        // Test that queries based on reverse/ordFieldScore returns docs with expected score.
        private void  DoTestExactScore(System.String field, bool inOrder)
            IndexSearcher s = new IndexSearcher(dir, true);
            ValueSource   vs;

            if (inOrder)
                vs = new OrdFieldSource(field);
                vs = new ReverseOrdFieldSource(field);
            Query   q  = new ValueSourceQuery(vs);
            TopDocs td = s.Search(q, null, 1000);

            Assert.AreEqual(N_DOCS, td.TotalHits, "All docs should be matched!");
            ScoreDoc[] sd = td.ScoreDocs;
            for (int i = 0; i < sd.Length; i++)
                float         score = sd[i].Score;
                System.String id    = s.IndexReader.Document(sd[i].Doc).Get(ID_FIELD);
                Log("-------- " + i + ". Explain doc " + id);
                Log(s.Explain(q, sd[i].Doc));
                float expectedScore = N_DOCS - i;
                Assert.AreEqual(expectedScore, score, TEST_SCORE_TOLERANCE_DELTA, "score of result " + i + " shuould be " + expectedScore + " != " + score);
                System.String expectedId = inOrder?Id2String(N_DOCS - i):Id2String(i + 1);                 // reverse  ==> smaller values first
                Assert.IsTrue(expectedId.Equals(id), "id of result " + i + " shuould be " + expectedId + " != " + score);
		/// <summary> Create a CustomScoreQuery over input subQuery and a {@link ValueSourceQuery}.</summary>
		/// <param name="subQuery">the sub query whose score is being customized. Must not be null.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="valSrcQueries">value source queries whose scores are used in the custom score
		/// computation. For most simple/convenient use case these would be 
		/// {@link Lucene.Net.Search.Function.FieldScoreQuery FieldScoreQueries}.
		/// This parameter is optional - it can be null or even an empty array.
		/// </param>
		public CustomScoreQuery(Query subQuery, ValueSourceQuery[] valSrcQueries)
			this.subQuery = subQuery;
			this.valSrcQueries = valSrcQueries != null?valSrcQueries:new ValueSourceQuery[0];
			if (subQuery == null)
				throw new System.ArgumentException("<subquery> must not be null!");
        /*(non-Javadoc) <see cref="Lucene.Net.Search.Query.rewrite(Lucene.Net.Index.IndexReader) */
        public override Query Rewrite(IndexReader reader)
            CustomScoreQuery clone = null;

            Query sq = subQuery.Rewrite(reader);

            if (sq != subQuery)
                clone          = (CustomScoreQuery)Clone();
                clone.subQuery = sq;

            for (int i = 0; i < valSrcQueries.Length; i++)
                ValueSourceQuery v = (ValueSourceQuery)valSrcQueries[i].Rewrite(reader);
                if (v != valSrcQueries[i])
                    if (clone == null)
                        clone = (CustomScoreQuery)Clone();
                    clone.valSrcQueries[i] = v;

            return((clone == null) ? this : clone);
 // constructor
 internal ValueSourceScorer(ValueSourceQuery enclosingInstance, Similarity similarity, IndexReader reader, ValueSourceWeight w) : base(similarity)
     this.weight  = w;
     this.qWeight = w.GetValue();
     // this is when/where the values are first created.
     vals     = Enclosing_Instance.valSrc.GetValues(reader);
     termDocs = reader.TermDocs(null);
        /// <summary>Returns true if <c>o</c> is equal to this. </summary>
        public override bool Equals(System.Object o)
            if (GetType() != o.GetType())
            ValueSourceQuery other = (ValueSourceQuery)o;

            return(this.Boost == other.Boost && this.valSrc.Equals(other.valSrc));
        // Test that queries based on reverse/ordFieldScore scores correctly
        private void  DoTestRank(System.String field, bool inOrder)
            IndexSearcher s = new IndexSearcher(dir, true);
            ValueSource   vs;

            if (inOrder)
                vs = new OrdFieldSource(field);
                vs = new ReverseOrdFieldSource(field);

            Query q = new ValueSourceQuery(vs);

            Log("test: " + q);
            QueryUtils.Check(q, s);
            ScoreDoc[] h = s.Search(q, null, 1000).ScoreDocs;
            Assert.AreEqual(N_DOCS, h.Length, "All docs should be matched!");
            System.String prevID = inOrder?"IE":"IC";             // smaller than all ids of docs in this test ("ID0001", etc.)

