private static void DrawBottomSlots(Rect rect, Blueprint bp, BlueprintHandlerState state) { try { GUI.BeginGroup(rect); List <object> list = new List <object>() { 1, 2, 3 }; float slotWidth = rect.width / 3; Rect armourSlotRect = new Rect(slotWidth, rect.height - TotalSlotRectHeight, slotWidth, TotalSlotRectHeight); if (bp.HasArmourPlating) { List <PartCustomisePack> armour = bp.GetPartCustomisePacks(DroidCustomiseGroupDef.Named("MD3_DroidArmourPlating"), true); var pack = armour.First(); DrawSlot(pack, armourSlotRect, bp.ChassisType, state); foreach (var p in armour) { p.Part = pack.Part; } bp.Recache(); } Rect motivator1SlotRect = new Rect(0f, armourSlotRect.y, armourSlotRect.width, armourSlotRect.height); } finally { GUI.EndGroup(); } }
public List <PartCustomisePack> GetPartCustomisePacks(DroidCustomiseGroupDef group, bool silentFail = false) { if (!partsGrouped.Keys.Contains(group)) { List <PartCustomisePack> list = new List <PartCustomisePack>(); foreach (var li in group.Parts) { //Make a new part customise pack var baseParts = GetBasePartAt(li.ChassisPoint, li.BodyPosition).ToList(); if (baseParts.Count > 0) { foreach (var partRecord in baseParts) { if (partRecord is DroidChassisPartRecord) { //Check the body position. If the position passed is undefined, don't care what position the part has DroidChassisPartRecord droidRecord = partRecord as DroidChassisPartRecord; if (li.BodyPosition == BodyPosition.Undefined || droidRecord.bodyPosition == li.BodyPosition) { DroidChassisPartDef dcpd = droidRecord.defAsDroidDef; if (dcpd == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException($"{partRecord.body.defName} contains a bodypart which is not type DroidChassisPartDef: {partRecord.def.defName}"); } var newPCP = new PartCustomisePack(li.ChassisPoint, dcpd, droidRecord.bodyPosition); list.Add(newPCP); } } else { //Otherwise, just make a new part with undefined body position DroidChassisPartDef dcpd = partRecord.GetChassisPartDef(); if (dcpd == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException($"{partRecord.body.defName} contains a bodypart which is not type DroidChassisPartDef: {partRecord.def.defName}"); } var newPCP = new PartCustomisePack(li.ChassisPoint, dcpd); list.Add(newPCP); } } } else { if (!silentFail) { Log.Error($"Unable to find any base parts at ChassisPoint: {li.ChassisPoint} and BodyPosition: {li.BodyPosition} for BaseBodyDef: {BaseBodyDef.defName}"); } } } partsGrouped.Add(group, list); return(partsGrouped[group]); } else { return(partsGrouped[group]); } }
public Dialog_CustomisePartGroup(DroidCustomiseGroupDef group, Blueprint design, Texture2D partTex, BlueprintHandlerState state) { this.partTex = partTex; this.state = state; = group; = design; Setup(); //doCloseX = true; forcePause = true; absorbInputAroundWindow = true; }
private static void DrawPartsGroupListing(Rect rect, DroidCustomiseGroupDef group, List <PartCustomisePack> packs) { try { GUI.BeginGroup(rect); Rect labelRect = new Rect(10f, 0f, rect.width - 10f, PartGroupTitleHeight); Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; Text.Font = GameFont.Medium; Widgets.Label(labelRect, group.LabelCap); Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; Text.Font = GameFont.Small; var list = packs.Where(x => x.Part.BasePart == false); float curY = labelRect.yMax; bool alternate = false; foreach (var part in list) { Rect pRect = new Rect(0f, curY, rect.width, PartEntryHeight); if (Mouse.IsOver(pRect)) { Widgets.DrawHighlight(pRect); TooltipHandler.TipRegion(pRect, part.Part.GetTooltip()); } else if (alternate) { Widgets.DrawAltRect(pRect); } Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; if (part.Part.color != null) { GUI.color = part.Part.color.GetColor(); } Widgets.Label(pRect, $" {part.Part.LabelCap}"); Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; GUI.color = Color.white; curY += PartEntryHeight; alternate = !alternate; } } finally { GUI.EndGroup(); } }
