public override object Clone() { CharArrayIterator clone = new CharArrayIterator(); clone.SetText(array, start, length); clone.index = index; return(clone); }
public void TestCurrent() { CharArrayIterator ci = new CharArrayIterator(); // Gets the character at the current position (as returned by getIndex()). ci.SetText("testing".toCharArray(), 0, "testing".Length); assertEquals('t', ci.Current); ci.Last(); ci.Next(); // or DONE if the current position is off the end of the text. assertEquals(CharacterIterator.Done, ci.Current); }
public void TestNext() { CharArrayIterator ci = new CharArrayIterator(); ci.SetText("te".toCharArray(), 0, 2); // Increments the iterator's index by one and returns the character at the new index. assertEquals('e', ci.Next()); assertEquals(1, ci.Index); // or DONE if the new position is off the end of the text range. assertEquals(CharacterIterator.Done, ci.Next()); assertEquals(ci.EndIndex, ci.Index); }
public void TestFirst() { CharArrayIterator ci = new CharArrayIterator(); ci.SetText("testing".toCharArray(), 0, "testing".Length); ci.Next(); // Sets the position to getBeginIndex() and returns the character at that position. assertEquals('t', ci.First()); assertEquals(ci.BeginIndex, ci.Index); // or DONE if the text is empty ci.SetText(new char[] { }, 0, 0); assertEquals(CharacterIterator.Done, ci.First()); }
public void TestClone() { char[] text = "testing".toCharArray(); CharArrayIterator ci = new CharArrayIterator(); ci.SetText(text, 0, text.Length); ci.Next(); CharArrayIterator ci2 = (CharArrayIterator)ci.Clone(); assertEquals(ci.Index, ci2.Index); assertEquals(ci.Next(), ci2.Next()); assertEquals(ci.Last(), ci2.Last()); }
public void TestLast() { CharArrayIterator ci = new CharArrayIterator(); ci.SetText("testing".toCharArray(), 0, "testing".Length); // Sets the position to getEndIndex()-1 (getEndIndex() if the text is empty) // and returns the character at that position. assertEquals('g', ci.Last()); assertEquals(ci.Index, ci.EndIndex - 1); // or DONE if the text is empty ci.SetText(new char[] { }, 0, 0); assertEquals(CharacterIterator.Done, ci.Last()); assertEquals(ci.EndIndex, ci.Index); }
public void TestBasicUsage() { CharArrayIterator ci = new CharArrayIterator(); ci.SetText("testing".toCharArray(), 0, "testing".Length); assertEquals(0, ci.BeginIndex); assertEquals(7, ci.EndIndex); assertEquals(0, ci.Index); assertEquals('t', ci.Current); assertEquals('e', ci.Next()); assertEquals('g', ci.Last()); assertEquals('n', ci.Previous()); assertEquals('t', ci.First()); assertEquals(CharacterIterator.Done, ci.Previous()); }
public void TestSetIndex() { CharArrayIterator ci = new CharArrayIterator(); ci.SetText("test".toCharArray(), 0, "test".Length); try { ci.SetIndex(5); fail(); } catch (Exception e) { assertTrue(e is ArgumentException); } }