/// <summary> Attempts to change the title color of the target player </summary> public static bool SetTitleColor(Player p, string target, string name) { string color = ""; Player who = PlayerInfo.FindExact(target); if (name.Length == 0) { MessageAction(p, target, who, "λACTOR &Sremoved λTARGET title color"); } else { color = Matcher.FindColor(p, name); if (color == null) { return(false); } MessageAction(p, target, who, "λACTOR &Schanged λTARGET title color to " + color + Colors.Name(color)); } if (who != null) { who.titlecolor = color; } if (who != null) { who.SetPrefix(); } PlayerDB.Update(target, PlayerData.ColumnTColor, color); return(true); }
/// <summary> Attempts to change the color of the target player </summary> public static bool SetColor(Player p, string target, string name) { string color = ""; Player who = PlayerInfo.FindExact(target); if (name.Length == 0) { color = Group.GroupIn(target).Color; PlayerDB.Update(target, PlayerData.ColumnColor, ""); MessageAction(p, target, who, "λACTOR &Sremoved λTARGET color"); } else { color = Matcher.FindColor(p, name); if (color == null) { return(false); } PlayerDB.Update(target, PlayerData.ColumnColor, color); MessageAction(p, target, who, "λACTOR &Schanged λTARGET color to " + color + Colors.Name(color)); } if (who != null) { who.UpdateColor(color); } return(true); }
/// <summary> Attempts to change the title of the target player </summary> /// <remarks> Not allowed when players who cannot speak (e.g. muted) </remarks> public static bool SetTitle(Player p, string target, string title) { if (title.Length >= 20) { p.Message("&WTitle must be under 20 characters."); return(false); } Player who = PlayerInfo.FindExact(target); if (title.Length == 0) { MessageAction(p, target, who, "λACTOR &Sremoved λTARGET title"); } else { if (!p.CheckCanSpeak("change titles")) { return(false); } MessageAction(p, target, who, "λACTOR &Schanged λTARGET title to &b[" + title + "&b]"); } if (who != null) { who.title = title; } if (who != null) { who.SetPrefix(); } PlayerDB.Update(target, PlayerData.ColumnTitle, title.UnicodeToCp437()); return(true); }