        public override void CopyTo(IAttribute target)
            CharTermAttribute t = (CharTermAttribute)target;

            t.CopyBuffer(termBuffer, 0, termLength);
        public virtual void TestAppendableInterface()
            CharTermAttribute t = new CharTermAttribute();

            //Formatter formatter = new Formatter(t, Locale.ROOT);
            //formatter.format("%d", 1234);
            //Assert.AreEqual("1234", t.ToString());
            //formatter.format("%d", 5678);
            // LUCENENET: We don't have a formatter in .NET, so continue from here
            t.Append("12345678");                          // LUCENENET specific overload that accepts string
            Assert.AreEqual("12345678", t.ToString());
            t.SetEmpty().Append("12345678".ToCharArray()); // LUCENENET specific overload that accepts char[]
            Assert.AreEqual("12345678", t.ToString());
            Assert.AreEqual("123456789", t.ToString());
            t.Append(new StringCharSequence("0"));
            Assert.AreEqual("1234567890", t.ToString());
            t.Append(new StringCharSequence("0123456789"), 1, 3 - 1); // LUCENENET: Corrected 3rd parameter
            Assert.AreEqual("123456789012", t.ToString());
            //t.Append((ICharSequence) CharBuffer.wrap("0123456789".ToCharArray()), 3, 5);
            t.Append("0123456789".ToCharArray(), 3, 5 - 3); // LUCENENET: no CharBuffer in .NET, so we test char[], start, end overload // LUCENENET: Corrected 3rd parameter
            Assert.AreEqual("12345678901234", t.ToString());
            Assert.AreEqual("1234567890123412345678901234", t.ToString());
            t.Append(/*(ICharSequence)*/ new StringBuilder("0123456789").ToString(), 5, 7 - 5); // LUCENENET: StringBuilder doesn't implement ICharSequence, corrected 3rd argument
            Assert.AreEqual("123456789012341234567890123456", t.ToString());
            t.Append(/*(ICharSequence)*/ new StringBuilder(t.ToString()));
            Assert.AreEqual("123456789012341234567890123456123456789012341234567890123456", t.ToString()); // LUCENENET: StringBuilder doesn't implement ICharSequence
            // very wierd, to test if a subSlice is wrapped correct :)
            //CharBuffer buf = CharBuffer.wrap("0123456789".ToCharArray(), 3, 5); // LUCENENET: No CharBuffer in .NET
            StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder("0123456789", 3, 5, 16);

            Assert.AreEqual("34567", buf.ToString());
            t.SetEmpty().Append(/*(ICharSequence)*/ buf, 1, 2 - 1); // LUCENENET: StringBuilder doesn't implement ICharSequence // LUCENENET: Corrected 3rd parameter
            Assert.AreEqual("4", t.ToString());
            ICharTermAttribute t2 = new CharTermAttribute();

            Assert.AreEqual("4test", t.ToString());
            t.Append((ICharSequence)t2, 1, 2 - 1); // LUCENENET: Corrected 3rd parameter
            Assert.AreEqual("4teste", t.ToString());

                t.Append((ICharSequence)t2, 1, 5 - 1); // LUCENENET: Corrected 3rd parameter
                Assert.Fail("Should throw ArgumentOutOfRangeException");
#pragma warning disable 168
            catch (System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException iobe)
#pragma warning restore 168

                t.Append((ICharSequence)t2, 1, 0 - 1); // LUCENENET: Corrected 3rd parameter
                Assert.Fail("Should throw ArgumentOutOfRangeException");
#pragma warning disable 168
            catch (System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException iobe)
#pragma warning restore 168

            string expected = t.ToString();
            t.Append((ICharSequence)null); // No-op
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, t.ToString());

            // LUCENENET specific - test string overloads
                t.Append((string)t2.ToString(), 1, 5 - 1); // LUCENENET: Corrected 3rd parameter
                Assert.Fail("Should throw ArgumentOutOfRangeException");
#pragma warning disable 168
            catch (System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException iobe)
#pragma warning restore 168

                t.Append((string)t2.ToString(), 1, 0 - 1); // LUCENENET: Corrected 3rd parameter
                Assert.Fail("Should throw ArgumentOutOfRangeException");
#pragma warning disable 168
            catch (System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException iobe)
#pragma warning restore 168

            expected = t.ToString();
            t.Append((string)null); // No-op
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, t.ToString());

            // LUCENENET specific - test char[] overloads
                t.Append((char[])t2.ToString().ToCharArray(), 1, 5 - 1); // LUCENENET: Corrected 3rd parameter
                Assert.Fail("Should throw ArgumentOutOfRangeException");
#pragma warning disable 168
            catch (System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException iobe)
#pragma warning restore 168

                t.Append((char[])t2.ToString().ToCharArray(), 1, 0 - 1); // LUCENENET: Corrected 3rd parameter
                Assert.Fail("Should throw ArgumentOutOfRangeException");
#pragma warning disable 168
            catch (System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException iobe)
#pragma warning restore 168

            expected = t.ToString();
            t.Append((char[])null); // No-op
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, t.ToString());