文件: VectorF.cs 项目: 777ondro/sw-en
        // Return result of matrix and vector multiplying
        public static CVector fMultiplyMatrVectr(CMatrix fM1, CVector fM2)
            // Number of Matrix M1 rows and columns
            int iM1_iRowsMax = (int)Math.Sqrt(fM1.m_fArrMembers.Length); // square
            int iM1_jColsMax = (int)Math.Sqrt(fM1.m_fArrMembers.Length);

            // Number of Matrix M2 rows and columns
            int iM2_iRowsMax = (int)fM2.FVectorItems.Length;

            // Number of columns of the first one must be equal to number of rows of the second
            // Number of rows of the first one must be equal to number of columns of the second

            if (iM1_jColsMax != iM2_iRowsMax)
                throw new ArgumentException();
            // Output Matrix
            CVector fM = new CVector(iM1_iRowsMax);

            for (int i = 0; i < iM1_iRowsMax; ++i)
                float sum = 0;
                for (int it = 0; it < iM1_jColsMax; ++it)
                    sum += fM1.m_fArrMembers[i, it] * fM2.FVectorItems[it];
                fM.FVectorItems[i] = sum;
            return fM;
        static int m_iNodeDOFNo = (int)ENDOF.e2DEnv; // 3 DOF in 2D

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        // Constructor 1
        public CFemNode()
            m_fVNodeCoordinates = new CVector(m_iNodeDOFNo);
            m_VDisp = new CVector(m_iNodeDOFNo);
            m_ArrNCodeNo = new int[m_iNodeDOFNo];         // Array of global codes numbers
            m_VDirNodeLoad = new CVector(m_iNodeDOFNo);   // Direct external nodal load vector
            m_ArrNodeDOF = new bool[m_iNodeDOFNo];        // Nodal Supports - Node DOF restraints

            // Fill Arrays / Initialize
        // Constructor 4 - FEM node is copy of topological node
        public CFemNode(CNode TopoNode)
            m_fVNodeCoordinates = new CVector(m_iNodeDOFNo);
            m_VDisp = new CVector(m_iNodeDOFNo);
            m_ArrNCodeNo = new int[m_iNodeDOFNo];         // Array of global codes numbers
            m_VDirNodeLoad = new CVector(m_iNodeDOFNo);   // Direct external nodal load vector
            m_ArrNodeDOF = new bool[m_iNodeDOFNo];        // Nodal Supports - Node DOF restraints

            // Fill Arrays / Initialize

            ID = TopoNode.ID;
            m_fVNodeCoordinates.FVectorItems[(int)e2D_DOF.eUX] = TopoNode.X;
            m_fVNodeCoordinates.FVectorItems[(int)e2D_DOF.eUY] = TopoNode.Y;
            FTime = TopoNode.FTime;
文件: VectorF.cs 项目: 777ondro/sw-en
        public static CVector fGetSum(CVector mat1, CVector mat2)
            if (mat1.FVectorItems.Length == mat2.FVectorItems.Length)
                CVector newMatrix = new CVector(mat1.FVectorItems.Length);

                for (int x = 0; x < mat1.FVectorItems.Length; x++)
                    newMatrix.FVectorItems[x] = mat1.FVectorItems[x] + mat2.FVectorItems[x];

                return newMatrix;
                //Error - exception
                return null;
文件: VectorF.cs 项目: 777ondro/sw-en
        public static CVector fGetSum(CMatrix mat1, CVector mat2)
            // Skontrolovat !!!!!!
            if ((int)Math.Sqrt(mat1.m_fArrMembers.Length) == mat2.FVectorItems.Length)
                CVector newMatrix = new CVector(mat2.FVectorItems.Length);

                for (int x = 0; x < (int)Math.Sqrt(mat1.m_fArrMembers.Length); x++)
                    for (int y = 0; y < mat2.FVectorItems.Length; y++)
                        newMatrix.FVectorItems[x] = mat1.m_fArrMembers[x, y] + mat2.FVectorItems[x];

                return newMatrix;
                //Error - exception
                return null;
        CModel TopoModelFile; // Create topological model file

