public void ShareAction() { ///string msg = "Enter this code to earn mony " + SecurePlayerPrefs.GetString (GetPlayerDetailsTags.REFREL_CODE); /// /// Sumit Kumar invited you to play Ludo Money. Please enter referral code 0975345and get free 50 Rs worth of coins. Please download the game from: string msg = UserController.getInstance.Name + " invited you to play Ludo Money-First ever real money ludo game.Enter referral code '" + SecurePlayerPrefs.GetString(GetPlayerDetailsTags.REFREL_CODE) + "' & get coin worth Rs." + SecurePlayerPrefs.GetString(Tags.REFERRAL_COIN_FOR_OLD_PLAYER) + ". Download Now: " + SecurePlayerPrefs.GetString(Tags.APP_DOWNLOAD_URL); GameConstantData.shareText(msg); }
//public void InviteFaceookFrnd () //{ // string fbid = SecurePlayerPrefs.GetString (GetPlayerDetailsTags.PLAYER_FBID); // if (fbid.Length > 1) { // //print ("AddFriendAction working " + fbid); // FB.Mobile.AppInvite ( // new Uri ("" + fbid), // new Uri (""), // delegate(IAppInviteResult result) { // // Debug.Log (result.RawResult); // } // ); // } //} public void ShareCode() { int entryFee = GameConstantData.entryFee; string tableCode = TableCode.GetComponent <Text>().text; //// Debug.Log ("Entry fee "+entryFee); //Your friend "name" have invited you to play Ludo in a private room on Ludo Money. Please enter this code "code" to join your friend. //string s = "table joining fee " + entryFee + " Table code " + tableCode string s = "Your friend " + UserController.getInstance.Name + " have invited you to play Ludo in Rs." + GameConstantData.entryFee + " private room on Ludo Money. Please enter this code " + tableCode + " to join your friend at " + SecurePlayerPrefs.GetString(Tags.APP_DOWNLOAD_URL); GameConstantData.shareText(s); }
public void PlayNow() { //print ("coin is " + coin); if (coin > 0) { GameConstantData.entryFee = coin; SceneManager.LoadSceneAsync("GameScene"); } else { GameConstantData.showToast(transform, "First select the coin to start game."); } }
public void play() { if (coin > 0) { Debug.Log("USe Coin " + UserController.getInstance.Coin); if (coin <= float.Parse(UserController.getInstance.Coin)) { GameConstantData.entryFee = coin; SceneManager.LoadSceneAsync("GameScene"); } else { GameConstantData.showToast(transform, "You do not have sufficient coin."); } } else { GameConstantData.showToast(transform, "Please select bet amount."); } }
public void ShareAction() { string msg = "your friend invited you to play Ludo First ever real chip ludo game. Download Now: " + SecurePlayerPrefs.GetString(Tags.APP_DOWNLOAD_URL); GameConstantData.shareText(msg); }
void onRecivedMassage(string sender, string msg) { // try { JSONNode s = JSON.Parse(msg); switch (s[ServerTags.TAG]) { case ServerTags.ROOM_INFO: { JSONNode pl = s[ServerTags.ROOM_DATA]; string player = UserController.getInstance.ID; for (int i = 0; i < pl.Count; i++) { JSONNode data = pl[i]; if (player.Equals(data[ServerTags.PLAYER_ID])) { TakeSeat(data); } } for (int i = 0; i < pl.Count; i++) { JSONNode data = pl[i]; if (!player.Equals(data[ServerTags.PLAYER_ID])) { if (!checkUserExist(data[ServerTags.PLAYER_ID])) { GameObject chair = getEmptySeat(int.Parse(data["COLOR"])); if (chair) { chair.SetActive(true); chair.GetComponent <OpponentPlayer> ().empty = false; chair.GetComponent <OpponentPlayer> ().userName.text = "" + UppercaseFirst(data[ServerTags.DISPLAY_NAME]); chair.GetComponent <OpponentPlayer> ().total_match = int.Parse(data[DeviceTags.TOTAL_MATCH]); chair.GetComponent <OpponentPlayer> ().won_match = int.Parse(data[DeviceTags.WON_MATCH]); chair.GetComponent <OpponentPlayer> ().PlayerImageUrl = "" + data[DeviceTags.PIC]; chair.GetComponent <OpponentPlayer> ().DisPlayname = "" + data[DeviceTags.DISPLAY_NAME]; chair.GetComponent <OpponentPlayer> ().Player_ID = "" + data[ServerTags.PLAYER_ID]; chair.GetComponent <OpponentPlayer> ().updateData(); chair.GetComponent <OpponentPlayer> ().showGoti(); SecurePlayerPrefs.SetString(GetPlayerDetailsTags.OPPONENT_NAME, "" + data[DeviceTags.DISPLAY_NAME]); SecurePlayerPrefs.SetString(GetPlayerDetailsTags.OPPONENT_IMAGE, "" + data[DeviceTags.PIC]); } } } } } break; case ServerTags.DRAW_GAME: { drawGame.SetActive(true); } break; case ServerTags.WINNER_PLAYER: { string player_name = UserController.getInstance.ID; JSONNode node = s["RESULT"]; string Wincoin = s["VALUE"]; string playerId1 = ""; // Debug.Log ("result is " + node.Count); for (int i = 0; i < node.Count; i++) { JSONNode node1 = node[i]; string playerId = node1["PLAYER_ID"]; playerId1 = playerId; string position = node1["POSITION"]; string DISPLAY_NAME = node1[ServerTags.DISPLAY_NAME]; string pic = node1["PIC"]; WinnerPanel.SetActive(true); //print ("playerId " + playerId + " position " + position); if (position.Equals("1")) { if (playerId.Equals(player_name)) { WinnerPanel.transform.Find("panel").Find("WinText").gameObject.SetActive(true); WinnerPanel.GetComponent <winnerPanelScript> ().updateName(DISPLAY_NAME, Wincoin, true, pic); } else { WinnerPanel.transform.Find("panel").Find("WinText").gameObject.SetActive(false); WinnerPanel.GetComponent <winnerPanelScript> ().updateName(DISPLAY_NAME, Wincoin, false, pic); } } else { GameObject newCell = Instantiate(cell); newCell.transform.SetParent(Container.transform); newCell.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1, 1, 1); newCell.GetComponent <LooserCell> ().updateLoserCell(DISPLAY_NAME, position); } } if (player_name.Equals(playerId1)) { GameDelegate.StartClappingSound(); WinnerAnimation.SetActive(true); WinnerAnimation.GetComponent <ParticleSystem> ().Clear(); WinnerAnimation.GetComponent <ParticleSystem> ().Play(); } } break; case ServerTags.GOTI_WIN: { string player = UserController.getInstance.ID; if (!player.Equals(s[ServerTags.PLAYER_ID])) { GameDelegate.StartClappingSound(); GotiWinAnimation.SetActive(true); GotiWinAnimation.GetComponent <ParticleSystem> ().Clear(); GotiWinAnimation.GetComponent <ParticleSystem> ().Play(); StartCoroutine(StopGotiAnimation()); } } break; case ServerTags.START_DEAL: { //print ("START_DEAL working"); CreatePrivateTatble.SetActive(false); JoinGamePanel.SetActive(false); loadingPanel.SetActive(false); CurrentPlayer.GetComponent <PlayerScript> ().EnableChatBtn(); WinnerPanel.SetActive(false); WinnerAnimation.SetActive(false); WinnerAnimation.GetComponent <ParticleSystem> ().Clear(); } break; case ServerTags.ROOM_PRICE: { try { string player = UserController.getInstance.ID; if (player.Equals(s[ServerTags.PLAYER_ID])) { int fee = int.Parse(s[ServerTags.VALUES]); if (fee > int.Parse(UserController.getInstance.Coin)) { CoinValidationPanel.SetActive(true); } } } catch (System.Exception ex) { // Debug.Log (ex.Message); } } break; case ServerTags.RESET_GOTI: { for (int i = 1; i < 72; i++) { onMoveGoti(i); } } break; case ServerTags.TURN_MISS: { if (int.Parse(s[ServerTags.VALUES]) != 0) { string player = UserController.getInstance.ID; if (player.Equals(s[ServerTags.PLAYER_ID])) { string message = s["ROOM_MESSAGE"]; GameConstantData.showToast(transform, message); CurrentPlayer.GetComponent <PlayerScript> ().MissTurn(s[ServerTags.PLAYER_ID]); } else { foreach (GameObject chair in OpponentArray) { chair.GetComponent <OpponentPlayer> ().MissTurn(s[ServerTags.PLAYER_ID]); } } } else { } } break; default: break; } // } catch (System.Exception ex) { // Debug.Log (ex.Message); // } }