private IEnumerator SendBugReportAsync() { FeedbackFormResult result = new FeedbackFormResult(); byte[] screenshotData = null; bool isWaiting = true; if (m_screenshotToggle.isOn) { yield return(StartCoroutine(CaptureScreenshot(data => screenshotData = data))); } m_loadingBox.Open("Sending bug report..."); FeedbackForm.FeedbackType = FeedbackTypeValue; FeedbackForm.Email = m_emailField.text; FeedbackForm.Subject = m_subjectField.text; FeedbackForm.Feedback = m_contentField.text; FeedbackForm.Screenshot = screenshotData; FeedbackForm.SystemInfo = PrintSystemInfo(); FeedbackForm.Send(obj => { result = obj; isWaiting = false; }); while (isWaiting) { yield return(null); } m_loadingBox.Close(); if (result.Success) { ShowDialogBox("Your bug report has been sent! Thank you.", DialogBox.ButtonLayout.OK); LastUsedEmail = m_emailField.text; m_subjectField.text = string.Empty; m_contentField.text = string.Empty; m_screenshotToggle.isOn = true; m_systemInfoToggle.isOn = true; } else { Debug.LogError(result.Error); ShowDialogBox("Your bug report could not be sent! Please try again.", DialogBox.ButtonLayout.OK); } }
private IEnumerator SendEnhancementAsync() { FeedbackFormResult result = new FeedbackFormResult(); bool isWaiting = true; m_loadingBox.Open("Sending your feedback..."); FeedbackForm.FeedbackType = FeedbackTypeValue; FeedbackForm.Email = m_emailField.text; FeedbackForm.Subject = m_subjectField.text; FeedbackForm.Feedback = m_contentField.text; FeedbackForm.Screenshot = null; FeedbackForm.SystemInfo = PrintSystemInfo(); FeedbackForm.Send(obj => { result = obj; isWaiting = false; }); while (isWaiting) { yield return(null); } m_loadingBox.Close(); if (result.Success) { ShowDialogBox("Your feedback has been sent! Thank you.", DialogBox.ButtonLayout.OK); LastUsedEmail = m_emailField.text; m_subjectField.text = string.Empty; m_contentField.text = string.Empty; } else { Debug.LogError(result.Error); ShowDialogBox("Your feedback could not be sent! Please try again.", DialogBox.ButtonLayout.OK); } }