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        // Constructor - new
        public CFEM_CALC(CModel model, bool bDebugging)
            // Load Topological model
            TopoModelFile = new CModel();
            TopoModelFile = model;

            // Generate FEM model data from Topological model
            // Prepare solver data
            // Fill local and global matrices of FEM elements

            FEMModel = new CGenex(TopoModelFile);

            // Temp - display matrices

            if (bDebugging)
                for (int i = 0; i < FEMModel.m_arrFemMembers.Length; i++)
                    // Member ID
                    Console.WriteLine("Member ID: " + FEMModel.m_arrFemMembers[i].ID + "\n");
                    // kij_0 - local stiffeness matrix       6 x  6
                    Console.WriteLine("Local stiffeness matrix k" + FEMModel.m_arrFemMembers[i].NodeStart.ID + FEMModel.m_arrFemMembers[i].NodeEnd.ID + "0 - Dimensions: 6 x 6 \n");
                    // A  Tranformation Rotation Matrixes    6 x  6
                    Console.WriteLine("Tranformation rotation matrix A - Dimensions: 6 x 6 \n");
                    // B  Transfer Matrixes                  6 x  6
                    Console.WriteLine("Transfer matrix B - Dimensions: 6 x 6 \n");
                    // Kij - global matrix of member         12 x 12
                    Console.WriteLine("Global stiffeness matrix K" + FEMModel.m_arrFemMembers[i].NodeStart.ID + FEMModel.m_arrFemMembers[i].NodeEnd.ID + "0 - Dimensions: 12 x 12 \n");
                    // Element Load Vectors                  2 x 6
                    Console.WriteLine("Member load vector - primary end forces in LCS at start node ID: " + FEMModel.m_arrFemMembers[i].NodeStart.ID + " - Dimensions: 6 x 1 \n");
                    Console.WriteLine("Member load vector - primary end forces in LCS at end node ID: " + FEMModel.m_arrFemMembers[i].NodeEnd.ID + " - Dimensions: 6 x 1 \n");
                    Console.WriteLine("Member load vector - primary end forces in GCS at start node ID: " + FEMModel.m_arrFemMembers[i].NodeStart.ID + " - Dimensions: 6 x 1 \n");
                    Console.WriteLine("Member load vector - primary end forces in GCS at end node ID: " + FEMModel.m_arrFemMembers[i].NodeEnd.ID + " - Dimensions: 6 x 1 \n");

            // Set Global Code Number of Nodes / Nastavit globalne kodove cisla uzlov
            // Save indexes of nodes and DOF which are free and represent vector of uknown variables in solution
            SetNodesGlobCodeNo(); // Nastavi DOF v uzloch a ich globalne kodove cisla, konecne CodeNo urci velkost matice konstrukcie

            // Fill members of structure global vector of displacement
            // Now we know number of not restrained DOF, so we can allocate array size
            m_fDisp_Vector_CN = new int[m_iCodeNo, 3]; // 1st - global DOF code number, 2nd - Node index, 3rd - local code number of DOF in NODE

            // Save it as array of arrays n x 2 (1st value is index - node index (0 - n-1) , 2nd value is DOF index (0-5)
            // n - total number of nodes in model

            // Right side of Equation System

            // Global Stiffeness Matrix of Structure - Allocate Memory (Matrix Size)
            m_M_K_Structure = new CMatrix(m_iCodeNo);

            // Fill Global Stiffeness Matrix

            // Global Stiffeness Matrix    m_iCodeNo x  m_iCodeNo
            if (bDebugging)
                Console.WriteLine("Global stiffeness matrix - Dimensions: " + m_iCodeNo + " x " + m_iCodeNo + "\n");

            // Auxiliary temporary transformation from 2D to 1D array / from float do double
            // Pomocne prevody medzi jednorozmernym, dvojrozmernym polom a triedou Matrix,
            // bude nutne zladit a urcit jeden format v akom budeme pracovat s datami a potom zmazat