private static void DrawParts(Rect rect, Blueprint bp, BlueprintHandlerState state) { try { GUI.BeginGroup(rect); //TODO:: draw gradient background float multiplier = Math.Min(rect.width / 328f, rect.height / 404f); if (multiplier > 1.2f) { multiplier = 1.2f; } //Body rect Vector2 bodyRectAdjusted = new Vector2(BodyRectSize.x * multiplier, BodyRectSize.y * multiplier); Rect bodyRect = new Rect(rect.width / 2 - bodyRectAdjusted.x / 2, rect.height / 2 - bodyRectAdjusted.y / 2, bodyRectAdjusted.x, bodyRectAdjusted.y); Widgets.DrawHighlightIfMouseover(bodyRect); if (bp.BodyGraphic == null) { bp.BodyGraphicDef = DroidGraphics.GetFirstBody(bp.ChassisType); } Widgets.DrawTextureFitted(bodyRect, bp.BodyGraphic.MatSouth.mainTexture, 1.6f); if (Widgets.ButtonInvisible(bodyRect)) { Dialog_CustomisePartGroup cp = new Dialog_CustomisePartGroup(DroidCustomiseGroupDef.Named("MD3_MediumDroidChassis"), bp, BodyTex, state); Find.WindowStack.Add(cp); } //Head rect Vector2 headRectAdjusted = new Vector2(HeadRectSize.x * multiplier, HeadRectSize.y * multiplier); Rect headRect = new Rect(rect.width / 2 - headRectAdjusted.x / 2, bodyRect.y - PartSelectorMargin - headRectAdjusted.y, headRectAdjusted.x, headRectAdjusted.y); Widgets.DrawHighlightIfMouseover(headRect); if (bp.HeadGraphic == null) { bp.HeadGraphicDef = DroidGraphics.GetFirstHead(bp.ChassisType); } Widgets.DrawTextureFitted(headRect, bp.HeadGraphic.MatSouth.mainTexture, 1.7f); if (Widgets.ButtonInvisible(headRect)) { Dialog_CustomisePartGroup cp = new Dialog_CustomisePartGroup(DroidCustomiseGroupDef.Named("MD3_MediumDroidHead"), bp, HeadTex, state); Find.WindowStack.Add(cp); } //Left arm rect Vector2 armRectAdjusted = new Vector2(ArmRectSize.x * multiplier, ArmRectSize.y * multiplier); Rect leftArmRect = new Rect(bodyRect.x - PartSelectorMargin - armRectAdjusted.x, bodyRect.y, armRectAdjusted.x, armRectAdjusted.y); if (Mouse.IsOver(leftArmRect)) { Widgets.DrawTextureFitted(leftArmRect, LeftArmHoverTex, 1); } else { Widgets.DrawTextureFitted(leftArmRect, LeftArmTex, 1); } if (Widgets.ButtonInvisible(leftArmRect)) { Dialog_CustomisePartGroup cp = new Dialog_CustomisePartGroup(DroidCustomiseGroupDef.Named("MD3_MediumDroidLeftArm"), bp, LeftArmTex, state); Find.WindowStack.Add(cp); } //Right arm rect Rect rightArmRect = new Rect(bodyRect.xMax + PartSelectorMargin, bodyRect.y, armRectAdjusted.x, armRectAdjusted.y); if (Mouse.IsOver(rightArmRect)) { Widgets.DrawTextureFitted(rightArmRect, RightArmHoverTex, 1); } else { Widgets.DrawTextureFitted(rightArmRect, RightArmTex, 1); } if (Widgets.ButtonInvisible(rightArmRect)) { Dialog_CustomisePartGroup cp = new Dialog_CustomisePartGroup(DroidCustomiseGroupDef.Named("MD3_MediumDroidRightArm"), bp, RightArmTex, state); Find.WindowStack.Add(cp); } //Left leg rect Vector2 legRectAdjusted = new Vector2(LegRectSize.x * multiplier, LegRectSize.y * multiplier); Rect leftLegRect = new Rect(leftArmRect.x + legRectAdjusted.x / 2, bodyRect.yMax + PartSelectorMargin, legRectAdjusted.x, legRectAdjusted.y); if (Mouse.IsOver(leftLegRect)) { Widgets.DrawTextureFitted(leftLegRect, LeftLegHoverTex, 1); } else { Widgets.DrawTextureFitted(leftLegRect, LeftLegTex, 1); } if (Widgets.ButtonInvisible(leftLegRect)) { Dialog_CustomisePartGroup cp = new Dialog_CustomisePartGroup(DroidCustomiseGroupDef.Named("MD3_MediumDroidLeftLeg"), bp, LeftLegTex, state); Find.WindowStack.Add(cp); } //Right leg rect Rect rightLegRect = new Rect(rightArmRect.x - legRectAdjusted.x / 2, leftLegRect.y, legRectAdjusted.x, legRectAdjusted.y); if (Mouse.IsOver(rightLegRect)) { Widgets.DrawTextureFitted(rightLegRect, RightLegHoverTex, 1); } else { Widgets.DrawTextureFitted(rightLegRect, RightLegTex, 1); } if (Widgets.ButtonInvisible(rightLegRect)) { Dialog_CustomisePartGroup cp = new Dialog_CustomisePartGroup(DroidCustomiseGroupDef.Named("MD3_MediumDroidRightLeg"), bp, RightLegTex, state); Find.WindowStack.Add(cp); } } finally { GUI.EndGroup(); } }
public GroupPackPair(DroidCustomiseGroupDef group, PartCustomisePack pack) { = group; this.pack = pack; }