 /// <summary>
 /// Add the parent ion, or associate the fragmentation scan with an existing parent ion
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="scanList"></param>
 /// <param name="surveyScanIndex"></param>
 /// <param name="parentIonMZ"></param>
 /// <param name="fragScanIndex"></param>
 /// <param name="spectraCache"></param>
 /// <param name="sicOptions"></param>
 public void AddUpdateParentIons(
     clsScanList scanList,
     int surveyScanIndex,
     double parentIonMZ,
     int fragScanIndex,
     clsSpectraCache spectraCache,
     clsSICOptions sicOptions)
     AddUpdateParentIons(scanList, surveyScanIndex, parentIonMZ, 0, 0, fragScanIndex, spectraCache, sicOptions);
        /// <summary>
        /// Check whether the scan number is within the range specified by sicOptions
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="scanNumber"></param>
        /// <param name="sicOptions"></param>
        /// <returns>True if filtering is disabled, or if scanNumber is within the limits</returns>
        public bool CheckScanInRange(
            int scanNumber,
            clsSICOptions sicOptions)
            if (sicOptions.ScanRangeStart >= 0 && sicOptions.ScanRangeEnd > sicOptions.ScanRangeStart)
                if (scanNumber < sicOptions.ScanRangeStart || scanNumber > sicOptions.ScanRangeEnd)

        /// <summary>
        /// Add the parent ion, or associate the fragmentation scan with an existing parent ion
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="scanList"></param>
        /// <param name="surveyScanIndex"></param>
        /// <param name="parentIonMZ"></param>
        /// <param name="mrmInfo"></param>
        /// <param name="spectraCache"></param>
        /// <param name="sicOptions"></param>
        public void AddUpdateParentIons(
            clsScanList scanList,
            int surveyScanIndex,
            double parentIonMZ,
            clsMRMScanInfo mrmInfo,
            clsSpectraCache spectraCache,
            clsSICOptions sicOptions)
            for (var mrmIndex = 0; mrmIndex < mrmInfo.MRMMassCount; mrmIndex++)
                var mrmDaughterMZ         = mrmInfo.MRMMassList[mrmIndex].CentralMass;
                var mrmToleranceHalfWidth = Math.Round((mrmInfo.MRMMassList[mrmIndex].EndMass - mrmInfo.MRMMassList[mrmIndex].StartMass) / 2, 6);
                if (mrmToleranceHalfWidth < 0.001)
                    mrmToleranceHalfWidth = 0.001;

                AddUpdateParentIons(scanList, surveyScanIndex, parentIonMZ, mrmDaughterMZ, mrmToleranceHalfWidth, scanList.FragScans.Count - 1, spectraCache, sicOptions);
        /// <summary>
        /// Check whether the scan number and elution time are within the ranges specified by sicOptions
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="scanNumber"></param>
        /// <param name="elutionTime"></param>
        /// <param name="sicOptions"></param>
        /// <returns>True if filtering is disabled, or if scanNumber and elutionTime are within the limits</returns>
        public bool CheckScanInRange(
            int scanNumber,
            double elutionTime,
            clsSICOptions sicOptions)
            if (!CheckScanInRange(scanNumber, sicOptions))

            if (sicOptions.RTRangeStart >= 0 && sicOptions.RTRangeEnd > sicOptions.RTRangeStart)
                if (elutionTime < sicOptions.RTRangeStart || elutionTime > sicOptions.RTRangeEnd)

