public void LoadLevel( string levelName )
            if( !_levelUnloaded )
                UnloadLevel( );

            LevelLoading( );

            string path = Path.Combine( _gameManager.levelsFolder, levelName + GameManager.LEVEL_EXTENSION );

            using( BinaryReader file = new BinaryReader( File.OpenRead( path ) ) )
                //Check the header of the file for validation
                if( file.ReadString( ) != GameManager.FILE_ID )
                    Console.WriteLine( Path.GetFileName( path ) + " is invalid or corrupted!" );

                //Get the file version
                int levelVersion = file.ReadInt32( );

                Level lvl = null;

                //Get level script's name and immediately loads the script
                string scriptName = file.ReadString( );
                if( scriptName != GameManager.NO_SCRIPT )
                    Type type = _gameManager.GetClassType( scriptName );

                    if( type != null )
                        lvl = Activator.CreateInstance( type ) as Level;


                if( lvl == null )
                    lvl = new Level( );

                // ---- Start reading the sprite references for this level

                //Get the number of sprite references
                int spriteCount = file.ReadInt32( );

                //Create a local array to hold the sprite paths
                string[] tmpPaths = new string[spriteCount];
                for( int i = 0; i < spriteCount; i++ )
                    //Get the sprite's name
                    string line = file.ReadString( );

                    tmpPaths[i] = Path.Combine( _gameManager.spritesFolder, line + ".xnb" );

                //Pass the array of sprite paths and load the sprites
                LoadSprite( tmpPaths );

                //Checks for the level file version. Font data is only supported in version 2 and above
                if( levelVersion >= 2 )
                    // ---- Start reading the font references for this level

                    //Get the number of font references
                    int fontCount = file.ReadInt32( );

                    //Create a local array to hold the font paths
                    tmpPaths = new string[fontCount];
                    for( int i = 0; i < fontCount; i++ )
                        //Get the font's name
                        string line = file.ReadString( );

                        tmpPaths[i] = Path.Combine( _gameManager.fontsFolder, line + ".xnb" );

                    //Pass the array of font paths and load the fonts
                    LoadFont( tmpPaths );

                // ---- Start reading the layers data

                //Get the number of layers
                int layerCount = file.ReadInt32( );
                for( int i = 0; i < layerCount; i++ )
                    // ---- Read the layer data

                    //Get the layer's name
                    string line = file.ReadString( );

                    //Create a new layer instance
                    Layer layer = new Layer( line );

                    //Get the layer Visible value
                    layer.Visible = file.ReadBoolean( );

                    //Get the layer Scale value
                    layer.Scale = file.ReadSingle( );

                    //Get the number of actors on this layer
                    int actorCount = file.ReadInt32( );
                    for( int j = 0; j < actorCount; j++ )
                        // ---- Read the actor data

                        //Create a new Actor instance
                        Actor actor =  null;

                        //Get the actor's ID
                        int ID = file.ReadInt32( );

                        //Get the sprite name
                        string spriteName = file.ReadString( );

                        //Get the script name
                        scriptName = file.ReadString( );
                        if( scriptName != GameManager.NO_SCRIPT )
                            Type type = _gameManager.GetClassType( scriptName );

                            if( type != null )
                                actor = Activator.CreateInstance( type ) as Actor;

                        if( actor == null )
                            actor = new Actor( );

                        actor.ID = ID;

                        //Assign the correct sprite to the actor if a match is found
                        if( Sprites.ContainsKey( spriteName ) )
                            actor.Sprite = Sprites[spriteName];

                        //Get and assign the name of the actor
                        actor.Name = file.ReadString( );

                        //Get and assign the actor's position
                        actor.Position = new Vector2( file.ReadSingle( ), file.ReadSingle( ) );

                        //Get and assign the actor's origin
                        actor.Origin = new Vector2( file.ReadSingle( ), file.ReadSingle( ) );

                        //Get and assign the actor's scale
                        actor.Scale = file.ReadSingle( );

                        //Get and assign the actor's rotation angle
                        actor.Rotation = file.ReadSingle( );

                        //Get and assign the actor's visibility
                        actor.Visible = file.ReadBoolean( );

                        if( levelVersion >= 3 )
                            int tagCount = file.ReadInt32( );
                            for( int k = 0; k < tagCount; k++ )
                                actor.AddTag( file.ReadString( ) );

                            bool isTextActor = file.ReadBoolean( );
                            if( isTextActor )
                                if( ( actor as TextActor ) == null )
                                    TextActor txtActor = new TextActor( );
                                    actor.CopyValues( txtActor );
                                    actor = txtActor;

                                string fontName = file.ReadString( );
                                if( Fonts.ContainsKey( fontName ) )
                                    ( actor as TextActor ).Font = Fonts[fontName];
                                ( actor as TextActor ).Text = file.ReadString( );
                                ( actor as TextActor ).TextColor = new Color( file.ReadByte( ), file.ReadByte( ), file.ReadByte( ), file.ReadByte( ) );

                        //Add the actor to the layer
                        layer.AddActor( actor );

                    //Add the layer instance to the level
                    lvl.NewLayer( layer );

                file.Close( );

                lvl.Game = this;
                ActiveLevel = lvl;

            LevelLoaded( );

            ActiveLevel.Init( );

            foreach( Layer layer in ActiveLevel.Layers.Values )
                foreach( Actor actor in layer.Actors )
                    actor.Init( );
        private Actor NewActor( ActorType actorType )
            Actor actor = null;

            if( actorType.ScriptName != GameManager.NO_SCRIPT )
                Type type = _game.GameManager.GetClassType( actorType.ScriptName );

                if( type != null )
                    actor = Activator.CreateInstance( type ) as Actor;

            if( actor == null )
                if( actorType.IsTextActor )
                    actor = new TextActor( );
                    actor = new Actor( );

            actor.Name = actorType.Name;
            actor.Scale = actorType.Scale;
            actor.Rotation = actorType.Rotation;
            actor.Visible = true;

            if( actorType.IsTextActor )
                TextActor textActor = actor as TextActor;
                if( _game.LoadFont( actorType.FontName ) )
                    textActor.Font = _game.Fonts[actorType.FontName];
                    textActor.Text = actorType.Text;
                    textActor.TextColor = actorType.TextColor;
                if( _game.LoadSprite( actorType.SpriteName ) )
                    actor.Sprite = _game.Sprites[actorType.SpriteName];
                    actor.Origin = new Vector2( actor.Sprite.Texture.Width * 0.5f, actor.Sprite.Texture.Height * 0.5f );

            return actor;