CheckEqual() public static method

public static CheckEqual ( Query query, Lucene.Net.Search.ScoreDoc hits1, Lucene.Net.Search.ScoreDoc hits2 ) : void
query Query
hits1 Lucene.Net.Search.ScoreDoc
hits2 Lucene.Net.Search.ScoreDoc
return void
        /// <summary>
        /// check that the # of hits is the same as from a very
        /// simple prefixquery implementation.
        /// </summary>
        private void AssertSame(string prefix)
            PrefixQuery smart = new PrefixQuery(new Term("field", prefix));
            DumbPrefixQuery dumb = new DumbPrefixQuery(this, new Term("field", prefix));

            TopDocs smartDocs = Searcher.Search(smart, 25);
            TopDocs dumbDocs = Searcher.Search(dumb, 25);
            CheckHits.CheckEqual(smart, smartDocs.ScoreDocs, dumbDocs.ScoreDocs);
        /// <summary>
        /// check that the # of hits is the same as from a very
        /// simple regexpquery implementation.
        /// </summary>
        protected internal virtual void AssertSame(string regexp)
            RegexpQuery     smart = new RegexpQuery(new Term(FieldName, regexp), RegExp.NONE);
            DumbRegexpQuery dumb  = new DumbRegexpQuery(this, new Term(FieldName, regexp), RegExp.NONE);

            TopDocs smartDocs = Searcher1.Search(smart, 25);
            TopDocs dumbDocs  = Searcher2.Search(dumb, 25);

            CheckHits.CheckEqual(smart, smartDocs.ScoreDocs, dumbDocs.ScoreDocs);
        /// <summary>
        /// check that the # of hits is the same as if the query
        /// is run against the inverted index
        /// </summary>
        protected internal virtual void AssertSame(string regexp)
            RegexpQuery docValues = new RegexpQuery(new Term(fieldName, regexp), RegExpSyntax.NONE);

            docValues.MultiTermRewriteMethod = (new DocTermOrdsRewriteMethod());
            RegexpQuery inverted = new RegexpQuery(new Term(fieldName, regexp), RegExpSyntax.NONE);

            TopDocs invertedDocs  = searcher1.Search(inverted, 25);
            TopDocs docValuesDocs = searcher2.Search(docValues, 25);

            CheckHits.CheckEqual(inverted, invertedDocs.ScoreDocs, docValuesDocs.ScoreDocs);
        /// <summary>
        /// check that the # of hits is the same as if the query
        /// is run against the inverted index
        /// </summary>
        protected internal virtual void AssertSame(BytesRef lowerVal, BytesRef upperVal, bool includeLower, bool includeUpper)
            Query          docValues = new ConstantScoreQuery(DocTermOrdsRangeFilter.NewBytesRefRange(fieldName, lowerVal, upperVal, includeLower, includeUpper));
            MultiTermQuery inverted  = new TermRangeQuery(fieldName, lowerVal, upperVal, includeLower, includeUpper);

            inverted.MultiTermRewriteMethod = (MultiTermQuery.CONSTANT_SCORE_FILTER_REWRITE);

            TopDocs invertedDocs  = searcher1.Search(inverted, 25);
            TopDocs docValuesDocs = searcher2.Search(docValues, 25);

            CheckHits.CheckEqual(inverted, invertedDocs.ScoreDocs, docValuesDocs.ScoreDocs);
        public virtual void  TestRandomQueries()
            System.Random rnd = NewRandom();

            System.String[] vals = new System.String[] { "w1", "w2", "w3", "w4", "w5", "xx", "yy", "zzz" };

            int tot = 0;

            BooleanQuery q1 = null;

                // increase number of iterations for more complete testing
                for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
                    int level = rnd.Next(3);
                    q1 = RandBoolQuery(new System.Random(rnd.Next(System.Int32.MaxValue)), rnd.Next(0, 2) == 0 ? false : true, level, field, vals, null);

                    // Can't sort by relevance since floating point numbers may not quite
                    // match up.
                    Sort sort = Sort.INDEXORDER;

                    QueryUtils.Check(q1, searcher);

