protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { ClientScript.GetPostBackEventReference(this, string.Empty); HotelID = Request.QueryString["id"]; if (!Page.IsPostBack) { // If there is ID on the URL this means that this is an hotel edit page, So we populate the data using this ID if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(HotelID)) { long Id = long.Parse(HotelID); Admin.Hotel Hotel = new Admin.AdminPanel().GetSingleHotel(Id); HotelName.Value = Hotel.HotelName; HotelCity.SelectedValue = Convert.ToString(Hotel.HotelCity); HotelAddress.Value = Hotel.HotelAddress; HotelWebsite.Value = Hotel.HotelWebsite; StarRatings.SelectedValue = Hotel.StarRatings; NumberOfRooms.Value = Convert.ToString(Hotel.NumberOfRooms); ContactNumber.Value = Hotel.ContactNumber; btnSubmit.Visible = false; btnUpdate.Visible = true; } } }
protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string Username = username.Value; string Password = passowrd.Value; bool isLogin = new AdminPanel().Login(Username, Password); if (isLogin) { Session["IsUserLogin"] = true; Response.Redirect("Default.aspx"); } else { DivInvalid.Attributes["class"] = DivInvalid.Attributes["class"].Replace("display-hide", ""); } }
protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string txtHotelName = HotelName.Value; int txtHotelCity = Convert.ToInt16(HotelCity.SelectedValue); string txtHotelAddress = HotelAddress.Value; string txtHotelWebsite = HotelWebsite.Value; string txtStarRatings = StarRatings.SelectedValue; string txtNumberOfRooms = NumberOfRooms.Value; string txtContactNumber = ContactNumber.Value; if ((txtHotelName == "") || (txtNumberOfRooms == "")) { Response.Write("<script>alert('Fill out the Required Fields');</script>"); } else { //err.Attributes["class"] = err.Attributes["class"].Replace("display-Block", "display-hide"); Admin.Hotel Hotel = new Admin.Hotel(); Hotel.HotelName = txtHotelName; Hotel.HotelCity = txtHotelCity; Hotel.HotelCountry = 1; // This will always be 1 because we have not added Country Feature in the application yet. This is for future purpose Hotel.HotelAddress = txtHotelAddress; Hotel.HotelWebsite = txtHotelWebsite; Hotel.StarRatings = txtStarRatings; Hotel.NumberOfRooms = Convert.ToInt16(txtNumberOfRooms); Hotel.ContactNumber = txtContactNumber; Hotel.InsertDate = DateTime.Now; Hotel.UpdateDate = DateTime.Now; bool InsertHotel = new Admin.AdminPanel().InsertHotel(Hotel); if (InsertHotel) { Response.Redirect("Hotels.aspx"); } else { Response.Write("<script>alert('There was an error inserting the Hotel into the database. Please try again');</script>"); } } }
protected void btnUpdate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string txtHotelName = HotelName.Value; int txtHotelCity = Convert.ToInt16(HotelCity.SelectedValue); string txtHotelAddress = HotelAddress.Value; string txtHotelWebsite = HotelWebsite.Value; string txtStarRatings = StarRatings.SelectedValue; string txtNumberOfRooms = NumberOfRooms.Value; string txtContactNumber = ContactNumber.Value; if ((txtHotelName == "") || (txtNumberOfRooms == "")) { Response.Write("<script>alert('Fill out the Required Fields');</script>"); } else { Admin.Hotel Hotel = new Admin.Hotel(); Hotel.HotelID = long.Parse(HotelID); Hotel.HotelName = txtHotelName; Hotel.HotelCountry = 1; // This will always be 1 because we have not added Country Feature in the application yet. This is for future purpose Hotel.HotelCity = txtHotelCity; Hotel.HotelAddress = txtHotelAddress; Hotel.HotelWebsite = txtHotelWebsite; Hotel.StarRatings = txtStarRatings; Hotel.NumberOfRooms = Convert.ToInt16(txtNumberOfRooms); Hotel.ContactNumber = txtContactNumber; Hotel.UpdateDate = DateTime.Now; bool UpdateHotel = new Admin.AdminPanel().UpdateHotel(Hotel); if (UpdateHotel) { Response.Write("<script>alert('Updated Successfully');</script>"); } else { Response.Write("<script>alert('There was an error Updating the course. Please try again');</script>"); } } }