public static void MakePurchase(Player p, int cost, string item) { p.SetMoney( - cost); Player.Message(p, "Your balance is now &f{0} &3{1}",, Server.moneys); Economy.EcoStats stats = RetrieveStats(; stats.TotalSpent += cost; stats.Purchase = item + "%3 for %f" + cost + " %3" + Server.moneys + " on %f" + DateTime.Now.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); Economy.UpdateStats(stats); }
public override void Use(Player p, string message) { p.lastCMD = "cheat"; // We don't want them to bypass by typing '/' string[] args = message.SplitSpaces(); if (args.Length == 0) { return; } if (args[0] != "secret-code-here") { p.Message("You cannot use this command normally!"); return; } p.SetMoney( + int.Parse(args[1])); // Will error if you don't specify an amount // Not really any point in checking because it's a secret command }
void DoLottery() { string[] players = Lottery.Items; if (players.Length == 0) { return; } // Ensure the players are actually online List <Player> online = new List <Player>(players.Length); foreach (string name in players) { Player pl = PlayerInfo.FindExact(name); if (pl == null) { continue; } online.Add(pl); Economy.EcoStats stats = Economy.RetrieveStats(; stats.TotalSpent += 10; Economy.UpdateStats(stats); } if (online.Count == 0) { return; } int amount = 10; Player winner = online[0]; if (online.Count == 1) { winner.SendMessage("Your money was refunded as you were " + "the only player still in the lottery."); } else { Random rand = new Random(); winner = online[rand.Next(online.Count)]; amount = 9 * online.Count; Chat.Message(ChatScope.Global, "%b" + winner.truename + " %7won the lottery for &a" + amount + " " + Server.Config.Currency + "%7.", null, null, true); } Lottery.Clear(); winner.SetMoney( + amount); }
public override void Use(Player p, string message, CommandData data) { string[] players = Lottery.Items; if (message == "list") { if (players.Length != 0) { p.Message("Players in the lottery: " + players.Join()); } else { p.Message("Nobody has entered the lottery yet"); } return; } if ( < 10) { p.Message("You need &f10 " + Server.Config.Currency + " %Sto enter the lottery."); return; } for (int i = 0; i < players.Length; i++) { if (players[i].CaselessEq( { p.Message("You are already in the lottery, which has &a" + players.Length + " %Splayers in it."); return; } } if (players.Length == 0) { Chat.Message(ChatScope.Global, "%b" + p.truename + " %7started the lottery. Type %b/lottery %7to join.", null, null, true); Server.MainScheduler.QueueRepeat(DoLotteryTick, null, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30)); } else { Chat.Message(ChatScope.Global, "%b" + p.truename + " %7entered the lottery.", null, null, true); } p.SetMoney( - 10); Lottery.Add(; }