                    TopFieldCollector collector = TopFieldCollector.Create(sort, 1000, false, true, true, true);
                    searcher.Search(q1, null, collector, null);
                    ScoreDoc[] hits1 = collector.TopDocs().ScoreDocs;

                    collector = TopFieldCollector.Create(sort, 1000, false, true, true, false);
                    searcher.Search(q1, null, collector, null);
                    ScoreDoc[] hits2 = collector.TopDocs().ScoreDocs;
                    tot += hits2.Length;
                    CheckHits.CheckEqual(q1, hits1, hits2);

                    BooleanQuery q3 = new BooleanQuery();
                    q3.Add(q1, Occur.SHOULD);
                    q3.Add(new PrefixQuery(new Term("field2", "b")), Occur.SHOULD);
                    TopDocs hits4 = bigSearcher.Search(q3, 1, null);
                    Assert.AreEqual(mulFactor * collector.internalTotalHits + NUM_EXTRA_DOCS / 2, hits4.TotalHits);
            catch (System.Exception e)
                // For easier debugging
                System.Console.Out.WriteLine("failed query: " + q1);
                throw e;

            // System.out.println("Total hits:"+tot);
        private void AssertFilterEquals(Filter f1, Filter f2)
            Query   query = new MatchAllDocsQuery();
            TopDocs hits1 = @is.Search(query, f1, ir.MaxDoc);
            TopDocs hits2 = @is.Search(query, f2, ir.MaxDoc);

            Assert.AreEqual(hits1.TotalHits, hits2.TotalHits);
            CheckHits.CheckEqual(query, hits1.ScoreDocs, hits2.ScoreDocs);
            // now do it again to confirm caching works
            TopDocs hits3 = @is.Search(query, f1, ir.MaxDoc);
            TopDocs hits4 = @is.Search(query, f2, ir.MaxDoc);

            Assert.AreEqual(hits3.TotalHits, hits4.TotalHits);
            CheckHits.CheckEqual(query, hits3.ScoreDocs, hits4.ScoreDocs);
        /// <summary>
        /// Test fieldcache rewrite against filter rewrite </summary>
        protected internal override void AssertSame(string regexp)
            RegexpQuery fieldCache = new RegexpQuery(new Term(fieldName, regexp), RegExpSyntax.NONE);

            fieldCache.MultiTermRewriteMethod = (new FieldCacheRewriteMethod());

            RegexpQuery filter = new RegexpQuery(new Term(fieldName, regexp), RegExpSyntax.NONE);

            filter.MultiTermRewriteMethod = (MultiTermQuery.CONSTANT_SCORE_FILTER_REWRITE);

            TopDocs fieldCacheDocs = searcher1.Search(fieldCache, 25);
            TopDocs filterDocs     = searcher2.Search(filter, 25);

            CheckHits.CheckEqual(fieldCache, fieldCacheDocs.ScoreDocs, filterDocs.ScoreDocs);
        public virtual void  TestRandomQueries()
            System.Random rnd = NewRandom();

            System.String[] vals = new System.String[] { "w1", "w2", "w3", "w4", "w5", "xx", "yy", "zzz" };

            int tot = 0;

            BooleanQuery q1 = null;

                // increase number of iterations for more complete testing
                for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
                    int level = rnd.Next(3);
                    q1 = RandBoolQuery(new System.Random((System.Int32)rnd.Next(System.Int32.MaxValue)), level, field, vals, null);

                    // Can't sort by relevance since floating point numbers may not quite
                    // match up.
                    Sort sort = Sort.INDEXORDER;


                    QueryUtils.Check(q1, searcher);

                    ScoreDoc[] hits1 = searcher.Search(q1, null, 1000, sort).scoreDocs;

                    ScoreDoc[] hits2 = searcher.Search(q1, null, 1000, sort).scoreDocs;
                    tot += hits2.Length;
                    CheckHits.CheckEqual(q1, hits1, hits2);
            catch (System.Exception e)
                // For easier debugging
                System.Console.Out.WriteLine("failed query: " + q1);
                throw e;
                // even when a test fails.