            CArray objArray = new CArray();
            // Convert Size
            float[] m_M_K_fTemp1D = objArray.ArrTranf2Dto1D(m_M_K_Structure.m_fArrMembers);
            // Convert Type
            double[] m_M_K_dTemp1D = objArray.ArrConverFloatToDouble1D(m_M_K_fTemp1D);

            MatrixF64 objMatrix = new MatrixF64(m_iCodeNo, m_iCodeNo, m_M_K_dTemp1D);
            // Print Created Matrix of MatrixF64 Class
            if (bDebugging)
                Console.WriteLine("Global stiffeness matrix in F64 Class - Dimensions: " + m_iCodeNo + " x " + m_iCodeNo + "\n");
            // Get Inverse Global Stiffeness Matrix
            MatrixF64 objMatrixInv = objMatrix.Inverse();
            // Print Inverse Matrix
            if (bDebugging)
                Console.WriteLine("Inverse global stiffeness matrix - Dimensions: " + m_iCodeNo + " x " + m_iCodeNo + "\n");
            // Convert Type
            float[] m_M_K_Inv_fTemp1D = objArray.ArrConverMatrixF64ToFloat1D(objMatrixInv);
            // Inverse Global Stiffeness Matrix of Structure - Allocate Memory (Matrix Size)
            CMatrix m_M_K_Structure_Inv = new CMatrix(m_iCodeNo);
            m_M_K_Structure_Inv.m_fArrMembers = objArray.ArrTranf1Dto2D(m_M_K_Inv_fTemp1D);

            // Left side of Equation System

            // Global Load Vector - Allocate Memory (Vector Size)
            m_V_Load = new CVector(m_iCodeNo);

            // Fill Global Load Vector

            // Display Global Load Vector
            if (bDebugging)
                Console.WriteLine("Global load vector - Dimensions: " + m_iCodeNo + " x 1 \n");

            // Solution - calculation of unknown displacement of nodes in GCS - system of linear equations
            // Start Solver

            // Global Displacement Vector - Allocate Memory (Vector Size)
            m_V_Displ = new CVector(m_iCodeNo);

            // Fill Global Displacement Vector
            m_V_Displ = VectorF.fMultiplyMatrVectr(m_M_K_Structure_Inv, m_V_Load);

            // End Solver

            // Display Global Displacement Vector - solution result
            if (bDebugging)
                Console.WriteLine("Global displacement vector - Dimensions: " + m_iCodeNo + " x 1 \n");

            // Set displacements and rotations of DOF in GCS to appropriate node DOF acc. to global code numbers
            for (int i = 0; i < m_iCodeNo; i++)
                // Check if DOF is default (free - ) or has some initial value (settlement; soil consolidation etc.)
                // See default values - float.PositiveInfinity
                if (FEMModel.m_arrFemNodes[m_fDisp_Vector_CN[i, 1]].m_VDisp.FVectorItems[m_fDisp_Vector_CN[i, 2]] == float.PositiveInfinity)
                    FEMModel.m_arrFemNodes[m_fDisp_Vector_CN[i, 1]].m_VDisp.FVectorItems[m_fDisp_Vector_CN[i, 2]] = m_V_Displ.FVectorItems[i]; // set calculated
                else // some real initial value exists
                    FEMModel.m_arrFemNodes[m_fDisp_Vector_CN[i, 1]].m_VDisp.FVectorItems[m_fDisp_Vector_CN[i, 2]] += m_V_Displ.FVectorItems[i]; // add calculated (to sum)

            // Set default zero displacements or rotations in GCS to fixed DOF
            for (int i = 0; i < FEMModel.m_arrFemNodes.Length; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < FEMModel.m_arrFemNodes[i].m_VDisp.FVectorItems.Length; j++) // Check each DOF of all nodes
                    if (FEMModel.m_arrFemNodes[i].m_VDisp.FVectorItems[j] == float.PositiveInfinity) // Check that default infinity value wasn't changed
                        FEMModel.m_arrFemNodes[i].m_VDisp.FVectorItems[j] = 0; // Set zero

            // Get final end forces at element in global coordinate system GCS
            if (bDebugging)
                for (int i = 0; i < FEMModel.m_arrFemMembers.Length; i++)
                    Console.WriteLine("Element Index No.: " + i + "; " + "Node No.: " + FEMModel.m_arrFemMembers[i].NodeStart.ID + "; " + "Start Node End Forces in GCS");
                    Console.WriteLine("Element Index No.: " + i + "; " + "Node No.: " + FEMModel.m_arrFemMembers[i].NodeEnd.ID + "; " + "End Node End Forces in GCS");
                    Console.WriteLine("Element Index No.: " + i + "; " + "Node No.: " + FEMModel.m_arrFemMembers[i].NodeStart.ID + "; " + "Start Node End Forces in LCS");
                    Console.WriteLine("Element Index No.: " + i + "; " + "Node No.: " + FEMModel.m_arrFemMembers[i].NodeEnd.ID + "; " + "End Node End Forces in LCS");
                    Console.WriteLine("Element Index No.: " + i + "; " + "Node No.: " + FEMModel.m_arrFemMembers[i].NodeStart.ID + "; " + "Start Node Internal Forces in LCS");
                    Console.WriteLine("Element Index No.: " + i + "; " + "Node No.: " + FEMModel.m_arrFemMembers[i].NodeEnd.ID + "; " + "End Node Internal Forces in LCS");

            // Calculate IF in x-places

            int inum_cut = 11;
            int inum_segm = 10;
        // Consructor - old
        public CFEM_CALC()
            // Geometry
            float fGeom_a = 4f,
                  fGeom_b = 5f,
                  fGeom_c = 3.5f;     // Unit [m]

            // Material
            CMaterial m_Mat = new CMaterial();

            // Cross-section
            CCrSc m_CrSc = new CCrSc_3_00(0, 8, 300, 125, 16.2f, 10.8f, 10.8f, 6.5f, 241.6f); // I 300 section // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
            m_CrSc.FI_t = 5.69e-07f;
            m_CrSc.FI_y = 9.79e-05f;
            m_CrSc.FI_z = 4.49e-06f;
            m_CrSc.FA_g = 6.90e-03f;
            m_CrSc.FA_vy = 4.01e-03f;
            m_CrSc.FA_vz = 2.89e-03f;

            // Define Nodes Properties

            for (int i = 0; i < iNNoTot; i++)
                // Create auxiliary Node object
                CFemNode CNode_i = new CFemNode(iNodeDOFNo);

                // Fill array object item with auxliary Node
                m_NodeArray[i] = CNode_i;

            // Node 1
            m_NodeArray[0].ID = 1;
            m_NodeArray[0].m_fVNodeCoordinates.FVectorItems[(int) e3D_DOF.eUX] = fGeom_a;
            m_NodeArray[0].m_fVNodeCoordinates.FVectorItems[(int) e3D_DOF.eUY] = 0f;
            m_NodeArray[0].m_fVNodeCoordinates.FVectorItems[(int) e3D_DOF.eUZ] = 0f;

            // Node 2
            m_NodeArray[1].ID = 2;
            m_NodeArray[1].m_fVNodeCoordinates.FVectorItems[(int) e3D_DOF.eUX] = 0f;
            m_NodeArray[1].m_fVNodeCoordinates.FVectorItems[(int) e3D_DOF.eUY] = 0f;
            m_NodeArray[1].m_fVNodeCoordinates.FVectorItems[(int) e3D_DOF.eUZ] = 0f;

            // Node 3
            m_NodeArray[2].ID = 5;
            m_NodeArray[2].m_fVNodeCoordinates.FVectorItems[(int) e3D_DOF.eUX] = fGeom_a;
            m_NodeArray[2].m_fVNodeCoordinates.FVectorItems[(int) e3D_DOF.eUY] = 0f;
            m_NodeArray[2].m_fVNodeCoordinates.FVectorItems[(int) e3D_DOF.eUZ] = -fGeom_c;

            // Node 4
            m_NodeArray[3].ID = 3;
            m_NodeArray[3].m_fVNodeCoordinates.FVectorItems[(int) e3D_DOF.eUX] = fGeom_a;
            m_NodeArray[3].m_fVNodeCoordinates.FVectorItems[(int) e3D_DOF.eUY] = -fGeom_b;
            m_NodeArray[3].m_fVNodeCoordinates.FVectorItems[(int) e3D_DOF.eUZ] = 0f;

            // Set Nodal Supports (for restraint set 0f)
            // Node 1

            // Node 2
            m_NodeArray[1].m_VDisp.FVectorItems[0] = 0f;
            m_NodeArray[1].m_VDisp.FVectorItems[1] = 0f;
            m_NodeArray[1].m_VDisp.FVectorItems[2] = 0f;
            m_NodeArray[1].m_VDisp.FVectorItems[3] = 0f;
            m_NodeArray[1].m_VDisp.FVectorItems[4] = 0f;
            m_NodeArray[1].m_VDisp.FVectorItems[5] = 0f;

            // Node 3
            m_NodeArray[2].m_VDisp.FVectorItems[0] = 0f;
            m_NodeArray[2].m_VDisp.FVectorItems[1] = 0f;
            m_NodeArray[2].m_VDisp.FVectorItems[2] = 0f;
            m_NodeArray[2].m_VDisp.FVectorItems[3] = 0f;
            m_NodeArray[2].m_VDisp.FVectorItems[4] = 0f;
            m_NodeArray[2].m_VDisp.FVectorItems[5] = 0f;

            // Node 4
            m_NodeArray[3].m_VDisp.FVectorItems[0] = 0f;
            m_NodeArray[3].m_VDisp.FVectorItems[1] = 0f;
            m_NodeArray[3].m_VDisp.FVectorItems[2] = 0f;
            m_NodeArray[3].m_VDisp.FVectorItems[3] = 0f;
            m_NodeArray[3].m_VDisp.FVectorItems[4] = 0f;
            m_NodeArray[3].m_VDisp.FVectorItems[5] = 0f;

            // Set Global Code Numbers

            int m_iCodeNo = 0; // Number of unrestrained degrees of freedom - finally gives size of structure global matrix

            foreach (CFemNode i_CNode in m_NodeArray) // Each Node
                for (int i = 0; i < iNodeDOFNo; i++)     // Each DOF
                    if (i_CNode.m_VDisp.FVectorItems[i] != 0)  // Perform for not restrained DOF
                        i_CNode.m_ArrNCodeNo[i] = m_iCodeNo; // Set global code number of degree of freedom (DOF)


            // Fill members of structure global vector of displacement
            // Now we know number of not restrained DOF, so we can allocate array size
            m_fDisp_Vector_CN = new int[m_iCodeNo,3]; // 1st - global DOF code number, 2nd - Node index, 3rd - local code number of DOF in NODE


            // Set Nodal Loads (acting directly in nodes)

            // !!!!!! No kind of these loads actually

            // Define FEM 1D elements

            for (int i = 0; i < iElemNoTot; i++)
                // Create auxiliary Element object
                CE_1D CElement_i = new CE_1D();
                // Fill array object item
                m_ELemArray[i] = CElement_i;

                // Create auxiliary Element Load Object
                CLoad CLoad_i = new CLoad();
                // Fill array object item
                m_ELoadArray[i] = CLoad_i;

            // Member 1 [0] Nodes 1 - 2 ([0] [1])
            m_ELemArray[0].NodeStart = m_NodeArray[0];
            m_ELemArray[0].NodeEnd = m_NodeArray[1];
            // Element  Type
            m_ELemArray[0].m_eSuppType3D = EElemSuppType3D.e3DEl_000000_000000;
            // Element Material
            m_ELemArray[0].m_Mat = m_Mat;
            // Element Corss-section
            m_ELemArray[0].m_CrSc = m_CrSc;
            // Fill Basic Element Data
            // Load of Element only due to Element Transversal Forces
            m_ELoadArray[0].GetEndLoad_g(m_ELemArray[0], m_fq);
            // Output
            // kij_0 - local stiffeness matrix       6 x  6
            // A  Tranformation Rotation Matrixes    6 x  6
            // B  Transfer Matrixes                  6 x  6
            // Kij - global matrix of member        12 x 12
            // Element Load Vector                   2 x  6

