private void FillModel(PN_Notice m) { if (m == null) return; ID = m.ID; Topic = m.Topic; KeyWord = m.KeyWord; Content = m.Content.Replace("/RMS/SubModule/DownloadAttachment.aspx?", MCSFramework.Common.ConfigHelper.GetConfigString("WebSiteURL") + "/DownloadAttachment.aspx?"); CanComment = m.CanComment.ToUpper() == "Y"; InsertTime = m.InsertTime; Abstract = m["Abstract"]; if (Abstract == "") { if (Content.Length > 100) Abstract = Content.Substring(0, 100); else Abstract = Content; } Author = m["Author"]; #region 替换描述中的图片链接 Content = Content.Replace("src=\"/Admin/DownloadAttachment.aspx", "src=\"" + ConfigHelper.GetConfigString("WebSiteURL") + "DownloadAttachment.aspx"); Content = Content.Replace("src=\"/MClub/DownloadAttachment.aspx", "src=\"" + ConfigHelper.GetConfigString("WebSiteURL") + "DownloadAttachment.aspx"); #endregion #region 获取首要图片 string condition = " RelateType=80 AND RelateID=" + m.ID.ToString() + " AND MCS_SYS.dbo.UF_Spilt(ExtPropertys,'|',1)='Y'"; IList<ATMT_Attachment> lists = ATMT_AttachmentBLL.GetModelList(condition); if (lists.Count > 0 && ATMT_AttachmentBLL.IsImage(lists[0].ExtName)) { ImageGUID = lists[0].GUID; } #endregion #region 获取附件明细 Atts = new List<Attachment>(); IList<ATMT_Attachment> atts = ATMT_AttachmentBLL.GetAttachmentList(80, m.ID, new DateTime(1900, 1, 1), new DateTime(2100, 1, 1)); foreach (ATMT_Attachment att in atts.OrderBy(p => p.Name)) { Attachment v = new Attachment(); v.AttName = att.Name; v.ExtName = att.ExtName; v.GUID = att.GUID; v.UploadTime = att.UploadTime; v.FileSize = att.FileSize; Atts.Add(v); } #endregion }
public Notice(PN_Notice m) { if (m != null) FillModel(m); }