            // System.out.println("Total hits:"+tot);
        public virtual void TestRandomQueries()
            string[] vals = new string[] { "w1", "w2", "w3", "w4", "w5", "xx", "yy", "zzz" };

            int tot = 0;

            BooleanQuery q1 = null;

                // increase number of iterations for more complete testing
                int num = AtLeast(20);
                for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
                    int level = Random.Next(3);
                    q1 = RandBoolQuery(new Random(Random.Next()), Random.NextBoolean(), level, field, vals, null);

                    // Can't sort by relevance since floating point numbers may not quite
                    // match up.
                    Sort sort = Sort.INDEXORDER;

                        Random, q1, Searcher); // baseline sim
                        // a little hackish, QueryUtils.check is too costly to do on bigSearcher in this loop.
                        Searcher.Similarity = BigSearcher.Similarity; // random sim
                            Random, q1, Searcher);
                        Searcher.Similarity = new DefaultSimilarity(); // restore

                    TopFieldCollector collector = TopFieldCollector.Create(sort, 1000, false, true, true, true);

                    Searcher.Search(q1, null, collector);
                    ScoreDoc[] hits1 = collector.GetTopDocs().ScoreDocs;

                    collector = TopFieldCollector.Create(sort, 1000, false, true, true, false);

                    Searcher.Search(q1, null, collector);
                    ScoreDoc[] hits2 = collector.GetTopDocs().ScoreDocs;
                    tot += hits2.Length;
                    CheckHits.CheckEqual(q1, hits1, hits2);

                    BooleanQuery q3 = new BooleanQuery();
                    q3.Add(q1, Occur.SHOULD);
                    q3.Add(new PrefixQuery(new Term("field2", "b")), Occur.SHOULD);
                    TopDocs hits4 = BigSearcher.Search(q3, 1);
                    Assert.AreEqual(MulFactor * collector.TotalHits + NUM_EXTRA_DOCS / 2, hits4.TotalHits);
            catch (Exception)
                // For easier debugging
                Console.WriteLine("failed query: " + q1);

            // System.out.println("Total hits:"+tot);
        public virtual void TestRandomQueries()
            string[] vals = new string[] { "w1", "w2", "w3", "w4", "w5", "xx", "yy", "zzz" };

            int tot = 0;

            BooleanQuery q1 = null;

                // increase number of iterations for more complete testing
                int num = AtLeast(20);
                for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
                    int level = Random.Next(3);
                    q1 = RandBoolQuery(new J2N.Randomizer(Random.NextInt64()), Random.NextBoolean(), level, field, vals, null);

                    // Can't sort by relevance since floating point numbers may not quite
                    // match up.
                    Sort sort = Sort.INDEXORDER;

                    QueryUtils.Check(Random, q1, searcher); // baseline sim
                        // a little hackish, QueryUtils.check is too costly to do on bigSearcher in this loop.
                        searcher.Similarity = bigSearcher.Similarity; // random sim
                        QueryUtils.Check(Random, q1, searcher);
                        searcher.Similarity = new DefaultSimilarity(); // restore

                    TopFieldCollector collector = TopFieldCollector.Create(sort, 1000, false, true, true, true);

                    searcher.Search(q1, null, collector);
                    ScoreDoc[] hits1 = collector.GetTopDocs().ScoreDocs;

                    collector = TopFieldCollector.Create(sort, 1000, false, true, true, false);

                    searcher.Search(q1, null, collector);
                    ScoreDoc[] hits2 = collector.GetTopDocs().ScoreDocs;
                    tot += hits2.Length;
                    CheckHits.CheckEqual(q1, hits1, hits2);

                    BooleanQuery q3 = new BooleanQuery();
                    q3.Add(q1, Occur.SHOULD);
                    q3.Add(new PrefixQuery(new Term("field2", "b")), Occur.SHOULD);
                    TopDocs hits4 = bigSearcher.Search(q3, 1);
                    Assert.AreEqual(mulFactor * collector.TotalHits + NUM_EXTRA_DOCS / 2, hits4.TotalHits);
            catch (Exception e) when(e.IsException())
                // For easier debugging
                Console.WriteLine("failed query: " + q1);
                throw; // LUCENENET: CA2200: Rethrow to preserve stack details (

            // System.out.println("Total hits:"+tot);