            for (int i = 0; i < h.Length; i++)
                System.String resID = s.Doc(h[i].Doc).Get(ID_FIELD);
                Log(i + ".   score=" + h[i].Score + "  -  " + resID);
                Log(s.Explain(q, h[i].Doc));
                if (inOrder)
                    Assert.IsTrue(String.CompareOrdinal(resID, prevID) < 0, "res id " + resID + " should be < prev res id " + prevID);
                    Assert.IsTrue(String.CompareOrdinal(resID, prevID) > 0, "res id " + resID + " should be > prev res id " + prevID);
                prevID = resID;
		// Test that queries based on reverse/ordFieldScore scores correctly
		private void  DoTestRank(System.String field, bool inOrder)
			IndexSearcher s = new IndexSearcher(dir, true);
			ValueSource vs;
			if (inOrder)
				vs = new OrdFieldSource(field);
				vs = new ReverseOrdFieldSource(field);
			Query q = new ValueSourceQuery(vs);
			Log("test: " + q);
			QueryUtils.Check(q, s);
			ScoreDoc[] h = s.Search(q, null, 1000).ScoreDocs;
			Assert.AreEqual(N_DOCS, h.Length, "All docs should be matched!");
			System.String prevID = inOrder?"IE":"IC"; // smaller than all ids of docs in this test ("ID0001", etc.)
			for (int i = 0; i < h.Length; i++)
				System.String resID = s.Doc(h[i].Doc).Get(ID_FIELD);
				Log(i + ".   score=" + h[i].Score + "  -  " + resID);
				Log(s.Explain(q, h[i].Doc));
				if (inOrder)
					Assert.IsTrue(String.CompareOrdinal(resID, prevID) < 0, "res id " + resID + " should be < prev res id " + prevID);
					Assert.IsTrue(String.CompareOrdinal(resID, prevID) > 0, "res id " + resID + " should be > prev res id " + prevID);
				prevID = resID;
			// constructor
			internal ValueSourceScorer(ValueSourceQuery enclosingInstance, Similarity similarity, IndexReader reader, ValueSourceWeight w):base(similarity)
				this.weight = w;
				this.qWeight = w.GetValue();
				// this is when/where the values are first created.
				vals = Enclosing_Instance.valSrc.GetValues(reader);
				termDocs = reader.TermDocs(null);
		// Test that values loaded for FieldScoreQuery are cached properly and consumes the proper RAM resources.
		private void  DoTestCaching(System.String field, bool inOrder)
			IndexSearcher s = new IndexSearcher(dir, true);
			System.Object innerArray = null;
			bool warned = false; // print warning once
			for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
				ValueSource vs;
				if (inOrder)
					vs = new OrdFieldSource(field);
					vs = new ReverseOrdFieldSource(field);
				ValueSourceQuery q = new ValueSourceQuery(vs);
				ScoreDoc[] h = s.Search(q, null, 1000).ScoreDocs;
					Assert.AreEqual(N_DOCS, h.Length, "All docs should be matched!");
					IndexReader[] readers = s.IndexReader.GetSequentialSubReaders();
					for (int j = 0; j < readers.Length; j++)
						IndexReader reader = readers[j];
						if (i == 0)
                            innerArray = q.valSrc.GetValues(reader).InnerArray;
                            Log(i + ".  compare: " + innerArray + " to " + q.valSrc.GetValues(reader).InnerArray);
                            Assert.AreSame(innerArray, q.valSrc.GetValues(reader).InnerArray, "field values should be cached and reused!");
				catch (System.NotSupportedException)
					if (!warned)
						System.Console.Error.WriteLine("WARNING: " + TestName() + " cannot fully test values of " + q);
						warned = true;
			ValueSource vs2;
			ValueSourceQuery q2;
			ScoreDoc[] h2;
			// verify that different values are loaded for a different field
			System.String field2 = INT_FIELD;
			Assert.IsFalse(field.Equals(field2)); // otherwise this test is meaningless.
			if (inOrder)
				vs2 = new OrdFieldSource(field2);
				vs2 = new ReverseOrdFieldSource(field2);
			q2 = new ValueSourceQuery(vs2);
			h2 = s.Search(q2, null, 1000).ScoreDocs;
			Assert.AreEqual(N_DOCS, h2.Length, "All docs should be matched!");
			IndexReader[] readers2 = s.IndexReader.GetSequentialSubReaders();
			for (int j = 0; j < readers2.Length; j++)
				IndexReader reader = readers2[j];
                    Log("compare (should differ): " + innerArray + " to " + q2.valSrc.GetValues(reader).InnerArray);
                    Assert.AreNotSame(innerArray, q2.valSrc.GetValues(reader).InnerArray, "different values shuold be loaded for a different field!");
				catch (System.NotSupportedException)
					if (!warned)
						System.Console.Error.WriteLine("WARNING: " + TestName() + " cannot fully test values of " + q2);
						warned = true;
			// verify new values are reloaded (not reused) for a new reader
			s = new IndexSearcher(dir, true);
			if (inOrder)
				vs2 = new OrdFieldSource(field);
				vs2 = new ReverseOrdFieldSource(field);
			q2 = new ValueSourceQuery(vs2);
			h2 = s.Search(q2, null, 1000).ScoreDocs;
			Assert.AreEqual(N_DOCS, h2.Length, "All docs should be matched!");
			readers2 = s.IndexReader.GetSequentialSubReaders();
			for (int j = 0; j < readers2.Length; j++)
				IndexReader reader = readers2[j];
                    Log("compare (should differ): " + innerArray + " to " + q2.valSrc.GetValues(reader).InnerArray);
                    Assert.AreNotSame(innerArray, q2.valSrc.GetValues(reader).InnerArray, "cached field values should not be reused if reader as changed!");
				catch (System.NotSupportedException)
					if (!warned)
						System.Console.Error.WriteLine("WARNING: " + TestName() + " cannot fully test values of " + q2);
						warned = true;
 // constructor
 internal CustomMulAddQuery(Query q, ValueSourceQuery qValSrc1, ValueSourceQuery qValSrc2) : base(q, new ValueSourceQuery[] { qValSrc1, qValSrc2 })
		/// <summary> Create a CustomScoreQuery over input subQuery and a {@link ValueSourceQuery}.</summary>
		/// <param name="subQuery">the sub query whose score is being customed. Must not be null.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="valSrcQuery">a value source query whose scores are used in the custom score
		/// computation. For most simple/convineient use case this would be a 
		/// {@link Lucene.Net.Search.Function.FieldScoreQuery FieldScoreQuery}.
        /// This parameter is optional - it can be null or even an empty array.
		/// </param>
		public CustomScoreQuery(Query subQuery, ValueSourceQuery valSrcQuery):this(subQuery, valSrcQuery != null?new ValueSourceQuery[]{valSrcQuery}:new ValueSourceQuery[0])
 private void  InitBlock(ValueSourceQuery enclosingInstance)
     this.enclosingInstance = enclosingInstance;
 private static void VisitQuery(ValueSourceQuery query, AzureQueryLogger.IndentedTextWriter writer)
        // Test that values loaded for FieldScoreQuery are cached properly and consumes the proper RAM resources.
        private void  DoTestCaching(System.String field, bool inOrder)
            IndexSearcher s = new IndexSearcher(dir, true);