        /// <summary>
        /// Looks for the reporter ion m/z values, +/- a tolerance
        /// Calls AggregateIonsInRange with returnMax = True, meaning we're reporting the maximum ion abundance for each reporter ion m/z
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rawFileReader"></param>
        /// <param name="dataAggregation"></param>
        /// <param name="includeFtmsColumns"></param>
        /// <param name="sicOptions"></param>
        /// <param name="scanList"></param>
        /// <param name="spectraCache"></param>
        /// <param name="currentScan"></param>
        /// <param name="writer"></param>
        /// <param name="reporterIons"></param>
        /// <param name="delimiter"></param>
        /// <param name="saveUncorrectedIntensities"></param>
        /// <param name="saveObservedMasses"></param>
        /// <remarks></remarks>
        private void FindReporterIonsWork(
            XRawFileIO rawFileReader,
            clsDataAggregation dataAggregation,
            bool includeFtmsColumns,
            clsSICOptions sicOptions,
            clsScanList scanList,
            clsSpectraCache spectraCache,
            clsScanInfo currentScan,
            TextWriter writer,
            IList <clsReporterIonInfo> reporterIons,
            char delimiter,
            bool saveUncorrectedIntensities,
            bool saveObservedMasses)
            const bool USE_MAX_ABUNDANCE_IN_WINDOW = true;

            // The following will be a value between 0 and 100
            // Using Absolute Value of percent change to avoid averaging both negative and positive values
            double parentIonMZ;

            if (currentScan.FragScanInfo.ParentIonInfoIndex >= 0 && currentScan.FragScanInfo.ParentIonInfoIndex < scanList.ParentIons.Count)
                parentIonMZ = scanList.ParentIons[currentScan.FragScanInfo.ParentIonInfoIndex].MZ;
                parentIonMZ = 0;

            if (!spectraCache.GetSpectrum(currentScan.ScanNumber, out var spectrum, true))

            // Initialize the arrays used to track the observed reporter ion values
            var reporterIntensities          = new double[reporterIons.Count];
            var reporterIntensitiesCorrected = new double[reporterIons.Count];
            var closestMZ = new double[reporterIons.Count];

            // Initialize the output variables
            var dataColumns = new List <string>()
                StringUtilities.DblToString(parentIonMZ, 2),
                StringUtilities.DblToString(currentScan.BasePeakIonIntensity, 2),
                StringUtilities.DblToString(currentScan.BasePeakIonMZ, 4)

            var reporterIntensityList    = new List <string>(reporterIons.Count);
            var obsMZList                = new List <string>(reporterIons.Count);
            var uncorrectedIntensityList = new List <string>(reporterIons.Count);

            var ftmsSignalToNoise = new List <string>(reporterIons.Count);
            var ftmsResolution    = new List <string>(reporterIons.Count);
            //var ftmsLabelDataMz = new List<string>(reporterIons.Count);

            double reporterIntensityMax = 0;

            // Find the reporter ion intensities
            // Also keep track of the closest m/z for each reporter ion
            // Note that we're using the maximum intensity in the range (not the sum)
            for (var reporterIonIndex = 0; reporterIonIndex < reporterIons.Count; reporterIonIndex++)
                var ion = reporterIons[reporterIonIndex];
                // Search for the reporter ion MZ in this mass spectrum
                reporterIntensities[reporterIonIndex] = dataAggregation.AggregateIonsInRange(
                    out _,
                    out closestMZ[reporterIonIndex],

                ion.SignalToNoise = 0;
                ion.Resolution    = 0;
                ion.LabelDataMZ   = 0;

            if (includeFtmsColumns && currentScan.IsFTMS)
                // Retrieve the label data for this spectrum

                rawFileReader.GetScanLabelData(currentScan.ScanNumber, out var ftLabelData);

                // Find each reporter ion in ftLabelData

                for (var reporterIonIndex = 0; reporterIonIndex < reporterIons.Count; reporterIonIndex++)
                    var mzToFind         = reporterIons[reporterIonIndex].MZ;
                    var mzToleranceDa    = reporterIons[reporterIonIndex].MZToleranceDa;
                    var highestIntensity = 0.0;
                    var udtBestMatch     = new udtFTLabelInfoType();
                    var matchFound       = false;

                    foreach (var labelItem in ftLabelData)
                        // Compare labelItem.Mass (which is m/z of the ion in labelItem) to the m/z of the current reporter ion
                        if (Math.Abs(mzToFind - labelItem.Mass) > mzToleranceDa)

                        // m/z is within range
                        if (labelItem.Intensity > highestIntensity)
                            udtBestMatch     = labelItem;
                            highestIntensity = labelItem.Intensity;
                            matchFound       = true;

                    if (matchFound)
                        reporterIons[reporterIonIndex].SignalToNoise = udtBestMatch.SignalToNoise;
                        reporterIons[reporterIonIndex].Resolution    = udtBestMatch.Resolution;
                        reporterIons[reporterIonIndex].LabelDataMZ   = udtBestMatch.Mass;

            // Populate reporterIntensitiesCorrected with the data in reporterIntensities
            Array.Copy(reporterIntensities, reporterIntensitiesCorrected, reporterIntensities.Length);
            if (mOptions.ReporterIons.ReporterIonApplyAbundanceCorrection)
                if (mOptions.ReporterIons.ReporterIonMassMode == clsReporterIons.eReporterIonMassModeConstants.ITraqFourMZ ||
                    mOptions.ReporterIons.ReporterIonMassMode == clsReporterIons.eReporterIonMassModeConstants.ITraqEightMZHighRes ||
                    mOptions.ReporterIons.ReporterIonMassMode == clsReporterIons.eReporterIonMassModeConstants.ITraqEightMZLowRes ||
                    mOptions.ReporterIons.ReporterIonMassMode == clsReporterIons.eReporterIonMassModeConstants.TMTTenMZ ||
                    mOptions.ReporterIons.ReporterIonMassMode == clsReporterIons.eReporterIonMassModeConstants.TMTElevenMZ ||
                    mOptions.ReporterIons.ReporterIonMassMode == clsReporterIons.eReporterIonMassModeConstants.TMTSixteenMZ)
                    // Correct the reporter ion intensities using the Reporter Ion Intensity Corrector class

                    if (intensityCorrector.ReporterIonMode != mOptions.ReporterIons.ReporterIonMassMode ||
                        intensityCorrector.ITraq4PlexCorrectionFactorType != mOptions.ReporterIons.ReporterIonITraq4PlexCorrectionFactorType)

                    // Count the number of non-zero data points in reporterIntensitiesCorrected()
                    var positiveCount = 0;
                    for (var reporterIonIndex = 0; reporterIonIndex < reporterIons.Count; reporterIonIndex++)
                        if (reporterIntensitiesCorrected[reporterIonIndex] > 0)
                            positiveCount += 1;

                    // Apply the correction if 2 or more points are non-zero
                    if (positiveCount >= 2)

            // Now construct the string of intensity values, delimited by delimiter
            // Will also compute the percent change in intensities

            // Initialize the variables used to compute the weighted average percent change
            double pctChangeSum         = 0;
            double originalIntensitySum = 0;

            for (var reporterIonIndex = 0; reporterIonIndex < reporterIons.Count; reporterIonIndex++)
                if (!reporterIons[reporterIonIndex].ContaminantIon)
                    // Update the PctChange variables and the IntensityMax variable only if this is not a Contaminant Ion

                    originalIntensitySum += reporterIntensities[reporterIonIndex];

                    if (reporterIntensities[reporterIonIndex] > 0)
                        // Compute the percent change, then update pctChangeSum
                        var pctChange =
                            (reporterIntensitiesCorrected[reporterIonIndex] - reporterIntensities[reporterIonIndex]) /

