
                    //this is the start of a new file.
                    riffSize = ms.ReadUInt32();     //size of isfbtitl chunk

                    riffType = ms.ReadString(8, false);     //technically not type, its just how this file format works
                    if (riffType != "isbftitl")
                        //its an icbftitl, which never has data.
                        ms.Seek(riffSize - 8, SeekOrigin.Current);     //skip it

                    blocksize = ms.ReadUInt32();            //size of isfbtitl chunk
                    ms.Seek(blocksize, SeekOrigin.Current); //skip it

                    //skip the block
                    blocksize = ms.ReadUInt32();            //size of block
                    //Debug.WriteLine("Skipping block of size " + blocksize + " at 0x" + ms.Position.ToString("X5"));
                    ms.Seek(blocksize, SeekOrigin.Current); //skip it
                if (blocksize % 2 != 0)
                    ms.Seek(1, SeekOrigin.Current); //byte align
            if (isbEntry != null && isbEntry.DataAsStored != null)
            isbEntry = new ISBankEntry();