            #region MATRIX TEST
            // TEST
            float[,] farrk11 = new float[6, 6];
            float[,] farrk12 = new float[6, 6];
            float[,] farrk21 = new float[6, 6];
            float[,] farrk22 = new float[6, 6];

            // Fill array
            for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
               for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++)
                    farrk11[i, j] = ((i+1)*10)+1 + j;

            for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++)
                    farrk12[i, j] = ((i + 1) * 10) + 1 + j;

            for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++)
                    farrk21[i, j] = ((i + 1) * 10) + 1 + j;

            for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++)
                    farrk22[i, j] = ((i + 1) * 10) + 1 + j;

            float[,][,] farrK = new float[2, 2][,]
                    {{farrk11, farrk12},
                    {farrk21, farrk22}};

            Console.WriteLine(m_ELemArray[0].CM.Print2DMatrix(farrK, 2, 6));

            // Member 2 [1] Nodes 1 - 3 ([0] [2])
            m_ELemArray[1].NodeStart = m_NodeArray[0];
            m_ELemArray[1].NodeEnd = m_NodeArray[2];
            // Element  Type
            m_ELemArray[1].m_eSuppType3D = EElemSuppType3D.e3DEl_000000_000000;
            // Element Material
            m_ELemArray[1].m_Mat = m_Mat;
            // Element Corss-section
            m_ELemArray[1].m_CrSc = m_CrSc;
            // Fill Basic Element Data
            // Load of Element only due to Element Transversal Forces
            m_ELoadArray[1].GetEndLoad_F(m_ELemArray[1], 0f, 0f, m_fF);
            // Output
            // kij_0 - local stiffeness matrix       6 x  6
            // A  Tranformation Rotation Matrixes    6 x  6
            // B  Transfer Matrixes                  6 x  6
            // Kij - global matrix of member        12 x 12
            // Element Load Vector                   2 x  6

            // Member 3 [2] Nodes 1 - 4 ([0] [3])
            m_ELemArray[2].NodeStart = m_NodeArray[0];
            m_ELemArray[2].NodeEnd = m_NodeArray[3];
            // Element  Type
            m_ELemArray[2].m_eSuppType3D = EElemSuppType3D.e3DEl_000000_000___;
            // Element Material
            m_ELemArray[2].m_Mat = m_Mat;
            // Element Corss-section
            m_ELemArray[2].m_CrSc = m_CrSc;
            // Fill Basic Element Data
            // Load of Element only due to Element Transversal Forces
            m_ELoadArray[2].GetEndLoad_M(m_ELemArray[2], m_fM, 0f, 0f);
            // Output
            // kij_0 - local stiffeness matrix       6 x  6
            // A  Tranformation Rotation Matrixes    6 x  6
            // B  Transfer Matrixes                  6 x  6
            // Kij - global matrix of member        12 x 12
            // Element Load Vector                   2 x  6

            // Nodal loads (sum nodal loads and nodal loads due to element loads)
            m_NodeArray[2].m_sLoad.s_fFZ += -55000; // Add local nodal load to element ends loads due to intermediate load

            // Set Global Code Number of Nodes / Nastavit globalne kodove cisla uzlov
            // Save indexes of nodes and DOF which are free and represent vector of uknown variables in solution
            // Save it as array of arrays n x 2 (1st value is index - node index (0 - n-1) , 2nd value is DOF index (0-5)
            // n - total number of nodes in model
            SetNodesGlobCodeNoOld(); // Nastavi DOF v uzlov globalne kodove cisla ???

            // Right side of Equation System

            // Global Stiffeness Matrix of Structure - Allocate Memory (Matrix Size)
            m_M_K_Structure = new CMatrix(m_iCodeNo);

            // Fill Global Stiffeness Matrix

            // Global Stiffeness Matrix    m_iCodeNo x  m_iCodeNo

            // Auxialiary temporary transformation from 2D to 1D array / from float do double
            // Pomocne prevody medzi jednorozmernym, dvojroymernym polom a triedom Matrix,
            // bude nutne zladit a format v akom budeme pracovat s datami a potom zmazat

            CArray objArray = new CArray();
            // Convert Size
            float[] m_M_K_fTemp1D = objArray.ArrTranf2Dto1D(m_M_K_Structure.m_fArrMembers);
            // Convert Type
            double[] m_M_K_dTemp1D = objArray.ArrConverFloatToDouble1D(m_M_K_fTemp1D);

            MatrixF64 objMatrix = new MatrixF64(6, 6, m_M_K_dTemp1D);
            // Print Created Matrix of MatrixF64 Class
            // Get Inverse Global Stiffeness Matrix
            MatrixF64 objMatrixInv =  objMatrix.Inverse();
            // Print Inverse Matrix
            // Convert Type
            float[] m_M_K_Inv_fTemp1D = objArray.ArrConverMatrixF64ToFloat1D(objMatrixInv);
            // Inverse Global Stiffeness Matrix of Structure - Allocate Memory (Matrix Size)
            CMatrix m_M_K_Structure_Inv = new CMatrix(m_iCodeNo);
            m_M_K_Structure_Inv.m_fArrMembers = objArray.ArrTranf1Dto2D(m_M_K_Inv_fTemp1D);

            // Left side of Equation System

            // Global Load Vector - Allocate Memory (Vector Size)
            m_V_Load = new CVector(m_iCodeNo);

            // Fill Global Load Vector

            // Display Global Load Vector

            // Solution - calculation of unknown displacement of nodes in GCS - system of linear equations
            // Start Solver

            // Global Displacement Vector - Allocate Memory (Vector Size)
            m_V_Displ = new CVector(m_iCodeNo);

            // Fill Global Displacement Vector
            m_V_Displ = VectorF.fMultiplyMatrVectr(m_M_K_Structure_Inv, m_V_Load);

            // End Solver

            // Display Global Displacemnt Vector - solution result
            //Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Cyan;
            //Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;
            //Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;

            // Set displacements and rotations of DOF in GCS to appropriate node DOF acc. to global code numbers
            for (int i = 0; i < m_iCodeNo; i++)
                // Check if DOF is default (free - ) or has some initial value (settlement; soil consolidation etc.)
                // See Fill_NDisp_InitStr() for default values - float.PositiveInfinity
                if (m_NodeArray[m_fDisp_Vector_CN[i, 1]].m_VDisp.FVectorItems[m_fDisp_Vector_CN[i, 2]] == float.PositiveInfinity)
                    m_NodeArray[m_fDisp_Vector_CN[i, 1]].m_VDisp.FVectorItems[m_fDisp_Vector_CN[i, 2]] = m_V_Displ.FVectorItems[i]; // set calculated
                else // some real initial value exists
                    m_NodeArray[m_fDisp_Vector_CN[i, 1]].m_VDisp.FVectorItems[m_fDisp_Vector_CN[i, 2]] += m_V_Displ.FVectorItems[i]; // add calculated (to sum)

                // Get final end forces at element in global coordinate system GCS

                for (int i = 0; i < iElemNoTot; i++)
                    Console.WriteLine("Element Index No.: " + i + "; " + "Node No.: " + m_ELemArray[i].NodeStart.ID + "; " + "Start Node End Forces in GCS");
                    Console.WriteLine("Element Index No.: " + i + "; " + "Node No.: " + m_ELemArray[i].NodeEnd.ID + "; " + "End Node End Forces in GCS");
                    Console.WriteLine("Element Index No.: " + i + "; " + "Node No.: " + m_ELemArray[i].NodeStart.ID + "; " + "Start Node End Forces in LCS");
                    Console.WriteLine("Element Index No.: " + i + "; " + "Node No.: " + m_ELemArray[i].NodeEnd.ID + "; " + "End Node End Forces in LCS");
                    Console.WriteLine("Element Index No.: " + i + "; " + "Node No.: " + m_ELemArray[i].NodeStart.ID + "; " + "Start Node Internal Forces in LCS");
                    Console.WriteLine("Element Index No.: " + i + "; " + "Node No.: " + m_ELemArray[i].NodeEnd.ID + "; " + "End Node Internal Forces in LCS");
文件: VectorF.cs 项目: 777ondro/sw-en
        // Return result of vectors multiplying
        public static CVector fMultiplyVectors(CVector fM1, CVector fM2)
            // Number of Matrix M1 columns
            int iM1_jColsMax = fM1.FVectorItems.Length;

            // Number of Matrix M2 rows
            int iM2_iRowsMax = fM2.FVectorItems.Length;

            if (iM1_jColsMax != iM2_iRowsMax)
                throw new ArgumentException();
            // Output Matrix
            CVector fM = new CVector(iM1_jColsMax);

            for (int i = 0; i < iM1_jColsMax; ++i)
                fM.FVectorItems[i] = fM1.FVectorItems[i] * fM2.FVectorItems[i];

            return fM;
文件: VectorF.cs 项目: 777ondro/sw-en
 public static CVector fGetSum(CVector mat2, CMatrix mat1)
     return fGetSum(mat1, mat2);
文件: VectorF.cs 项目: 777ondro/sw-en
        public static string Print1DVector(CVector fV)
            string sOutput = null;
            foreach (float f in fV.FVectorItems)
                sOutput += f.ToString();
                sOutput += "\n";

            return sOutput;
文件: CE_1D.cs 项目: 777ondro/sw-en
        // Transformation of element primary end forces in LCS to GCS
        // Set vector of ends  primary forces in global coordinate system
        public void SetGetPEF_GCS()
            // Start Node
            // [PEF_GCS i] = [A0T] * [PEF_LCS i]
            m_VElemPEF_GCS_StNode = VectorF.fMultiplyMatrVectr(MatrixF.GetTransMatrix(m_fATRMatr2D), m_VElemPEF_LCS_StNode);

            // End Node
            // [PEF_GCS j] = [A0T] * [PEF_LCS j]
            m_VElemPEF_GCS_EnNode = VectorF.fMultiplyMatrVectr(MatrixF.GetTransMatrix(m_fATRMatr2D), m_VElemPEF_LCS_EnNode);
文件: CE_1D.cs 项目: 777ondro/sw-en
 // Element final internal forces in LCS
 // Start Node Vector - 1 x 3
 //  [IF_LCS i] = [-1,-1,-1] * [EF_LCS i]
 public void GetArrElemIF_LCS_StNode()
     CVector fTempSignTransf = new CVector(-1, -1, 1 );
     m_VElemIF_LCS_StNode = VectorF.fMultiplyVectors(fTempSignTransf, m_VElemEF_LCS_StNode);
文件: CE_1D.cs 项目: 777ondro/sw-en
 // Element Final End forces LCS
 // Start Node Vector - 1 x 3
 //  [EF_LCS i] = [A0] * [EF_GCS i]
 public void GetArrElemEF_LCS_StNode()
     m_VElemEF_LCS_StNode = VectorF.fMultiplyMatrVectr(m_fATRMatr2D, m_VElemEF_GCS_StNode);
文件: CE_1D.cs 项目: 777ondro/sw-en
 // Results
 // Get internal forces in global and local coordinate system
 // Element Final End Forces GCS
 // Start Node Vector - 1 x 3
 // [EF_GCS i] = [ELoad i LCS] + [Kii] * [delta i] + [Kij] * [delta j]
 public void GetArrElemEF_GCS_StNode()
     m_VElemEF_GCS_StNode =
         VectorF.fMultiplyMatrVectr(GetPartM_k11(m_fkLocMatr, m_fATRMatr2D), NodeStart.m_VDisp),
         VectorF.fMultiplyMatrVectr(GetPartM_k12(m_fkLocMatr, m_fATRMatr2D, m_fBTTMatr2D), NodeEnd.m_VDisp)
文件: CE_1D.cs 项目: 777ondro/sw-en
 // End Node Vector - 1 x 6
 // [IF_LCS j]  = [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,-1] * [EF_LCS j]
 public void GetArrElemIF_LCS_EnNode()
     CVector fTempSignTransf = new CVector(6, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, -1.0f);
     m_VElemIF_LCS_EnNode = VectorF.fMultiplyVectors(fTempSignTransf, m_VElemEF_LCS_EnNode);