                        // Using Absolute Value here to prevent negative changes from cancelling out positive changes
                        pctChangeSum += Math.Abs(pctChange * reporterIntensities[reporterIonIndex]);

                    if (reporterIntensitiesCorrected[reporterIonIndex] > reporterIntensityMax)
                        reporterIntensityMax = reporterIntensitiesCorrected[reporterIonIndex];

                if (!reporterIons[reporterIonIndex].ContaminantIon || saveUncorrectedIntensities)
                    // Append the reporter ion intensity to reporterIntensityList
                    // We skip contaminant ions, unless saveUncorrectedIntensities is True, then we include them

                    reporterIntensityList.Add(StringUtilities.DblToString(reporterIntensitiesCorrected[reporterIonIndex], 2));

                    if (saveObservedMasses)
                        // Append the observed reporter mass value to obsMZList
                        obsMZList.Add(StringUtilities.DblToString(closestMZ[reporterIonIndex], 3));

                    if (saveUncorrectedIntensities)
                        // Append the original, uncorrected intensity value
                        uncorrectedIntensityList.Add(StringUtilities.DblToString(reporterIntensities[reporterIonIndex], 2));

                    if (includeFtmsColumns)
                        if (Math.Abs(reporterIons[reporterIonIndex].SignalToNoise) < float.Epsilon &&
                            Math.Abs(reporterIons[reporterIonIndex].Resolution) < float.Epsilon &&
                            Math.Abs(reporterIons[reporterIonIndex].LabelDataMZ) < float.Epsilon)
                            // A match was not found in the label data; display blanks (not zeroes)
                            ftmsSignalToNoise.Add(StringUtilities.DblToString(reporterIons[reporterIonIndex].SignalToNoise, 2));
                            ftmsResolution.Add(StringUtilities.DblToString(reporterIons[reporterIonIndex].Resolution, 2));
                            //ftmsLabelDataMz.Add(StringUtilities.DblToString(reporterIons(reporterIonIndex).LabelDataMZ, 4));

            // Compute the weighted average percent intensity correction value
            float weightedAvgPctIntensityCorrection;

            if (originalIntensitySum > 0)
                weightedAvgPctIntensityCorrection = (float)(pctChangeSum / originalIntensitySum * 100);
                weightedAvgPctIntensityCorrection = 0;

            // Resize the target list capacity to large enough to hold all data.
            dataColumns.Capacity = reporterIntensityList.Count + 3 + obsMZList.Count + uncorrectedIntensityList.Count +
                                   ftmsSignalToNoise.Count + ftmsResolution.Count;
            // Append the maximum reporter ion intensity then the individual reporter ion intensities
            dataColumns.Add(StringUtilities.DblToString(reporterIntensityMax, 2));

            // Append the weighted average percent intensity correction
            if (weightedAvgPctIntensityCorrection < float.Epsilon)
                dataColumns.Add(StringUtilities.DblToString(weightedAvgPctIntensityCorrection, 1));

            if (saveObservedMasses)

            if (saveUncorrectedIntensities)

            if (includeFtmsColumns)

                // Uncomment to include the label data m/z value in the _ReporterIons.txt file
                //if (saveObservedMasses)
                //    dataColumns.AddRange(ftmsLabelDataMz)

            writer.WriteLine(string.Join(delimiter.ToString(), dataColumns));
        /// <summary>
        /// Add the parent ion, or associate the fragmentation scan with an existing parent ion
        /// Checks to see if the parent ion specified by surveyScanIndex and parentIonMZ exists in .ParentIons()
        /// If mrmDaughterMZ is > 0, also considers that value when determining uniqueness
        /// If the parent ion entry already exists, adds an entry to .FragScanIndices()
        /// If it does not exist, adds a new entry to .ParentIons()
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="scanList"></param>
        /// <param name="surveyScanIndex">
        /// If this is less than 0 the first MS2 scan(s) in the file occurred before we encountered a survey scan
        /// In this case, we cannot properly associate the fragmentation scan with a survey scan
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="parentIonMZ"></param>
        /// <param name="mrmDaughterMZ"></param>
        /// <param name="mrmToleranceHalfWidth"></param>
        /// <param name="fragScanIndex">This is typically equal to scanList.FragScans.Count - 1</param>
        /// <param name="spectraCache"></param>
        /// <param name="sicOptions"></param>
        private void AddUpdateParentIons(
            clsScanList scanList,
            int surveyScanIndex,
            double parentIonMZ,
            double mrmDaughterMZ,
            double mrmToleranceHalfWidth,
            int fragScanIndex,
            clsSpectraCache spectraCache,
            clsSICOptions sicOptions)
            const double MINIMUM_TOLERANCE_PPM = 0.01;
            const double MINIMUM_TOLERANCE_DA  = 0.0001;

            var parentIonIndex = 0;

            double parentIonTolerance;

            if (sicOptions.SICToleranceIsPPM)
                parentIonTolerance = sicOptions.SICTolerance / sicOptions.CompressToleranceDivisorForPPM;
                if (parentIonTolerance < MINIMUM_TOLERANCE_PPM)
                    parentIonTolerance = MINIMUM_TOLERANCE_PPM;
                parentIonTolerance = sicOptions.SICTolerance / sicOptions.CompressToleranceDivisorForDa;
                if (parentIonTolerance < MINIMUM_TOLERANCE_DA)
                    parentIonTolerance = MINIMUM_TOLERANCE_DA;

            // See if an entry exists yet in .ParentIons for the parent ion for this fragmentation scan
            var matchFound = false;

            if (mrmDaughterMZ > 0)
                if (sicOptions.SICToleranceIsPPM)
                    // Force the tolerances to 0.01 m/z units
                    parentIonTolerance = MINIMUM_TOLERANCE_PPM;
                    // Force the tolerances to 0.01 m/z units
                    parentIonTolerance = MINIMUM_TOLERANCE_DA;

            if (parentIonMZ > 0)
                var parentIonToleranceDa = GetParentIonToleranceDa(sicOptions, parentIonMZ, parentIonTolerance);

                for (parentIonIndex = scanList.ParentIons.Count - 1; parentIonIndex >= 0; parentIonIndex += -1)
                    if (scanList.ParentIons[parentIonIndex].SurveyScanIndex >= surveyScanIndex)
                        if (Math.Abs(scanList.ParentIons[parentIonIndex].MZ - parentIonMZ) <= parentIonToleranceDa)
                            if (mrmDaughterMZ < double.Epsilon ||
                                Math.Abs(scanList.ParentIons[parentIonIndex].MRMDaughterMZ - mrmDaughterMZ) <= parentIonToleranceDa)
                                matchFound = true;

            if (!matchFound)
                // Add a new parent ion entry to .ParentIons(), but only if surveyScanIndex is non-negative

                if (surveyScanIndex < 0)

                var newParentIon = new clsParentIonInfo(parentIonMZ)
                    SurveyScanIndex       = surveyScanIndex,
                    CustomSICPeak         = false,
                    MRMDaughterMZ         = mrmDaughterMZ,
                    MRMToleranceHalfWidth = mrmToleranceHalfWidth


                newParentIon.OptimalPeakApexScanNumber      = scanList.SurveyScans[surveyScanIndex].ScanNumber;   // Was: .FragScans(fragScanIndex).ScanNumber
                newParentIon.PeakApexOverrideParentIonIndex = -1;
                scanList.FragScans[fragScanIndex].FragScanInfo.ParentIonInfoIndex = scanList.ParentIons.Count;

                // Look for .MZ in the survey scan, using a tolerance of parentIonTolerance
                // If found, then update the mass to the matched ion
                // This is done to determine the parent ion mass more precisely
                if (sicOptions.RefineReportedParentIonMZ)
                    if (FindClosestMZ(spectraCache, scanList.SurveyScans, surveyScanIndex, parentIonMZ, parentIonTolerance, out var parentIonMZMatch))


            // Add a new entry to .FragScanIndices() for the matching parent ion
            // However, do not add a new entry if this is an MRM scan
            if (mrmDaughterMZ < double.Epsilon)
                scanList.FragScans[fragScanIndex].FragScanInfo.ParentIonInfoIndex = parentIonIndex;