        //Method to load or change the user's profile picture on the home panel
        public void loadProfilePicHome()
            //Get the image from the database
            PicModel getImg = new PicModel();
            Image target = getImg.getImage(currentUser.getUsername());

            //Set it to be the image inside picBoxProfPicThumb
            picBoxProfPicThumb.Image = target;

            if (target == null)
                picBoxProfPicThumb.Image = Properties.Resources.iconprofile;
        //Button to change the user's profile picture
        private void btnChangeProfilePic_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            OpenFileDialog fileSearch = new OpenFileDialog();

            //Filter so the user can only select jpeg or png files
            fileSearch.Filter = "Images (*.JPG;*.PNG)|*.JPG;*.PNG";

            //if statement that means the code will only continue if the user clicks OK and doesn't cancel the window
            if (fileSearch.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                //This is the path and file name. Not sure if we need it but we have it
                //SAFEFileName has the full path
                String filename = fileSearch.FileName;

                    //Set image location to be the loading one
                    picBoxProfilePic.ImageLocation = filename;

                    //This is where we put it into the database
                    PicModel insert = new PicModel();

                    //Call PicModel's insert image
                    insert.setImage(filename, currentUser.getUsername());

                    //Set the parent to be the home page
                    HomePage parent = (HomePage)this.Parent;

                    //And call the method to change the profile pic on the home panel

                catch (Exception IOException)
                    MessageBox.Show("ABORT ABORT ");
                    Console.WriteLine("Error occured on things " + IOException);
