public void Use(Player p, string[] args) { int _ = 0; string message = ""; for (int i = 1; i <= args.Length; i++) { message += args[i] + " "; } string newreason = message.Trim().Substring(args[0].Length + 1); string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines("bans/BanInfo.txt"); if (lines.Length < 1) { p.SendMessage("Could not find ban information for \"" + args[0] + "\"."); return; } foreach (string line in lines) { if (line.Split('`')[0] == args[0]) { string date = line.Split('`')[2]; string time = line.Split('`')[3]; string banner = line.Split('`')[4]; for (int o = 1; o <= lines.Length; o++) { if (lines[o].Split('`')[0] == args[0]) lines[o] = args[0] + "`" + newreason + "`" + date + "`" + time + "`" + banner; } File.WriteAllLines("bans/BanInfo.txt", lines); p.SendMessage("Successfully set " + args[0] + "'s ban reason to \"" + newreason + "\"."); } else { _++; if (_ == 1) p.SendMessage("Could not find ban information for \"" + args[0] + "\"."); } } }
public void Help(Player p) { p.SendMessage("/bot add [name] - creates a bot where you are standing."); p.SendMessage("/bot remove [name] - removes bot with [name] from your level."); p.SendMessage("/bot ai \"[name]\" [type] - toggles ai to bot. \"'s are required."); p.SendMessage("Available types of AI: follow, break"); }
public void Use(Player p, string[] args) { if (!File.Exists("text/news.txt")) { File.Create("text/news.txt").Close(); Logger.Log("[File] Created news.txt", Color.White, Color.Black); p.SendMessage("No News file was available!"); return; } string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines("text/news.txt"); DateTime editdate = File.GetLastWriteTime("text/news.txt"); if (args.Length == 0) { p.SendMessage("News as of " + editdate.ToShortDateString() + ":"); foreach (string line in lines) { p.SendMessage(line); } } else { Player who = Player.Find(args[0].ToLower()); who.SendMessage("News as of " + editdate.ToShortDateString() + ":"); foreach (string line in lines) { who.SendMessage(line); } } }
public void Use(Player p, string[] args) { if (args.Length != 2) { p.SendMessage("Invalid number of arguments!"); Help(p); return; } List<string> temp; if (args[0].Contains(",")) temp = new List<string>(args[0].Split(',')); else temp = new List<string>() { args[0] }; temp = temp.Distinct().ToList(); // Remove duplicates List<string> invalid = new List<string>(); //Check for invalid blocks foreach (string name in temp) if (!Block.ValidBlockName(name)) invalid.Add(name); if (!Block.ValidBlockName(args[1])) invalid.Add(args[1]); if (invalid.Count > 0) { p.SendMessage(String.Format("Invalid block{0}: {1}", invalid.Count == 1 ? "" : "s", String.Join(", ", invalid))); return; } if (temp.Contains(args[1])) temp.Remove(args[1]); if (temp.Count < 1) { p.SendMessage("Replacing a block with the same one would be pointless!"); return; } List<byte> oldType = new List<byte>(); foreach (string name in temp) oldType.Add(Block.NameToBlock(name)); byte newType = Block.NameToBlock(args[1]); List<Vector3S> buffer = new List<Vector3S>(); int currentBlock = 0; foreach (byte b in p.Level.Data) { if (oldType.Contains(b)) buffer.Add(p.Level.IntToPos(currentBlock)); currentBlock++; } p.SendMessage(buffer.Count.ToString() + " blocks."); buffer.ForEach(delegate(Vector3S pos) { p.Level.BlockChange((ushort)(pos.x), (ushort)(pos.z), (ushort)(pos.y), newType, p); }); p.SendMessage("&4/replaceall finished!"); }
public void Use(Player p, string[] args) { if (args.Length == 0) { Help(p); return; } Player who = Player.Find(args[0]); if (who == null) { p.SendMessage("Cannot find player!"); return; } who.ExtraData.CreateIfNotExist("Muted", false); if (Server.devs.Contains(who.Username)) { p.SendMessage("Cannot mute a MCForge Developer!"); return; } if (who == p) { if ((bool)who.ExtraData["Muted"]) { p.SendMessage("Cannot unmute yourself!"); } else { p.SendMessage("Cannot mute yourself!"); } return; } if (args.Length == 2) //XMute { int time = 0; if ((bool)who.ExtraData["Muted"]) { who.ExtraData["Muted"] = false; Player.UniversalChat(who.Username + " has been unmuted!"); return; } try { time = Int32.Parse(args[1]) * 1000; } catch { p.SendMessage("Please use a valid number!"); return; } if (time > 600000) { p.SendMessage("Cannot mute for more than 10 minutes"); return; } who.ExtraData["Muted"] = true; Player.UniversalChat(who.Username + " %chas been muted for " + time / 1000 + " seconds!"); Thread.Sleep(time); who.ExtraData["Muted"] = false; Player.UniversalChat(who.Username + " has been unmuted!"); } else //Regular mute { if ((bool)who.ExtraData["Muted"]) { who.ExtraData["Muted"] = false; Player.UniversalChat(who.Username + " has been unmuted!"); return; } else { who.ExtraData["Muted"] = true; Player.UniversalChat(who.Username + " has been muted!"); return; } } }
public void Use(Player p, string[] args) { if (Server.Voting) { p.SendMessage("A vote is already in progress!"); return; } Player who = null; if (args.Length == 0) { who = null; } else { who = Player.Find(args[0]); } if (who == null) { p.SendMessage("Cannot find that player!"); return; } Server.Kicker = who; ResetVotes(); Server.Voting = true; Server.KickVote = true; Player.UniversalChat("VOTE: Kick " + who.Username + "?"); Player.UniversalChat("Use: %aYes " + Server.DefaultColor + "or %cNo " + Server.DefaultColor + "to vote!"); Thread.Sleep(15000); Player.UniversalChat("The votes are in! %aYes: " + Server.YesVotes + " %cNo: " + Server.NoVotes + Server.DefaultColor + "!"); if (Server.YesVotes > Server.NoVotes) { who.Kick("Votekick'd"); return; } else if (Server.NoVotes > Server.YesVotes || Server.YesVotes == Server.NoVotes) { Player.UniversalChat("Looks like " + who.Username + " is staying!"); return; } Server.ForeachPlayer(delegate(Player pl) { pl.ExtraData.CreateIfNotExist("Voted", false); pl.ExtraData["Voted"] = false; }); Server.Voting = false; ResetVotes(); }
public void Help(Player p) { p.SendMessage("/queue level [level] - Queues [level] to be selected next"); p.SendMessage("/queue zombie [zombie] - Queues [zombie] to be selected next (Doesn't apply on Normal gamemode)"); p.SendMessage("/queue gamemode [gamemode] - Queues [gamemode] to be selected next"); p.SendMessage("0 for Normal, 1 for Classic, 2 for Classic Happy, 3 for cure"); }
public void Help(Player p) { p.SendMessage("/plugins show: Shows all loaded plugins"); p.SendMessage("/plugins unload [name]: Unloads a plugin called [name] (ignores case)"); p.SendMessage("/plugins load [name]: Tries to load a plugin with [name] (ignores case)"); p.SendMessage("/plugins reload: Loads all unloaded plugins"); }
public void Use(Player p, string[] args) { p.ExtraData.CreateIfNotExist("ReadRules", false); if (Server.agreed.Contains(p.Username)) { p.SendMessage("You have already agreed to the rules!"); return; } if (!(bool)p.ExtraData["ReadRules"]) { p.SendMessage("You need to read the /rules before you can disagree!"); return; } p.Kick("Kicked for disagreeing to the rules!"); }
public void Use(Player p, string[] args) { CatchPos cpos = new CatchPos(); if (args.Length != 0) { cpos.ignore = new List<byte>(); for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) { try { cpos.ignore.Add(Block.NameToBlock(args[i])); } catch { p.SendMessage("Could not find the block '" + args[i] + "'"); return; } } string s = ""; for (int i = 0; i < cpos.ignore.Count; i++) { s += ((Block)cpos.ignore[i]).Name; if (i == cpos.ignore.Count - 2) s += " and "; else if (i != cpos.ignore.Count - 1) s += ", "; } p.SendMessage("Ignoring " + s + "."); } //else //cpos.ignore.Add(Block.NameToByte("unknown")); //So it doesn't ignore air. p.SendMessage("Place two blocks to determine the edges."); //p.CatchNextBlockchange(new Player.BlockChangeDelegate(CatchBlock), (object)cpos); p.SetDatapass("CmdMeasure_cpos", cpos); p.OnPlayerBlockChange.Normal += new BlockChangeEvent.EventHandler(CatchBlock); }
public void Use(Player p, string[] args) { Level tempLevel = Level.FindLevel(args[0]); if (tempLevel != null) { if (tempLevel.visit != null && tempLevel.visit.Permission < p.Group.Permission) { p.SendMessage("You dont have permission to go to this level"); return; } #region Send and Spawn p.GlobalDie(); p.IsLoading = true; p.Level = tempLevel; short x = (short)((0.5 + tempLevel.SpawnPos.x) * 32); short y = (short)((1 + tempLevel.SpawnPos.y) * 32); short z = (short)((0.5 + tempLevel.SpawnPos.z) * 32); p.Pos = new Vector3S(x, z, y); p.Rot = tempLevel.SpawnRot; p.oldPos = p.Pos; p.oldRot = p.Rot; p.SendSpawn(p); p.IsLoading = false; p.SpawnOtherPlayersForThisPlayer(); p.SpawnThisPlayerToOtherPlayers(); p.SpawnBotsForThisPlayer(); #endregion Player.UniversalChat(p.Username + " went to " + args[0] + "!"); } else { p.SendMessage("This level does not exist!"); } }
public void Use(Player p, string[] args) { if (args.Length < 1) { Help(p); return; } if (args.Length > 2) { if (args[0].ToLower() == "help") { if (ServerSettings.HasKey(args[1])) p.SendMessage(ServerSettings.GetDescription(args[1])); else p.SendMessage("Key doesn't exist"); return; } else if (ServerSettings.HasKey(args[0])) { ServerSettings.SetSetting(args[0], values: String.Join(" ", args, 1, args.Count())); return; } else { Help(p); return; } } if (!ServerSettings.HasKey(args[0])) p.SendMessage("Key doesn't exist"); else p.SendMessage(String.Format("Value for {0} is {1}", args[0], ServerSettings.GetSetting(args[0]))); }
public void Help(Player p) { p.SendMessage("Usage: /settings <key> [value]"); p.SendMessage("To get a value, do not add a value at the end of the command."); p.SendMessage("To set a value, add a value at the end of the command."); p.SendMessage("ex: /settings motd Welcome $user"); p.SendMessage("To get a description of a setting, type /settings help <key>."); }
public void Help(Player p) { p.SendMessage("/click [x z y]- Fakes a click"); p.SendMessage("if no xyz is given, it uses the last place clicked."); p.SendMessage("/click 200 z 200 will cuase it to click at 200x, last z, and 200y"); p.SendMessage("Shortcut: /x"); }
public void Use(Player p, string[] args) { if (args.Length != 0) { Help(p); return; } p.SendMessage("This server's name is &b" + ServerSettings.GetSetting("servername") + Server.DefaultColor + "."); p.SendMessage(Server.Players.Count == 1 ? "There is no one else on the server" : "There are currently " + Server.Players.Count + " players on this server"); //TODO dont include hidden if above current rank //p.SendMessage("This server currently has $banned people that are &8banned" + Server.DefaultColor + "."); p.SendMessage("This server currently has " + Level.Levels.Count + " levels loaded."); //p.SendMessage("This server's currency is: " + Server.moneys); // later for when money works. p.SendMessage("This server runs on &bMCForge 2.0" + Server.DefaultColor + "."); p.SendMessage("This server's version: &a" + Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version); TimeSpan up = DateTime.Now - Server.StartTime; string upTime = "Time online: &b"; if (up.Days == 1) upTime += up.Days + " day, "; else if (up.Days > 0) upTime += up.Days + " days, "; if (up.Hours == 1) upTime += up.Hours + " hour, "; else if (up.Days > 0 || up.Hours > 0) upTime += up.Hours + " hours, "; if (up.Minutes == 1) upTime += up.Minutes + " minute and "; else if (up.Hours > 0 || up.Days > 0 || up.Minutes > 0) upTime += up.Minutes + " minutes and "; upTime += up.Seconds == 1 ? up.Seconds + " second" : up.Seconds + " seconds"; p.SendMessage(upTime); p.SendMessage("Type \"yes\" to see the devs list."); p.OnPlayerChat.Normal += (sender, eventargs) => { sender.ExtraData.CreateIfNotExist("LastCmd", ""); if (eventargs.Message.ToLower() == "yes" && sender.ExtraData["LastCmd"] == "info") Command.all["devs"].Use(p, new string[0]); eventargs.Cancel(); eventargs.Unregister(); }; }
public void Use(Player p, string[] args) { if (args.Length == 0 || args.Length > 2) { Help(p); return; } Player who; string color; p.Color = p.Group.Color; if (args.Length == 1) { who = p; color = args[0] == "del" ? p.Group.Color : Colors.Parse(args[0]); if (p.Color == color) { p.SendMessage("You are already that color!"); return; } } else { who = Player.Find(args[0]); if (who == null) { p.SendMessage("Could not find player."); return; } if (p.Group.Permission <= who.Group.Permission) { p.SendMessage("You can't change the color of someone of equal or higher rank!"); return; } color = args[1] == "del" ? who.Group.Color : Colors.Parse(args[1]); if (who.Color == color) { p.SendMessage("They are already that color!"); return; } } if (color == "") { p.SendMessage("Could not find color."); return; } string message = ""; if (color == who.Group.Color) message = "their groups default."; else message = color + Colors.Name(color) + who.Color+ "."; Player.UniversalChat(who.Color + "*" + who.Username + (who.Username.EndsWith("s") || who.Username.EndsWith("x") ? "'" : "'s") + " color was changed to " + message); who.Color= color; who.GlobalDie(); who.SendSpawn(who); who.SetPrefix(); //TODO Save to database. }
public void Help(Player p) { p.SendMessage("/unloaded - shows unloaded levels"); p.SendMessage("/unloaded [filter] <1/2/3> - shows a more structured list"); p.SendMessage("/unloaded [filter] count - shows the number of unloaded levels"); p.SendMessage("If [filter] is specified only levels containing the word will be included"); }
void OnAllPlayersCommand_Normal(Player sender, CommandEventArgs args) { if (args.Command != "ag") return; args.Cancel(); if (args.Args.Length < 2) { Help(sender); return; } if (args.Args[0].ToLower() == "allow") { Player who = Player.Find(args.Args[1]); if (who == null || who is ConsolePlayer) { sender.SendMessage("The specified player was not found"); return; } AllowList.AddValue<string, Player>(sender.Username, who); return; } else if (args.Args[0].ToLower() == "disallow") { Player who = Player.Find(args.Args[1]); if (who == null || who is ConsolePlayer) { sender.SendMessage("The specified player was not found"); return; } AllowList.RemoveValue<string, Player>(sender.Username, who); return; } }
public void Use(Player p, string[] args) { if (args.Length != 1) { p.SendMessage("Invalid arguments!"); return; } else { if (args[0].ToLower() == "all") { Server.ForeachPlayer(delegate(Player pl) { if (pl.Level == p.Level && pl != p && p.Group.Permission > pl.Group.Permission) //Missing permissions { pl.SendToPos(p.Pos, p.Rot); pl.SendMessage("You were summoned by " + p.Color+ p.Username + Server.DefaultColor + "."); } }); Player.UniversalChat(p.Color + p.Username + Server.DefaultColor + " summoned everyone!"); return; } else { Player who = Player.Find(args[0]); if (who == null || who.IsHidden && p.Group.Permission < who.Group.Permission) { p.SendMessage("Player: " + args[0] + " not found!"); return; } else if (who == p) { p.SendMessage("Why are you trying to summon yourself?"); return; } else if (p.Group.Permission < who.Group.Permission) { p.SendMessage("You cannot summon someone ranked higher thank you!"); return; } else { if (p.Level != who.Level) { p.SendMessage(who.Username + " is in a different level. Forcefetching has started!"); Level where = p.Level; //Need to use goto here Thread.Sleep(1000); //Let them load; while (who.IsLoading) { Thread.Sleep(250); } } } who.SendToPos(p.Pos, p.Rot); } return; } }
public void Use(Player p, string[] args) { if (args.Length < 2) { Help(p); return; } byte perVisitMax = byte.MaxValue; PlayerGroup g = null; Level l = null; l = Level.FindLevel(args[0]); if (l == null) { p.SendMessage("Level not found!"); return; //no need to continue (troll) } try { perVisitMax = byte.Parse(args[1]); } catch { try { g = PlayerGroup.Find(args[1]); perVisitMax = g.Permission; } catch { p.SendMessage("Error parsing new build permission"); return; } } if (perVisitMax > p.Group.Permission) { p.SendMessage("You cannot set the build permission to a greater rank or permission than yours"); return; } if (l.ExtraData.ContainsKey("pervisitmax")) { l.ExtraData["pervisitmax"] = perVisitMax; } else l.ExtraData.Add("pervisitmax", perVisitMax); if (g != null) { p.SendMessage("Successfully put " + + l.Name + Server.DefaultColor + "'s max visit permission to " + g.Color + g.Name); } else { p.SendMessage("Successfully put " + + l.Name + Server.DefaultColor + "'s max visit permission to " + + perVisitMax); } }
public void Use(Player p, string[] args) { if (args.Length == 0) { p.SendMessage("Please specify a message to write!"); Help(p); return; } CatchPos cpos = new CatchPos(); cpos.message = string.Join(" ", args); p.SetDatapass(Name, cpos); p.SendMessage("Place two blocks to determine the direction!"); p.OnPlayerBlockChange.Normal += BlockChange1; }
public void Help(Player p) { p.SendMessage("/calculate <num1> <method> <num2> - Evaluates two number using a method."); p.SendMessage("Available methods for two numbers: /, x, -, +, ^(Exponent),"); p.SendMessage("/calculate <num1> <method> - Evaluates a number using a complex method."); p.SendMessage("Available methods for one number: square, root, pi, cube"); p.SendMessage("Shortcut: /calc"); }
public void Help(Player p) { p.SendMessage("/teleport <x> <z> <y> - Telports you to a coordinate."); p.SendMessage("/teleport <player1> [player2] - Teleports yourself to a player."); p.SendMessage("[player2] is optional, but if present will send player1 to the player2."); p.SendMessage("If <player> is blank, you are sent to spawn"); p.SendMessage("Shortcut: /tp"); }
public void Help(MCForge.Entity.Player p) { p.SendMessage("/brush <brush type> [optional: size] [optional: block] - place blocks on the level using a brush"); p.SendMessage("/brush off - turns off the brush..."); p.SendMessage("Valid brush types:"); p.SendMessage("Cube, Sphere, Random"); //TODO: add more types.... }
public void Help(Player p) { p.SendMessage("/tempban <player> [amount] [m/h/d] - Bans <player> for [amount] of minutes, hours, or days"); p.SendMessage("If amount isn't specified, player will be banned for an hour"); p.SendMessage("m = minutes : h = hours : d = days"); p.SendMessage("&cTempbans will be reset if the server restarts!"); p.SendMessage("Shortcut: /tb"); }
public void Use(Player p, string[] args) { if (!ServerSettings.GetSettingBoolean("AgreeingToRules")) { p.SendMessage("Agreeing to rules is disabled on this server!"); return; } p.ExtraData.CreateIfNotExist("ReadRules", false); if (Server.AgreedPlayers.Contains(p.Username)) { p.SendMessage("You have already agreed to the rules!"); return; } if (!(bool)p.ExtraData["ReadRules"]) { p.SendMessage("You need to read the /rules before you can disagree!"); return; } p.Kick("Kicked for disagreeing to the rules!"); }
public void Help(Player p) { p.SendMessage("/titlecolor <color> - Change your own title color."); p.SendMessage("/titlecolor [player] <color> - Changes [player]'s title color."); p.SendMessage("Available colors: &0black &1navy &2green &3teal &4maroon &5purple &6gold &7silver"); p.SendMessage("&8gray &9blue &alime &baqua &cred &dpink &eyellow &fwhite"); p.SendMessage("Shortcut: /tcolor"); }
public void Help(Player p) { p.SendMessage("/rainbowtitle - Rainbows your current title."); p.SendMessage("/rainbowtitle <title> - Gives you a rainbow title."); p.SendMessage("/rainbowtitle [player] <title> - Gives [player] a rainbow title."); p.SendMessage("Note: Rainbow titles can only be up to 15 letters long."); p.SendMessage("Shortcut: /rtitle"); }
public void Use(Player p, string[] args) { Block b = Block.BlockList.UNKNOWN; ushort x, z, y; Vector3S pos = p.Pos; try { switch (args.Length) { case 0: x = (ushort)(pos.x / 32); z = (ushort)(pos.z / 32); y = (ushort)(pos.y / 32 - 1); b = Block.BlockList.STONE; break; case 1: x = (ushort)(pos.x / 32); z = (ushort)(pos.z / 32); y = (ushort)(pos.y / 32 - 1); b = Block.NameToBlock(args[0]); break; case 3: x = Convert.ToUInt16(args[0]); z = Convert.ToUInt16(args[1]); y = Convert.ToUInt16(args[2]); b = Block.BlockList.STONE; break; case 4: b = Block.NameToBlock(args[0]); x = Convert.ToUInt16(args[1]); z = Convert.ToUInt16(args[2]); y = Convert.ToUInt16(args[3]); break; default: p.SendMessage("Invalid parameters."); return; } } catch { p.SendMessage("Invalid parameters."); return; } if (b == Block.BlockList.UNKNOWN) { p.SendMessage("Unknown block type"); return; } if (!p.Group.CanBuild(b)) { p.SendMessage("You're not allowed to build this block!"); return; } if (y >= p.Level.Size.y) { y = (ushort)(p.Level.Size.y - 1); } p.Level.BlockChange(x, z, y, b, p); p.SendMessage("An " + ((Block)b).Name + " block was placed at (" + x + ", " + z + ", " + y + ")."); }
public void Use(Player p, string[] args) { p.SendMessage("VIPs are players who can join the server when it's full!"); p.SendMessage("MCForge Developers are automatically VIPs!"); string send = Colors.yellow + ServerSettings.GetSetting("ServerName") + " VIPs: "; foreach (string s in Server.VIPs) send += s + Colors.white + ", "; p.SendMessage(send.Remove(send.Length - 2, 2)); }
public void Use(Player p, string[] args) { if (p.Group.Permission >= Permission) { p.SendMessage("Build as many blocks as you want for the portal entry, break a block to set the exit"); p.OnPlayerBlockChange.Low += OnPlayerBlockChange_Low; } else { p.SendMessage("Your not allowed to create portals"); } }
public void Use(MCForge.Entity.Player p, string[] args) { if (args.Length < 1 || args.Length > 3) { Help(p); return; } if (args[0].ToLower() == "off" && p.ExtraData.ContainsKey("BrushData")) { p.OnPlayerBlockChange.Normal -= BlockChange; p.ExtraData.Remove("BrushData"); p.SendMessage("Brush turned off"); return; } byte block = 255; int size = 3; Type brushType = Server.ServerAssembly.GetType("MCForge.World.Drawing." + StringUtils.CapitolizeFirstChar(args[0]) + "Brush"); if (brushType == null) { p.SendMessage("Invalid brush type"); Help(p); return; } if (args.Length == 3) { block = Block.NameToBlock(args[2]); if (block == Block.BlockList.UNKNOWN) { p.SendMessage("That is not a valid block"); return; } } if (args.Length >= 2) { try { size = int.Parse(args[1]); } catch { p.SendMessage("That is not a number"); Help(p); return; } } p.SendMessage("Start brushing!!"); p.ExtraData.ChangeOrCreate <object, object>("BrushData", new BrushData(brushType, block, size)); p.OnPlayerBlockChange.Normal += BlockChange; }
public void Use(MCForge.Entity.Player p, string[] args) { if (p.GetType() == typeof(ConsolePlayer)) { p.SendMessage("This can only be used in game"); return; } if (args.Length < 1) { if (p.ExtraData.ContainsKey("FollowData")) { p.ExtraData.Remove("FollowData"); p.SendMessage("Stopped Following"); p.IsHidden = !p.IsHidden; if (!p.IsHidden) { p.SpawnThisPlayerToOtherPlayers(); } return; } Help(p); return; } var who = Player.Find(args[0]); if (who == null || who.GetType() == typeof(ConsolePlayer)) { p.SendMessage("The player you want to follow doesn't exist"); return; } p.SendMessage("You are now following " + who.Color + who.Username); p.ExtraData.ChangeOrCreate <object, object>("FollowData", who.Username); p.GlobalDie(); p.IsHidden = !p.IsHidden; if (!p.IsHidden) { p.SpawnThisPlayerToOtherPlayers(); } who.OnPlayerMove.Normal += new MCForge.API.Events.Event <Player, MCForge.API.Events.MoveEventArgs> .EventHandler(OnPlayerMove); }
public void Use(MCForge.Entity.Player p, string[] args) { p.SendMessage("Break block to get info"); p.OnPlayerBlockChange.Normal += OnBlockChange; }
public void Help(MCForge.Entity.Player p) { p.SendMessage("/follow <name> - follows a user, great if you have your suspicions"); p.SendMessage("/follow - to stop following a player (if you are already following one)"); }