            System.Object innerArray = null;

            bool warned = false;             // print warning once

            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                ValueSource vs;
                if (inOrder)
                    vs = new OrdFieldSource(field);
                    vs = new ReverseOrdFieldSource(field);
                ValueSourceQuery q = new ValueSourceQuery(vs);
                ScoreDoc[]       h = s.Search(q, null, 1000).ScoreDocs;
                    Assert.AreEqual(N_DOCS, h.Length, "All docs should be matched!");
                    IndexReader[] readers = s.IndexReader.GetSequentialSubReaders();

                    for (int j = 0; j < readers.Length; j++)
                        IndexReader reader = readers[j];
                        if (i == 0)
                            innerArray = q.valSrc.GetValues(reader).InnerArray;
                            Log(i + ".  compare: " + innerArray + " to " + q.valSrc.GetValues(reader).InnerArray);
                            Assert.AreSame(innerArray, q.valSrc.GetValues(reader).InnerArray, "field values should be cached and reused!");
                catch (System.NotSupportedException)
                    if (!warned)
                        System.Console.Error.WriteLine("WARNING: " + TestName() + " cannot fully test values of " + q);
                        warned = true;

            ValueSource      vs2;
            ValueSourceQuery q2;

            ScoreDoc[] h2;

            // verify that different values are loaded for a different field
            System.String field2 = INT_FIELD;
            Assert.IsFalse(field.Equals(field2));             // otherwise this test is meaningless.
            if (inOrder)
                vs2 = new OrdFieldSource(field2);
                vs2 = new ReverseOrdFieldSource(field2);
            q2 = new ValueSourceQuery(vs2);
            h2 = s.Search(q2, null, 1000).ScoreDocs;
            Assert.AreEqual(N_DOCS, h2.Length, "All docs should be matched!");
            IndexReader[] readers2 = s.IndexReader.GetSequentialSubReaders();

            for (int j = 0; j < readers2.Length; j++)
                IndexReader reader = readers2[j];
                    Log("compare (should differ): " + innerArray + " to " + q2.valSrc.GetValues(reader).InnerArray);
                    Assert.AreNotSame(innerArray, q2.valSrc.GetValues(reader).InnerArray, "different values shuold be loaded for a different field!");
                catch (System.NotSupportedException)
                    if (!warned)
                        System.Console.Error.WriteLine("WARNING: " + TestName() + " cannot fully test values of " + q2);
                        warned = true;

            // verify new values are reloaded (not reused) for a new reader
            s = new IndexSearcher(dir, true);
            if (inOrder)
                vs2 = new OrdFieldSource(field);
                vs2 = new ReverseOrdFieldSource(field);
            q2 = new ValueSourceQuery(vs2);
            h2 = s.Search(q2, null, 1000).ScoreDocs;
            Assert.AreEqual(N_DOCS, h2.Length, "All docs should be matched!");
            readers2 = s.IndexReader.GetSequentialSubReaders();

            for (int j = 0; j < readers2.Length; j++)
                IndexReader reader = readers2[j];
                    Log("compare (should differ): " + innerArray + " to " + q2.valSrc.GetValues(reader).InnerArray);
                    Assert.AreNotSame(innerArray, q2.valSrc.GetValues(reader).InnerArray, "cached field values should not be reused if reader as changed!");
                catch (System.NotSupportedException)
                    if (!warned)
                        System.Console.Error.WriteLine("WARNING: " + TestName() + " cannot fully test values of " + q2);
                        warned = true;
			private void  InitBlock(ValueSourceQuery enclosingInstance)
				this.enclosingInstance = enclosingInstance;
			public ValueSourceWeight(ValueSourceQuery enclosingInstance, Searcher searcher)
				this.similarity = Enclosing_Instance.GetSimilarity(searcher);
 public ValueSourceWeight(ValueSourceQuery enclosingInstance, Searcher searcher)
     this.similarity = Enclosing_Instance.GetSimilarity(searcher);
 /// <summary> Create a CustomScoreQuery over input subQuery and a {@link ValueSourceQuery}.</summary>
 /// <param name="subQuery">the sub query whose score is being customed. Must not be null.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="valSrcQuery">a value source query whose scores are used in the custom score
 /// computation. For most simple/convineient use case this would be a
 /// {@link Lucene.Net.Search.Function.FieldScoreQuery FieldScoreQuery}.
 /// This parameter is optional - it can be null.
 /// </param>
 public CustomScoreQuery(Query subQuery, ValueSourceQuery valSrcQuery) : this(subQuery, valSrcQuery != null ? new ValueSourceQuery[] { valSrcQuery } : new ValueSourceQuery[0])
			// constructor
			internal CustomMulAddQuery(Query q, ValueSourceQuery qValSrc1, ValueSourceQuery qValSrc2):base(q, new ValueSourceQuery[]{qValSrc1, qValSrc2})
			// constructor
			internal CustomAddQuery(Query q, ValueSourceQuery qValSrc):base(q, qValSrc)
		// Test that queries based on reverse/ordFieldScore returns docs with expected score.
		private void  DoTestExactScore(System.String field, bool inOrder)
			IndexSearcher s = new IndexSearcher(dir, true);
			ValueSource vs;
			if (inOrder)
				vs = new OrdFieldSource(field);
				vs = new ReverseOrdFieldSource(field);
			Query q = new ValueSourceQuery(vs);
			TopDocs td = s.Search(q, null, 1000);
			Assert.AreEqual(N_DOCS, td.TotalHits, "All docs should be matched!");
			ScoreDoc[] sd = td.ScoreDocs;
			for (int i = 0; i < sd.Length; i++)
				float score = sd[i].Score;
				System.String id = s.IndexReader.Document(sd[i].Doc).Get(ID_FIELD);
				Log("-------- " + i + ". Explain doc " + id);
				Log(s.Explain(q, sd[i].Doc));
				float expectedScore = N_DOCS - i;
				Assert.AreEqual(expectedScore, score, TEST_SCORE_TOLERANCE_DELTA, "score of result " + i + " shuould be " + expectedScore + " != " + score);
				System.String expectedId = inOrder?Id2String(N_DOCS - i):Id2String(i + 1); // reverse  ==> smaller values first 
				Assert.IsTrue(expectedId.Equals(id), "id of result " + i + " shuould be " + expectedId + " != " + score);
 // constructor
 internal CustomAddQuery(Query q, ValueSourceQuery qValSrc) : base(q, qValSrc)
 public virtual Query VisitValueSourceQuery(ValueSourceQuery valueSourceq) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }